Health Freedom Action eAlert
News, alerts, and other information related to your health freedom.
Action Items You Can Take Now – June 11, 2009
Natural Solutions Foundation Announces Home Raffles to Support Health Freedom!
Whether you want to sell your home or property to move to where your work is, get your equity out of your home, leave the US (and you may, after you read what follows this announcement), move to Panama to become part of the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project, or for any other reason, we can hold a charity raffle for you so some lucky person gets your home and you get your full asking price. Natural Solutions Foundation gets any additional money from the raffle.
Visit to see how it’s done. Write to us at with “Raffle” as the subject
Note: does not accept Raffle ticket payments so credit card payments will be made through another payment gateway. Checks and money orders accepted.
Void Where Prohibited by State Law.
Win! Win! Win!
In This Issue:
Pandemic Level Just Raised to Level 6!
Field Day for Vaccine Makers: Australia Orders Swine Flu Doses, Every Child in Scotland to Receive H1N1 Vaccine
WAIT! There IS No Pandemic.
The only dangers in this absurd “Pandemic” are the political dangers:
1. UN can take control of every country in a Pandemic see See also$FILE/pandemic-influenza.pdf in
2. State and Federal Laws allow choice of forced vaccination or incarceration in prisons or camps making it ESSENTIAL to demand the right to self-quarantine NOW:
Read Free Natural Solutions Foundation White Paper on Self Quarantine:
3. Unsafe, untested and unnecessary weaponized vaccines are being produced against a non-existent threat at a global cost of trillions of dollars – and who knows how many lives?
The madness MUST stop before it reaps its deadly havoc. We are the force that MUST stop it. If you have never understood the dangers before, if you have convinced yourself that others could take care of the problem, if you have harbored fantasies that Big Pharma, the UN and your own government would really not do you any harm, now would be a good time to wake up from that comfortable, but quite groundless dream.
I promise you that if we do not, in our millions, demand the right to self quarantine instead of unbelievable this vaccine or being marched off to a FEMA camp or State Prison, unbelievable numbers of us will fall ill and die – not from this clearly weaponized virus (even if it is re-engineered to make it a more successful killer than it has been so far) but from the vaccines and the social chaos which results from the marshal law and containment tactics used against us.
Here is the Action Item calling for the right to self quarantine again:
* The General’s Communiqué
* Legal Eagle: Webinars to Empower You
* Health Freedom Action Items
* Dr. Rima Recommends the Food Freedom eJournal
Don’t forget the video of the day and the health freedom blog, both on our website,
Remember to follow us on Twitter for instant updates and notification of new blog posts:
Don’t forget to order your
Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee
Now! – Wake Up to Health Freedom!
GMO Free, Pesticide- Free, Herbicide-Free, Toxin-Free
The Secret THEY Don’t Want US to Know: PUSH-BACK Works!
That’s why we need voices in the millions for self-quarantine.
We know you care about creating Push-Back because of your outstanding response to our request for support.
Thanks to you we’re planning more PUSH-BACK to protect your health, your food and your freedom!
And, thanks to you, we’re getting ready to go on the road to Codex again…
Didn’t donate yet? Click here to support health freedom now. You are going to need us more than ever during this Pandemic madness.
The General’s Communiqué
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III
(USA Ret)
Action Item:
Protect Your Food Supply AND Right to Grow Food From Industrialization and Immediate Implementation of Codex
To all those who responded to our request for support, you have my personal “THANK YOU!”
Last month the Natural Solutions Foundation asked you for help in surviving a devastating fake-donation Bot attack which cost us over $10,000 in seized funds (we are taking steps to try to recover that money). This very sophisticated attack, aimed at destroying us financially, like the “DDOS” – Distributed Denial of Service attacks (which “just happen” when we touch a sore point in the body politic) came just as “the powers that be” were ratcheting up their attacks on your health, food and freedom.
Because of Your Generosity Natural Solutions Foundation Survived and Now We’re Back, Stronger Than Ever!
Thanks to you, we are getting ready to go to Rome to create more PUSH-BACK at Codex Alimentarius, the mis-named “world food code” that degrades food quality, promotes toxins and disallows high-quality, high-potency nutritional supplementation, while mandating devastating under nutrition.
All this, tragically, is pushed forward by the US which serves its multinational masters at Codex, pushing for one horrific, health-hostile standard or guideline after another.
And, of course, we will be reporting to you from the trenches… with radio shows, videos and blogs, and now twitter as well.
There is a lot more going on…
But first, please click here – – while you are thinking of it and make your monthly donation to health freedom now!
What Have We Done For You Lately?
Remember that the US has agreed to “HARMonzie” with Europe’s regulations on food and supplements. That makes what happens there extremely important in the US. And what is happening there is, in essence, Codex on steroids.
Dr. Rima and I spoke to over2,000 Europeans, initiating Natural Solutions – Europe. I’d like to invite you to watch the lecture on Codex we gave in Switzerland, “The Genocidal Feast” here:
Check out our video report on that trip here:
and join the Natural Solutions – Europe Yahoo!Group at:
I am proud to say that you generated a powerful “Mouse Warrior” viral response… over a half million email messages were sent to Congress, the President and Secretaries of Agriculture and HHS during just a few days in April 2009, opposing several deceptive (sic) “Food Safety” bills pending in Congress, including HR 875, S 425 and HR 759, as a new alliance of farmers, gardeners, home businesses and health freedom advocates comes together to protect meaningful food safety from regulations favoring the “Bigs” – Big Agra, Big Pharma, Big Chema, Big Biotech, Big Finance, Big Medica and Big Govt.
I wish I could tell you that the battle has been won, but it has not. Not yet. And if we lose this one, we lose big. We lose the right to access clean, unadulterated food which we, and small farmers (including REAL organic farmers) can no longer grow, produce or market. The entire food supply will be industrialized and all of the disastrous requirements of Codex will be implemented in the US once and for all – all of them.
See: Codex and “Food Safety” White Paper:
Join the Food and Farming Yahoo!Group forum:
And right now… we’ve
* Initiated the “Natural Solutions Health Freedom Radio” podcast and programs.
See: and
* Initiated the innovative and important “Natural Solutions Food Freedom eJournal” featuring practical steps you can take to grow and protect your food and freedom no matter where you live.
* Published a Natural Solutions Foundation White Paper on Your Right to Self-Quarantine rather than accept either vaccines or incarceration in a Pandemic, setting forth the legal and moral right of each person and family to self-shield during any declared “pandemic emergency.”
See: with its Action Item demanding protection of your family’s right to self-shield (self-quarantine) instead of being subjected to forced vaccination
If you’ve been reading this Health Freedom Action eAlert for a while, you know that Codex presents a massive threat to both your health and your health freedom. Well, Codex will be implemented (and with it, by the way, the National Animal Identification System, NAIS), small farmers will be driven out of business and the entire food chain will be industrialized to the lowest standard.
You’ll WILL get sick, then sicker and your only legal options will be drugs, surgery and radiation at the hands of the Illness Care Mafia. That’s the whole idea.
Take action, and spread the word now. Time is of the essence: Congress will act on these bills sooner rather than later.
Health Freedom IS Your First Freedom.
This IS your fight.
Yours in health and freedom,
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III
PS – IMPORTANT: take a look at Dr. Rima’s blog posting, “US Being Prepared For Phony “Pandemic” Mandatory Weaponized Vaccination Via Legislation, Media” with critical new information on weaponized vaccines:
Legal Eagle
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee
SUMMARY: More Webinars to Empower You!
Sustainable Off Shore Investing
June 13, 2009 12 Noon Eastern
Your Ministry and Advanced Health Care July 9, 2009 8 PM Eastern
Nano Silver – Your Home Health “Swiss Army Knife” July 26 – 12 Noon Eastern
Natural Solutions Foundation continues to use the New Media, developing webinars to help you learn more about protecting yourself and your families.
Webinars are lectures you can either participate in when they are given live OR you can elect to “audit the class” at a later time on-line.
Sustainable Off Shore Investing…
IRA/401 money is the last remaining pool of real money in the US. There is little doubt in our financial consultant’s minds that Congress will soon find a way to seize it, and it won’t be one you will like. Off Shore IRA/401 Investment is still legal. Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project,, in Panama is an approved investment vehicle which is doing very good things for food and freedom.
Interested in learning more about how to invest and protect your IRA/401 funds offshore AND becoming a Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project participant?
Sign up for this free webinar on Sunday, June 21, 2009 at Noon Eastern Time. Click here:
Your Ministry and Advanced Health Care
Clergy and licensed health care professionals have the right to touch people in an attempt to heal them, but there are significant legal implications to this right which you need to know about if your ministry involves any aspect of healing and health care.
I’ll be conducting a special webinar on June 13, 2009 covering the issues involved with the Ministry and Advanced Health Care Practitioners. Many health care professionals and practitioners offer their services through a ministry.
This important webinar, complete with an extensive slide presentation and a useful eBook, details the requirements and pitfalls of ministering to the needs of the sick and suffering within the context of US ministry law.
Sign up for this webinar at:
Nano Silver – Your Home Health “Swiss Army Knife”
Silver, a nutrient, has ancient roots as a healing substance and could, if properly used, eliminate virtually all synthetic antibiotic use. Not surprisingly, then, there is a cloud of mis information, fear and downright nonsesen about this substance. Colloidal, ionic, protein, and nano silver are on the market. If you are confused about what they mean and how to sort out the information, this webinar will be helpful to you.
If you already know about silver and want to understand what the science behind Nano silver says and why its healing powers are superior to other types, this webinar will be useful to you
And if you are a health professional and want the input of another professional who has extensive experience with Nano silver, this webinar will be informative for you.
The Nano Silver webinar comes with an eBook at no extra charge.
Sign up for this webinar at:
Of course, our webinars are archived for your convenience so you can take them at your convenience even after the live presentation is over.
To access archived webinars, visit
Yours in health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Health Freedom Action Items
This is a repeat reminder in case you did not take action at the head of this Health Freedom Action eAlert:
Demand your right to self quarantine NOW before you are faced with the killing end of a syringe or a transport to be incarcerated.
Your choice will be either accepting a potentially weaponized Swine Flu or other Pandemic Vaccination or be indefinitely incarcerated by the Government
Right now your only choices if a Pandemic is declared and a vaccine is mandated are to accept the potentially weaponized vaccination or accept being indefinitely incarcerated. Neither one is acceptable. Now, BEFORE you are given that “choice”, we must make it clear to our decision makers that neither choice is acceptable. Far better, we believe, is the option of self-quarantine.
Understand that right now you have NO RIGHT to self-quarantine and the only way you will get that right is to create a virtual tidal wave of demand. That is Push Back and we need it, right now, unless we really do want to be vaccinated with Who-Knows-What are interned in FEMA camps.
Because the Natural Solutions Foundation believes that you need to be fully informed on these urgent issues, we’ve prepared another Natural Solutions Foundation White Paper series – this one, about your right to self-quarantine (or self-shield) in the event of a pandemic declaration, with information from a bio-weapon expert on how to do it is free. Here are some important resources you need:
That’s a lot of information, but you’ll need every bit of it.
Take your time, print these documents out, read them at your leisure and then pass along this critical and time-sensitive information electronically to everyone you know urging them to act and spread the information so their lists can act.
White Paper: Stay Home – Stay Alive: Your Right to Self-Quarantine
“The purpose of this White Paper is to set out the legal precedents and practical implementation of voluntary self-quarantine (also referred to as “self-shielding”). At the end of this article are quotations from various legal sources that tend to support the conclusion that voluntary, at-home self-quarantine is a viable, practical and easily available alternative to mandated vaccination, isolation or incarceration in relocation centers during a declared “pandemic emergency.” Since the process is entirely voluntary, it preserves the rights and freedoms of the people and families choosing to self shield.”
Read the entire Self Quarantine White Paper here:
Please forward this important information to all your contacts. It could save their lives.
Action Items:
FDA Out of Control…
Make it very clear to Decision Makers that you value your freedom and your food and will not tolerate the industrialization of your food supply or the implementation of Codex!
Not happy with the turn food legislation is taking? Neither are we. That’s why we’ve formed a growing alliance with consumer groups, farmers, natural, organic and home food producers to stop these evil bills.
Click on each of Action Items in this eblast and then forward this Health Freedom Action eAlert to everyone you know who eats.
Natural Solutions Foundation been advocating breaking-up the FDA to create a new food safety approach by separating out Food and Drugs form the same regulatory crowd. The powers-that-be (PTB) noticed and tried to co-opt that plan by destroying food safety through seven mis-named “Food Safety” (sic) bills now pending in Congress to create an agency controlled by “former” Monsanto executives and implement all of Codex’s deadly requirements. These bills will remove our right to grow, process, market and buy clean, unadulterated foods.
What the PTB are planning is NOT a Food Safety Agency, nor are these food safety bills.
In fact, they WILL implement the worst of Codex immediately resulting in forced industrialization of all food production.
See our White Paper urging the US to stop leading Codex astray:
Mandating No HARMonization with CODEX, Food Safety and Food Regulation
Dr. Rima Recommends
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
SUMMARY: New Food Freedom eJournal Launched!
First a reminder: Nano Silver is the Swiss Army Knife of your home health system. And just as the US Government is trying to make Swiss Army and other Pocket knives illegal (!), they don’t want you to have access to Nano Silver. For now, however, we pushed them back with the size of our protest and the EPA is “studying” the matter. Right now, you can obtain the nano silver you need to be prepared for infections or pandemics, real or manufactured, whether naturally occurring or weaponized, here:
If you are self quarantining, you will certainly need Nano silver for yourself and your family. If you have people (and pets) that you care about, I urge you to stock up. If you travel, take your Nano silver with you (not in your hand baggage, of course). I suggest that you travel with sealed bottles, not opened ones, so that the security people who are likely to open your suit cases will see that the bottles have not been tampered with. Put a note on the bottles which says “Medication for gastrointestinal distress – take 1 teaspoon in water morning and evening.”
You can rest assured that when General Bert and I head out to Codex in a couple of weeks, we WILL have enough Nano silver with us to see us through whatever happens.
I would advise you to do this ASAP.
By now you are well aware that food bills (misnamed “Food Safety” bills) threaten your right to access and grow safe, clean, unadulterated food. Codex Alimentarius (the world food code) sets the stage for contaminated, degraded and unhealthful food which the US Government brings to your table through bad practices like irradiation, pesticide contamination, unlabeled GMO approval, dangerous additives and debased organic standards.
What can you do? Grow your own clean food in a small space with virtually no cost and very little effort! That means that a family of 4 can have all the fresh, organic veggies they need for a year in a space no larger than 4?x4?! No land? No prob! Use a balcony, a corner of your apartment or even a closet with some grow lights for a year-round supply of clean, organic+, nutritious, inexpensive food. We’ll help you bring in a bumper crop of veggies for health and freedom! IF you have room, we’ll even show you how to raise small animals like chickens, too!
Natural Solutions Foundation’s Food Freedom eJournal’s first issue right here! And what an issue it is!
Watch this introductory Video by Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee Ralph Fucetola and make sure that you are on our mailing list so you can begin your journey to Food Freedom with us! Click here ( to join the Health Freedom Action eAlert list and then come right back to watch this introductory video:
Then go to our free First Issue of the eJournal where you will find several hours of videos:
Video Farm Classroom
103.5 minutes of free Intensive Urban Agriculture Training
Chapter One: Intensive Urban, Raised Bed, “Square Foot” Gardening 44 minutes
Chapter Two: Meet the Chickens 8.5 minutes
Chapter Three: Dr. Rima Makes Her Rounds 32 minutes
Chapter Four: Lessons from the Sun, the Earth and the Rain 19 minutes
You can find our new FOOD Freedom eJournal at:
– Hide quoted text –
The Natural Solutions Foundation is working hard on many fronts to protect your health and your health freedom. We ARE the netroots of health freedom. We need you to ride the Freedom Mouse hard, ask your friends to do the same and we need your support.
The battle is joined: WHO/UN/Codex/Big Pharma have, in my estimation, declared out and out war on us, the “Useless Eaters” of the earth. They want us sick, controllable and, ultimately, out of their way and in our graves.
We, of course, want our freedom and our health. By taking action and staying strong in every way, we will prevail. But it will be a pitched battle for some time to come.
Stay strong!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Tell your friends about
Join us in the fight to protect your health freedom
Ask the U.S. government to change its policy on Codex Alimentarius
Make a contribution and help raise funds to support your health freedom fight
Natural Solutions Foundation
Health Freedom Action eAlert
March 19, 2009 – Welcome! In This Issue:
Immediate Action Item –
“Food Safety” Bills — Threat Response
* Action eAlert Items
* The General’s Communique
* Legal Eagle
* Dr. Rima Recommends
* Kathy’s Corner
See Dr. Laibow’s video on the Green Portal:
You can see we’ve been very busy and will be for the foreseeable future! I urge you to see our new 20 minute video which summarizes how the new Natural Solutions Foundation – Europe will support your health freedoms. This video needs to be shared with everyone!
Here is the video on Blip TV
A New WIN-WIN-WIN Way to Support Your Economy and Health Freedom
The New Natural Solutions Green Portal…
See Dr. Laibow’s new video:
The General’s Communique
Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (USA ret.)
SUMMARY: The time is growing short…
Food is becoming a battle ground like no other: freedom, survival, fascistic take over of a once-free people (more or less, at least), corporate triumph over independent producers – it’s all happening around food. And the mechanism is simple: a set of bills ostensibly devoted to “food safety” and “food security”.
Urgent Action Item: Click here – – to tell Congress that the Farm Bills MUST be defeated. Time is short and the issue is of immense importance.
In essence, these bills are a sneak attack implementation of Codex Alimentarius. The Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning that organic farming and home growing, clean food and food freedom were under heavy attack. Here is the Mother of All Food Fascism Assaults and we still have some time to defeat it.
Congress often comes up with bad ideas. This is not just a bad idea: it is a catastrophically bad idea for health and freedom. In fact, it is nothing short of food tyranny and will kill not only organic farming, but lots of people as well, along with the entire private farming sector. Your own gardens are at risk as well.
I cannot urge you strongly enough to take action NOW (we have only a few days to create the urgent push-back needed to fend off this disastrous legislation. These are bad, deceptive and extraordinarily dangerous bills which make the eternal link between fascism and food crystal clear. But the bills are written in neutral, even calming tones. Please go to the articles below to read a brilliantly annotated version of the bills and a summary and learn just how dangerous they are. My thanks to Sue Diederich and Linn Cohen-Cole for their tireless work on this vital issue…
Read more at:
We’ve posted Linn Cohen-Cole’s “Solumn Walk Through 875/425” which explains exactly how these bills threaten health and freedom… and farming, ranching… and organic and natural products… and dietary supplements…
Read more at:
And please, please help us to continue our efforts.
Legal Eagle
Ralph Fucetola JD
SUMMARY: Abolition by Regulation… the end of Food Freedom
I have devoted decades to the study and practice of regulatory law, dealing with the seemingly endless onslaught of United States government agencies like FDA, USDA, EPA, FTC and others to curb and deny our constitutionally and legislatively guaranteed freedoms. I have seen bad regulatory ideas come and (often, with sufficient push-back) go. But I cannot remember any time in my long legal career seeing such rapid, and, if left unchecked, cataclysmic regulation for fascism and loss of rights as in the food regulation proposed under the current bills to industrialize food with the National Animal Identification System, Codex Alimentarius and North American Union.
While the Obamists claim to be agents of “Change”, that change is toward food fascism, not freedom. It is toward regulating food freedom into food crimes. It is toward making criminals of those who would control “their own seed and their own feed.”
HR 875 and S 425 are not just bad bills (Congress comes up with those, usually at the behest of industry) all the time. They are much worse than that.
Tyrants inevitably seek to control food. Fascism and food are always linked.
Sometimes the link is who may have access to food – please the tyrant and you eat. Sometimes the link is more subtle: the tyrant wants you ill so that you cannot resist because you are weak and distracted by illness….
Read more at:
So HR 875 and S 425 will “protect” us out of our birthright to clean, unadulterated food grown by those who would produce such natural bounty. Instead, food will be chipped, irradiated, contaminated, industrialized, genetically modified and demineralized to “protect” us from independence, from health, from autonomy and self-sufficiency.
As you know, the Natural Solutions Foundation has been cautioning against these very developments for years. We have warned that the patterns were being established through the globalists’ toy, Codex Alimentarius, for many decades….
Read more at:
Action eAlert Items
Immediate Action Item (explanation below):
Tell Congress: NO on HR 875, S 425!
Other Action Items
1. Tell the President and Congress that we want them to protect our right to refuse medical treatments including vaccinations
2. Tell Congress “No” on the farm control bills!
HR 875 and S.425
We’ve set up an Action Item for you to send an unmistakable message to your representatives in the Senate and the House. We must educate Congress that you do not want organic and small farmers regulated out of existence.
You do not want “Big Agra” regulations, perhaps necessary to protect the public when dealing with large scale agra business, applied to organic and small family farms and ranches or to natural and organic food products including Dietary Supplements.
3. Tell the President about Change: Health Freedom is Our First Freedom
You made “Health Freedom Is Our First Freedom” one of the top 10 items on America’s mind with your votes to Now we have to make that message resonate through the White House halls.
Will the new President listen? Only if we tell him, in our hundreds of thousands! We need your help in making this campaign “go viral” to “infect” the Internet with health freedom! Please forward to your entire list and ask them to ACT NOW!
Click below to tell President Obama that we want REAL change – which means more freedom and choice in our lives, not more control over needed medical treatments by yet another overblown, impossible to approach Federal bureaucracy!
Click here to send an Open Letter to the President
4. Right to Use – Right to Choose – Use Nano Silver
Thanks to our Mouse Warriors, the Deadline for Comments was been extended to March 20, 2009 by the EPA. We won that skirmish, but the war is still raging.
Retain the Right to Choose Nano Silver. Tell EPA Not to topical Ban Nano Silver of Any Type. Whether you use Nano Silver or not (and we certainly do!), let’s make sure that we have the right to make that choice!
Want to know more? Read Defending Nano Silver:
5. Divest FDA/USDA of Food Regulation Authority – and all government agencies of their often misused power to deny us access to wholesome nutrition and natural remedies. Protect Food from FDA/USDA Regulation! We oppose H.R. 875 and S. 425, but do support divesting the FDA!
With those bills, Congress is about to create a new agency for “Food Safety”. Our analysis is that it will be worse than both FDA and USDA combined. We need to get food out of Federal hands, and quickly. Just think what the new farm bills, coupled with a new industry-controlled, agency will do to your food, your health and your freedom. Having contemplated that horrific outcome, take action and ask everyone you know to do the same.
6. Please join the Natural Solutions Foundation’s new Food and Farming Yahoo!Groups forum. Check it out at:
And here’s an invitation to join our other very active and informative forums:
No Forced Vaccinations
European Health Freedom Forum
Dr. Rima Recommends
Rima E. Laibow MD
Green Portal and Nano Silver…
Introducing the Natural Solutions Green Portal! You know that Natural Solutions Foundation is “More than just words…”
See Dr. Laibow’s video on the Green Portal:
Natural Solutions Green Portal
We look for solutions to social problems that support the natural environment. That’s why we’re pleased to introduce an exciting new way you can SAVE MONEY and get SIGNIFICANT CASH BACK on all your purchases at over 600 of the biggest online stores , including Wal-Mart, Target, Safeway, Best Buy, Home Depot, OfficeMax, eBay … the list goes on and on! We know you make environmentally friendly choices when you buy what you need. Now you can exercise those choices on-line, reducing your impact on the world while showing big retailers, through your choices (your “dollar votes”) that you want them to serve consumer needs.
Additionally, you should also be able to save valuable time and gas (better for the environment) by shopping online at your very own personal savings “Green Portal” AND help support Natural Solutions Foundation in its continuing fight against “Big Agra,” “Big Chema,” and “Big Pharma” to protect the safety and quality of our food supply! Non-profit organizations like Natural Solutions that sponsor green portals receive donations from the retailers based on your savings!
Best of all, this Program is FREE to all our Members and Supporters , and by extension, to all their friends and families … and so on! That’s why we’re offering it to you as a simple “no-brainer” way to help yourself and others you know survive these tough economic times, while also helping NSF continue to raise the funds we so desperately need!
So we invite you to “Go Green” and “Go Viral” with this Program by clicking on the link below, viewing the 3-minute video, and signing up TODAY to start saving:
And, of course, DO NOT FORGET your nano silver needs!
(go to Products on the top menu and then to Silver on the lower left menu)
Kathy’s Corner
SUMMARY: You know what it takes to make change…
Kathy here. I am the lady who answers emails for NSF. Recently, I received an email from a person which surprised me more than most! She apparently thought that we have a big switchboard of operators who answer questions and solicit donations. She must have had us mixed up with some other organization, because we do not have the money for a switchboard of phone lines and we have never solicited monies by phone. She implied that we have a big fancy office where people answer mail and organize events. While I think that would be lovely, the fact is that less than a dozen people are putting in the time necessary to keep this operation running. I am the person answering emails and I do it
from my kitchen table.
NSF is the largest health freedom organization in the world. Hundreds of thousands of health freedom advocates read our emails, alerts and send messages to Congress through these mailings. When we visit the Capitol, our name is recognized. It costs a minimum of about $12,000 per month to maintain this organization. We pay for websites and a webmaster and researchers; we pay the company that maintains our lists; we pay for each of those eblasts that are sent to Washington (and we send many!); we pay the train fare – travel fare to Washington; we pay for informational videos; and most important, we pay for trips to Codex meetings which occur several times a year in different parts of the world. We do this on a shoestring budget, as inexpensively as we can. Because we do this, we are able to keep our readers up to date on health freedom issues and organized to fight the Powers that would destroy your health.
The problem? We are not bringing in enough in donations to cover our costs. You say, “How can that be? With so many people on your list, getting your emails, you should be taking in lots of money, every month!” The fact is, most people (over 98% of our readers) contribute absolutely no money to this effort. Oh they are happy to join in on eblasts (and we are glad that they do!) and they are happy we are here making sure that they can continue to purchase nutrients, and they want us to win this health freedom war– but they want their neighbors to pay for it. We know there are many of you out there who are having severe financial problems. We have people who pledged as little as $5.00 a month, who now cannot afford that amount, given the economy. We understand- and do not expect those in such positions to donate. But there are many out there who can afford to donate the monies necessary to keep this battle going, —and donations to us are tax deductible, another incentive for giving.
Now there are those who would love to see NSF fail. There are FDA/Big Pharma owned Congress-leaches who would be happy if we stopped sending them messages.There are certain big companies who would love it if there were no well organized opposition to their plans. But we intend to keep at this as long as we possibly can – with YOUR help. So make that contribution today- and, if you can, make it monthly! If only 12,000 of you each sent $1.00 a month, we could pay our bills. If more is sent, we can do more! We would love to be able to place advertising to reach more of the general public with the health freedom message! This will cost money!
I am getting letters every day, from Scandinavia, Holland, Germany,– places where parts of Codex are already being adopted and people are having trouble getting the nutrients they want. A woman from Holland informed me that she ordered nutrients from the U.S. but they were promptly seized by Customs. She managed to get a few items from England, but she is not sure how long she will be able to do that. When she complains to politicians, she is told that she should get her nutrients from the foods she eats. Of course, if humanity loses this battle, that food will all be gm and toxic. It is obvious, at Codex meetings, that the U.S. representatives are pushing the hardest to make Codex regulations, standard worldwide. Will you and yours be able to live on a diet of toxic fake food? Will you be able to get by without the supplements necessary for good nutrition??
So do YOUR part. Make that donation now- and help to spread the NSF message so that MILLIONS of emails go to Congress with each blast. Do YOUR part to make certain that we have the people power and backing to push your/our issues– health freedom issues!!
Please donate here:
Please remember to have everyone you know join the free Health Freedom eAlert system at:
Much love to you all!