Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™,
Health Freedom: The Enduring Opposition to Forced Vaccination
Guest Blog By Paul G. King, PhD
Natural Solutions Foundation is proud to be the initiating organization and a principle plaintiff in the Stop the Shot law suit to prevent the FDA from using dangerous, improperly tested and ineffective vaccines either for influenza in general or specifically for the virus created in a laboratory and loosed on the world as if it were a genuine killer pandemic virus, A/2009/H1N1 or Swine Flu. And, as our advisers and co-plaintiffs, we are deeply fortunate to have a team of outstanding lawyers and scientists who have been with us every step of the way, perfecting this critically important legal challenge to bad science, failed public policy and commercialized, but potentially deadly science. One of those advisers is the remarkable Paul G. King, PhD. His credentials and professional experience are impressive. See to be impressed,
But far, far more impressive to me is his passion for freedom, for truth and for scientific accuracy. Dr. King is the Scientific Adviser for CoMeD, the Coalition for Mercury Free Drugs,, and is principle adviser in their legal effort to protect mothers and babies from mercury-containing vaccinations since the dangers of mercury to the fetus are widely recognized and very well known except, of course, to Federal and State Officialdom.
His passion for truth is exceeded only by his passionate belief in the power of that truth if we, the People, persist in our quest for that truth and for our enduring freedom. We of the Natural Solutions Foundation share that passion and that belief. So it is a great pleasure to share with you Dr. King’s resounding statement of the reason that we who question vaccination and who vehemently oppose mandatory medical treatment of any sort, even if we favor it, are already the victors in this battle for truth and freedom and how that victory will manifest!
And it will, you know. We, the people questioning vaccinations, especially untested novel ones, will be the majority. Here is why and here is how.
Click here, to make your tax deductible donation to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Thank you! The Natural Solutions Foundation is 100% supporter supported and we value YOUR support.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the MoonTM Eco Demonstration Project
Health Freedom: The Enduring Opposition to Forced Vaccination
By Paul G. King, PhD
“Never, never, never give up” — Sir Winston Churchill
Arrayed against today’s forced-vaccination mandates stands a small, but growing, group of hundreds of doctors, lawyers, nurses, researchers, scientists, teachers, and other professionals who are affected by various vaccine issues.
Behind this growing group stand hundreds of thousands of citizens who, at a minimum, have a possibly vaccine-damaged child, grandchild, niece, nephew, brother, sister, first, second, third or fourth cousin, other family member, or a friend or acquaintance who has one or more of these injured persons in their family.
Moreover, the public officials and others behind vaccination mandates, such as the ones in New Jersey, West Virginia and US Air Force daycare centers, have consciously chosen to use their “control” of the governmental health agencies and the mainstream media to ridicule any who oppose their near-religious, but scientifically unsupported, belief in the sanctity of vaccines and mandated vaccination programs.
In addition, these individuals are blind to the flaws in most of the vaccines and vaccination programs.
The flaws include:
– The need for multiple doses to provide “protection” from the “disease” or “disease component”,
– The limited duration of the protection provided,
– The lack of any protection for some percentage of those vaccinated,
– The need for “booster” doses, and
– The serious collateral damage to the immune, neurological and other systems of some who are inoculated with vaccines from the non-disease components in the vaccine (e.g., Thimerosal, polymeric hydroxyaluminum compounds, gelatin, egg protein, extraneous DNA, adventitious viruses, cell debris, and formaldehyde – to name a few).
Worse, they have conveniently “forgotten” the established Public Health principle that no vaccine should even be recommended for a mass vaccination program unless, including the worst-case long-term costs from the adverse events that that vaccine may cause, the vaccination program is truly cost effective.
Moreover, these vaccination apologists have “forgotten” that those who oppose forced vaccination range from:
– Those who simply oppose such mandates on constitutional grounds to:
– Those who oppose mass inoculation for vaccines for diseases, like influenza and herpes Varicella zoster, where the vaccines are not clinically effective, much less cost effective, to:
– Those who are simply opposed to forcing anyone to get any vaccine under any circumstance because:
—Vaccination violates their deeply held religious/ philosophical beliefs or
—Based on their research and study,
– Vaccines cause more long-term chronic disease, harm and death than the few childhood diseases for which we have a vaccine that is truly cost-
effective to use for mass vaccination, and/or
– Exposure to these childhood diseases is safer than inoculation with a vaccine for a childhood disease because:
– In a truly healthy environment where: a) there is no smallpox; b) measles and rubella are rare; c) there have been no confirmed diphtheria cases or paralytic polio cases in the last half decade; and d) tetanus occurs mostly in the elderly, the risk of harm from the disease is vanishingly small and/or,
– Several of mass childhood vaccination programs are not cost effective (e.g., the programs for: herpes Varicella zoster, rotavirus, and seasonal influenza) and/or
– Several vaccines are not effective in preventing those inoculated from contracting the disease (e.g., the current live virus vaccines for influenza and rotavirus, which give all of those inoculated an infection of the disease against which those being inoculated are supposed to be being protected) and/or
– Once you have had:
a) a mumps infection on both sides of your neck, or
b) a pertussis infection promptly treated with the appropriate antibiotics, or
c) a promptly treated rotavirus infection, or d) an untreated acute Hepatitis A or B or an untreated HPV infection from which you recover, you have near-lifetime immunity, and/or
– For many reasons, vaccines provide, at best, only limited protection and/or only limited-duration protection from contracting a “vaccine preventable” disease if they are subsequently exposed to it, and/or,
– Vaccines weaken rather than strengthen the capability of the immune systems of those who are inoculated with said vaccines to differentiate between self and not self – significantly contributing to the observed increases in a variety of immune and autoimmune diseases that, before 1950 where very rare (< 1 in10,000) but are increasingly common (e.g., asthma occurring at a rate of about 1 in 9 in today’s vaccinated children), and/or - In today’s environment in America, healthy kids should contract the remaining “vaccine preventable” childhood diseases to which those born in America before 1950 were most certainly exposed, and/or to: - Those who hold some combination of the preceding views or other vaccine-questioning views. Finally, it is important to understand that, today, with each attempt to compel some group to be inoculated with some vaccine(s), the number of people who oppose forced vaccination grows along with the public’s: - Loss of trust in vaccination and - Determination to: ---Actively oppose forced vaccination and, increasingly, most vaccination programs, and ---Teach their children and all with whom they are acquainted to oppose: - The forced vaccination that is currently imposed on any group as well as - Any and all attempts to increase vaccine mandates. Thus, unless the Establishment abandons its attempts to mandate vaccination on additional groups and reverses course by making all vaccination voluntary with incentives for those vaccines that are reasonably safe and truly cost effective, then, not tomorrow, but in the not-too-distant future, the number of people that are opposed to forced vaccination will grow until they are the majority. In closing, let us remind the establishment that we, the People, know the value of Benjamin Franklin’s admonishment, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately”. Moreover, on the issue of forced vaccination, though diverse in our views on vaccines and vaccination, we, the People, shall hang together and continue to grow our numbers daily. Furthermore, we understand Franklin’s admonishment “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”. Therefore, we are striving to take back all of the essential liberties that, since September 11, 2001, if not before, the federal government has been, and is, attempting to take from us. Let us remind the federal government and the governments of the states that the Constitution of the United States of America begins by stating: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”. Moreover, the Tenth Amendment clearly states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”. However, though the Federal Courts have repeatedly recognized the coercive police powers of the “States” in the area of forced vaccination, we, the People, have not forgotten that we, the People, who are citizens of these “States”: - Retain the powers not delegated by us to the federal government or to the “States” and - Also, directly or indirectly, retain the right to retake any power that we have delegated to the “States” or, for that matter, to any other governmental unit. Further, let all be assured that, no matter what the cost or how long it may take, we, the People, will: a) stop the attempts to mandate more vaccines and b) roll back all vaccination mandates where, in the United States of America, mass vaccination is not truly cost-effective when all the costs are considered. Therefore, we will resist until we, the People, become the majority in all of the States, Commonwealths, Districts and Territories. Then, we will: a) outlaw all mandatory vaccination programs in America and b) only allow voluntary “opt in” vaccination policies. Awakened from our complacence, we, the People, who oppose forced vaccination and our children, and our children’s children unto seven generations and beyond, will: Never, never, never, never, never, never give up until forced vaccination is universally banned everywhere in the United States of America.
– Paul G. King
Natural Solutions Foundation,
Click here, to make your tax deductible donation to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Thank you!. The Natural Solutions Foundation is 100% supporter supported and we value YOUR support.
If what you are about to read is true of the mystery plague supposedly decimating the Ukraine and heading, according to the highly unreliable and dangerous WHO (and its handmaidens, the FDA and CDC), there is even less reason to consider for more than the space of an eye blink receiving a vaccination for the Swine Flu. First of all, as we all know by now, the H1N1 vaccines, all 5 of them, so precipitously and profitably approved by the FDA, are untested, unsafe and unnecessary. Second of all, IF the H1N1 virus has mutated, or has BEEN mutated (by Baxter, perhaps, in its Ukraine lab as many people have speculated), and IF it spreads, or IS spread, then IF the vaccines were effective for the earlier H1N1 virus, with or without dangerous adjuvants, then they would no longer be effective against the mutated virus.
Question: IF Dr. Victor Bachinsky, a leading Ukrainian pathologist, is correct and the virus that has killed a few, yes, only a few (not the legions of people news reports have suggested), people in the Ukraine is, in fact, a combined H1N1 and parainfluenza virus, could that re-assortment or recombination of genes have taken place naturally? The WHO says that although there has been a change in the H1N1 virus, it is enough to kill horrifyingly large numbers of people, but NOT enough to change the H1N1 virus enough to make the billions and billions of dollars spent on the Swine Flu vaccines and injectable adjuvants (over $7 Billion in the US alone at last count) a sort of TARP bailout for a pharmaceutical industry which needed no bailing out, thank you very much.
A quick note on Parainfluenza Viruses:
Human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs) are a group of four distinct serotypes of single-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the paramyxovirus family. They are the second most common cause of lower respiratory tract infection in younger children. Repeated infection throughout the life of the host is not uncommon. Symptoms of later breakouts include upper respiratory tract illness as in a cold and sore throat. The incubation period of all four serotypes is 1 to 7 days. Parainfluenza viruses can be detected via cell culture, immunofluorescent microscopy, and PCR. Though no vaccines currently exist, research into vaccines for HPIV-1, -2, and -3 is underway. Parainfluenza viruses last only a few hours in the environment and are inactivated by soap and water.,+human
Dr. Bachinsky says that the mystery illness which has claimed horrifying numbers of victims because their lungs turn black and are totally destroyed in the course of a pneumonic plague-like disease is no such thing, calling the reported mystery plague descriptions “nonsense”.
He also points out that with more than 60,000 hospitalizations in his region of the Ukraine, a mere 23 deaths have occurred. This makes the death rate among hospitalized persons 1 in 2609 persons hospitalized. This is hardly an impressive “mystery plague”.
Making reports of a doomsday plague even more absurd, he points out that antibiotics are not effective since there is no inflammation of the lungs, meaning no pneumonia develops, and that Tamiflu should not be used prophylactically because of its serious toxicity. He attributes the deaths in this disease to the use of antibiotics!
The answer? A good immune system. Unlike the WHO which advises people NOT to build up their immune systems lest they succumb to a cytokine storm, or exuberant immune response which is so strong that it winds up killing the owner of the immune system that it is precisely a strong immune system that allows people to survive. Those with strong immune systems fight off the virus when it attacks the lungs so bleeding in the lung does not take place. If that does not happen, you can have the virus in your system, as we have so many others which we are unaware of, and not have either bleeding or clinical disease.
Dr. Bachinsky recommends immune enhancements like garlic, honey and herbs. I would add nutrient support for the immune system like Vitamin C plus Vitamins E and A along with zinc, nano silver (we at the Natural Solutions Foundation are particularly enthusiastic about Silver Biotics, available at, glutathione, Vitamin D (General Bert and I personally take 10,000 IU per day on a log-term basis). The immune supporting, viral suppressing benefits of each of these inexpensive nutrients is abundantly documented.
We have all heard that it is the cytokine storm that kills the healthy in weaponized viral attacks like those initiated by the H5N1 and H1N1 viruses. However, before a virus can impact your body, the immune defenses that keep your body safe from invaders 24/7 must fail. The logic is inescapable to me, at least: if the immune system does its job, the virus that then turns on an overwhelming and dis-coordinated immune response to itself will not be able to do do.
When it comes to plagues, manufactured in a laboratory or not, take everything you hear, especially from official organizations like the WHO, CDC and FDA, with much more than a grain of salt, and take immune supporting nutrients liberally.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the MoonTM Eco Demonstration Project
Professor Victor Bachinsky, PhD., is a coroner in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. He provides evidence which indicates that parainfluenza mixed with the H1N1 virus, not pneumonic plague, has caused so much illness in Ukraine. Yet more strains of influenza which have combined, a strong indication that we are dealing with a laboratory developed bio-weapon.
[Translated from Russian]
Ukraine; Virus Is Mixture Of H1N1 And Parainfluenza, Causes Cardiopulmonary Failure; Indicates BioWeapon
Based on autopsies, we have come to the conclusion: it’s not pneumonia, but cardiopulmonary insufficiency and cardiogenic shock … The virus enters directly into the lungs, there is bleeding … Antibiotics should not be used …
Why do we have such a high mortality rate in the country? Because people are going to pharmacies to get medicine instead of going to their doctors to be treated … No it is not pneumonic plague. It’s all nonsense … antibiotics do not help … Those with strong immune systems will survive. People with weak immune systems will succumb to the illness … Face Masks provide 30% extra protection. Wearing glasses gives an additional 10% protection, that is 40%, because the virus penetrates the mucus membranes.
The Head of the Chernivtsi regional forensic bureau, Professor Victor Bachinsky PhD, makes a strong statement: all the victims of the virus in Bukovina (22 persons aged 20 to 40 years) died not from bilateral (double) pneumonia, as previously thought, but as a result of viral distress syndrome, i.e. the total destruction of the lungs. We caught up with Professor Bachinsky, to find out how he came to this conclusion, and how people can protect themselves from this disease.
Professor, you said earlier that the virus, from which many people have died – is a mixture of types of parainfluenza and influenza A/H1N1. How do you cure this disease?
The question of how to treat this virus is not up to me. I am a pathologist. I just found out what it is and made an exact diagnosis. It is important to provide the correct treatment based on diagnosis.
There are strict protocols and standards of treatment in medicine. If a doctor treats a patient who dies, their relatives can make a complaint that they were not treated properly (misdiagnosed).The Ministry of Health has set the protocols and standards of treatment for each diagnosis. If diagnosed correctly, the treatment should be correct …
In the Chernivtsi region 18 people have died. We studied all the history and evidence from this disease, preclinical, clinical, resuscitation. When we perform an autopsy organs and tissues have histological studies (cell analysis) and we concluded that it was not pneumonia, and has no relation to pneumonia whatsoever.
These results are the foundation to ensure that doctors who treat this disease all over Ukraine, change their tactics and standards of care.
Can this new virus be cured?
It depends on the immune system. If a person’s immune system is strong, they will overcome it. There are people who carry this strain of H1N1 and remain on their feet and don’t even realize they are sick.
Antibiotics definitely should not be taken. Antibiotics are the reason we have such a high mortality and infection rate in this country, because people go to the pharmacy, describe their symptoms to the pharmacist and ask for drugs. They buy antibiotics, take them, this lowers their immune system and as a result they become sick. If prescriptions were required to buy these medications, like in other countries, this would not have happened. It is the ability to buy antibiotics over the counter without a prescription which has done so much harm to the State.
During autopsies, what did the lungs look like? Were they really black, which gave rise to so much talk of pulmonary plague?
No, they are not black … This is not pneumonic plague. It’s all nonsense. Pneumonic plague has a very different morphology. We have, for example, 60 thousand people who became sick and 23 have died. With pulmonary plague, we would now have a mortality rate of 59 thousand …
This is a viral attack that destroys the lungs.
It turns out that not only in Bukovina, but also throughout the Ukraine people did not die from pneumonia, but from this toxic strain?
Yes, It’s not pneumonia! This destruction of the lungs. This strain is very toxic, and if the immune system is weak, there is bleeding in the lungs. In the lungs there is a tiny structure – acinus, which looks like a bunch of grapes. When you breathe, oxygen enters this tiny “bunch of grapes” ( pulmonary alveoli ). On the surface of the acinus are the capillaries, where red blood cells saturate with oxygen and give blood, which supplies all tissues and organs in the body.
And once the virus enters the lungs – hemorrhaging begins immediately in the acinus. A continuous hemorrhage … It takes several hours. In the blood fibrin is formed, and from it – giolinovaya membrane, resembling a plastic bag. It envelops the acinus, and the person breathes in oxygen, but it is not transferred to the tissues. And people just gasp. There is a cardio-pulmonary insufficiency and cardiogenic shock. People die of cardiogenic shock. And there is no pneumonia. Pneumonia – an inflammation, which is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics cannot help at any stage. There should be absolutely different treatment.
And how about “Tamiflu(c)” – does it help?
This is not an antibiotic, it is an antiviral drug, which should be applied on the second or third day of the disease. But you can not use Tamiflu as a preventative, because it is toxic,
What are the best measures to resist the disease? Is it advisable to use a mask, garlic, vitamin C?
The primary method of prevention is a face mask. This give 30% extra protection. If you wear glasses – it is 40%, because the virus enters through the mucous membranes.
It is necessary to improve the human immune system. Not only now, but in general. Garlic, onions, wild rose, viburnum (guelder rose), raspberries, citrus fruit, honey, and other fruits and vegetables – whatever you want. Those with a strong immune system will survive. Those with weaker immune systems will succumb to the disease.
We have a lot of people in Ukraine who like shopping at the open markets. If we can avoid open markets, the less people will be in contact with each other and more lives will be saved.
You have contacted the Health Ministry and advised them to review the standards for treatment of patients. What did they say?
We sent them all our data, the necessary protocols and standards of treatment, our diagnosis. But it is clear that decisions cannot be instantaneous.
And why until now has nobody else known about this disease? What were the leading specialists in the Ministry of Health doing all this time?
Perhaps this is due to the fact that there are scientists who are working on a purely theoretical basis. And there are scientists who have seen the autopsy results. I practice as head of the regional forensic bureau and as a professor. The fact that we have established this diagnosis – it is not just to my credit, and this is not my personal opinion. This is the opinion of specialists, morphologists and doctors in Bukovina. There are five professors in our group – I just head the group.
Original article in Russian by Anna Yashchenko here:
Money Bomb! Rima and Bert on the Way to Codex:
Health Freedom eAlert
News, alerts, and other information related to your health freedom.
Action Items You Can Take Now October 28, 2009
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Permalink to this blast:
Dr. Laibow and Gen. Stubblebine are “in the air” right now, on their way to a Codex Alimentarius (so-called, World Food Code) meeting in Germany. Stay tuned for reports, YouTube videos and tweets…
Stop the Shot Law Suit: Judge Issues ‘Show Cause Order’ to Prove We Have a Right to Be in Court
There are many wrongs under the law, but not everyone has the right to contest them all. Law suits can require plaintiffs (that’s us – the people bringing the suit and making the formal complaint) to show that they have a reason to bring this suit, or, in legal terms,that we have “standing”. We believe that this Show Cause Order is a positive move that gets the issue of standing, which the other side will surely use to try to get the suit dismissed, out of the way before our November 5 hearing.
Yesterday, Judge Reggie B. Walton of the US District Court, District of Columbia, issued a “Show Cause Order” giving us 48 hours to show why we have standing so that the case 1:09-cv–1924-RBW v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the “STOP THE SHOT” law suit, can continue.
You can imagine that we have a team of highly skilled, dedicated lawyers and scholars working very hard, indeed right now to create . What’s at stake? Out ability to stop the FDA from releasing any more of the dangerous vaccines for a non-existent pandemic and, in fact, a powerful legal challenge against ALL influenza vaccines. They don’t work, they are not safe and they cause harm. We want them off the market.
We are doing our part to Stop the Shot. What’s your part?
You know that good immune function requires large amounts of Vitamin D. Did you know that health freedom requires the Three Vitamin D’s of Activism?
To keep your health freedom intact, you need to take large doses of them. The Three D’s of Health Freedom are:
Do These Action Items:
1. Tell President Obama to Rescind Dangerous, Unnecessary Health Emergency giving unprecedented powers to Secretary Sebelius to set us a medical internment system without appeal or protections. Take this item once for every member of your household
2. If you are a Health Care Worker, student or in any allied profession, take the Health Keeper’s Oath
now to prevent the Medical System from becoming a tool to imprison and kill as happened in Nazi Germany. Whether you are a Health Care Worker or not, forward this information to every Health Care Worker you can reach:
Disseminate This Information Far and Wide
Our impact is enormous because our voices are raised in a chorus millions strong. Push Back is a numbers game: you have to be right AND have might. The other side has enormous resources and buys public policy. We have the courage, the information and the will to correct that dangerous public policy and to protect ourselves from its impact. But that means spreading the word and mobilizing people who still believe that we are too small to make REAL change we can survive with happen.
Send this email to everyone you know with a brief note telling them that this is vitally important to you, and to them, as well.
Health Freedom Money Bomb
Helps to Keep Health Freedom Free!
Watch the Money Bomb here:
Donate here:
Our Money Bomb has given us the resources to go to Codex (we are leaving for the airport in just 6 hours as I write this) and we thank you. We’ll be there for you, observing, building alliances for health and reporting daily. Thank you.
We are not anywhere near the funding mark, however, to prosecute this case for you so that you do not have to face the threat of what these dangerous vaccines can do to you and your loved ones, or the threat of living in a society devastated by either a man-made plague or the devastation of medical gulags and a police state.
We need you continuing help, large or small. If you have already donated to help STOP THE SHOT, thank you. If not, do it now. The law suit is for us all. We all need to do our part.
All donations to the Natural Solutions Foundation are 100% tax deductible.
Thanks for taking the Triple Dose of Vitamin D!
Correction and Repeat Opportunity
In our last Health Freedom Action eAlert I told you about the book written by my remarkable friend, Dr. Leonard Coldwell, The Only Answer to Cancer. I urge you to get a copy of this remarkable book now for yourself and another for anyone you know facing the threat of cancer. But you cannot do it at the link I gave you: I made a mistake. Here is the correct link:
Click here to watch Dr. Coldwell’s critically important video:
Cancer is a terrifying diagnosis. Dr. Coldwell has a better idea: cure cancer quickly and permanently. I strongly suggest that you get this remarkable book into your hands.
Giving Silver to Save Silver
Nano Silver is safe, effective and a profound threat to the massive antibiotic industry. Most antibiotics are fed to animals to keep them alive in factory “farm” conditions, creating superbugs and sick food for you and your family. Human antibiotics are over used and increasingly ineffective. Your donations will help us prepare comments for, attend, and, we hope, testify at the EPA’s Scientific Advisory Committee 3 day hearing. Their intent is to ban Nano Silver in the US. Ours is to preserve your right to use it if you so choose. Help us keep this part of your health freedom free.
Donate Here
Important Article
Dr. Gary Null, one of the plaintiffs in the STOP THE SHOT lawsuit, and Richard Gale have written an important summary of why the Swine Flu vaccines are a scientific travesty, including the statement from Dr. Laver, who invented influenza vaccines, saying that they are worthless. It is a must read. Click here,
Thanks for your activism. Thanks for being able to handle tough facts and take action. Thanks for being the Voice of Global Health Freedom.
Oh, one more thing: Health Freedom’s Coffee. The holidays are coming – what better gift for yourself, your corporate clients, your friends and your family than Valley of the Moon Coffee, It is the visible, drinkable evidence that the Natural Solutions Foundation is helping to reclaim the production of food.
We grow it without any toxic chemicals on our shade grown, GMO free, pesticide free magnificent coffee farm in the Highlands of Panama. It is Friendly Food Certified because it is friendly to the workers, the environment and you, the consumer.
Wake up to Health Freedom – Valley of the Moon Coffee. Every bag supports the Natural Solutions Foundation and is 80% tax deductible. It’s a little bit of heaven in a cup (TM)
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project
Natural Solutions Foundation
URGENT ACTION ITEM for everyone you can reach: Say “NO!” to “Voluntary” vaccines when refusal means incarceration and indefinite quarantine. Sign once for every member of your household, then activate your community of influence.
Natural Solutions Foundation suing FDA to prevent release of Swine Flu vaccines. We’ll be entering our papers this week. We are restricting our suit to a narrow objection although we know that the vaccines are genocidal (see below) and worse. But we have to use what the law gives us and that is the fact that the law was broken on September 15, 2009 when the vaccines were licensed without any safety testing being completed (or even carried out).
Be aware that we are not satisfied with a mere delay, but it is where we start tactically. Winning this suit would prevent the release of the vaccines until next June or July, 2010. That is not shabby since it would give us time for more permanent action.
Federal Court Cases are expensive! Please make two recurring tax deductible donations, large or small: Click here,, to make a donation ending in the number 6 to earmark you donation for the legal case. Now click the link again and make a donation ending in any other number to support the Natural Solutions Foundation so we can continue to serve you and help keep health freedom free. Thanks!
Want to support the Natural Solutions Foundation by drinking Health Freedom’s own coffee (or detoxing with it) and giving it to lucky personal and corporate recipients this Holiday season? Visit and Wake Up to Health Freedom (TM) with pure, clean coffee from our teaching farm in Panama’s Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project, Want to volunteer at the Valley of the Moon? Glad to have you. Visit
OK. Now for the tough stuff
The article below details the horrific reality that I wish were not true. The Natural Solutions Foundation has been saying for quite some time that we see clear evidence of a genocidal intention in the overblown, clearly intentional Swine Flu “Pandemic”. When WHO moved the “Pandemic” from Level 4 to Level 5 the disease was so mild and inconsequential that they literally had to change the definition of a Pandemic at Level 5, leaving out the words “with the ability to cause serious illness and death” from the definition because it did not and could not. We believe that this must have been a great disappointment to the folks at the WHO who have been both predicting and involved with genetically engineering one failed pandemic after another. But WHO, you will remember, believes in a “sustainable planet” and that sustainability (favor them, not us, of course) means that they believe, too, that 90% of the world’s population needs to die.
They do not much care how we die as long as we do it on demand and they manage to squeeze out a good dollop of profit as we do so. Some of us, however, will die because we are never born. That, too, is part of the genocidal plan. You may recall that we reported some time back that we had seen official WHO documents from 1985 stating that the real purpose of the current vaccination program taking place in Africa at that time was not disease control (they know perfectly well that vaccines are hokum, without a shred of valid scientific evidence behind them) or prevention, but the dissemination of materials which cause infertility in the women into whom it is injected. At that time, they were using vaccines with strong response patterns laced with Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG), a reproductive hormone (a glycoprotein, by the way – that figures into this true horror story a little later on). When you train the immune system through injecting it with adjuvants to “break tolerance” or attack the molecules as “not me” that it normally recognizes as “me”, if you prime it properly, you can create an immune intolerance to the hormones or other molecules of your own body.
In this case, and the same system has been used against untold millions (billions?) of women in many third world countries all over the world, the body attacks every molecule of HCG it encounters after that. The problem is that without HCG, the uterus cannot retain the embryo, or the fetus and it will expel the future baby if she were pregnant at the time of the injection. If she were not pregnant, she will never again become a mother. Her body now destroys the very hormone without which she cannot sustain a pregnancy. This damage is irreversible.
But not universal. Apparently, that is the problem: there are still a few people whose immune response is not sufficient to destroy all of their fertility. So now we move, in the march of mad science, propelled by forces of such deep inhumanity that it is difficulty to confront them with clear, calm eyes, to another infertility system.
In 1998 a Patent Application was made for a system which uses a person’s own immune system to render them permanently infertile, sterile, unable to have children. The system is irreversible, once injected.
Knowing that:
– Both Novartis and GSK vaccines “against” the trivial Swine Flu both contain 1 million times more squalene than the devastatingly dangerous Vaccine A which crippled and killed so many Gulf War I military personnel (See Squalene: Be Very Afraid Part I,
– Even a few molecules of squalene injected into the body causes it to “break tolerance” and attack the body’s own molecules to which it is now trained for attack, including the body’s own squalene, a vital component of the Central Nervous System (which accounts for the profound and cataclysmic neurological symptoms of squalene injection
– The WHO, UN and US governments agree on the “need” to reduce population to only 10% of its current levels
– When the WHO declared a Level 6 Pandemic on June 11, offical control of the political and health functions of all 194 countries in the WHO passed to that body, per an agreement signed in 2005 which took effect in 2007
– The haste with which this Level 6 Pandemic was declared makes it clear that the agenda was agreed to whether or not the genetically engineered virus did its job
– FDA/CDC has said that the $1/2 billion stock pile of injectable squalene adjuvant which the US Government admitted it was stock piling will be used to add the squalene to the bodies of people receiving the vaccines which do NOT have adjuvants in them at the time of injection
– The patents for a glycoprotein-containing, squalene adjuvanted H1N1 vaccine were filed in 2007 and 2008 by Novartis, Baxter International and GSK despite the fact that the virus did not yet officially exist, there had never been approval of a squalene adjuvanted vaccine and use of squalene in mass vaccines was illegal through the permanent restraining order of Judge Emmett Sullivan and through the fact that squalene was forbidden to even be tested in the US. The investment of billions of dollars into the development of these vaccines for a virus that did not yet exist, using substances which had never been approved for use in vaccines by 3 separate companies, allegedly competitors in the vaccine industry, is worthy of note all by itself
– The most vulnerable members of society, children and pregnant women, will be vaccinated first.
Now you know what the game is. Since the goal is infertility, what better target population could you choose? With one fell swoop of a needle, a whole generation of “useless eaters” is wiped off the map – the next one while this one is too sick to make much trouble and you clean up like the bandit that you are, if, of course, you are Big Pharma and the global genocidalists!
So now we have mandates for “Influenza vaccines” which are designed to roll the “Swine Flu” up under them. Understand clearly that although your State may offer you exemptions for philosophical, religious or medical reasons, there is every liklihood that there will be NO pandemic vaccination exemptions. The way the federal and state regulations are reading right now, that is the situation. The confusers really do want you to feel
– All vaccinations will be voluntary for the pandemic flu. This is true if by voluntary you really mean “under duress and pain of incarceration, fine and imprisonment.”
– Conventional exemptions will hold for the pandemic flu. This is not true. The pandemic vaccine is governed by separate regulations and laws which do not allow for exemptions.
– Parents will be given the choice of whether to vaccinate their children and themselves or not. This is utterly false unless we take back our freedom to make these decisions for ourselves and our children. Experimental medical procedures are never carried out on the most vulnerable and defenseless first, not until now, that is.
As an aside, do you suppose that President Obama’s children will get the same vaccine that yours and mine will? How would we know? How about the President himself, who bravely agreed to wait until near the bottom of the list. How courageous and public spirited. I will be happy to join him below the bottom of the list and, if all of us have any sense at all, we will all do so by making it abundantly clear to our legislators that this WILL not happen. That is the purpose of the action item, So far more than 2,222,940 of your emails have reached the legislative and decision making desks of this country. These people need to hear that the deception is broken, like immune tolerance when adjuvants are injected. We want the right to determine what happens to our bodies. We will not be sickened and die for the depopulationists. We will not be made infertile for the neo-aristocrats. We will not be brought into slavery through a diabolical brew in a syringe of illness, infertility and death..
Now, please read the following article and share it widely while you take the time and effort to mobilize every single person you can reach to help mobilize the groundswell to make it impossible for the vaccine effort to go forward as intended.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon (TM) Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee: Wake Up to Health Freedom! GMO, Pesticide, Toxin Free
Saturday, August 8, 2009
“Swine flu” vaccine has adjuvants that impair fertility, Making people infertile is part of eugenics, thus genocide.“swine-flu”-vaccine-has-adjuvants-that-impair-fertility/
August 7, 2009
Daniel Solis from the Czech Republic has researched the side-effects of the adjuvant, squalene, and discovered it is known to destroy fertility as well as causing other forms of damage.
A patent for a vaccine to impair fertility in animals contains squalene.
The plan to use this fertility-impairing adjuvant in the “swine flu” vaccine against a flu that has so far been far less irksome than the ordinary seasonal flu underscores concerns that this H1N1 mass vaccination programme mandated by WHO with the support of pharma companies such as Baxter is designed primarily to cause death and injury, and so significantly reduce the global population.
Is it any wonder that these “vaccines” are classified as bioweapons by the regulators? ….
Daniel Solis has also made a formal complaint against the head of the Czech Republic’s FDA and the Deputy Health Minister for awarding a contract to Baxter worth 1,5 billion CZK without an open tender. More legal action in the Czech Republic is planned with the aim of getting Baxter’s license to manufacture the “swine flu” vaccine at Bohumil suspended and to make Baxter accountable for the incident at the BioTest lab, which detected the live bird flu virus in vaccine material from Baxter on February 6th. Members of the lab had to be treated preventatively for bird flu and were put in quarantine.
Also, a Czech translation of “Evidence-of-the-Use-of-Pandemic-Flu-to-Depopulate-USA” can be found here:
“I have focused on the adjuvants made of monophosforyl lipid A (MPL) MF59TM (containing a polysorbate TweenTM 80) or AS03, AS04 also known as squalene in the proposed vaccines, which are immunosterilant or an immunocontraceptive,” Daniel Solis writes.
“The patent of the veterinary FERTILITY IMPAIRING VACCINE can be found on-line. It mentions both, the lipoid adjuvants squalene and the polysorbate TM80.
Here are the quotes from the patent and further some clinical studies about the toxicity of both.
This application claims the benefit of U. S. Provisional Application No. 60/070,375, filed January 2,1998, U. S. Provisional Application No. 60/071,406, filed January 15,1998
“The vaccine of the invention preferably additionally includes an immunological adjuvant to enhance the immunological response of the subject to the glycoprotein antigen. Examples of adjuvants include Freund’s Complete Adjuvant, Freund’s Incomplete Adjuvant, and an adjuvant comprising an immunostimulant such as synthetic trehalose dicorynomycolate (STDCM) and an oil such as squalene oil (see P. Willis et al., J. Equine Vet. Sci., 14,364-370 (1994)). An adjuvant comprising synthetic trehalose dicorynemycolate, squalene oil, and a surfactant such as lecithin is preferred. Lecithin typically includes phosphatidyl choline. In a preferred embodiment the vaccine comprises oil, preferably a biodegradable oil such as squalene oil. Typically, the vaccine is prepared using an adjuvant concentrate which contains lecithin in squalene oil. The aqueous solution glycoprotein is typically a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, and additionally preferably contains Tween 80.”
A vaccine comprising an antigen derived from a zona pellucida glycoprotein is effective to impair fertility in animals, preferably carnivores. The vaccine can be used as an immunosterilant or an immunocontraceptive.
Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Volume 95, Number 6, December 2005 , pp. 593-599(7)
“Polysorbate 80 was identified as the causative agent for the anaphylactoid reaction of nonimmunologic origin in the patient. Conclusions: Polysorbate 80 is a ubiquitously used solubilizing agent that can cause severe nonimmunologic anaphylactoid reactions.”
Gajdova M, Jakubovsky J, Valky J.
Institute of Preventive and Clinical Medicine, Limbová, Bratislava.
Delayed effects of neonatal exposure to Tween 80 on female reproductive organs in rats. Food Chem Toxicol. 1993 Mar;31(3):183-90. PMID: 8473002.
“Baby female rats were injected with polysorbate 80 at days 4-7 after birth. It accelerated the maturing of the rats and caused changes to the vagina and womb lining, hormonal changes, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles.”
The Endogenous Adjuvant Squalene Can Induce a Chronic T-Cell-Mediated Arthritis in Rats
Barbro C. Carlson*, Åsa M. Jansson*, Anders Larsson, Anders Bucht and Johnny C. Lorentzen*
Now, how can WHO claim the adjuvants is harmless:
when there is clear evidence of its effects provoking AI diseases:
“Dr. Jules Freund creator of this oil-based adjuvant warned in 1956 that animals injected with his formulation developed terrible, incurable conditions: allergic aspermatogenesis (stoppage of sperm production), experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (the animal version of MS), allergic neuritis (inflammation of the nerves that can lead to paralysis) and other severe autoimmune disorders.
Source: : Gary Matsumoto, Vaccine A-The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing our Soldiers and Why GI’s are Only the First Victims, Kapitola 3. “The Greatest Story Never Told””
Daniel Solis, Prague, Czech Republic
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Dr. Laibow’s Virtual Interview with HHS Secretary Sebelius
September 16, 2009 – URGENT NOTE: Your Action Required Now to Secure Your Right to Refuse the Swine Flu Vaccine Without Incarceration
Health Freedom’s best friend in Congress has responded to our Push Back. We’ve sent more than 2 million emails demanding the right to say “NO!” to vaccines without punishment, incarceration or involuntary quarantine. The Congressman knows how important that is to health, liberty and, we have to imagine, sanity. We have been in discussion with his office about introducing a bill modeled on our Draft Legislation to prevent pandemic vaccination which is mandatory, compulsory or taken under duress of any type.
We received a call today from the Congressman’s office telling us that he is close to introducing a new No Compulsory Vaccine Bill to the House. Given the fact that we have sent well over 2 million emails to our State and Federal legislators, HHS Secretary Sebelius, DHS Secretary Napolitano, President Obama and the Governors of every State in the Union, we anticipate that his bill will garner a good deal of support.
Have you already sent this Action Item once for every member of your household demanding the right to self shield instead of facing mock-voluntary Swine Flu vaccination with incarceration as the consequence of vaccine refusal? If so, thank you. If not, now, more than ever, we need your help in taking this action right now. We need every bit of support we can muster. Once we get Dr. Paul’s bill number and text, we will publish it and then we’ll ask you to do the same thing again: click on the link we’ll give you to support that Action Item as if your life depended upon it. It will.
Click here once for each member of your family and then disseminate as widely as you can:
And don’t forget that we are 100% supporter supported.
Please set up two (2) recurring donations, whether large or small: one tax deductible donation to support our legal challenge of the legality of the FDA’s approval of the vaccines Secretary Sebelius is referring to in her testimony below. That one should end in the number 6 to ear mark it for our legal fund. The other tax deductible donation can end in any number and it keeps the Natural Solutions Foundation keeping-on. Here is the link:
Now, on to the all too real, but still very surreal, testimony authorizing the Pandemic Swine Flu vaccines without any, that’s right, any safety testing. On September 15, 2009, a terrible, tragic and tyrannical event in America’s history took place. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testified before the US House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce and, in that testimony, announced the “licensing” of the “Swine Flu” vaccines. Secretary Sebelius, please allow me to remind you that it is a crime to provide false testimony before Congress.
I was not in the chamber when the Secretary announced the approval of several Swine Flu vaccines using a combination of untruth, falsehood, illogic and deceit. But I would like to present my virtual interview of Secretary Sebelius as she reads her testimony before that Committee and I question her about it. Remember that every word following SKS (Secretary Kathleen Sebelius) is her unedited testimony, with nothing altered or changed in context. I guess she is counting on the declining quality of the educational system in the US to see her through.
Watch for the new series in which Secretary Sebelius and I have a virtual interview. Here is the text of that virtual interview. Please read and share as widely as you can.
Thanks for your activism.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon (TM) Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee: Wake Up to Health Freedom! GMO, Pesticide, Toxin Free
A virtual Interview with Secretary Sebelius on the “Swine Flu” Vaccine Licensing
My comments are in italics, labeled “REL”
Secretary Sebelius’ comments are labeled SKS.
SKS: Preparing for the 2009-2010 Influenza Season
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius
Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
SKS: Chairman Waxman, Ranking Member Barton, Chairman Emeritus Dingell, members of the Committee, thank you for this opportunity to update you on the public health challenges of 2009 H1N1 influenza. I want to assure the Committee that the Administration is taking these challenges seriously…
REL: These challenges do not exist, Secretary Sebelius. They have been manufactured as a kind of, at best, a cynical windfall of unprecedented proportions for Big Pharma. At worst, you and your conspirators are playing Doctor Death with America, starting with our next generation, children and pregnant mothers.
SKS: and has mounted an aggressive plan to address H1N1 throughout this fall and winter.
REL: The challenges you speak of do not exist. Without any challenge, an aggressive plan is totally unnecessary.
SKS: HHS has a leading role because this is a health event, and we are working in close partnership with virtually every part of the federal government under a national preparedness and response framework for action that builds on the efforts and lessons learned from this spring. Working together with governors, mayors, tribal leaders, state and local health departments, the medical community and our private sector partners, the federal government has been actively preparing for possible H1N1 virus outbreak scenarios that may develop over the next few months.
REL: Madam Secretary, you are saying “MAY develop” but your use of the phrase, “MAY DEVELOP” shows there is no sufficient scientific evidence that the so-called “Swine Flu” is a pandemic threat. You have called it a “novel” virus, which is a condition for there to be a pandemic potential, but you are not treating this vaccine as thought it were a novel vaccine, requiring safety testing. Given the costs in human and financial terms, I am afraid that “MAY DEVELOP” is not sufficient for vaccination of the population, starting with our most vulnerable population.
SKS: Since the initial spring outbreak of 2009 H1N1 influenza, the virus has triggered a worldwide pandemic,
REL: Well, no. Actually a world wide pandemic has been declared without any clear evidence that there actually IS a world wide pandemic. There is NO world-wide pandemic; there is a only legally declared pandemic, made possible only because the W.H.O. changed the definition of a “pandemic” for political reasons. The “pandemic” has been declared without any clear evidence that there is any world-wide threat. How has the Secretary ascertained, in the absence of accurate testing, that H1N1 is the “DOMINANT” flu strain? Australian authorities do not confirm your claim.
SKS: and has been the dominant flu strain in the southern hemisphere during its winter flu season.
REL: Just how is this ascertained in the absence of accurate testing, not just testing, mind you, but accurate testing that H1N1 is the “DOMINANT” flu strain? Australian authorities do not agree with or substantiate your claim.
SKS: The evidence to date shows that the virus has not changed to become more deadly.
REL: At last, Madam Secretary, we have common ground. We agree, and therefore, since both WHO and CDC has said that this H1N1 virus causes a disease that is milder than seasonal flu, requiring no medical intervention, why is major medical intervention required for something that poses no dangers and may, MAY, become a problem at some time, somewhere in the future?
I am sorry, Madam Secretary, but this is absurd, unscientific, dangerous and a ferocious waste of money, sort of like TARP and other corporate welfare programs, but this time for Big Pharma.
SKS: Unlike our typical seasonal flu, we continued to see flu activity in the United States over the summer, notably in summer camps.
REL: But since diagnosis is not being carried out, is it Swine Flu? Allergies to GMO junk food fed to children, perhaps, common colds, maybe? How would you know? The best tests we have are wrong 9 times out of 10. WHO and CDC requested countries not to test for the virus and not to keep accurate counts, just to guess – and it is on these guesses that you apparently are making your pronouncements, judgments and decisions.
SKS: More recently, we have seen an increase in 2009 H1N1 influenza activity in several states
REL: Based on what independently verified data? If you have no lab tests, you would have no idea of what you are seeing.
SKS: and expect this to continue across the United States during the coming months.
REL: All respiratory cases are being assigned the unscientific label of “Swine Flu” without testing. No one has any idea if any of these cases are causes by H1N1, except, apparently you, Secretary Sebelius. Assuming, however, that all of them are, there are no deaths which are not caused by underlying disease or treatments with toxic, but approved drugs such as Tamiflu, which killed a pregnant mother and the baby she gave birth to in Mumbai, India recently.
Diagnosis by symptom picture alone. Right. That is not exactly good science and it certainly is terrible medicine. Swine Flu walks like a duck, coughs like a duck and has a fever like a duck. What makes it a swine? Public relations and nothing else!
SKS: As fall begins, we anticipate that even more communities may be affected than those that saw cases this past spring and summer.
REL: Again I ask you, Secretary, based on exactly, precisely, what?”
SKS: In addition, communities may be more severely affected, reflecting wider transmission and causing potentially greater impact.
REL: I am afraid I have to ask again, based on what? You say that communities may be more severely affected, but the truth is that they may also be less severely affected. Where do you get your crystal ball serviced, Madam Secretary? Could it be the same place that Novartis used when they decided to patent a vaccine for the Swine Flu in 2008 when CDC and WHO declare that this is a novel, never-before-seen virus which arose, de novo, like Athena from the forehead of Zeus, in April, 2009? Could the same shop be servicing Baxter’s decision-making Magic 8 Ball so that they were able to apply for a patent for a Swine Flu vaccine in 2007? If so, Madam Secretary, this crystal ball is a national treasure and should be made available to “We the People of These United States.”
SKS: Seasonal influenza viruses may cause illness concurrently with 2009 H1N1 this fall and winter and it will not be possible to determine quickly if ill individuals have 2009 H1N1 influenza, seasonal influenza, or other respiratory conditions based on symptoms alone.
REL: It may. Or, then again, it may not. There is no hard data on which to make these predictions and the consequences of these predictions, including vaccines are dangerous and unwarranted by any level of fact or reality. I repeat, there is simply no hard data, or at least none that you have presented on your websites, public statements, press releases or here today.
SKS: It is also difficult to predict the severity of the disease that we will see in the coming months from either 2009 H1N1 or seasonal influenza.
REL: Right again, Madam Secretary. So why poison the populace for something whose dreadful menace did not materialize and is not showing any signs of materializing. In fact, its dreadful menace is a lot like the bogyman under the bed: a product of your big brother’s desire to scare you witless so that you will do whatever he says. The parallel is uncanny.
SKS: Influenza is an unpredictable disease and we know that things will change and we will learn more throughout the fall.
REL: So unpredictable, in fact, that seasonal flu vaccines are accurate less than 40% of the time although the toxins injected (mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, foreign protein, MSG, etc., fluoride, etc.) are toxic 100% of the time and become more so with more shots, which are increasingly r4commended by conflict-of-interest-laden ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) and others of their stripe. By the way, Secretary Sebelius, what is your financial interest in the medical and pharmaceutical industries?
SKS: Shared Responsibility and Science-Based Guidance Slowing the spread and reducing the impact of H1N1…
REL: From nothing to nothing?
SKS: …and seasonal flu is a shared responsibility…
REL: Exactly what does that mean? There is no meaningful impact from H1N1, but there certainly will be from yet another round of vaccines, even if those vaccines are, as falsely stated, but a strain change variation on a theme. Children vaccinated with attenuated live virus vaccines, specifically influenza vaccines, are many times more likely to be admitted to hospitals for all causes, many times more likely to develop serious asthma, etc. There is nothing trivial about influenza shots but, with the guidance of ACIP they are increasingly passed out as if they were either safe or effective. In fact they are neither and, if it is merely a strain change variation, then H1N1 is also neither safe nor effective. It it is a novel vaccine for a novel virus, it is clearly neither safe nor effective since it has never had any safety testing concluded. Were such safety testing to show that it were not safe or effective, then the sales and administration of it would pierce the veil of liability free manufacture, distribution and use which the Federal government has accorded to itself, its agents and to the manufacturers and distributors of these dangerous vaccines as we.. It is therefore in the ir best interest not to have any safety data (or data showing the lack of safety).
SKS: …and we all need to plan for what would need to be done when the flu impacts our community, school, business or home this fall.
REL: When? Shouldn’t the word be “IF” or “just in case” or “In the unlikely chance that it might, given the lack of evidence that it can”?
SKS: Given that flu already is circulating in the United States this fall, it’s important for every American family and business to prepare their own household and business plans and think through the steps they will have to take if a family member or co-worker contracts the flu.
REL: Tuberculosis is also circulating this fall. So are impetigo, gonorrhea, athlete’s foot, head lice and zits. Is the US Government offering a TARP bailout, at the expense of our lives, to the the very wealthy, very powerful Pharmaceutical Industry?
SKS: CDC has provided specific recommendations for what individuals, communities, clinicians, and other professionals can do.
REL: In the face of trivial disease, if it indeed exists in community distribution, for which there is no evidence that has forensic or scientific credibility, these common sense wash-yours-hands, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze recommendations are more than sufficient the help out a perfectly unthreatened population. My mother taught me that, too, and it sufficed.
SKS: Individuals can take actions to prevent respiratory infections. We emphasize frequent hand-washing as an effective way to reduce transmission of disease. It is very important for sick individuals to stay at home,
REL: Really? Do employers know that and do they refrain from docking them?
SKS: and for parents to keep children who have a fever or flu-like illness home from school, childcare, the playground, or other places children gather.
REL: Flu is not necessarily Swine Flu.
SKS: Similarly, sick individuals should not get on an airplane or any public transport.
REL:This benign-sounding provision will result in persons who have not been vaccinated being denied boarding privileges on public transport in the United States unless we stop this medical fascism now. There is already talk of stainless steel RFID chipped bracelets at state trooper checkpoints. Where accurate or not, this suggestion illustrates how easily this type of tyranny would be to install. Tyrannical control never presents itself as that. it always wants to help, to take care of, to protect you. This process of constitutional abrogation, so well advanced at the state and federal levels, is receiving another set of supporting members in this document, Madam Secretary, and in this dangerous and unwarranted approval.
SKS: Taking personal responsibility for these things will help reduce the spread of this new virus as well as other respiratory illnesses.
We have issued new guidance from the CDC on for schools, child care settings, colleges and universities, and large and small businesses that also includes strategies for preventing the spread of flu, especially in the early fall when the 2009 H1N1 vaccine will not yet be ready. These comprehensive guidelines provide advice on how individuals and institutions can guard against the flu and mitigate its spread. The CDC also has issued guidance for healthcare providers about appropriate use of anti-viral drugs to treat patients who are at highest risk from complications from the seasonal and 2009 H1N1 flu.
REL: These guidelines offer dangerous pharmacological usage practices which, like the vaccine approval itself, is not supported by science. In fact, the science of the antivirals suggests very strongly that they should not be used and their use, while increasing the liklihood of serious complications and death, does little or nothing to shorten or minimize the severity of the purported “Swine Flu” infection. Remember, it can only be purported because the laboratory testing is not being done, based on the recommendations of the CDC and W.H.O. Why? Because the testing is so inaccurate. Therefore any suggestion about incidence, prevalence or impact is mere fantasy. Tamiflu and Relenza have not been shown to bring about positive outcomes in this diagnostic fantasy matrix, in fact, quite the contrary.
SKS: Additional work is being done on critical guidelines to address infection control and worker safety in healthcare settings. Our recommendations and action plans are based on the best scientific information…
REL: Please refer to what I have said above and my comments below, Madam Secretary.
SKS: …available to help our nation respond aggressively and effectively to the 2009 H1N1 virus.
REL: This may sound awfully familiar by now, Madam Secretary, but why? Where is the justification for aggressive action or the demonstration that effective action is not achieved by the “Personal responsibility” suggestions and by the protection of the collective immune system through avoiding junk foods, chemicals, GMOs and other health degradation substances and processes permitted by your agency, the same FDA which is now so sanctimoniously declaring its benign intent here?
In fact, the same FDA has literally criminalized communications which offer non-vaccine, non-drug options to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure the Swine Flu. It is hard to see how the FDA is working to help our nation respond aggressively and effectively to anything except the need to make the population docile, obedient, sick and profitable in its chronic illness.
SKS: We are working to ensure that Americans are informed and consistently updated with information in clear language. This is a dynamic situation, but it is essential that the American people are fully engaged so they can be part of the response.
REL: Really? To my mind, being fully engaged would require clear, accurate information and, I am very much afraid that your testimony makes it clear that the intention of the FDA is to provide anything but that. You are providing information in easily understood words, but it is distorted and dangerous. If your FDA were interested in that goal, it would be offering abundant information on nutrition, antioxidants, homeopathy, Foods, nutrients, nano silver and supplements designed to support the immune system.
SKS: The federal government, particularly the CDC, will be conducting weekly and, when necessary, daily briefings that will be available at to get critical information out to the American people.
Vaccination Campaign The federal government is also preparing for a voluntary national vaccination campaign for the 2009 H1N1 virus starting in October.
REL:The Federal Government has backed off from its earlier stance for mandatory vaccination, which was articulated by HHS on July 23, 2008 and by DHS on the following day in advisory communications.
SKS: With unprecedented speed, we have completed key steps in the vaccine development process — we have characterized the virus, identified a candidate strain, expedited manufacturing, and performed clinical trials.
REL: Clinical trials have not been performed. Brief dose response trials have been initiated, is some cases not even completed before this authorization.
SKS: The speed of this vaccine development was possible due to the investments made through ASPR/BARDA over the past six years in advanced research and development and infrastructure building.
REL: How convenient!
SKS: One-hundred ninety-five (195) million doses of H1N1 vaccine have been purchased from five manufacturers by the U.S. government.
REL:Vaccines have already been purchased, BEFORE their approval? That makes their approval sound very much as if it were pre arraigned. Why the haste? Why the collusion? Your agency declared a national state of health emergency on April 25, 2009, just 11 days after the first so-called death from the so-called novel virus in Mexico. A level 6 pandemic was declared on June 11, just shy of 2 months after the first alleged death. The death toll was reduced in Mexico from 168 to 16, a percentage decrease in mortality of 90.5%. This miracle of biblical proportions was not only ignored, but the decrease in observed mortality was apparently not factored into the response of either WHO or FDA.
SKS: Two types of vaccine will be available: vaccine made from killed virus for injection (flu shot) and vaccine with live, weakened virus administered by nasal spray.
REL: Madam Secretary, our information is that this is simply not correct. We have been informed that there is more than one inactivated live virus preparation. We are checking this out now.
SKS: The vaccines are being manufactured by the same methods used for the production of the seasonal flu vaccines administered every year.
REL: I am afraid that this is simply not true. Conventional influenza vaccines are cultured in eggs. Cell based, rather than egg based, vaccines are not the norm and are not just a simple “strain change” variation of the same old vaccine. MF59, and oil and water adjuvant, is not the norm. The virus is said by both WHO and FDA to be unpredictable and to be a totally novel virus. In that case, there is no possibility that all approved vaccines are merely strain change variations on a well proven, but not particularly safe, theme. FDA can only have it one way or the other, but not both, Madam Secretary.
SKS: NIH is conducting a series of clinical trials on the vaccine to determine the safety and number of doses needed to induce a protective immune response.
REL: Safety trials will not, according to the FDA< be completed until June, 2010. Approval of the novel vaccines before that point constitutes irresponsible dereliction of duty at the very least. Since full disclosure and informed consent are not possible under the conditions of secrecy which prevail in these tests, it is possible that they are illegal and that they constitute crimes against humanity.
SKS: Trials in healthy adults and the elderly began in the first week of August. Complete immune response data from the first trials—those studying two doses in healthy adults—are expected in late October.
REL: The approval of 5 different vaccines was announced today, September 15, 2009. There is no possibility that even the preliminary dosage trials in healthy adults have been completed. No trials in immuno compromised or suppressed people, vaccine injured persons, infants, people with atopic disorders like asthma, eczema, egg allergies, organ transplant recipients, cancer chemotherapy patients or those on steroids, etc., have been conducted. No safety information exists to guide usage or administration. This is consistent with the lack of information which would pierce the veil of liability protection as mentioned before.
SKS: Preliminary data indicate that the vaccines are safe
REL: What preliminary data. Is that sufficient to jeopardize the health of a nation for a non existent threat of a disease?
SKS: and that a single 15-microgram dose induces what is likely to be a protective immune response in healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 64.
REL: We should note that no one says that the dose will be protective since vaccines have never been shown to be protective of diseases for which they are administered. Not a single double blind, placebo controlled study on this question has ever been done. But the antibody production generated by vaccines is assumed, not know, to provide protection. Given the dangerous nature of these novel vaccines for a novel virus, don’t ou think, Madam Secretary, that more information about the conclusive results of carefully designed safety testing, with fully informed consent, would be in order before these vaccines were approved?
SKS: For adults aged 65 and over, the preliminary data indicate that the immune response to the 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine is somewhat less robust, as is the case with seasonal influenza vaccine.
REL: And there is no intermediate or long term safety data on the adjuvanted vaccines whatsoever since no adjuvanted vaccine has ever been approved before in the US. the only two adjuvanted vaccines available in Europe are for patients on dialysis, whose immune function is so suppressed that they are deemed to need the extra “punch” of the squalene adjuvant and, according tot he controlling agency, have such a reduced life span that they are not expected to live long enough to develop side effects and complications from the vaccine and Cervavax, GSK’s competitor to Garadsil, the HPV vaccine.
Parents who continue to state that their daughters were either killed by, or seriously damaged by Cervavax administration are being warned that if they continue to disseminate that information their children will be taken from them.
The suggestions in this data is that although dangerous, the danger is being hidden. Without a good deal of further clarification, the approval of adjuvanted vaccines, or the potential administration of adjuvants by themselves or mixed with unadjuvanted vaccines, as being discussed now by CDC, makes the purchase some months ago of nearly $1/2 billion worth of squalene adjuvants make sense in the limited fashion that injecting a a known poison into large number of humans might be said to make sense.
Squalene, when injected into animals, causes such severe auto immune illness that its use is standard in laboratories where the induction of such disease is desired for research purposes. In that context, it is named after the scientist who discovered that it had that impact and is known as “Freund’s Adjuvant.
SKS: Trials in children began in mid-August, and trials in pregnant women have just begun.
REL:Does that mean that approval for the use of these vaccines for unrestricted use is based on …what? Certainly not science or data.
SKS: Our expectation is that vaccine will be a good match for the virus currently circulating in the United States based on intensive monitoring of the virus.
REL: But the expectation of the FDA and WHO for a “good match” between a circulating influenza virus and the next season’s disease is wrong well over 70% of the time. Secretray Sebelius, you and your Staff’s expectations are less than compelling. The regular administration of the seasonal flu vaccine that ACIP and CDC, both units of FDA, recommend year after year has been shown to increase the incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease by more than 600% while its accuracy in predictng which virus will be circulating is less than 30%.
FDA standards are not very high: according to your official website, the H1N1 vaccine will be considered a success if the anticipated antibody titer response (1:40) is found in 28% of the population. That means that these vaccines are being approved even if the number of people who do not show a robust laboratory antibody response (which is not associated with protection) is as high as 72%. So the risks of these vaccines are not accounted for and the efficacy is not required.
Furthermore, FDA has announced that the unadjuvanted vaccine, the strain change variety, is expected, under the best case scenario, to kill at least 30,000 people. The number who are expected to be maimed and crippled by this is not specified on the offical FDA website. If the 1976 disaster, which Secretary Sebelius says the FDA is looking to for guidance, is any indication, we can expect at least a thousand people sickened and crippled for each person who dies from the Vaccine. The math is hardly conducive to confidence in the FDA.
SKS: We are coordinating this 2009 H1N1 vaccination campaign with the seasonal influenza vaccination campaign, and are working hard with state and local authorities and the clinical community to address the challenges this presents.
From what we know as of today, 2009 H1N1 virus preferentially affects a population different from that affected by seasonal flu. In particular, this virus is infecting more young people including children, younger adults and pregnant women.
REL: What is this data based upon, given the lack of diagnostic specificity and the fact that symptoms are not distinguishable from all other types of colds or flus?
SKS: Typically these groups, particularly young children and pregnant women, are at greater risk of serious complications from any influenza, including the 2009 H1N1.
REL: Again I must ask, Secretary Sebelius, without diagnosis, how can that be ascertainined?
SKS: CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended on July 29 providing initial doses of the new H1N1 vaccine to five groups—approximately 159 million people.
REL: That is over one half of the entire population of the US. Wouldn’t it be more prudent, given that there is no legitimate health emergency, to not vaccinate more than half of the country, specifically the most vulnerable half, with an untested, unnecessary and uninsurable group of vaccines?
SKS: CDC endorsed these recommendations.
REL: Rather than reassuring me, this seems to me to be a clear cause for an overhaul of FDA and CDC with the possibility of criminal charges being investigated.
SKS: These groups are:
pregnant women,
people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age,
health care and emergency services personnel,
persons between the ages of 6 months through 24 years of age, and
people from ages 25 through 64 years who are at higher risk for novel H1N1.
REL: Note your use of the term “Novel”, Secretary Sebelius. As stated above, that precludes the claim that these vaccines are mere strain change variations on a well-worn theme.
SKS: because of chronic health disorders like asthma and diabetes or compromised immune systems.
REL: These are the very groups to whom squalene is the most dangerous and the crops to whom contaminates like leukemia-causing virus SV40, found in the line of monkey kidney cells that the Novartis Vaccine has been cultured.
SKS: The H1N1 virus is particularly dangerous to healthy women who are pregnant. Not only has this virus caused greater numbers of pregnant women to be hospitalized, it has also been fatal in a higher percentage of this population than in other affected groups.
REL: Does squalene cross the placenta. Does it damage the fetus? In what way? At what age? It is known that mercury does cross the placenta and does damage the Fetus. Yet the CDC is advising women to take the H1N1 vaccine(s) regardless of whether it has the preservative known as “Thimerisol” (49.6% mercury by weight). No mention has been made of the dangers of aluminum adjuvants, nor of the fact that polysorbate 80 (also called “Tween 80) is associated with infertility when injected?
SKS: The federal government will be working in partnership with states, territories, tribes, and local communities as well as the private sector to help distribute and administer the new H1N1 vaccine. Thanks to support from Congress, the federal government has allocated $1.444 billion for states and hospitals to support planning and preparation efforts. TARP AGAIN.
The large scale 2009 H1N1 vaccine program will begin mid-October with small amounts of vaccine becoming available the first full week in October. The vaccine itself will be available free of charge to the American people, but some public and private providers may charge an administration fee. It will be distributed to providers and state health departments in a manner similar to how federally purchased vaccines are distributed in the Vaccines For Children program. The CDC and states will work with a contractor to get vaccine to where it needs to go. The number of doses shipped will be reported to the CDC daily, and the number of doses administered will be reported to the CDC weekly.
REL: Where will the adverse relations be reported for the general public to track?
SKS: The fact that vaccine won’t begin distribution until October makes preventing the spread of flu even more critical. Again, we need to remind all Americans about the things they should be doing right now: washing hands, staying home if you’re sick, and taking the necessary precautions to stay healthy and avoid getting sick. has good tips for what you need to do to avoid getting the flu.
While the 2009 H1N1 flu virus has been the focus of attention since the spring, it is important that we do not forget the risks posed by the seasonal flu viruses. More than 36,000 people die each year from complications associated with the flu.
REL: This statistic is totally false and misleading. About 600 people per year from the complications of influenza, but marketing concerns have created this oft-repeated number from which bears little relationship to reality as the swine flu case numbers or death numbers.
SKS: CDC continues to recommend vaccination against seasonal influenza viruses, especially for all infants, children, and people at greater risk for influenza complications. Seasonal flu vaccine already is becoming available in many places.
It is not too early to get a seasonal flu shot as soon as it is available. The protection you get from the vaccine will not wear off before the flu season is over.
REL: There is no evidence that the seasonal flu strain in the vaccines is the one circulating but there is considerable evidence that the vaccines are dangerous, despite insistent government and industry denial.
SKS: Closing Remarks – At HHS, we are simultaneously working hard to understand and control this outbreak…
REL: What outbreak? See above.
SKS: …while also keeping the public and the Congress fully informed about the situation and our response. We are working in close collaboration with our federal partners as well as with other organizations with unique expertise that helps us provide guidance for multiple sectors of our economy and society. It is important to recognize that there have been enormous efforts in the United States and abroad to prepare for this kind of an outbreak and a pandemic.
REL: One would have to wonder why.
SKS: Our nation’s current preparedness is a direct result of the investments and support of the Congress and the hard work of state and local officials across the country. While we must remain vigilant throughout this and subsequent outbreaks, it is important to note that at no time in our nation’s history have we been more prepared to face this kind of challenge.
REL: Or more over-prepared to face a challenge which does exist.
SKS: But the government cannot solve this alone and, as I have noted, all of us must take constructive steps. Taking all of those reasonable measures will help us mitigate how many people actually get sick in our country.
We look forward to working closely with the Congress to best address the situation as it evolves in the weeks and months ahead. Again, Mr. Chairman, thank you for the opportunity to participate in this conversation with you and your colleagues. I look forward to taking your questions.
REL: Thank you Madam Secretary. I do think you have told us quite enough disinformation.