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We have written about recent state and federal legislative attacks on Informed Consent:
“Natural Solutions Foundation, over this past year, has raised a series of warnings regarding the globalist elite’s “politically correct” attack on “the defining issue of the 21st Century” — our international, humanitarian right to Informed Consent on both the state and federal levels (and across the globe in countries like Australia). It started with Gov. Jerry Brownshirt signing the draconian SB277 and SB972 in California and continued in Washington, DC with HR.2232 (the Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015) and continues with HR.6 (the 21st Century (sic) Cures Act) and S.1203 (the 21st Century Veterans Health Care Act)… what if these federal bills were combined in the congressional Conference Committee? This is the threat we face in 2016.” – General Bert –
Background: Dr. Rima and I have also published a White Paper on the law, history and psychology of Informed Consent, here:
In order to forestall further Congressional attacks on Informed Consent, we have reached out to some of our lawyer colleagues and drafted the The FIRM Act: Freedom of Informed Refusal of Medication Act of 2016. A copy of the Draft Bill (model bill set up for the US Senate) is here: .
We wrote to the offices of Senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul asking them to sponsor the bill (and separately to my Congressperson, Scott Garrett). If you are in either Senators’ home states (Utah and Kentucky) please contact their officers to urge them to sponsor the Bill. We are also seeking Members of the House of Representatives, and State Legislators to introduce similar bills.
Our prior communications with Senators Lee and Paul’s offices are here:
Here is the email note we sent to the Senators and some of our health freedom colleagues.
—— Original Message ——
Received: 10:37 PM EST, 12/14/2015
From: “Ralph Fucetola JD”
To: “Leslie (Lee)”, “Natalie (Paul)”
Cc: [redacted]
Subject: Legislative Attacks on Informed Consent Continue: Proposed Bill
Dear Ms. F….,
Since our previous emails in September about H.R. 6, which was sent over to the Senate and which seeks to restrict the international humanitarian right to Informed Consent, the Senate has taken up and passed a potentially dangerous “companion” bill, S. 1203, the “21st Century Veterans Health Care Act,” which instructs the VA to “ensure” that all veterans receive all vaccines on the CDC adult recommendation list… all 90+ of them.
We fear this 21st Century bill will be commingled in a conference committee with H.R. 6, the “21st Century (sic) Cures Act” and Informed Consent will be trampled upon.
See General Stubblebine’s blog on all this:
To forestall this potential disaster, a committee of legal scholars and lawyers have devised a proposed “FIRM Act” which closely tracks the Informed Consent Petition we’ve had pending before the FDA for about a year. FDA acknowledged the Petition, set up a comment form, and then ignored us. More about that here:
Thus, we seek Senate sponsors for the FIRM Act and ask Senator Lee to consider being an initial sponsor.
A draft of the Bill is attached. Is Senator Lee interested in introducing this Bill?
Of course, we’d love to have Senator Paul as a sponsor too.
I’d be happy to discuss this Bill with any of you. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Institute for Health Research