HR6 — “The 21st Century (sic) Cures Act” is Sick!
UPDATE! December 2015: The Informed Consent Protection Act of 2016
Letter from Senator Lee’s Office Below
The (G)OP-controlled House, with support of all but the handful of freedom stalwarts, just adopted HR-6 [the “21st Century (sic) Cures Act”] with billion$ in goodies for Big Pharma. The bill was introduced in mid-May; out of committee on July 7th; adopted on July 10th*… barely a word of debate… congressional gridlock, not!
There is always bipartisan cooperation whenever our Liberty is to be attacked.
We must oppose this bill in the US Senate.
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The bill specifically abrogates our fundamental human right of Informed Consent by telling Big Pharma it no longer needs the Informed Consent of the of the subjects of human drug experiments if there is “minimal risk” — and you know who gets to decide that! The Informed Consent right does not depend on someone else’s determination of the risk! Informed Consent says, in essence, each free, adult person has the sole right to determine what medical risks, if any, the person is going to take.
This illegal action by the House (G)OP majority and their Democrat allies specifically violates international law and treaties binding on the United States, including the Geneva Conventions and the Nuremberg Code. More about that here:
Further, in effect, it allows Big Pharma, once FDA has approved a drug test, to forego the expense of hiring test subjects and just use the general public, without any legal obligation to get Informed Consent. Spray vaccines anyone?**
“Section 2263 would amend sections 520(g)(3) and 505(i)(4) of the FFDCA to specify that informed consent is not required for clinical testing of devices and drugs that pose no more than minimal risk to the human subjects and includes appropriate safeguards as prescribed by the Secretary to protect the rights, safety, and welfare of the participants” (quote taken from 1,027-page conference report)
Norm Singleton, Dr. Ron Paul’s legislative aide when the good doctor was in Congress, wrote cogently about the issue here: Norm joined an Emergency Conference Call with us and representatives of other health and freedom groupings earlier this week to strategize our PUSH BACK. The word on the Hill is that a similar bill will be pushed in the Senate as early as September.
We’ve added HR-6 to our Action Item about vaccination, since Informed Consent is at the heart of the mandated vaxx issue. We ask everyone to let their Senators (and other representatives) know how they feel here:
As the concerted legislative attack on Health Freedom, and its “sine qua non” of Informed Consent escalates, so must our Push Back!
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee
* The same day we published our scholarly paper on Informed Consent, which may be found at: .
** And as Dr. Rima reminds us, there are over 300 new vaccines in the “pipeline” including the mood-controlling vaccines. You know, the ones that will prevent you from feeling and thinking in unapproved ways. Are you ready to surrender your humanity? No? Well then, better get serious about it.
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After being adopted by the House of Representatives on July 10th HR-6 was rushed to the US Senate on July 13th and sent to a committee for fast-track action. That was when your Push Back got noticed. We’ve been in close communications with several pro-liberty groups, such as Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty, and with the offices of Senators Lee and Paul. The last communication from Sen. Lee’s office was helpful, and we’ve been told to keep up the pressure!
September 11, 2015
From what I’ve heard from the Senate HELP committee, the committee intends to start from scratch with their own version of a health care bill and doesn’t intend to bring 21st Cures to a vote—at least at the present.
Thanks for letting us know about your concerns. We are still taking a close look at the legislation.
Best regards,
Office of Senator Mike Lee
General Brief on Behalf of Informed Consent
Ralph Fucetola JD