Natural Solutions Foundation
Report from Codex: Pig in a Poke, and Poking the Pig
June 30, 2009
32nd Codex Alimentarius Commission
Rome, Italy
Report #2: We’re Here for Your Health Freedom so They Attack Us
Codex Report #3: Bureaucrats and Lobbyists Feast in Rome
Codex Video: Rome… Codex:
We’re here in Rome at the Codex Alimentarius Commission annual session. This report covers the first day of the meeting.
Ractopamine is a beta agonist, a drug which causes profound changes in the animal which consumes it, or the human which consumes the animal which consumes Ractopamine. As a physician (trained in nutritional medicine and environmental medicine as well) I am, of course, deeply concerned with the nutritional value of food and its toxic components. I know that toxic compounds (including drugs like Ractopamine) may be more toxic AFTER the liver has had a go at them than before. These compounds, called “metabolytes” have a toxic profile all thier own and, in the case of Ractopamine, have not been studied after their passage through animal livers, into their tissues and then into us when we consume their tissues [meat]. That is apparently of not much concern to Codex, despite the fact that their first mandate, posted on their website,, is the protection of the health of consumers.
For the first time in history, Codex Alimentarius, the “World Food Code” is on the verge of approving a drug, and a dangerous one at that, which has no other function in pigs or cattle than to cause them to swell and get fat. Swollen, they come to market weight sooner, reducing the cost of raising them by fewer days of feed and housing costs.
JECFA, the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, says that Ractopamine is perfectly fine to give to pigs and other animals and, hence, to people. Of course, the break down products of this pharmaceutical poison (and ALL drugs poison enzyme systems so it is, quite literally, one poison among many) either in pig tissue or in people eating that tissue (AKA “meat”) have yet to be studied.
China is the world’s largest consumer of pig meat. Not surprisingly, it is also the world’s largest producer of pig meat. At last year’s 31st Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) in Geneva, we reported that China was very upset by the pending approval of Ractopamine and said so, quite unusually for the Chinese, in no uncertain terms (after all, this time, it was their ox, er, pig, which was being gored). They were, quite literally, smacked down by the Chairman, Dr. Claude Moshe, who said that if they had concerns, they had failed to present them at the relevant committee meeting so their voice was now of no consequence on the matter.
The Chinese Delegate, in what sounded to me like fiery fury (astounding at Codex, and doubly so from the Chinese) responded, out of turn, if I recall, that the Chinese Delegation to the meeting on the topic in the US had been denied its necessary visas by the host country, which just happened to be the US, which just happens to be the second largest pig meat producer in the world and which just happens to permit Ractopamine. And, if I forgot to mention it, the US just happens to be the home of Monsanto, which just happens to be the owner of the world-wide patent on the [Ractopamine-doused] pig and every other modified pig in the world.
The anger of the Chinese Delegate apparently spurred Brazil, ordinarily one of the US’s most docile toxic ducklings, to make the point that the legitimacy of Codex was highly questionable because of this sort of disregard for both science and sense while Iran made the point that small countries have an enormous difficulty participating in the many, complex and intertwining meetings which lead to decisions in which they are disenfranchised and which thus lack legitimacy.
China, not a small country, of course, is also selectively disenfranchised… when it suits the Powers That Believe, they are the Powers That Be. While we would not presume to compare the Natural Solutions Foundation to the mighty empire of China, none the less, we, too, are selectively isolated by Codex. Click below to read the email which we just sent to the Codex Chair and Commission about the fact that we, alone of all observers, have been relegated to an un-airconditioned, uncomfortable 4th floor gallery for “lack of room” for Public Observers.
Open Letter to Codex Chairwoman:
Here is the Gallery in which we are confined –
And here is the seating area in the main hall in which there is “no room” for the Natural Solutions Foundation.
Back to the pigs.
The new CAC Chairwoman, Dr. Karen Hulebeck, works for the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) of the USDA. FSIS is the home of the US Codex Contact Point. Like the US President, CAC Chairs are selected, then elected. Dr. Hulebeck is smart, forceful, savvy and nobody’s fool. She is completely in control of the Codex meeting, or believes that she is.
Yesterday, in the opening sessions of this year’s CAC, she welcomed the delegates and observers (apparently, not the only Public Observers, us, who had come to the meeting, though, since we were relegated to our hot and guarded gallery and were not given invitations to the OPEN reception held after the meeting yesterday… but not to worry, delegates are seeking us out) and introduced the welcoming remarks of the newest member of Codex, Djibuti – whose Trade Minister noted that the reason that he was there was that Codex dealt with trade – the Codex Secretariat and WHO and FAO folks.
I was delighted to note that the Natural Solutions Foundation was mentioned in the welcoming speech given by the Codex Secretariat, the organization which runs the technical and procedural details of the Codex meetings. On previous occasions we have been specifically mentioned from the Podium (sometimes in a clear breech of protocol, but that happens when your impact is unexpected and difficult to deal with) by the Chair (CAC, Geneva, 2006) and, given the “guarded” response that we get when we arrive, we are by no means unknown.
This time, however, we were not mentioned by name. Here is the direct quote from that ‘welcoming’ speech. See if you agree with me that we are the subject of this quote:
“… In addition, Codex is being challenged in the public domain in a court of public opinion that did not exist when it was founded in 1963. Science and prevention are hard sells. In today’s multimedia world, with YouTube and online blogs, Codex has new challenges from self-serving interest groups [yes- that would be us healthy eaters! – REL] that have tapped the online public to their advantage, taking the challenge of Codex well beyond the scientific debate. In answer to this, Codex has produced a series of public awareness and communication products in order to make sure that the real picture of the crucial role of Codex – what it is and what it does – reaches the public. Codex videos are now online and the new Codex website will further increase the transparency of the Codex process….” CAC/32INF/11
The Natural Solutions Foundation is Health Freedom’s New Media; we are Global Health Freedom. It would appear that we have pushed Codex into the world of new media, as well.
Back to the pigs: After numerous countries, starting with China, stated their strong dissent to the use of Ractopamine, stated their concerns and challenged both the science and the procedure by which the use of Ractopamine had come to be on the agenda today for world-wide approval.
Country after country raised grave concerns, the Chairwoman appeared frantic to get the Ractopamine standard approved but was facing major opposition.
I am writing this to you in real time. The Chairwoman is doing her level best to make sure that the comments against Ractopamine are both brief and limited. The Chair finally acknowledged the fact that consensus has not been reached. None the less, she wants to “hold Ractopamine at Step 8, the approval step. Once something reaches Step 8, it has been approved. There is actually no definition of what “Holding something at Step 8” so in this highly rule-bound environment, where everything is detailed and spelled out in obsessive detail, the Chairwoman, who has already acknowledged that she works for the USDA, which never met a drug for animals it did not like (just like the FDA), but that, whatever it means, is what she wants to do with a substance which has no reason to be fed to animals except for profit.
But, she says, that is not enough. Since there is no real meaning to holding something at Step 8, she suggests new work be taken on to “advise guidance” to tell the Commission what it means to “hold at Step 8″ to the Committee on General Principles” including a “full and complete discussion of all the issues which are blocking consensus”, that a time line be developed for working through those issues and that a deadline be established. Chairwoman Hulebek says, “I have a further suggestion: that the work be undertaken without prejudice to those items which are still under development which means that during the time that the guidance is developed, the issues of any one of those draft standards can be worked through so that it seems to knowledgeable parties that consensus can be developed, that the issues can be brought to this body at any time. I suggest that the development be done very carefully but very rapidly.” and then she asks: “Can I have the sense of this Commission on this proposal?”
I sat here shaking my head, as did General Bert. We looked at each other, shaking our heads and asking “Huh? What did she say?” Canada, perfectly happy, like the US, to dose animals with needless toxic chemicals to get them to market weight faster, regardless of toxicity, noted that any expressions of concern were about the science and that all of those expressions of concern were about pig meat (since China spoke about their research showing toxicity in pigs fed the drug), “so we recommend that the MRLs [Maximum Residue Levels) be adopted with regard to cattle since no mention was made of those levels.” Not exactly Canadian bacon! Instead, eat your beef with Ractopamine and don’t ask any questions. Good for you? Not at all. Good for the company that makes it? Sure! Good for the factory “farms”? Sure. OK with Codex? Well, as far as the official line goes, holding up the water works by refusing to accept this poison is bad form since it does not lead to “consensus”!
The Chairwoman responded, as if approving Ractopamine for cattle was fine, “For pig meat, we would propose that the CAC consider an expert consultation with respect to establishment of an MRL and that come back to the CAC next year for a decision. In framing the question to be put to the expert consultation, you might wish to consider the framing of a “Group of Interest” to articulate the question.”
Long story short?
CAC wants to use this chemical. Even China, a country staggering under astounding pollution and contamination burdens in its environment and its food, cannot tolerate the use of this drug which has, as Norway pointed out last year, no use except to fatten animals through metabolic poisoning with a toxic substance. Remember that Risperadol, an “atypical anti-psychotic” drug, and others of its class, lead to weight gain in humans. That weight gain is the result of a dangerous toxicity. It seems to me that making an animal sick to make it fat to make it profitable is a disgusting use of NOT better living through chemistry.
And what does the Observer Organization which denies us a seat at the table (as ordered to do so by the Codex Commission in 2006) have to say about this issue? Good question.
NOTHING, nothing at all.
Let’s talk about that “Voice of Health Freedom” as it recently styled itself on a major radio show, the one “health freedom organization” which has a seat at Codex as an Official Observer organization. On this radio show they called themselves “the Voice of Health Freedom”. Well, apparently the voice had sever laryngitis!
The ONLY Observer Organization which spoke in this debate was the International Food Additives Association. Guess upon which side they spoke?
Where was the “Voice of Health Freedom” when the health of billions, literally billions, of pork consumers and everyone drinking the water downstream of those pigs was under attack? What about the health of the people who will be eating the plants watered with water contaminated by the excrement of those pigs? Nowhere. Nada. Not a peep. Just the Sound of Silence, and nothing more.
Are they here? Hard to tell. The Codex Commission keeps us relegated to an upper gallery where we cannot see the delegates well. We are under guard so getting to talk to National Delegates is extremely difficult (although we have managed to do so, but with significant difficulty). Is the Voice of Health Freedom asleep? Couldn’t say. Are they “controlled opposition”? Who knows. What is for sure is that they are not speaking out for your well-being!
The fact remains that the Natural Solutions Foundation is here, but not permitted to speak, although Codex itself has directed this other organization to give us a seat at the table, and a seat at the microphone. They have not done so. Whether they are lap dogs or lazy watchdogs, they are not providing the voice that health freedom needs and are blocking us from doing so. And you know that we will speak clearly on your behalf, once we have the microphone.
Right now, the CAC is acting with outrage at the idea that their powerful dedication to the use of this chemical is being derailed.
EU says that despite what Codex does, it will continue to forbid the use of Ractopamine as it will do with MGA, debated yesterday and approved “by consensus” despite similar fervent opposition. Thus the real players know that our Codex Two Step is a viable alternative to countries submitting to Codex dictates
By the way, this “Ractopamine Mutiny” shows that Codex can be stimulated, with appropriate science and personal contact with decision-makers around the world, either to finally become a health freedom organization or be dissolved.
The multi-nationals are hard at work degrading the world’s food.
But the world’s buyers and eaters of food, you and I, who are anything BUT useless, can have their desired impact: clean, healthy foods supporting the needs, and lives, of the world’s peoples.
Right now, the worst of the worst industrialization and degradation of food is underway through the food laws which are supposed to “HARMonize” our laws with Codex standards.
Those bills MUST be defeated. Click below to take this critically important action step to protect your food and your freedom.
Educate Congress about (sic) “Food Safety” Bills:
And, on a slightly different note, the same WHO that is a parent organization of Codex has other ways to take you out, food only being one. Another one is to create a phony pandemic and then take you out with a weaponized vaccine while international organizations take over the country. Sound OK to you? Good. In that case, please do nothing. DO NOT click below to demand your right to self-shield in the event of a US Pandemic Emergency State.
Demand your Right to Self-Shield:
And click below to show your support for the ONLY group at Codex which is watching out for your interests, the Natural Solutions Foundation!
Health Freedom is Our First Freedom!
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project