The following questionnaire is being sent to the Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates of the two governing parties and also of the major Third Party Candidates, Ralph Nader (independent), former Congresswoman McKinney (Green Party), Rev. Chuck Baldwin (Constitutional Party) and former Congressman Barr (Libertarian Party). We will keep you informed of their answers… or failure to answer. You have the right to know the candidates’ positions and Natural Solutions Foundation is here to make sure they answer. Please copy and send this to the candidates of your choice.
Natural Solutions Foundation
2008 Presidential Campaign Questionnaire
The Natural Solutions Foundation has several hundred thousand people who have opted in to our email list and millions more who read our information when those people forward it to them. Our constituency has serious health care concerns and we would like to share your position on each of these issues with them. The following questions are being submitted to each of the presidential and vice presidential candidates. The natural solutions foundation will compile your responses and inform our supporters and their contacts about your answers (or lack thereof) to each question. In addition, we will issue a press release announcing the results. These questions cover the four issues our supporters have told us concern them the most.
The Natural Solutions Foundation, founded in 2004, is an international NGO (non governmental organization) active and registered in several countries and is a not for profit 501(c )(3) tax exempt organization in the United States.
We are the largest health freedom organization in the world. The mission of the Foundation is to discover, develop, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the problems facing us and threatening our health and freedom, achieving and maintaining a healthy self, community and world. To do this, we seek to educate the President, Congress and decision makers as well as the general public.
1. International Harmonization of Health Freedom Policy: Codex Alimentarius
a. Do you support vigorous enforcement of the anti-harmonization act, 19 USC 3512, which forbids harmonization of our health freedoms with international restrictions, such as those represented by Codex Alimentarius (the world food code) despite US leadership at Codex in violating that statute domestically and globally?
Yes [ ] no [ ]
b. Do you support the health freedom of speech principles unanimously enacted by Congress with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) and currently threatened by both the Codex position on health claims and the attempted FDA restriction on truthful, scientifically supported health claims and information?
Yes [ ] no [ ]
c. Do you support HR 2117, “The Health Freedom Protection Act,†introduced by Congressman Ron Paul MD, that would mandate FDA approval of dietary supplement health claims for which scientific evidence exists?
2. National Policy Regarding Labeling Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).
The FDA takes the position that GMO products are deemed safe without testing, following a 1992 Executive Order to that effect and therefore holds that there is no reason to required truthful GMO labeling and that “GMO Free†labels will not be allowed. According to a New York Times / CBS poll in June 2008, 87% of Americans want GMO labeling and over fifty percent do not want to buy such products.
a. As president will you tell the FDA to stop preventing truthful GMO labeling?
Yes [ ] no [ ]
b. Do you support Congressman Kuchinich’s bill, HR 6636, “The Genetically Engineered Food Right To Know Act,†That would require mandatory labeling of all foods that contain or are produced with GM material?
Yes [ ] no [ ]
3. National Policy Regarding Safety of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).
The FDA takes the position that GMO products are deemed safe without testing following a 1992 executive order to that effect and is prohibited from requiring or examining any safety studies after the initial, preliminary studies by the patent holders. Independent studies in the US and elsewhere make it clear that both the short term and long term effects of GMOs may be hazardous to unborn children, babies, and adults and may have disastrous impact on fertility and health.
a. As President will you tell the FDA to require, under the Precautionary Principle, rigorous scientific evidence of GMO safety?
Yes [ ] no [ ]
b. Do you support Congressman Kuchinich’s bill, HR 6637, “The Genetically Engineered Safety Act,†would require that GE foods follow a food safety review process.
Yes [ ] no [ ]
4. National Vaccination Policy: No Forced Vaccination
We do not believe that mandating the uninsurable risk of vaccination is ever justified, that it violates constitutionally guaranteed rights and we support the broadest medical, religious and philosophical exemptions from all mandated drugging.
a. As President, will you stop all federal funding for mandated vaccinations imposed on American families and will you stop all federal funding to states which impose such forced drugging and vaccinations on the people in their jurisdiction?
Yes [ ] no [ ]
We are deeply concerned that the states have been induced by the Federal CDC to pass legislation which we believe is both ill-advised and unconstitutional which forces citizens to submit to medical procedures which they may not agree with or accept on pain of felony charges and penalties, or loss of access to government schools or other government activities.
b. As President will you refuse to implement those presidential emergency actions necessary to impose the emergency medical powers acts passed by nearly all states, which make refusing mandatory vaccination or drugging a felony act once the governor of a state has declared a pandemic to be in effect?
Yes [ ] no [ ]
5. National Policy Regarding Pandemic Flu Preparations
We are concerned that the current pandemic flu preparations may actually bring about the very pandemic we all seek to avoid.
a. Will you appoint a blue ribbon committee including at least equal numbers of physicians who oppose the use of weaponized vaccinations and anti-virals to review all current federally funded pandemic influenza research, ensuring that it does not (like the Federal anthrax program) become the source of the disease it is alleged to be established to prevent, study the serious possibility that the avian Flu is non-pathogenic in its natural form and may have been turned into a serious disease-producing virus in laboratories, and release your committee’s findings openly and transparently to the American people?
Yes [ ] no [ ]
Thank you for participating in this Candidate Questionnaire. Please send all responses, including your additional comments, to with “Candidate Questionnaire†in the subject line.
Yours in health and freedom,
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustees
Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (USA, ret)
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Ralph Fucetola JD