Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health AND FOOD Freedom™
September 9, 2010
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This Week: Dr. Rima Interviews Charlotte Gerson and Howard Straus on The Long War Against Clean Food and Cancer Cures
September 19, 2010: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, is our guest
September 26, 2010: John A. Crockett, Sr., a.k.a. Dr. “Mike Robe” on Soil Stewardship, Sanity and Survival
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Congress is prepared to pass S. 510, the shockingly mis-named “Food Safety Bill”
Stop S. 510 NOW!
Take Action now to make sure that YOUR Senators place a “HOLD” on this bill to insure that it is not passed by “Unanimous Congressional Consent”. One Senator, placing, and sustaining, a hold on the bill can force it to be delayed, despite the demands of Monsanto and their friends. HOLD it until December and it dies with the close of this Congress.
This just in: we have word that a Senator from an important western State opposes the bill and may be willing to face down Big Agribiz. Take this Action Item IF there is support from other Senators.
It is urgent that you take action now even if you have raised your voice on this topic before because massed protesting voices are OUR SIDE’s lobbyist!
Ban GMOs NOW! Once-And-For-All Before There Is No Going Back
Listen to the Elderly: They Have Seen It All, And They’ll Tell It Exactly ‘Like It Is’. Especially Maxine
Let me get this straight.
We’re going to be “gifted” with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don’t, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke.
What the hell could possibly go wrong?
Well, Vaccines Could Be Mandated. That Would Make Something Go Wrong: Your Health, Your Freedom and Your Survival, For Example
Take These Action Items NOW and Then Pass Them On
Stop The Seasonal Flu/H1N1 Vaccine Madness
Support the Stop the Shot3 Vaccine Litigation
Stop the Slaughter: Demand Congress Investigate FDA’s Role in Autism and Other Vaccine Related Epidemics NOW!
Vaccines and vaccine mandates are very much in the wind, but not, alas, in the MMD, the Media of Mass Deception. Once the people of the US and most other countries of the world rejected, en mass, the absurd and dangerous H1N1 pandemic scam (including NY State and NJ both backing down on their vaccine mandates when the Natural Solutions Foundation and friends sued the State Health Departments in Federal Court), the Pholks at Big Pharma had some other tricks up their collective, and very dirty, sleeves. Recall as you read the rest of this article that there is not a single shred of evidence showing that ANY vaccine is either safe OR effective, let alone both, although such certainty is required by US law before any vaccine can be approved. Recall, too, that the US is the most vaccinated country in the world. And the sickest. And the most drugged. Recall that 1 American in 3 will die from cancer, a disease of under nutrition and environmental toxicity, including vaccine poisoning and chemicals in food (enter Codex!)
And recall that the US has:
1. Changed the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, part of the CDC which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS) Guidelines to recommend Seasonal Flu vaccination for everyone starting at 6 months and extending throughout the life span. What ACIP “recommends” generally becomes State, school and other agency mandates within a very short time.
“The 2010 ACIP guidelines emphasize the following:
* All persons at least 6 months old should receive annual vaccination for the 2010-2011 influenza season;
* During the 2010-2011 season, 2 doses of a 2010-2011 seasonal influenza vaccine should be given at a minimal interval of 4 weeks to children aged 6 months to 8 years with unknown vaccination status who have never received seasonal influenza vaccine before (or who received seasonal vaccine for the first time in 2009-2010 but received only 1 dose in their first year of vaccination), as well as to children who did not receive at least 1 dose of an influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine regardless of previous influenza vaccine history…”″
2. Included H1N1 vaccines in the “seasonal” flu shots for 2010-2011 flu season despite a total lack of medical requirement for such inclusion (or, indeed, for any vaccination, for that matter). People avoided the seasonal flu shots at the same time they avoided the H1N1 shots in 2009-2010 leading to the lightest flu season in memory. The correlation is excruciatingly clear: flu shots create disease. Disease is good business. Therefore we must have flu shots, says the global government.
3. Ignored totally the fact that Canada, Finland and Australia have taken the GSK flu vaccine off the market in those countries because of serious side effects. Side effects include an incurable neurological condition called “narcolepsy” or uncontrollable sleeping episodes, convulsions, miscarriages and death. Of course, the FDA holds that the tremendous increase in post vaccination miscarriages, among those side effects, is not worth worrying about.
4. Conveniently found a “professional organization” to call for mandatory vaccination of health care workers at peril of losing their jobs if they are unvaccinated. The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America,, has done just that.
Healthcare professionals, however, are neither amused nor persuaded. In a Medscape Poll, the results are pretty much the same as they were last year when mandates were proposed for H1N1 vaccination of health care workers:
Among all responding HealthCare Professionals, 28% strongly favored the mandatory vaccination while 58% strongly opposed it.
Among physicians, a generally strongly pro-vaccination group, the results are extremely interesting:
36% strongly agree with the mandates while 44% strongly oppose them.
For nurses, who tend to be closer to the adverse events associated with vaccination, those strongly agreeing with the need for a mandate, 26%, were strongly outnumbered by those opposing it, 59%.
Only 34% of pharmacists, who sell the vaccines, strongly endorsed the mandate while 46% strongly opposed it.
Not one group of polled health professionals in the US endorsed a mandate. Here, by the way, is the question which these health professionals were asked in this survey:
“The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) recently released a policy paper recommending that healthcare workers be required to get the seasonal flu vaccine or face losing their job and professional privileges. Do you favor or oppose SHEA’s recommendation on mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers?”
But Wait! There’s More [Vaccination]
The US Government, including FDA, CDC and ACIP cannot, apparently, get enough vaccines into the public. The Department of Defense (DOD) is not far behind since civilians working for the DoD Schools in Europe were notified on July 30, 2010 that their Swine Flu AND Seasonal vaccination was mandatory and that failure to receive this vaccination would result in dismissal from their jobs. Likewise, about 30,000 students are now required to receive the untested and unnecessary vaccines despite the fact that WHO has publicly rescinded their failed “Level 6 Pandemic” attempt.
Stars and Striped, a DoD publication, said,
“The immunization policy, mandated by U.S. European Command [EUCOM], covers both the seasonal and swine flu viruses and applies to teachers and employees at more than 80 Department of Defense Dependents Schools [DoDDS] in Europe, as well as 30,000 students. Children older than 6 months enrolled in base daycare centers and daycare center workers throughout Europe also are affected by the move.
“We fully support the EUCOM policy,” said DODDS-Europe spokeswoman Margaret Menzie”
So we Health Freedom advocates have to ask “Who owns the body of these teachers and their students?” Apparently, the Department of Defense does. And just who owns your body?
In October, 2009, GSK’s HPV vaccine, Cervavax, the first vaccine in the US to contain an oil in water adjuvant (similar to the dangerous compound squalene), was recommended for use in girls 10-25 years of age. Merck’s Gardasil is already approved for use for girls between 11 and 26.
Medical Insanity Alert – Fasten Your Intellectual Seat Belt!
Now, take a deep breath and look at these two headlines from today’s issue of Medscape Daily News, an electronic medical science newsletter which I receive each day:
Guidelines Updated for Use of 23-Valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine in Adults [A 23-valent vaccine is supposedly effective against 23 different types of disease causing organisms, in this case, bacteria – Dr. Rima]
September 8, 2010 “Invasive disease from Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a major cause of illness and death in the United States, with an estimated 43,500 cases and 5,000 deaths among persons of all ages in 2009,” write J. P. Nuorti, MD, DSc, and C. G. Whitney, MD, from the Division of Bacterial Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Pneumococcal Vaccines Working Group. “This report provides updated recommendations from the …ACIP for prevention of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) (i.e., bacteremia, meningitis, or infection of other normally sterile sites through use of the …PPSV23 among all adults aged ?65 years and those adults aged 19-64 years with underlying medical conditions that put them at greater risk for serious pneumococcal infection.”
Pneumococcal Vaccine Dosing Schedule Linked to Higher Risk of Acquiring Multiresistant Strain [This vaccine is only /supposedly/ effective against 7 types of disease causing bacteria – Dr. Rima]
September 7, 2010 “A 2 + 1 pneumococcal vaccine dosing schedule is linked to an increased risk of acquiring a multiresistant strain, according to the results of a study reported in the September 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
“The rapid increase in multiresistant serotype 19A as a cause of invasive and respiratory pneumococcal disease has been associated in time with the widespread implementation of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination (PCV-7) in several countries,” write Elske J. M. van Gils, MD, from University Medical Center Utrecht in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and colleagues.”
What could be crazier? The vaccine we have approved causes resistant organisms to develop and leaves people more susceptible to infection with them. YES! NOW, let’s create not a 7 organism vaccine, but a 23 organism one and watch this one screw up people’s immune systems so that not even the most potent antibiotic will work.
Nano silver? Oh, let’s ban it the way we have in Europe since it IS the universal safe, effective and inexpensive antibiotic which makes all other antibiotics unnecessary. Gives the lie to vaccines, too, since with a good immune system and nano silver you loose even the pretext that they have any place in health or prevention.
We recommend as a source of our favorite nano-silver.
And then there’s this:
Flu Shot No Better than Placebo in Preventing Asthma Attacks
Stockholm, Sweden, September 16, 2002.
A new Swedish study has found that flu vaccine is “possibly no better than placebo in preventing exacerbations in asthmatic children.” Reporter Cameron Johnston reports that “Asthmatic children and other groups are usually encouraged to receive the flu vaccine each year as winter approaches. However, according to one study, the flu vaccine may be no better than placebo for preventing influenza-induced asthma exacerbation among children.
and this:
Japan Abandons flu Shots for Children
Large scale studies of compulsory flu vaccination in Japan of school aged children showed the vaccine to be ineffective and conducive to lawsuits due to adverse side effects. Two large studies one in 1980 and the other in 1985, involving four cities with vaccination rates between 1% and 90% showed little difference in flu incidence. In 1987, the Japanese government changed the flu vaccine from compulsory to voluntary. By 1989, even though only 20% of the population took the flu vaccine, the incidence of influenza did not increase.
and this:
“One of the most bizarre twists on the flu vaccine saga is the CDC recommendation of 2001 that all pregnant women receive the vaccine in their second or third trimester. This recommendation even has doctors confused, since the vaccine remains a category C drug (unknown risk for pregnancy). No adequate studies have been conducted to monitor safety of the vaccine for mother and fetus. The only studies of adverse effects in pregnancy were conducted in the 1970s (Heinonen et al., 1973; Sumaya & Gibbs, 1979). Some flu vaccines still contain mercury as a preservative, despite a 1998 FDA instruction to remove mercury from all drugs. According to the CDC, two groups are most vulnerable to methylmercury, the fetus and children ages 14 and younger. An article published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 1999 stated, “the greatest susceptibility to methylmercury neurotoxicity occurs during late gestation” (Grandjean et al., 1999). How did CDC committee members determine that flu vaccines were safe for pregnant women? They did not. The committee, despite its own recommendation, states, “additional data are needed to confirm the safety of vaccination during pregnancy” (CDC, 2001b).
and this:
Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, one of the world’s leading immunogeneticists, states the chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease is 10 times higher if an individual has five consecutive shots than if they have one, two or no shots.
Source: transcribed notes of Dr. Fudenberg’s speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington, VA September, 1997
and on and on and on and on. Yet the government insists vaccines are safe and effective just as if there were a shred of real evidence that they are either one.
This is simple madness. The craziness that is vaccination MUST stop at your body and your children’s. The choice is yours.
The One With the Best Songs Wins
And Pharma Doesn’t Sing!
Dr. Rima’s Pig In A Poke – Radical Rap
Roger Mason’s Prize Winning Music Video Setting of Dr. Rima’s Uber Cartel March
Michael Belkin and the Refusers
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Alan G. Phillips, JD’s “Shine Your Light”
Mike Adams’ “Vaccine Zombie”
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Thanks for being a part of the Health Freedom RE-Evolution! It’s your health, your body, your choice! And thank you for helping to keep health freedom free! Your tax deductible recurring donation is much needed and greatly appreciated!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom(TM)
Lynn McTaggert publishes the interesting UK-based “What Doctors Don’t Tell You” newsletter and materials. We have never met but I read her material and hope that she reads ours.
Recently I read a heartfelt plea by Ms. McTaggert crying out for someone, anyone, to understand that health freedom and the restrictions of nutrients and natural health options (to which, of course, I would add both food and the right to refuse or use any treatment you wish), when under attack, IS their problem.
In 2002, when Ms. McTaggert saw what was going to happen to natural health options in the EU, she convened a meeting to which few came and fewer paid close and productive attention.
Her experience was so like mine that I felt compelled to answer her experience in the UK with ours here in the US. Please read her article after you read my response and you will see why YOU are the lynch pin. It is you, after all, who can mobilize your contacts and help them to get active and involved.
It is you who will take the Action items that keep the globalists off balance and backing up. And it is you who shoulder the responsibility to whatever degree you can, to keep the health freedom battle alive and kicking. Click here, now, to make your recurring donation to the Natural Solutions Foundation. It is, you see, your problem.
And thank you!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation’s Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon(TM) Toxin Free Coffee
Natural Solutions Foundation’s Virtual Malls
My response to Lynn McTaggert’s WDDK article “Not My Problem”,
I am the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, and
I have practiced natural, that means drug free, psychiatry and medicine since I was graduated from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1970.
It was clear to me for a couple of decades that these assaults on our health freedom, and the right to access clean food, natural health strategies and pharmaceutical alternatives was under an increasing crescendo of attack.
It was clear to me by 2004 that our side was doing nothing much productive to counter effectively what the Uber Cartel, led by Big Pharma, were up to: globalized health and freedom suppression and genocide through illness based on dangerous drugs, pollution and devitalized foods that do not sustain health, let alone life.
Realizing that there was no road back once these changes were institutionalized, my husband, Maj. General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.) closed our practice of drug free medicine, sold our house and created the Natural Solutions Foundation.
Why didn’t we just join forces with other health freedom organizations? Well, we tried. The first thing we did was call a well known health freedom advocate and offer our help and support. financial and otherwise. His response? “I do not like you because I do not know you, I do not trust psychiatrists and there is nothing you can do for health freedom. Just send money and leave me alone.” That is a direct quote.
We were so appalled that an apparent leader of this “movement” would be so short sighted and self absorbed, with no better prospects on the horizon, that we were catapulted into our decision to take this battle on since no one particularly effective or strategy-minded was on the scene.
Next, we met with other people in the “movement” and suggested in early January, 2005, a meeting of all the groups involved in this battle, much as Lynn did. That meeting took 6 weeks to organize. Most of the invitees did not come. Those who did were most occupied with slashing at each other behind backs and to faces. The outcome was predictable: nothing of any use whatsoever.
We were told that people were cowed by the vicious attacks of the first person I mentioned and so, in true co-dependent fashion, allowed the least stable person in the system make the most important decisions through bullying.
Another so called “leader” called us up and told us that we were not “permitted” to run a health freedom rally because “Health Freedom BELONGS [emphasis added] to the XXXX Foundation, as does all money involved in health freedom.” Again, not a very productive approach to winning a war, one might say.
And so it went. Petty jealousy, foolish self-interest and a movement so out of control that it could only be explained by ego or agents provocateur, or, as we believe the case to be, both.
Another example: in the US, where the Natural Solutions Foundation is based, we had a unique phenomenon develop during the most recent Presidential elections: through we were able to create the 10 top issues in the US according to people’s electronic votes. Those issues would, we learned, be presented to the newly elected President of the United States as the major concerns of the people of the US.
We seized the opportunity and created a health freedom item. We then wrote to every health freedom organization asking them to join with us to bring our issue to the forefront of awareness. The name of our organization did not appear anywhere in the item. We asked all of these organizations to urge their members to use their collective power and move the Health Freedom item up to number 1.
What did they do? Several of them actually banded together to urge their members to use the voting format to vote DOWN the health freedom item because they were not the initiating organization.
We made it, if I recall, to Number 8, if I recall, which was enough to be included in the top 10, but hardly where the issue should have been.
And, of course, every time the Natural Solutions Foundation accomplishes something like, for example, forcing the disastrous phony Food Safety Bill off the voting agenda, or stops the mandatory Swine Flu vaccine program the federal government was planning in the US, we get attacked as – of all things – “controlled opposition”.
Then there are the manufacturers and business people. Exactly as Lynn described it, when their ox is being gored, they have a hard time seeing it. When their ox is not being gored, they could not be less interested, many of them. Of course, there are the far sighted exceptions, but I share with Lynn the awareness of how important action is and how little the organizations and, in many cases, the companies involved are willing to see beyond their own noses.
So, in essence, it is up to us, the people.
The Health Freedom Organizations are either infiltrated, underfunded or ineffective. The Wellness companies are either blind or so burdened trying to stay in business that they cannot see the forest for the trees even though the forest is advancing like the forest in Macbeth!
What to do? Exert the strength of a powerful netroots and take this struggle on as your own. Because it is. What we are struggling about is not pills and powders. It is health and freedom, the right to control our own bodies, make our own choices.
It is the right to seek, or refuse, any treatment or health strategy which we desire.
It is the right to access clean, unadulterated food and high potency nutrients because we want to, under whatever terms we want to use them.
It is the right to share and study truthful information about the benefits of food and food components in a climate of free inquiry, not criminalization or regulatory gag rules, as is currently happening under Codex and in the US.
Just weeks ago, the European Parliament agreed to stop requiring the labeling of GMO “foods” and ingredients. This is a horrific blow to your freedom in Europe, which has already been accomplished in the US where such labeling is FORBIDDEN. This, of course, follows the secret meeting of the 27 heads of state of Europe last October 22 in London to find ways to compel the people of the EU to accept GMO foods despite their vigorous objections to it.
Gag rules to prevent health information (called “claims”) from being shared are the order of the day of the corrupt and industry-owned FDA (which we in the Natural Solutions Foundation refer to as the Fraud and Death Administration) and are one of the tools of Codex to make sure that your only options are drugs and, eventually, death, after serious profit from that death march.
Truly, either we do what needs to be done, or what they want done to us will prevail.
I urge you, wherever you live, and whatever you eat, to become part of the thrust for freedom. Health and Freedom are essential components of one another. Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom. Please join the free, secure Health Freedom Action eAlerts here,, or here,, and join us in securing our Health Freedom once and for all.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Comment available at:
And here is Lynn’s poignant article:
Not My Problem
August 6th, 2010
In 2002 my magazine What Doctors Don’t Tell You first learned about plans within the European Union to radically restrict natural medicine across all member countries, starting with laws that would create a very low ceiling of ‘safe upper limits’ in vitamins.
Although the laws were ostensibly to create a level playing field within the European supplement market, the proposals bore the heavy hand of Big Pharma.
At the time, the solution appeared simple. The majority of people in the UK use some form of natural medicine. All we needed to do was to band together, whip up a national protest, and the laws would be stopped in their tracks.
In early 2003, we invited all the heads of the largest vitamin companies and representatives from all the leading natural medicine organizations – homeopathy, herbal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and many others – to a meeting in central London.
Many of the organizations never showed up. Of the 50 or so who did, many groups felt that our concerns were alarmist. Others welcomed the new moves as good for business. A few attempting to fight the legislation were busiest fighting each other.
No group seemed able to see the bigger picture. Each organization was mainly concerned with whether their own business was under fire. If it wasn’t – and at the time it wasn’t for many of the disciplines – they weren’t interested. Not my problem.
Big Pharma had big plans all those years ago. Unless there is sufficient opposition, within the next year or two, laws will come into effect in Europe that will drastically restrict the access of all Europeans to high-dose vitamins and herbal medicine.
Most therapeutic herbal medicine, plus forms that are new to the West, such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese herbal medicine, will effectively be banned. And although homeopathy has emerged unscathed from future EU law, the British Medical Association is working to eliminate funding for NHS homeopathic hospitals.
This pogrom will not end in Europe. The near identical international laws that have been drafted within the United Nations suggest that a well organized and concerted effort is under foot to finish off any alternative to orthodox medicine.
The plan is to watch Europe closely to assess the level of consumer protest. Thus far, that protest has been minimal. The two consumer groups that have maintained any sort of consistent attack – the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) and Consumers for Health Choice who have challenged the law and lobbied parliament are starved of funds.
The individual organizations to this day remain isolationist. Not my problem.
This attitude reminds me a bit of the speech given by Pasto[r] Martin Niemoller about the passivity of many German groups to the purging by the Nazis of group after group.
First they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for me for me
and then there was no one left to speak out for me.
For all of us wishing to maintain alternatives to drug-based orthodox medicine, these laws are all of our problem, and every last one of us has an obligation to speak up now…..
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Global Voice of Health Freedom(TM)
JOIN THE PUSH BACK! BAN GMOs NOW! Click here now: and forward this link to all of your contacts to make sure that we end the GMO menace NOW!
Save Food and Keep It Safe NOW! Take Action here to protect food from the dangerous fake “Food Safety Bill”, S. 510 which could be passed in the Special Session of Congress or in September. This is an urgent danger and we need your help. This is a new Action Item so even if you have registered your opposition to this bill before, please do so now by clicking here: Now send this to all of your contacts asking them to take action and send it along for similar push back.
For your clean food pleasure, give yourself a present with Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee grown as a teaching project of the Natural Solutions Foundation to help reclaim the production of food. Click here,, to support your health freedom and your body at the same time. We suggest our 100% GMO free, toxin free Health Freedom Coffee for your Holiday Gifts, including all your Corporate Gifts! Contact us at for more information on multiple bag purchases.
Using the Courts, the Court of Public Opinion, Political Pressure, Radio and TV, Video Action Items in the Health Freedom Action eAlerts and similar publications, We, The People, are, in fact, exerting our power. We do not win every battle, but we win and win and win when we push together. This time, the victory is the reversal of a clearance for a dangerous GMO to be grown without restraint or supervision.
Children are among the major consumers of sugar. Sugar beets are among the major sources of sugar. Genetically modified sugar beets are adapted to survive the use of deadly chemicals. That is, in fact, despite the propaganda and hype, the only reason that most GMOs are created: to create an after market for deadly chemicals. Of course, the sales of GMO seed help the bottom line along for the Uber Cartel but the real money is in the increased use of, and subsequent sale of, the profitable chemicals which the same companies make. Oh, yes, of course they are also drug companies so they get you coming into the food cycle and the hospital when they sell you drugs for the conditions and diseases which their chemicals and dangerous GMO “foods” cause you to develop.
And, then there is the lack of safety information on consuming GMOs. All independent science makes it clear that there is no reason to believe that GMO foods are safe since their consequences are to damage the DNA OF EVERY CELL IN THE BODY, including the cells of children still unborn. All this, of course, without oversight by the FDA or USDA.
Do you know what happens when people eat genetically modified sugar? No? Neither do I. But when mammals eat GMO soy, their offspring die, or are born stunted. Their fertility is impaired, their GI tracts and kidneys and immune systems are impaired, too. So is just about every other part of their bodies. It stands to reason, of course, since the DNA and its dangerous products have never existed before and we simply lack the mechanisms to get rid of them once they are in our bodies.
Then there are super weeds and super pests and genetic contamination and…. well, it sort of makes sense to feed them to children if you are a genocidalist AND a drug company owner, don’t you think?
We rejoice that approval for GMO sugar beets was vacated (e.g., canceled) pending an environmental impact statement. But it was not vacated on the grounds that these products, once genetically modified, are unstudied, unsafe, unnecessary and must be stopped before they literally contaminate every plant and animal on earth in what is heading toward the greatest cataclysm in the history of life on this planet.
Thanks for your continuing support. Please do not forget that Health Freedom is not Free! We need your support to keep on keeping on. Click here to set up your recurring, tax deductible donation to the Natural Solutions Foundation:
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation’s Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon(TM) Toxin Free Coffee
Natural Solutions Foundation’s Virtual Malls
Today Judge Jeffrey White, federal district judge for the Northern District of California, issued a ruling granting the request of plaintiffs Center for Food Safety, Organic Seed Alliance, High Mowing Organic Seeds, and the Sierra Club to rescind the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) approval of genetically engineered “Roundup Ready” sugar beets (Center for Food Safety v. Vilsack, No. C08-00484 JSW [N.D. Cal. 2010]). In September 2009, the Court had found that the USDA had violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) by approving the Monsanto-engineered biotech crop without first preparing an Environmental Impact Statement. The crop was engineered to resist the effects of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, which it sells to farmers together with the patented seed. Similar Roundup Ready crops have led to increased use of herbicides, proliferation of herbicide resistant weeds, and contamination of conventional and organic crops.
In today’s ruling the Court officially “vacated” the USDA “deregulation” of Monsanto’s biotech sugar beets and prohibited any future planting and sale pending the agency’s compliance with NEPA and all other relevant laws. USDA has estimated that an EIS may be ready by 2012.
Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of plaintiff and co-counsel the Center for Food Safety, stated, “This is a major victory for farmers, consumers and the rule of law. USDA has once again acted illegally and had its approval of a biotech crop rescinded. Hopefully the agency will learn that their mandate is to protect farmers, consumers and the environment and not the bottom line of corporations such as Monsanto.”
Paul Achitoff of Earthjustice, lead counsel for the plaintiffs, commented: “Time and again, USDA has ignored the law and abdicated its duty to protect the environment and American agriculture from genetically engineered crops designed to sell toxic chemicals. Time and again, citizens speaking truth to power have taken USDA to court and won.”
In his order, Judge White noted that USDA’s “errors are not minor or insignificant, and his “concern that Defendants are not taking this process seriously.” He also pointed out that “despite the fact that the statutes at issue are designed to protect the environment,” USDA and the sugar beet industry focused on the economic consequences to themselves, yet “failed to demonstrate that serious economic harm would be incurred pending a full economic review….”
The Court held in part:
…the Court GRANTS Plaintiffs’ request to vacate APHIS’s decision to deregulate genetically engineered sugar beets and remands this matter to APHIS. Based on this vacatur, genetically engineered sugar beets are once again regulated articles pursuant to the Plant Protection Act. This vacatur applies to all future plantings…
This is the second time a Court has rescinded USDA’s approval of a biotech crop. The first such crop, Roundup Ready alfalfa, is also illegal to plant, based on the vacating of its deregulation in 2007 pending preparation of an EIS. Although Monsanto took that case all the way to the Supreme Court and the High Court set aside part of the relief granted, the full prohibition on its planting – based on the same remedy granted here, the vacatur – remains in place. In the past several years federal courts have also held illegal USDA’s approval of biotech crop field trials, including the testing of biotech grasses in Oregon and the testing of engineered, pharmaceutical-producing crops in Hawai’i.
The Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
URGENT Push Back Needed to Defend Health Freedom: S.510 Remains an Immediate Threat! The Criminalization of Food Distribution Bill, S.3767 is a New and Imminent Threat!
Update: 11.17.10 – Senate may pass S.510 today! Push Back needed!
The Food Freedom Amendment:
Click Here to Take Action! Stop S.510! Stop S.3767!
09.23.10 Update: Senate: Don’t Rush S.3767 to the Senate Floor! Support the Food Freedom Amendment Instead!
Health & Food Freedom Amendments Action Item:
09.18.10 Update: Thank You Senator Coburn for Keeping a “Hold” on S.510!
09.10.10 – FDA/HHS “Stampede Congress” into Passing S.510 Letter!
The Empire Strikes Back…
09.13.10 – Text and Threat of S.3767: Criminalizing the Food Trade
One urgent item discussed is the faked “Food Safety” bill.
S. 510 is a lesson in the politics of persistence and perfidy.
For more than a year, the plan to capture – and kill – clean, local, organic, independent and safe farming has been wending its way through Congress. Last year, the devastating HR 2749 passed although we put up a good battle, delaying it for quite a while. However, at the end of the day, a good battle followed by a loss is still a loss. Then the field of battle shifted to the US Senate, where we’ve held the forces of Big Agra and Big Govt at bay for nearly a year… Part 1 below includes an estimate of that situation, and much more! Part 2, below, continues the discussion of strategies to defend health freedom in the USA and worldwide.
URGENT Action Item: Stop S.510!
To read more, click here,, and then, please come right back to watch these important videos.
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Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation’s Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon(TM) Toxin Free Coffee
Natural Solutions Foundation’s Virtual Malls
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
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Dr. Rima
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For questions or aromatherapy consultations, please contact our mentors, Christina or Nancy, who are both Certified Clinical Aromatherapists, Holistic Health Educators and Medical Intuitives. They are supporting us in this journey and are happy to assist you. Here is their info:
Christina M. Santiago, CHBC, CCA, CRTP (languages: English/Spanish/French) Email: skydivaoils[at] or call 201-400-0121 or toll-free 888-811-8883
Nancy O. Weber, RN, CCA, CRTI Email: lightwing[at] or call 973-586-2230
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Also take a look at the Seed to Seal YouTube video: