Dr Rima has been recovering from the devastating loss of our Founding President, Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III since February of this year. He was also, as you know, her beloved husband. As Dr. Rima says, “My heart is broken, but not my spirit! The Foundation’s work, General Bert’s work for Health Freedom WILL go on!”
Her book to help families reclaim their autistic children — http://drrimatruthreports.com/autism-can-be-cured/ — was released about 2 weeks ago.
Now, she’s ready to go back to live stream and broadcast work and invites you to be part of it!
Listen this coming Wednesday, May 24, 2017 to the NEW Dr. Rima Truth Reports with co-host Ralph Fucetola, JD, at http://www.Spreaker.com/show/drrima
This block-buster show will break open the myth, the science and the source of Targeted Individuals, people who believe that they have been tortured and experimented upon with high tech weapons. Crazy? How crazy are the US Government Patents on these technologies going back decades? How about the raidowave emmiters detected in their bodies and then removed, ending the horrific experiences, for them?
Join Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph on the Dr. Rima Truth Reports as Toxicologist and Integrative Physician, Hildegard Staninger, PhD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Psychologist Ben Colodzin, PhD and Professional Private Detective Melinda Kidder will shine the light of their research and work with Targeted Individuals, real and imaginary. This is a show you do not want to miss.
Mark your calendar and share this link with everyone you can reach.
Yours in health and freedom,
Counsel Ralph
Ralph Fucetola JD
Obtain the eBook Here:
Obtain the eBook Here:
Autism is a relatively new disease caused by environmental assaults like vaccines. The science is settled.
The propaganda is like jelly but ask the parents of the autistic children around you.
IF the globalists were to admit the causes of the autism pandemic, they would have to clean up the environment and, worst of all, stop vaccinating. Now, that is the LAST thing they want to do so they put out the poppycock propaganda, the pseudoscience about genetics causing autism, etc.
Ignore them. Meanwhile, if we stopped vaccinating tomorrow, we would still have millions upon millions of autistic, that is, neurologically toxic, poisoned children to contend with.
Dr Rima’s answer? To write a book for families of these kids to help them heal their injured children.
Not easy, but doable.
Here’s the link: http://www.nsfmarketplace.com/mainstore/
Get and give this book to the people who need it: parents, grandparents, teachers and others.
Knowing that books are static but knowledge is not, Dr. Rima has created a special access page for people who purchase the book called the Quick Start Guide. Special webinars, resource data bases and a chat forum specifically for the parents of autistic children will be available to them. That in itself is a fantastic resource.
Spread the word. Let everyone know you can reach. This book WILL change lives.
That’s why Dr. Rima wrote it.a
Some of the features of the 110 page ebook include a list of common autism drugs and the nutrients they deplete, a 14 point Quick Action Guide and a growing series of webinars and podcasts.
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Autism is Hideous. Autistic People Are Not
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There is Nothing Normal About Autism but when we support and help autistic people to heal and emerge from their disability, we are privileged to behold the glory that is in each and every child. Sometimes.
Please take 12 minutes to watch Jacob Barnett, diagnosed with autism in childhood, tell us what his inner world was – and is – like and give us profound advice about education and autism; then read on:
We do not know whether Jacob’s diagnosis of autism was accurate but his slight social awkwardness and difficulty modulating his voice qualities suggests that it might be. What we do know is that Jacob was brilliant and wanted to know, to understand and, ultimately, to create.
How many vaccines did Jacob have for a total dose of how much aluminum, mercury, MSG, foreign protein from fetal and cancer cells, viruses and bacteria, chickens, insects and monkeys? I have no idea.
Was his diet rich in glyphosates and other toxins that damage the fragile, but oh-so-vital blood brain barrier? Did he suffer from lactose/gluten/food sensitivities with unending pain in the gut, diarrhea and constipation? We don’t know.
Was he given powerful anti-psychotics to “control” his aberrant behavior? Was he locked in padded isolation booths in his schoolroom or placed in restraints when he was in physical, emotional or social distress?
I profoundly hope not. Because Jacob is emerging as a beautiful human being rich in inner life and unbounded joy at being just that, enriching us with his ‘unlearning” as well.
Years ago I wrote and taught that autistic children were among the brightest of us intellectually and published case studies of children to demonstrate that. Now, since we do not live in Lake Wobegone, we cannot say that all of our children are above average. But it is my contention, eloquently articulated by wise and beautiful Jacob, that we are doing everything wrong in the [mis]education of autistic children.
But then, there is nothing unusual in that. We are doing the same wrong-headed things in the [mis]education of our non-autistic ones as well.
Delta workers. Infertile, compliant, unquestioning and interchangeable workers for the Machine serving The Man but not the men and women who serve it.
Also known as The New World Order, AKA Globalism.
We are creating and educating Delta Workers bringing to reality Bertrand Russel’s 1953 dictum,
“…education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. . . .”
We are teaching children, autistic and otherwise, to conform internally, not just learn social skills. We are not teaching them to think, we are teaching them to agree. Irrationally, unthinkingly and obediently.
Common Core is the international program for developing a compliant slave mentality. Special education is more of same.
There is nothing normal about autism. There is nothing normal about social dullness, distractibility and an inability to think and learn. But it is oh-so-useful for the controllers who just happen to control education, if parents and communities do NOT take control of their children’s education into their own hands! Like their children’s health decisions, isn’t that where it belongs, after all?
Jacob shows that no one should be considered a throw-away person.
How many potential creators like Jacob are lost to autism, then lost to special education (or regular, non-special education) who might be supported in their unique self-ness without drugs and conditioning for irrational conformity.
We do not need new math: we need thinking skills, deductive and inductive reasoning, creativity and the arts, math and sciences taught as explorations, not closed books.
We need an end to vaccination. Now.
Vaccines are unsafe and do no good. Click here to protect all the future Jacobs by demanding a real investigation into safety and effectiveness of vaccines: http://TinyURL.com/VaccinePolicy.
And click here — http://TinyULR.com/AVDCard — to find out how to protect every member of your family from the onslaught of vaccines and their inevitable damage.
Remember the work of Dr. Andrew Moulden, MD, PHD, who demonstrated conclusively that every vaccine causes demonstrable damage? They still do, despite his untimely death.
Share this article. Raise the discussion, suggest people Like, Friend and Follow Natural Solutions:
Twitter: @DrRimaLaibow and @HealthFreedomUS
Spread the word as if our lives depended on it. They do.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
This is the second blog in a series in which Dr. Rima reports the truth about vaccines and autism. The first can be found here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/nothing-normal-about-autism/
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I am really angry. Not at you. At the liars and the cheats and the fools who cannot face, or do not want others to face the obvious: There is Nothing Normal About Autism.
All the rainbow colored ribbons and posters in the world cannot undo, erase or cancel the fact that autism is a tragedy – and one that is nearly always avoidable.
Now, once there has been such a devastating level of cataclysmic autoimmune toxicity, we need to love and nourish and nurture and detoxifiy and educate the victim – yes, victim – back to health and well-being.
We need to undo the vaccine and glyphosate and fluoride and metal damage. And the damage to the family, as well: the suffering, exhausted, front-line I-never-signed-up-to-have-an-autistic-child-but-I-have-one-now-and-I-will-by-God-do-everything-in-my-power-to-support-that-child heroes called families.
But let’s stop pretending that being autistic, being damaged in the brain and the gut and the endocrine glands to the point of “being on the spectrum” is OK.
It is not. Back before vaccine and other toxins began to destroy several generations of children, when I started practicing medicine, there was a “natural” background of 1 child in 10,000 who had learning disabilities. Today…
And, for the vast, vast majority of autistic people, it was preventable. It was not in that child’s genetic plans until the genes were damaged. It was not in the blueprint.
Oh, yes, there’s the money thing: if autism becomes a new shade of normal, then no one, not the schools, not the insurance system, not the community, no one, has to pay for services. You do not have special schools for normal. You do not have community programs and special employment for normal. You do not have occupational and speech therapists for normal.
The tragedy is compounded by making America mean again, by making a politically correct lie: being autistic is normal. Allowing toxic crimes against humanity to damage our beloved babies is OK. Cost containment will make everything OK.
The word for his travesty on truth, compassion and science is “Neurodiversity”. If you are not autistic, you are “Neurotypical” and that’s sort of OK, but if you are autistic, you are “Neurodiverse” and that is, they want you to believe, WONDERFUL.
Enter rainbow ribbons and cutesy memes and Sesame Street puppets about how different is really, really good.
Understand, everyone should be assisted, but if there is nothing “wrong”, there is nothing the creators of this plague of autism can be made to fix. Step right up, moms and dads. Bring the kids.
Nothing to see here. Step along. The nice nurse with the syringe is waiting for you at the head of the line.
Vaccines are not safe and autism is not normal. Vaccines are uninsurable risks; vaccination has been declared by courts to be “unavoidably unsafe.”
Click here, now, http://tinyurl.com/vaccinepolicy to demand that the Trump White House honor its commitment to enable a commission to evaluate safety and efficacy of vaccines.
And share this blog, along with the action item as widely as you can: http://drrimatruthreports.com/nothing-normal-about-autism/
This is not politically correct. It is true, though, and it needs to be said and shared.
Send me your comments and the reactions you receive here: releyes3@gmail.com.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
This blog entry is the first in a series; the second is here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/autism-is-hideous-autistic-people-are-not/
PS — Advanced, Natural Medicine is learning how to address autism. Natural Solutions Foundation is bringing together powerful tools to do just that. Please make sure those you know who are struggling with autism know about this; ask them to join our email list so I can let them know when my Addressing Autism ebook is ready.
While you are at it, how about asking your circle of influence to join the discussion at FB:/NaturalSolutionsFoundation and Twitter @DrRimaLaibow and @HealthFreedomUS — and don’t forget the Health Freedom App that you can download from your App Store, just search healthfreedom as one word.
5 Days – 5 Hours Each Day – Live Stream
DECEMBER 19 – 23, 2016
Symposium Schedule HERE
Imagine a world in which you have no say over what type of food you eat. A world in which you can be picked up on your front porch and, without a murmur from your doctor, hauled off to a “treatment center” and experimented upon, vaccinated or otherwise molested, perhaps terminally.
Your genes are the target and you freedom must, for their plans to bear their twisted, toxic fruit, be dissolved, diminished, dissipated.
In short, either you have – and are part of – an energetic and effective Health Freedom movement pushing back or your health freedoms will evaporate totally.
The Choice is entirely yours.
Donate, taking full advantage of year end giving options for tax deductions here, link, share the work an mobilize as many people as you can to become part of the Health freedom movement or loose every iota of self determination you ever thought of having for yourself and your minor children.
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