Torture on the Streets of America
Are YOU a Targeted Individual? It’s Possible.
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Health Freedom is absolute. Either you do control your own body or you don’t. Period. But as if vaccine intrusions were not bad enough, (solved by the use of the Advance Vaccine Directive Card) there is another looming nightmare you need to know about although it’s been going on a long time, hidden in the shadows. Sometimes known as “Mind Control”, it’s actually a whole lot worse. We are talking about Non-Consensual Experimentation or NCE and those who have been used as non-consenting guinea pigs call themselves TIs or “Targeted Individuals”.
IF TIs trust you enough, they will tell you that they are being tortured, that voices are inserted into their heads, that they are “given” excruciating pain, too much sleep, not enough sleep, multiple personalities, that they have been chipped with advanced technology, that their every moment, waking and otherwise, is under surveillance and that they are gang stalked, gaslighted and harassed constantly to let them know that they are, in a very real way, slaves and that they cannot escape this torture. And torture is precisely what it is.
I have examined some of these people in my professional capacity. In my professional opinion, the vast majority are telling the absolute, literal truth and they often have conclusive documentation.
Now, I have been a trained listener a physician and psychiatrist, for nearly half a century. I started hearing painful histories like these 40 years ago. When folks came to me back then with their stories of suppression and oppression and pain and suffering, I reasoned that while they might, indeed, be telling me the truth about their experiences, there were no objective methods that would allow me (or them) to determine whether their trauma was induced by their own mental state (fantasy/illusion/delusion/hallucination/paranoia) or whether there was, in fact, something happening outside their own minds that was having terrible and terrifying consequences, whether, in short, they were being experimented upon and tortured or not.
That has changed dramatically. Now, with the development of highly sophisticated equipment, we can locate chips and other devices if they have been implanted, often arrange for these devices to be physically removed by surgeons working under strict Chain of Custody rules, examine them under microscopes, find the patents that define these horrifying devices and figure out who owns them.
We can often trigger these chips and devices (there are many sorts of implants, by the way: chips are just one type) to communicate their programming information to us and learn just why they have been implanted and exactly what they do.
We can, in short, confirm and define not only whether someone is a TI, but who targeted them and what the purpose of that targeting might be.
In several states in the US, although the average person believes that no such thing could possibly be real because they would have heard of it on TV or Facebook, there are actually statutes on the books that penalize nonconsensual implantation. California passed such a law in 2007, Civil Code, 52.7, which provides for a $1,000 a day fine until the implant is removed.[1]
As you might guess, though, not everyone is happy that we are aware of this information or that we are helping Tis and sharing this important data.
You already know that 89 healers and physicians and 2 high-profile activists have been horrifically murdered in the last 20 months or so.
I have been working with a number of laboratory-validated TIs whose chips and devices have been carefully and technically identified, in some cases the foreign objects have been removed and painstakingly characterized. I have conducted psychiatric and medical evaluations to determine what is “real”, what is imagined and what TIs can do to prevent further damage from these technologies.
Whether a person is delusional (“I am the Virgin Mary”, “I am Jesus Christ” “My thoughts are controlled by little green men on Mars”) or not, if he/she has been implanted with chips/devices emitting radio frequencies and chips/devices visualized on MRI and X ray and removed surgically, that person is a TI. Don’t you think an experience like that, which no one will believe is happening, could drive YOU crazy?
You see, whether or not someone is hallucinating, if they are chipped and the chips are emitting, they have a far more serious problem than their mental health. They are being used non-consensually for purposes that expose them to danger, damage, severe trauma and possibly death. They are slaves. Someone else controls their bodies.
Who is at the helm, you might ask? Good question.
As we learn more and as we have permission needed to share more, we will be writing more about TIs and the agencies, both governmental and non-governmental, that abuse humans in this manner.
Several of these victims, and TIs are absolutely victims, are preparing powerful legal challenges to the agencies responsible and our team is assisting them.
That makes it rather interesting and significant that in the last 6 weeks there have been 4 serious attempts on my life. One of them used nano-superflies which I caught on old fashioned fly paper (!) and had examined through the good offices of a toxicologist colleague who is used to dealing with such matters.
The microscope pictures (photomicrographs) makes it very clear, indeed, that these are highly modified insects used to deliver poisons to the victim (in this case, me). The poisons are released through the use of carefully chosen frequencies that rupture small spheres with a deadly payload.
I can tell you that the combination of toxins used to try to eliminate me was quite dreadful. The toxicological work up that we did shows that there are 5 separate exotic toxins introduced by the delivery system. I nearly died.
Why am I still here? At least part of the reason is that I immediately ingested Nano Silver 10 PPM to support my immune system because I knew that I suddenly was very, very ill.
The immune impact of nutrient Nano Silver is well known and long established and it is my go-to tool for anything impacting my immune system, no matter what the origin.
the problem went away when Congress told the CIA “STOP THAT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!” in 1977.[2] The history of mind control, MK Ultra, Monarch and the rest is very ugly.
Tragically, this monster did not die when Congress told the CIA to discontinue its research and activities in 1977. Quite the contrary.
We will be writing a series of articles and exposés on the technical, legal, medical, social, ethical and moral aspects of this unspeakable program which involves literally 10s of thousands of hapless victims and their families in many countries around the world.
This program is totally despicable. The damage it does is life-threatening and deplorable and the isolation and pain it causes is incalculable. It stops now. With us.
Using anyone for anything against their will is abuse. Using their body, brain, actions, thoughts and loved ones against their will is torture.
As I write this article, CIA Chief nominee Gina Haspel is being grilled about her involvement in waterboarding and other tortures by a Congress pretending to care about such things. Torture by governmental or other agencies is not limited to a few hundred terrorists in secret prisons. Many thousands of nominally free Americans appear to be the victims of nonconsensual implantation and experimentation. Torture, including the torture of TIs, is intolerable and must stop if we are to consider ourselves humane and sane as a society and as a nation.
It is going to take work and resources to unearth and reveal this horrific program, deal with the TI’s themselves and with their needs. Many have been financially devastated by the attacks and are unable to work or travel without assistance. They require expensive lab tests from sophisticated labs and all of them require the knowledgeable input of specialists. Expenses need to be covered so that we can help the TIs and so we can bring you fearless data to protect you and your loved ones from this monstrous intrusion.
Give generously to our tax exempt sister research institute here, , to support this new aspect of our work protecting YOUR Health Freedom.
At the start of the article I asked, “Are YOU a targeted individual.” Now you can understand my concern. Stay tuned.
Oh, the other three attempts on my life in the last 6 weeks or so involved quite powerful directed energy weapons for which we also have documentation. We must be doing something very right!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
PS – California has also taken the lead in codifying your rights to Informed Consent, at least in this area although not in vaccine rights for children, which is why you need the “I do not consent” Advance Vaccine Directive card, for each person you want to protect from vaccines:
[1]§ionNum=52.7. California has also passed laws enforcing the Right to Informed Consent with penalties for violations and assesses liability for damages. These laws can be found at California Health and Safety Code Section 2176.
Globalists Prove Me Right: They’re Nuts!
And They Love to Censor Truth Speakers
For those of us trying to figure out whether the globalists really are as nuts as I have been saying they are, we owe a debt of gratitude to an up-and-coming Labor Party politician in Australia. Take it from me, she is really nuts. She’s also a member of Parliament in Victoria, Australia and the mother of an autistic child.
She is loudly supporting a bill to capture every child in Australia and force them all to be vaccinated regardless of the parents’ desires, and violating their Informed Consent. In this matter she asserted, publicly, and in Parliament, that she would prefer having an autistic child to nursing one with a “vaccine preventable disease“. Does that mean she is advising new mothers to forego nursing to assure babies are vaxed as young as possible? Brast-feeding transfers natural immunity to the infant thereby decreasing any alleged benefit. It is for that reason that the CDC recommends vaccinating, but not breast feeding, infants. The CDC is nuts too. There is strong indication in the literature that nursing mothers pass natural immune factors to their babies, and we cannot have that, can we?
Here’s a very partial list of supposedly “vaccine preventable diseases”: measles, mumps, whooping cough, German measles… So this super compassionate mom and upstanding Member of Parliament would rather poison every child in the nation than spend 3 days soothing a cranky, itchy, slightly feverish kid (measles, mumps, German measles, chicken pox) or, for a whole week, having to take a toddler with a croupy cough into the bathroom and turn on the hot shower to ease the child’s breathing?
And no one rose from the benches to question her or her wretched grip on the life sciences and common sense?? For shame!
Read my so far unanswered letter to her, here: I replied to her when our esteemed Australian colleague, Adam Crabb, of the highly informative Crazz Files sent me the report of her foolish and illegal stance. We are working with our Aussie allies to make sure everyone in the Vaccine Choice Movement understands just how far from rational, humane and lawful behavior the vax pushers are willing to go. Will there have to be another Nuremberg Trial, like the Nazi Doctor’s Trial, which enshrined the Nuremberg Code and our universal right to Informed Consent, declaring its violation a crime against humanity?
As a psychiatrist, I must tell you, I consider this political woman not only dishonest, dangerous and a willing participant in a crime against humanity, but possibly clinically impaired.
Those of us who do not agree with her mad coercive intent know what we need. We need Nano Silver 10 PPM to protect our own immune integrity, and each of us needs an Advance Vaccine Directive to protect our legal Informed Consent right to refuse all vaccination. Link:
General Bert warned us that Informed Consent is the defining issue of the 21st Century. The absolute Madness of the Globalists guarantees the truth of his insight. Oh, by the way, Bill Gates’ former family doctor tells us he and Melinda do not vaccinate their kids, only ours. Where do you stand?
Stand with us. Share this link with your entire circle of influence –
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Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
PS from Counsel Ralph:
Curiously, when I tried to post Dr. Rima’s response to the Aussie MP Emma, Facebook blocked the link. I can post any other story we have on Open Source Truth, but not this one! So you know how important it is to get out the word. Share this link:
Here is a screen shot of Facebook’s “endorsement” of Dr. Rima’s letter:
Video from His Hospital Bed:
Judge Again Allows Nutritional Feeding After 22 Days
Support YOUR Health Freedom by Supporting the Lawsuit
Middlesex County Judge Orders JFK Hospital to
Allow Nutrients for General Bert
Link to this Announcement
On Monday, December 19th a Complaint with request for a Temporary Restraining Order was presented to Hon. Ann McCormick, a Superior Court Judge in New Brunswick, New Jersey, on behalf of General Stubblebine, President of the Natural Solutions Foundation, by his counsel, Neil Grossman, Esq., in the case of Laibow and Stubblebine vs JFK – Docket No. C-213-16 . The TRO, which has been termed a significant step for health freedom, was signed 22 December 2016 by Judge McCormick.
Here is a scan of the relevant parts of the Temporary Restraining Order:
The facts in the case, as we understand them, are as follows:
1. General Bert was admitted to JFK Medical Center ER on September 1, 2016 by our colleague Dr. Richard Menashe, D.O., a well-known, holistically-oriented physician with admitting privileges there.
2. General Bert’s condition was quite grave. You can read the Medical Bulletins that we have published periodically since he was admitted here:
3. After two weeks in ICU and CCU, with only minimal nutrition (Dr. Rima used spray nutrients, as General Bert could not swallow) a feeding tube was installed.
4. For about 70 days, with his physician’s permission, Dr. Rima mixed various organic foods and nutrients together and added the nutrient mix to the feeding tube, four times a day.
This was done in conformity with the Orphan Drug Law, allowing:
“… food which is formulated to be consumed or administered enterally under the supervision of a physician and which is intended for the specific dietary management of a disease or condition for which distinctive nutritional requirements, based on recognized scientific principles, are established by medical evaluation….” Section 5(b) of the Orphan Drug Act of 2005 (21 U.S.C. 360ee (b) (3)) *
5. On November 30th, citing a Hospital Policy adopted in 2001 that allows only “FDA approved medications” the nutrient feeding was stopped (initially they said “temporarily”). Neither General Bert nor Dr. Rima, his health proxy, gave Informed Consent for the stopping of nutritional therapy.
General Bert has survived since then on hospital “feed” and the residual nutrition from the 70 days of Dr. Rima’s therapy, plus a return to spraying.
6. It became clear that his overall condition was suffering from the lack of nutritional supplementation, and, after days of delays by the Hospital, which put repeated roadblocks in the way of restoring the nutrition, no choice was left but to go to Court.
What type of roadblocks? First, they asserted their Hospital Policy that was written before the Orphan Drug Act and its important clause about Medical Foods, which we believe overrides State Medical Board restrictions on the use of nutrition in healing. They claimed that only “FDA-approved medications” could be used. FDA has no power to “approve” Dietary Supplements, which are “grandfathered” under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) and are not medications.
Then they said we had to provide sealed bottles of the vitamins. Then they wanted Certificates of Analysis, which we also provided. Then they said they still could not allow the nutrition anyway!
7. After receiving our papers and hearing the arguments put forth by our Counsel, the Judge has indicated that General Bert must be permitted to receive the nutrition, at least until a full hearing which could occur in about a month.
Legal support for Informed Consent is yet another way that General Bert continues to stand strong for your Health Freedom! We need your help to support this litigation.
Please show your appreciation here:
Yours for health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee
PS – Here is the link to General Bert’s Medical Bulletins:
Here is General Bert’s Self-Healing Visualization Video:
5 Days – 5 Hours Each Day – Live Stream
DECEMBER 19 – 23, 2016
Symposium Schedule HERE
Imagine a world in which you have no say over what type of food you eat. A world in which you can be picked up on your front porch and, without a murmur from your doctor, hauled off to a “treatment center” and experimented upon, vaccinated or otherwise molested, perhaps terminally.
Your genes are the target and you freedom must, for their plans to bear their twisted, toxic fruit, be dissolved, diminished, dissipated.
In short, either you have – and are part of – an energetic and effective Health Freedom movement pushing back or your health freedoms will evaporate totally.
The Choice is entirely yours.
Donate, taking full advantage of year end giving options for tax deductions here, link, share the work an mobilize as many people as you can to become part of the Health freedom movement or loose every iota of self determination you ever thought of having for yourself and your minor children.
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The Centers for Disease Control (the CDC), acting under the Administrative Procedures Act (the APA) want to impose tyrannical regulations that abolish your health freedom and right to Informed Consent.
Under the APA the agency must consider public comments filed with it before October 19, 2016.
Send your opposition to decision makers using this link:
Read our Statement in Opposition and tell decision makers “No!”
“In an audacious violation of national and international law, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a part of the Health and Human Services (HHS) Department of the United States Government, proposes the adoption of a regulation giving it power of quarantine and forced treatment (vaccination) for certain unspecified “quarantinable diseases.”
The proposed regulation brings medical tyranny to a new level of danger, by specifically overriding any and all informed consent rights, despite the well-established legal right to Informed Consent…
The official Summary states:
“Through this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is amending its domestic (interstate) and foreign quarantine regulations to [sic] best protect the public health of the United States.
“These amendments are being proposed to aid public health responses to outbreaks of communicable diseases such as the largest recorded outbreak of Ebola virus disease (Ebola) in history, the recent outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in South Korea, and repeated outbreaks and responses to measles in the United States, as well as the ongoing threat of other new or re-emerging communicable diseases. The provisions contained herein provide additional clarity to various safeguards to prevent the importation and spread of communicable diseases affecting human health into the United States and interstate.”
What diseases are included? We must ask what diseases CDC has in mind. Measles (a non-quarantinable and trivial disease) is mentioned 186 times; Ebola is mentioned 330 times; Influenza (another non-quarantinable disease) is mentioned 26 times. Zika is not mentioned at all.
In context, generally mild, self-limiting diseases like measles are irresponsibly and irrationally equated to deadly diseases such as Ebola. The Regulation permits the CDC to include any communicable disease.
A close reading of the proposed regulation shows the word “consent” is mentioned 12 times, always in the context of denying the individual right to consent. Sections 70.18 and 71.40 are similar:
“§70.18 – Agreements. CDC may enter into an agreement with an individual, upon such terms as the CDC considers to be reasonably necessary, indicating that the individual consents to any of the public health measures authorized under this part, including quarantine, isolation, conditional release, medical examination, hospitalization, vaccination, and treatment; provided that the individual’s consent shall not be considered as a prerequisite to the exercise of any authority under this part.”
There is no language in the proposed Regulation safeguarding the universal right to Informed Consent, protected by international and US national law…”
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