Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Food and Health Freedom(TM)
Health & Food Freedom Resource:
The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™
“Release date: 09/27/2010: WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced it intends to propose a rule to reduce mercury waste from dental offices. Dental amalgams, or fillings containing mercury, account for 3.7 tons of mercury discharged from dental offices each year. The mercury waste results when old mercury fillings are replaced with new ones. The mercury in dental fillings is flushed into chair-side drains and enters the waste water systems, making its way into the environment through discharges to rivers and lakes, incineration or land application of sewage sludge. Mercury released through amalgam discharges can be easily managed and prevented.
EPA expects to propose a rule next year and finalize it in 2012. Dental offices will be able to use existing technology to meet the proposed requirements. Amalgam separators can separate out 95 percent of the mercury normally discharged to the local waste treatment plant. The separator captures the mercury, which is then recycled and reused. ”<
Roger Mason won a $1000 shopping spree at our Marketplace,, when he created the Uber Cartel vs. the Peasants of the Dawn,, by setting one of Dr. Rima’s poems to music and creating a stunning music video. Here at Natural Solutions Foundation, we believe the ones with the best songs, and the best satire and the best art wins. So here is another creation by Dr. Rima.
Take her satiric “News Item” below and turn it into a video (musical or not – that’s up to you!)
When you are finished, send the link to your creation to with “HWRS” as the subject line. The Board of Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation will pick the most creative piece and award the winner a $500 Gift Certificate at, with prizes of $250 to each of the next two winners. The best videos will be featured on a page on this site.
Landfill Health Program
“Release date: 09/20/2010: VOLCAN, PANAMA –Grappling with the serious problem of human repository toxic wastes, yesterday the US FDA, EPA, OSHA and WHO Joint Task Force on Toxic Humans and Their Impact on the Environment (USFSAEPAOSHAWHOJTFTHTIE) issued a Statement of Principle Report which indicates that all humans should be used as toxic waste repositories for as many toxins as possible to be stored in their bodies, starting before birth, in order to reduce the environmental stress that their release would otherwise cause on the fragile ecosystems of the planet.
Noting that depositing toxic wastes in human body compartments creating self-maintaining, self-propelled waste repository systems, the USFSAEPAOSHAWHOJTFTHTIE Report states:
1. Humans have evolved numerous detoxification pathways which allow them, unlike simpler organisms, to withstand multiple simultaneous toxic loads,
2. Total toxic load can play a serious role in the shortening of the length of time that the Human Waste Repository System (HWRS) could be expected to reduce the environmental burden
3. Humans are culturally and genetically prepared to attempt to prolong their life spans, rejecting inputs which shorten those spans or sicken them. This tendency can be countered by education and chemical alteration of thinking/reasoning potential.
4. Halides such as fluoride, coupled with sustained educational input can be used to effectively reduce such anti-social and anti-environmental tendencies.
Therefore, the USFSAEPAOSHAWHOJTFTHTIE Report recommends the following international policies:
1. All human compartments, including mouth, teeth, bones, nervous system, muscles and human-related bacterial populations (which as the ones in the gut and on the skins of HWRSs should be considered as long-term storage facilities for toxins including, but not limited to, the following classes of materials:
a. Heavy Metals
b. Organophosphate, Organophosphate and other Industrial Agriculture Compounds
c. Hydrogenated Hydrocarbons
d. Polyphenols including PCBs, BisPhenols and related compounds
e. Industrial Solvents, Effluvia and related compounds
f. Dioxin and Daughter Products
g.Unclassified Industrial Toxic Sludge and Slurries
h. Endocrine Disruptors of mixed or unclassified type
i. Antibiotics and metabolites from personal use, water contamination and food sources
k. Psychoactive Drugs and metabolites
l. Chemotherapy Drugs and their metabolites
m. Radioactive Medical and industrial waste.
2. Since, to date, potential HWRSs have been perplexingly slow to volunteer themselves and their children for inclusion in this ecologically powerful, humanitarian transnational program, it is important to create a sense of acceptance and trust in government agencies leading to two psychological and cultural outcomes:
a. Total trust in the regulatory agencies of the country and globe so that inquires and disputes are not raised by the active or future HWRSs leading to legal or public relations problems
b. Total trust in the good will of industrial actors so that food, water effluent, air quality, containers, waste management and processes will be assumed to be both advanced and safe
c. Sufficient halogen contamination (e.g., fluoride) of HWRSs nervous systems that protest or question not only appears futile, but irrelevant and unnecessary.
3. Recognizing that once a total body burden of multiple toxins has been reached in the physiology of HWRSs, functional breakdown occurs (“disease”), and recognizing further that the “treatment” of such “disease” is highly profitable to the manufacturers of the toxic wastes themselves (and of the symptom-focused “treatments” purveyed), it is important that the sense of trust engendered (see 2, a, b, c, above) extend to the “caring” illness management industry so that participation in the programs of “treatment” and “cure” will continue at a high rate.
4. All information concerning the capacity to detoxify HWRSs should be suppressed and invalidated to reduce the burden of such excreted toxic wastes on the environment.
5. Any HWRSs which succumb to the toxic loads they are so public-spiritedly bearing (that is, adopting the behavioral condition commonly referred to as “death”) will be disposed of in a way which is sensitive to the environment. Suggested methods include:
a. Multiple burials in non-biodegradable, hermetically sealable containers of manageable size (3 average weight/length HWRSs to a container offers maximum flexibility). Smaller HWRSs can be contained in greater numbers in the same containers while exceptionally bloated HWRSs may have to be assigned a container of their own or share one with a smaller than average HWRS. National agencies already partnering with the USFSAEPAOSHAWHOJTFTHTIE initiative such as FEMA (US) have begun to stock pile suitable containers at locations around that country,
b. Firing into outer space. Extraterrestrial diplomacy specialists, however, maintain that this method of HWRS disposal, while solving our own toxic environmental problems, shows us to be poor neighbors to our extraterrestrial brethren.
c. Extraterrestrial consumption by reptilian life-forms which have been known since human antiquity to consume and detoxify toxins using biological means as yet uncharacterized.
Sea monsters, for example, have been documented to consume entire sailing ships and their full complement of crew and passengers without apparent ill effect. Exceptionally large ape-like species have been documented to consume highly toxic (to human-related biosphere inhabitants) skyscrapers without obvious gastric complaint, assuming that there is, indeed a gastric system in place in these life-forms. Further study is required to confirm that hypothesis although such study is outside the remit of the Scope of Work provided for the USFSAEPAOSHAWHOJTFTHTIE.
In summary, the USFSAEPAOSHAWHOJTFTHTIE recognizes the environmental immediacy of the toxic materials waste storage and disposal problem created through current and anticipated future industrial contaminant generation and recommends
1. An accelerated program to create and utilize the toxic load-storing capacity of HWRSs and
2. A large-scale public-confidence program. The current public-confidence pilot program (Friendly Obliteration of Xenomaterials Newly Emitted Without Safety – Biological Program or “FOX NEWS – BP“) has shown itself to be highly effective so it should be increased in scope and size. For example, environmental protection agencies around the world could follow the lead of the US EPA to agree to impose filtration requirements on HWRSs whose mercury amalgam fillings are replaced with new mercury amalgam fillings.
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Food and Health Freedom™
FACT: Genetically Modified Plants and animals (GMOs) contain foreign DNA whose impact is not subject to safety evaluation by the FDA or any other government agency
FACT: GMOs contain genetic markers which confer antibiotic resistance to the GMO AND to the environment, helping to create the new plague, antibiotic resistant “super bugs” in animals, humans and the environment
FACT: The FDA, supposedly our health watchdog for foods and drugs, regularly bases its approvals not on scientific data, but on personal conflicts of interest which are permitted under current rules.
FACT: The FDA is not permitted to examine safety data after initial, company-generated preliminary indication that a GMO is safe
FACT: Acknowledging consumer revulsion at the thought of eating GMOs, the FDA forbids labeling items, or ingredients, as GMO “to prevent consumers from making an error since FDA regards all GMOs as “substantially equivalent” to unmodified foods
FACT: There is no scientific basis for the concept of “substantially equivalent”
FACT: Every single independent scientific analysis of GMO impact on health, immune function, allergic status, fertility, organ function and status, reproductive impact or any other function shows that GMOs impair fertility, organ function, fetal and neonatal survival, immune function and a host of other parameters
FACT: GMO genetic material infects the DNA of other plants and animals, animals (including humans) who ingest it and the bacteria on which animals depend for life support both in their guts and in the rest of the biosphere
FACT: The US Department of Agriculture has stated that it does not know where, or what, more than 95% of the GMO field trials being conducted are.
FACT: Bayer Crop Sciences, responsible for contamination of almost all rice fields in the US with GMO rice, has stated that it is not possible to contain GMO DNA from invading other fields and organisms.
FACT: GMO genes dominate natural ones and insert themselves into native DNA in wild and unpredictable ways so that novel proteins are produced whose impact is nearly totally unknown
FACT: Once GMOs contaminate native DNA, there is no known way to remove it
FACT: Virtually all GMO plants are modified to tolerate high levels of the toxic chemicals which their modifiers manufacture, increasing the use of these chemicals up to 400% and leading to super bugs and super weeds which are highly destructive to the environment and to crops
FACT: The same companies which modify foods and other organisms and make the chemicals they have been made resistant to also make drugs to treat the diseases that follow from them
FACT: GMO-related agrochemicals (such as very high doses of BT from BT corn) contaminate the ecosystem months to years after the crop has been harvested
Even politicians, generally some of the most obtuse and self-interested people on the planet, had a belly full of GMOs today. Democrats in the House and the Senate both urged the FDA to reject their approval of genetically modified salmon, hatched in the US and nurtured offshore. Even the members of the US Congress, generally so Big Biotech compliant, noted that the review process the FDA followed was flawed. What a “flawed process” means is that a dangerous drug (or, in this case, Frankenfood) would be put into the market. Only later would the dangers be noted and the product removed, in the case of a drug. But drugs are labeled while FDA-approved Frankenfood is never labeled. Thus, the cancer, infertility, loss of babies and other preventable tragedies it can cause will never be identified, allowing the contaminators to continue their deceptive campaign to convince us that, sick and dying as we are from our food, the US food supply is the safest in the world.
On the contrary, with every new DNA-modified food, our food supply becomes more deadly. Aunt Gertrude’s cancer? Was that from GMOs? How about the baby the Polly and Henry lost last year? The Lupus that has crippled Elizabeth? Who knows if they are unlabeled? And if they are permitted, in the face of evidence that they are dangerous, the question must be asked “WHY?”
The answer is both simple – “Greed”, and complex – “Genocide”
Take your pick. Protect us from greed, protect us from genocide. Either way, ban GMOs now and take back clean, unadulterated food while we still can.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Dems in both chambers urge FDA to reject ‘Frankenfish’ salmon
By Mike Lillis – 09/29/10 09:31 AM ET
Calling the review process flawed, a long list of Democrats from both the House and Senate are calling on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reject a Massachusetts company’s bid to bring a genetically modified salmon to the market.
The lawmakers say the FDA is evaluating the fish as if it were a new drug, not a new animal.
“The FDA approval process is inadequate and sets a dangerous precedent: the environmental review is flawed, and the consumer’s right to know is ignored,” a group of 20 House Democrats — led by Reps. Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), Peter DeFazio (Ore.) and Mike Thompson (Calif.) — wrote Tuesday to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg.
“Rather than developing an appropriate evaluation method, the FDA is currently proceeding to approve the [genetically engineered] fish using its process for reviewing a new drug meant for animals.”
A similar message is coming from the Senate, where 11 Democrats penned a separate letter to Hamburg Tuesday, arguing that information withheld from the public as proprietary prevents consumers from knowing fully the potential health effects of eating the product.
“Critical information has been kept from the public and consequently, only FDA and [the company] know important details about the approval process,” wrote the lawmakers, led by Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska).
The senators have asked Hamburg to “halt all proceedings” related to the approval process.
FDA officials met last week to decide whether AquaBounty Technologies’ should be permitted to sell its genetically modified Atlantic salmon, which has been outfitted with a growth hormone gene from a Chinook salmon and an antifreeze gene from an ocean pout. The genes allow the new creation — dubbed the AquAdvantage salmon — to grow about twice as fast as its natural cousin.
If approved, it would be the first genetically modified animal allowed to be sold as food.
The agency is also weighing whether to force the company to label its salmon as genetically engineered.
The Democrats endorsing the House letter include Reps. Earl Blumenauer (Ore.), George Miller (Calif.), Sam Farr (Calif.), John Garamendi (Calif.), Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.), Maurice Hinchey (N.Y.), Barbara Lee (Calif.), Betty McCollum (Minn.), Dennis Moore (Kan.), Jim Moran (Va.), Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Jackie Speier (Calif.), Peter Welch (Vt.), Lynn Woolsey (Calif.), David Wu (Ore.), Madeleine Bordallo (Guam) and Donna Christensen (V.I.).
Lawmakers signing the upper-chamber letter were Democratic Sens. Patty Murray (Wash.), Bernie Sanders (Vt.), Maria Cantwell (Wash.), Ron Wyden (Ore.), Patrick Leahy (Vt.), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Barbara Mikulski (Md.), Jeff Merkley (Ore.), and Jon Tester (Mont.).
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) also endorsed the letter.
Your Health & Food Freedom Portal:
The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™
Daily Update Bulletin During the Fake “Food Safety” S.510 Emergency!
Dr. Rima Reports, live chat, updates, Action Items and more…
September 25, 2010
Take 3 Action Items And Listen to My Radio Show in the Morning
Dr. Rima Reports
Every Sunday 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time
Refill PRN (Latin for “as needed”) Until the Freedom Crisis is Past
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Latest news from Washington: Congress is Home for the Weekend… Your Health and Freedom are Safe for NOW, until Tuesday, that is!… In this issue: Action Items, Videos and Webinars.. Enjoy!
Feedback from our DC insiders is that our Push Back worked this past week, but the lobbyists for the Bigs… Big Agri Biz, Big Pharma, Big Govt will all be all over this issue this week coming and back at work trying to get their version of freedom passed: freedom to poison you for profit as they see fit.
There is palpable panic in the air in Washington as this 111th Congress winds itself down to a much-needed end. We can expect numerous efforts to “get around” public opposition to S.510 and S.3767… and they can expect our PUSH BACK to continue! Please take the Action Items daily… that’s our prescription for healing the body politic. Thank you.
Dr. Rima
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Please Note: The Cost of this Health Freedom Consultation Will Be Whatever You Can Afford to Donate to Join the Health Freedom 510/3767 Club. Suggested Donation: $5.10 weekly or monthly or $37.67 weekly or monthly. Larger donations gratefully accepted. All donations are tax deductible. Make Your Tax Deductible Payment For Health Freedom Services Here:
Stop Fake “Food Safety” Bills, S.510/S.3767!
Senator: Don’t Rush S.3767 to the Senate Floor! Support the Food Freedom Amendment Instead!
Ban GMOs Now While There Is Still Time
Must Read New Blog: Congressional Food Fascism:
Dr. Rima Reports
Every Sunday 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time
Listen and Chat:
Listen or Ask Questions: 512-904-8014 or Toll Free 866-841-1065
Our Guest This Sunday Will be:
John A. Corbett To Save The Future, Save Our Soil
Sunday, 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern
September 26, 2010: John A. Corbett To Save The Future, Save Our Soil
October 3, 2010: Paul G. King, PhD Dead Babies and Flu Vaccines Part I
October 10, 2010: Eileen Danniman, Dead Babies and Flu Vaccines Part II
Click Here For More Information on Dr. Rima Reports:
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Saturday Night at the Health Freedom Food Movies
“The World According to Monsanto” keeps disappearing from the internet. Download it and watch this powerful French documentary here:
“Grocery Store Wars” is a hilarious send up of Star Wars with a serious message:
“Food, the Ultimate Secret Exposed” – Part 1/2
“Food, the Ultimate Secret Exposed” – Part 2/2
“Food Fight” is a wonderful animation with a powerful message: wars against nations are fought OVER food, and wars against populations are fought WITH food
“Unnatural Selection” is a powerful and vitally important video in 5 parts by Jeffery Smith on the dangers of GMO foods
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Cautions for CAM Wellness Practitioners
A Natural Solutions P.E.L. Webinar Practical, Ethical and Legal Advice…
From Foundation Counsel, Ralph Fucetola JD: “If you practice the real healing arts, you know the government is not friendly to what you do. Do you have a CAM “Alternative” health practice? Do you provide nutrients, remedies or health related items to clients? Do you have questions about your legal rights and limits … or need information about how best to run your health care business? Are you aware there are words you cannot use and statements, although true, you cannot safely say to clients? Hiring an attorney, one on one, to review these issues could cost you hundreds of dollars… making a mistake could cost you thousands. I invite you, instead, to learn from my Webinar, Cautions for CAM Wellness Practices
I am Ralph Fucetola JD, known as The Vitamin Lawyer, because much of my 36 year legal practice centered around helping people in CAM practices, nutrient purveyors and advanced healthcare teachers. Today I am a Trustee of Natural Solutions Foundation. I can keep you out of trouble and operating smoothly so you can fulfill your mission to help others… This $99 PEL Webinar runs about an hour through 32 slides. It includes an 18 page eBook of information and forms all of which would cost over $500 if ‘one on one.’ This is a Natural Solutions Foundation Benefit Webinar.”
Reserve Your Seat at the Virtual Webinar Here:
Dr Rima Recommends
Webinar Archives & Information
1. CAUTIONS FOR CAM PRACTITIONERS – Ralph Fucetola JD (1.5 hr – $99)
2. Local Organizing Webinar posted (32 minutes – free).
Experience Karma Singh’s Energy Transmissions, Then Tell Us What You Think:
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee
Health Freedom’s Coffee
It’s GMO Free, Toxin Free and Helps Keep You Free!
Please note: the above illustration is intended to be humorous. Coffee has an outstanding range of health benefits which we’ll be writing about shortly but I thought you would enjoy this. Dr. Rima
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee – Health Freedom’s Own Coffee
Don’t forget to get yourself some of our exceptional Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee,, and remember to give this delightful health brew as your gift for birthdays, Christmas, Hanukkah, corporate gifts, Holiday corporate and private gift giving! etc. Clean, toxin-free coffee helps coffee drinkers, it helps the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time and it tastes WONDERFUL!!! In fact, we want you to try, and then keep on buying, our wonderful Valley of the Moon Coffee(TM) so we have a coffee special for you: Purchase a 1/2 pound bag of our spectacular coffee for $18.87 plus shipping. This same bag normally requires a donation of $25.00 (a savings of $6.13). Now, purchase 5 bags or more (including your gifts) and your price drops to $17.57 per bag – a savings of $37.15!
Just make sure that you enter “RbR01C” in the Comments Area to receive this special price!
And don’t forget the universal antibiotic, Nano Silver,, and supplementing with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition to keep your brain healthy and focused…
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President –
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director –
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee –
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New Health Freedom Resource:
The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™
Daily Update Bulletin During the Fake “Food Safety” S.510 Emergency!
Dr. Rima Reports, live chat, updates, Action Items and more…
September 23, 2010
Latest from the Beltway: Today, Reacting to Your PUSH BACK, the Senate Judiciary Committee Amended S. 3767! Now it’s time to demand the Food Freedom Amendment! Push Back Continues!
Don’t Rush S. 3767 to the Senate Floor – adopt the Food Freedom Amendment Instead!
Stop S.510!
Thank Senator Coburn for Keeping a “Hold” on S.510!
The Senate Judiciary Committee Considered S.3767 In Its Executive Business Meeting today… and Amended it!
The Devil, they say, is in the details. Today’s Judiciary Committee details are a partial win for us. Not enough to declare victory, you understand, but enough for us to see clearly that the pounding we are delivering to the Senate is noted, and having an impact. Conclusion? KEEP POUNDING!
Senator Leahy is a powerful man. S. 3767 is his bill. He is the Chairman of the Committee that is considering it. He would have no need to amend it under normal circumstances.
You, the Health Freedom NetRoots, the Mouse Warriors, have made sure that these are absolutely not normal circumstances. In just 24 hours, 43,475 emails have been sent saying STOP! DO NOT CRIMINALIZE THE DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD! So the amendment is a powerful signal that Sen. Leahy and his Agribiz cohorts had no choice but to look for a way to make the bill less bizarre and unpalatable.
While Senator Leahy continues to push his dangerous and unnecessary bill through the Judiciary Committee (um, we thought that it was already illegal to use interstate commerce to knowingly spread dangerous substances…), the Senate leadership had to acknowledge wide-spread public opposition to criminalizing food (and supplement) distribution. Leahy’s substitute amendment adds the following words to the definition of the crime.:
“…and with conscious or reckless disregard of a risk of death or serious bodily injury…”
Thus, a bill which would have criminalized any distribution of food where FDA, FTC or other govt agency later decided some rule, regulation, guideline or standard had not been met to the satisfaction of the bureaucracy (recalling that S. 510 allows secret regulations which could later have been said to have been violated), the added language at least references more traditional standards of criminal liability. While this is a partial victory for the forces of Food and Health Freedom, we must redouble our efforts and defeat S.3767 and S.510 just as we defeated Senator McCain’s ill conceived and ill-fated S.3002… through massive Push Back!
OK. So What Do We Want?
Maybe, if Congress wants to criminalize distributing things that are harmful to the public… maybe, just maybe, it should criminalize “knowingly” introducing dangerous drugs (including vaccines) into commerce! Like Vioxx, Avandia, Flu Vaccines, Bextra, for a very few examples, But, then, there might be a lot of drug company executives and maybe even some FDA officials who would face criminal charges… Certainly, we need to continue to oppose S.3767, Sen. Leahy’s bill that could criminalize commercial speech about food (or at least food distributed in interstate commerce), whenever FDA or FTC decides subsequently that the claims about the food were not substantiated to the liking of some bureaucrat.
The “serious” harm amendment (HEN10891) added by the Judiciary Committee on September 23, 2010 is not sufficient to protect food distributors from bureaucratic and criminal harassment. We the People, need protection against over-zealous regulators who will destroy small producers while big companies can afford the legal talent needed to escape penalties.
Instead, our communities need to be protected by law from Federal Government interference in local and natural food production and distribution. We need a Food Freedom Amendment, such as we proposed last year when the House was considering its version of S.510 and which we have continued to urge:
Food Freedom Amendment
“No provision of Federal Law giving regulatory oversight to any Federal department or agency shall be deemed to apply (a) to any home, home-business, homestead, home or community gardens, small farm, organic or natural agricultural activity, (b) to any family farm or ranch, or (c) to any natural or organic food product, including dietary supplements, as protected under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.”
Food Freedom is part of Health Freedom, and an essential part of the Liberty that all free people have a right to expect. Legislators have a responsibility to protect that freedom from the bureaucracy they foist on us. Local oversight of local food production would be far superior to big govt poking into all our local activities. Reducing central govt power would enhance the overall health of our society.
S.3767 Coupled with S.510 Could Reach the Senate Floor For a Vote Early Next Week!
One other bright note: we knew that the possibility existed that because Sen. Dr. Tom Coburn has blocked the easy passage of S. 510, its language could be inserted into S. 3767 today as an end run around Sen. Coburn’s hold. Again, because of our continued opposition and vigorous activism, that did not happen.
Continue to take action NOW and mobilize your contacts… NOW!
What else can you do? Join Our 510/3767 Club NOW!
Help protect your health freedom by donating $5.10 every week (or every month) until this threat is laid to rest. Can you donate $37.67 cents every month (or every week)? If you can, please set up your recurring, tax deductible donation right now and keep it alive until we are free of these deep and dangerous threats!
Special Treat, But Don’t Eat!
Health Ranger Mike Adams Launches “Food Investigations” with Pharmaburger.
And Join Us For the Dr. Rima Reports
Every Sunday 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time
Listen and Chat:
Listen or Ask Questions: 512-904-8014 or Toll Free 866-841-1065Guest This Sunday Will be:
John A. Corbett To Save The Future, Save Our Soil
Sunday, 10 AM to 1 PM EasternSeptember 26, 2010: John A. Corbett To Save The Future, Save Our Soil 3, 2010: Paul G. King, PhD Dead Babies and Flu Vaccines Part I 10, 2010: Eileen Dannemann, Dead Babies and Flu Vaccines Part II Here For More Information on Dr. Rima Reports: Here:
Dr Rima Recommends
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee
Health Freedom’s Coffee
It’s GMO Free, Toxin Free and Helps Keep You Free!
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee – Health Freedom’s Own CoffeeSPECIAL: Purchase a 1/2 pound bag of our spectacular coffee for $18.87 plus shipping. This same bag normally requires a donation of $25.00 (a savings of $6.13). Now, purchase 5 bags or more (including your gifts) and your price drops to $17.57 per bag plus shipping – a savings of $37.15!
For This Special Price Enter Coupon Code RbR01C in Comments at Checkout
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee
Are you thinking about corporate Holiday Gifts yet? If you are, then you already know that a unique gift that tells your recipients how much you value them and the environment is good sense, good business and good public relations.
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee is the cleanest, healthiest coffee on earth – free of GMOs, pesticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals. And it’s produced by the Natural Solutions Foundation as part of an educational program to reclaim the production of clean, unadulterated food – the kind that S. 510 would ban and S. 3767 would criminalize. You are supporting your good taste, the planet and the Natural Solutions Foundation with every purchase. We thank you. Your taste buds will thank you, too!
Don’t forget to get yourself some of our exceptional Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee,, too!
Remember to give this delightful health brew as your gift for birthdays, Christmas, Hanukkah, Holiday corporate and private gift giving! etc. Clean, toxin-free coffee helps coffee drinkers, it helps the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time and it tastes WONDERFUL!!!
Just make sure that you enter “RbR01C” in the Comments Area to receive this special price!
And don’t forget the universal remedy, Nano Silver,, and supplementing with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition,, to keep your brain healthy and focused…
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President – www.FoodFreedomeJournal.orgRima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director – www.DrRima.netRalph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee – www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.orgSupport Health & Food Freedom:
Donate Here,, or
Shop for Natural Products Here, or
Our Seminar and Webinar Program Here.Click here to unsubscribe from the Health Freedom Action eAlerts: here to manage your subscription:
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health and Food Freedom™
Stop S.510! Stop S.3767!
NEW ACTION ITEM!!!! Judiciary Committee: Don’t Rush S.3767 to the Senate Floor This Thursday!
Action Item Supporting Dr. Coburn:
From: S…
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 19:50:58 -0000
Subject: Senator Reid’s response re: S.510
There is a problem with Senator Reid taking a cue about “Food Safety” from Senator Durbin of Illinois. Firstly, having grown up there and still following its politics, Illinois is a pick-pockety, control- freaky state that brooks much more government interference in the lives of its citizens than would be acceptable to more independently-minded Nevadans.
Secondly, industrial agriculture is a major sector of the Illinois economy whereas anything on that scale cannot possibly be supported by Nevada’s sparse rainfall. Farming in Illinois is characterized by so many dreadful practices anathema to Permaculture. Herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used in abundance. The vast majority of farms are now using GMO seeds which supposedly thrive in this unnatural environment. But it is a losing battle as the pests inevitably evolve resistance. The whole toxic soup drains down the Mississippi watershed to create a huge dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.
Thankfully the ecology of the Great Basin is far removed from the industrial wasteland of the Midwest. But the tentacles of a corrupt, omnipotent federal government reach even farther from the banks of Potomac. As Majority Leader, Senator Reid may feel far removed from his Nevada constituents, but he has to account for his deeds every six years, and in this close election year we have the right to expect a very careful accounting. At the very least, Harry Reid should allow the hold on S.510 to remain in place until after the election. That is the only way for a full airing of its provisions and their possible implications for sustainable agriculture.
September 20, 2010
Dear Mr. S…:
Thank you for your recent letter on the Food Safety Modernization Act, S.510. The health and safety of Nevadans has always been one of my top priorities during my career in the Senate.
Nevadans and families across the nation are fortunate to enjoy one of the safest and most abundant food supplies in the world, but we should make our food even safer. Every year millions of people become seriously ill and may even die from food borne illnesses. Unfortunately, our food and safety laws have not kept pace with changing food production and our current laws are outdated and cumbersome.
On March 3, 2009, Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois introduced the Food Safety Modernization Act (S.510) to modernize and improve food safety under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The bill has been approved by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and may now be considered by the full Senate. S.510 creates preventative programs and expands the authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services in order to promote the safety through inspections and recalls of tainted products. The bill requires food manufacturers and distributors to follow new sanitary food practices, increase food inspections, and keep more thorough records tracking food products. The bill also give the FDA the authority to recall tainted foods, rather than relying solely on voluntary recalls from food producers.
Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. For more information about my work for Nevada, my role in the United States Senate Leadership, or to subscribe to regular e-mail updates on the issues that interest you, please visit my Web site at I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
My best wishes to you.
United States Senator