Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™ –
Wednesday, July 1, 2010
In This Issue:
Find Out About Our Next Guest on the Dr. Rima Reports
Four Blog Links You MUST Click!
On the Road to Codex
Current ‘Must Take’ Action Items
Dr.Rima Recommends
Check It Out! and
A Great Way to Support Your Health and Your Health Freedom at the Same Time!
Don’t Forget to Order Your Valley of the Moon Coffee Now. Supplies Are LIMITED!
Listen to the Dr Rima Reports
Sunday Night Starting 9 PM Eastern to Midnight…
1. 9 PM: Dr. Rima and Co-Host Ralph Fuectola address this week’s health freedom news and rumors — We’ll discuss the heath freedom information and sort out the disinformation for you…including
What to Expect from the Codex Meeting in Geneva…
2. 9:15 PM to 11 PM Eastern Time: Dr. Rima interviews Nancy Orlen Weber, healer extraordinary! Nancy will talk with us about the exceptionally gentle and powerful
Raindrop® Technique and share her stories as a successful psychic detective.
Interested in aromatherapy? Visit
3. 11 PM to Midnight Eastern Time: The DR. Is IN! Dr. Rima takes your health and health freedom questions. Ask your questions by
a. Email to (“QUESTION” as the subject line, please)
b. Chat (join chat community at
c. Phone using our call in number, 347.324.3704
Please get as many people as you can to join our chat room since potential supporters monitor the number of people in the chat room. The more, the better!
Details & Listening Instructions here:
Four Blog Links YOU MUST CLICK On and Read!
Please read and forward as widely as you can!
Petrochemical Detox Information – If the Gulf Disaster is Making You Ill, You MUST READ This and Pass It Along!
How to Create a Food Supply 101: Valley of the Moon™ Moves Forward!
Are YOU Making a Difference?
Attention Rotary Clubs! Before You Help Distribute Polio Vaccines, CDC Says Polio Vaccine Causes Polio!
On the Road to Codex
Codex Commission Meets in Geneva July 5-9
If You Want Us to Be Your Eyes and Ears At This Meeting, Make Your Recurring Tax Deduction Here, Now
US OUT OF CODEX? Dr. Rima Thinks We Should Get Out
Watch the Video
What Do You Think? Take the Survey
Current Action Items
Each of These Action Items is Vitally Important. Please Take Once For EACH MEMBER of your Family, Then Forward to Your Whole Contact List
Include a brief note saying this is important to you and you are sure that it will be to the other person and urge them to take action and forward widely
* President Obama: Allow Natural Solutions!
* Food & Health Freedom Action Items and Video…
* Support Health Freedom of Speech Acts!
* Demand Congress Investigate Autism and Environmental Toxins!
* Stop the Fake Food and Vitamin “Safety” Bill -S.510
* Oppose “Ear Candle” Ban!
* Health Keepers Oath
Dr. Rima Recommends:
The Dr. Rima Network
The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project’s Natural Solutions Institute, which we call the “Dr. Rima Institute” for short, is about to open in the beautiful, bountiful, temperate highlands community of Volcan, Panama on August 7-8, 2010 and you are invited!
You can read more about this long-awaited opening, follow our progress (we will be posting photos and videos!) at the Dr. Rima Network web site:
where you will also find a description of many of the natural protocols to be offered at the Institute and products we love
Valley of the Moon™ BeyondOrganic Coffee
Supplies are Limited for this Artisenal, Hand Picked and Roasted Coffee. Place your gift orders now for yourself and friends.
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee make a wonderful corporate gift for friends, colleagues and clients. Gifts say a lot about the giver. Your impeccable taste is revealed when you give GMO-Free, Toxin-Free, Non Toxic Valley of the Moon™ Coffee This Year!
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee:
I Promise You:
You Have Never Had a Better Cup of Coffee!
Non Toxic, Clean, Beyond Organic… Powerfully Antioxidant…
Order Yours Now!
Every Bag Valley of the Moon Coffee Supports your Physical Health and supports the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time!
What? You’re Still Drinking Ordinary Chemical Coffee?
You Have No Idea What You Are Missing!
Health Freedom’s Own Coffee, Valley of the Moon Coffee, Will Delight You, While You Support the Natural Solutions Foundation With Your Morning Java! Make a donation and get your coffee. Once you taste this exceptional brew, we know you will love it! Write to us at to let us know your experience drinking Valley of the Moon Coffee. We are confident that it will the finest cup of coffee you have ever tasted in your life, bar none!
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:
Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products…
Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity…
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” Are you ready?
Dr. Rima has designed a third, very special
Dietary Supplement Mind Enhancement Pack!
To learn more, or to try the products, go to:
Cognitive Enhancement
“News & Specials” list the three Dr. Rima Packs
For more Details about the Packs:
You know there is a battle going on for your mind (or maybe against it!). Part of the Globalist Agenda to reduce human population and restrict our freedoms goes on in our own heads, as we are subjected to a level of propaganda that can only be termed “mind controlling.” Its success depends on making sure that we are dumb, dull, deluded and distracted….
See the video interview with Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert
Let me quote General Bert, “‘Focus and clarity’ were the words Ralph used to describe the Cognitive Enhancement nutrients, and that is exactly what I experienced. Both my long and short term memory are enhanced by these products and my thinking processes are noticeably sharper. I am very impressed and intend to continue using them.”
There are numerous smart nutrients, but few of them, working synergistically, have the capability of doing what these products actually do. In this battle to take back our food, our health and our freedoms, we must all be as mentally sharp as possible. That is why the genocidal elitists want us under-nourished and unable to think. I was so impressed with these products that I immediately began to study them and their impact. I researched the ingredients and am satisfied that there is no indication of a lack safety when used as directed. That’s when I decided to create combination packs that would support mental function without agitating; would enhance cognition without later let-down. Dr. Rima
If you’ve had problems placing orders for these extraordinary nutrients, we’ve set up a special email address for you to use; just email your contact information and we’ll have you called back right away!
Natural Solutions Foundation has no corporate sponsorship. YOU are our only sponsors, but the goods and services come from companies who believe in what we are doing. Every sale helps to support the Foundation and move our health freedom actions forward. We urge you to patronize these mission-driven malls where you will find outstanding ways to support and be supported as free men and women!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Dr. Rima Institute
Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project
Find out how YOU can become a participant.
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee
Nano Silver: The Universal Antibiotic
StemEnhance: Increase Your Stem Cell Population Naturally
Detox Your Cells Naturally
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Dr. Rima Reports:
June 27, 2010
David Korten is both a change agent and an observer of change. He has written a provocative article called, :The Big Picture: 5 Ways to Know if You’re Making a Difference”.
He says that if you can answer “YES!” to ONE of the following criteria, you are making a difference.
Here are his criteria, taken from the article which you can read below:
1. Does it help discredit a false cultural story fabricated to legitimize relationships of domination and exploitation and to replace it with a true story describing unrealized possibilities for growing the real wealth of healthy communities?
2. Is it connecting others of the movement’s millions of leaders who didn’t previously know one another, helping them find common cause and build relationships of mutual trust that allow them to speak honestly from their hearts and to know that they can call on one another for support when needed?
3. Is it creating and expanding liberated social spaces in which people experience the freedom and support to experiment with living the creative, cooperative, self-organizing relationships of the new story they seek to bring into the larger culture?
4. Is it providing a public demonstration of the possibilities of a real-wealth economy?
5. Is it mobilizing support for a rule change that will shift the balance of power from the people and institutions of the Wall Street phantom-wealth economy to the people and institutions of living-wealth Main Street economies?
You, through the Natural Solutions Foundation, can answer
1. YES!!
2. YES!!
3. YES!!
4. YES!!
5. YES!! to this excellent assay of effectiveness.
Check out just a few of our accomplishments below and here, These accomplishments are yours and ours, together, because without you, there would be no meaning to our work. It is the community of empowered people that makes a difference, and that is what you, and we, are, together.
Frankly, our “Accomplishments” page is out of date because the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation do not have time to get it up to date without taking time away from our rapid, profound and widely focused forward movement.
Consider: Our Codex eBook,, was the first document to outline exactly how every country in the world, including, of course, the US!, could move to a higher standard for every class of food than Codex (which would not be hard!) without the dreaded World Trade Organization trade sanctions which are the club Codex waves to subdue countries that balk at degrading their food supply to make the globalists happy while their people die, just as we do, from toxic, degraded food and nutrients whose doses are so low that they have no beneficial impact worth noting – by design!
Our Codex DVD, “Nutricide“,, is the lecture that has helped millions of people, including Codex delegates!, understand what Codex is about by understanding where it came from!
Our trips to the poorest countries all over the world resulted, for example, in their trusting our leadership so that we were able to block the US government’s attempt to get fluoride approved for inclusion at high levels in infant formula for normal babies at the Codex Committee for Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (Thailand, 2007). This, alone, is a major victory in policy change!
The Natural Solutions Foundation, with its radio show, the Dr. Rima Reports,, 9 PM to Midnight Eastern Standard Time, every Sunday night, is getting information out. Just look at the lineup of guests for the next couple of months!
Our Action Items generate hundreds of thousands to millions of your emails to decision makers!
Our Blogs are widely circulated and passed from reader to reader around the world!
Our Videos, like
Should the US Get Out of Codex?
The Globalist Genocidal Agenda,
and dozens of others at give people deeply researched, and deeply important information that they can use and share, changing local and leadership opinion. They, too, are passed from person to person around the world!
Radio appearances (on shows like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense and dozens of others), documentary film appearances (like “Making a Killing, Psychiatry, Industry of Death, and two of Governor Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theories episodes, and other public information activities get the word out there. Uniquely, Natural Solutions Foundation gives people meaningful actions they can take – including growing their own food at, for example.
And, uniquely among all the health freedom organizations we know of, we are actually creating a project to help the farmers of the world, the consumers of the world and the governments of the world to reclaim the production of clean, unadulterated food! It is called The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project,, and it is a major forward step for people who want to live, to farm, to help or to enjoy a truly sustainable teaching community the temperate, beautiful Highlands of Panama.
Several governments have asked us to work with them to change their food supply to a clean, unadulterated, health-promoting one and, of course, we said “YES!”
On the eve of our departure for another grueling Codex meeting. Oh, Geneva is OK as a city. There are some decently priced restaurants for locals and the lake, surrounded by mountains is pretty enough. If I had my way, though, and if General Stubblebine had his, we would stay right here in Panama working on the development of the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project,, getting ready for the Grand Opening of the Natural Solutions Center on August 7 and 8! By the way, consider this your invitation to join us for this event! If you are on the Health Freedom Action eAlert list (sign up here: you’ll get all the details.
But we cannot stay here, much as we would like to. Hundreds of thousands of people -and more – want to know what the Codex Alimentarius Commission is doing to despoil the world’s foods to bring about the perpetual war on their bodies, their health and their freedom – indeed, their very existence, that Big Pharma, WHO, Big Chema and the other genocidal, callous and much-worse-than indifferent players on the global food scene, led by the US, of course. They wait for our live radio reports, our daily Codex Video and written updates and our analysis of what is happening so they can counter it.
They know, and they take action on, the dangers that bills like S. 510, the Food Fascism Bill (named, of course, the “Food SAFETY Bill”),, will bring to them if they remain inactive. And we’ve kept this horrible bill from being voted on since November, 2009! That’s impact.
They are willing to call for a complete ban on the dangerous technology which has invaded the world’s food and non-food plant and animal life forms – including US, our DNA. By clicking on this link, rapidly growing numbers of people are protecting their future, and that of every living thing on the planet:
Millions of people demanded that they have the right NOT to receive the vaccine for the absurd and fraudulent “Level 6 Pandemic” nonsense known as H1N1 or Swine Flu and the US backed off from requiring mandatory vaccination.
Now we are demanding Congressional hearings and responsibility in controlling, stopping and reversing the loss of children because of devastating environmental toxicity, including vaccines that do not work, have no science behind them and are killing us and our kids, while rendering huge numbers of us infertile, And we are suing the FDA to prevent more vaccines from being used which have never, ever been either tested to make sure that they are safe OR effective, let alone both. That case, the Stop The Shot Case, is a companion case to the Ear Candle Case, which we are also suing the FDA in that one, too. You see, if they can innocuous ear candles, of which 20 million have been sold without a single meaningful adverse event, saying that they are a medical device for which there is no medical use, they can ban ANY device or nutrient claiming the same.
We backed them off this crazed behavior in March, 2008 when they first flew this particular idea to see what would happen. What happened was that we, 688,000 strong, roared NO!, HELL NO! They predictably went away and, just as predictably, came back with this absurd power-grab to make all natural health products and services illegal.
We were there that time, and we are there this time, too. By the way, your recurring tax deductible donations here,, are the essential lubricant which allows the health freedom wheels to keep turning. These donations are the only way that we can do this work, get to Codex, sue agencies, etc.
We are there, every time, because YOU are there. YOU are the netroots and YOU are the solution, the natural solutions. Thanks for making the Natural Solutions Foundation the largest health freedom organization in the world. And thanks for making a big, big difference.
Thanks, too, for your generous tax deductible donations.
If you are not already giving the cost of a month’s worth of coffee, tea, chai, latte, cappuccino, or your other pleasure items each month, let me suggest that you do so, on a recurring basis. That’s the life-blood that keeps our brains and our other working parts pumping!!!!!
Oh, yes, two other things: first, if you use coffee for health or pleasure, you will want to taste the Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee – FREE coffee! Coffee that we grow here in Panama to teach other farmers how to grow coffee without ANY toxic chemicals, neither herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup(C), nor paraquat, nor Agent Orange products like 2-4D, nor pesticides or herbicides – NOTHING but sun, rain, fish meal and a 10 ingredient fermented compost! Other farmers are beginning to grow coffee this way, but there is nothing like our Valley of the Moon Coffee! Support your health and health freedom at the same time by making a tax deductible contribution and getting the healthy coffee. Oh, by the way, you can give this superb coffee as a thoughtful gift at any time of the year. Supplies are strictly limited so order NOW!
The second thing: All of this is great but without YOU as the person who disseminates this information, the Action Items and takes them once for each member of your family and then passes them along to all your contact, this information would stay the private knowledge of the few, a sort of information elite. Nice, but not effective. It is YOUR dissemination which makes this heath freedom thrust take wing and shape local, national and international policy.
It’s your world. Thanks for making us effective so that we do, in fact, make a difference!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee
NSF Virtual Malls
The Dr. Rima Network:
Food Freedom eJournal
The Big Picture: 5 Ways to Know if You’re Making a Difference
David Korten
David Korten’s newly revised and greatly expanded 2nd edition of Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, outlines an agenda to create a new kind of economy: locally-based, community oriented, and devoted to creating a better life for all.
In this special pre-publication excerpt Korten explains how to tell if your actions are helping to build the new economy that “must be lived into being from the bottom up.”
For the many millions of us working to create a better world, it is easy to feel discouraged by the seeming insignificance of even major successes relative to the scale of the problems we face as a nation and a species. Consumed by the details and challenges of our daily engagements, we may easily lose sight of the big picture of the powerful social dynamic to which our work is contributing.
Step back from time to time; take a breath, look out beyond the immediate horizon to bring that big picture back into perspective. Reflect in awe and wonder at the power of the larger social dynamic to which your work contributes.
In my career in international development, I saw, time and again, that the most successful projects were not the largest or the most carefully, centrally planned; they were the ones that arose from the bottom up. Likewise, successful social movements are emergent, evolving, radically self-organizing, and involve the dedicated efforts of many people, each finding the role that best uses his or her gifts and passions. Their scope and their success may not, at first, be readily apparent. Social movements grow and evolve around framing ideas and mutually supportive relationships instead of through top-down direction. New ideas gain traction, or not, depending on what works for those involved in the movement. Some alliances are fleeting; others endure.
The organism, not the machine, provides the appropriate metaphor. The relevant knowledge resides not in the heads of outside experts but in the people who populate the system. The challenge is to help them recognize, organize, and use that knowledge in ever more effective ways.
This is the model I think of when I think about what it will take to build the New Economy—one based on fulfilling the basic needs of people and planet—that we need. It’s also the way that that economy is already being built: step by step, in creative and surprising ways, by people looking for alternatives to a system that isn’t working for them.
To bring down the institutions of Empire, we must begin to build the rules, relationships, and institutions of a New Economy. These must be lived into being from the bottom up.
So how do you know whether your work is contributing to a big-picture outcome? If you can answer yes to any one of the following five questions, then be assured that it is.
1. Does it help discredit a false cultural story fabricated to legitimize relationships of domination and exploitation and to replace it with a true story describing unrealized possibilities for growing the real wealth of healthy communities?
2. Is it connecting others of the movement’s millions of leaders who didn’t previously know one another, helping them find common cause and build relationships of mutual trust that allow them to speak honestly from their hearts and to know that they can call on one another for support when needed?
3. Is it creating and expanding liberated social spaces in which people experience the freedom and support to experiment with living the creative, cooperative, self-organizing relationships of the new story they seek to bring into the larger culture?
4. Is it providing a public demonstration of the possibilities of a real-wealth economy?
5. Is it mobilizing support for a rule change that will shift the balance of power from the people and institutions of the Wall Street phantom-wealth economy to the people and institutions of living-wealth Main Street economies?
These are useful guidelines for setting both individual and group priorities. Bear in mind that in a systems-change undertaking of this magnitude, there is no magic bullet and no one is going to make it happen on their own, so don’t be discouraged if the world looks much the same today despite your special and heroic effort yesterday. It took five thousand years to create the mess we are in today. It will take more than a few days to set it right.
David Korten adapted this article from the newly revised and expanded 2nd edition ofAgenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, available for advance purchase from the YES! Magazine web store.
David is co-founder and board chair of YES! Magazine, co-chair of the New Economy Working Group, president of the People-Centered Development Forum, and a founding board member of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE). His books include Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, and the international best seller When Corporations Rule the World.
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Video Interview
Ryan’s Words
Funding Health Freedom Ride
This page permalink:
Ryan will be posting photos, videos and messages from the road at his blog:
The Natural Solutions Foundation, founded in 2004, is an international NGO (Non Governmental Organization) focused on reclaiming natural, Beyond Organic food production and preserving both health and freedom. We are active and registered in several countries; we are a not for profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization in the United States. The Foundation’s Mission is to discover, develop, document, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the issues which threaten our health, food and freedom, achieving and maintaining a healthy self, community and world. Since its founding, the Natural Solutions Foundation has pursued a vigorous program on many fronts, finding natural solutions to significant social problems involving food, health and wellness.
Through our International Decade of Nutrition™ Program and an alliance among Health Conscious Nations expressed through international cooperation at Codex Alimentarius (the World Food Code) and the creation of demonstration Beyond Organic, BioDynamic, Zero Emissions™, Ecologically Sound communities and schools for farmers to share high impact, low technology natural solutions to permit economically and environmentally sustainable, chemical free farming the Foundation is making these goals a reality, mentored by Fr. Godfrey’s Nzamajo of the UN recognized Songhai Community in Benin, with whom we have formed a strategic alliance bringing new techniques to agriculture in a demonstration community in Panama, the Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Community in the beautiful, bountiful, temperate Chiriquí Highlands, near the town of Volcan.
As part of the Foundation’s Volunteer In-Service Program, we sponsor Interns and Volunteers, seeking innovative ways to fund volunteer activities. Student Interns receive a formal Certificate of Completion to satisfy their school requirements.
Ryan Melia is a professional bike rider who intends to bike from Chicago to the project in Panama, as a publicity action for the Foundation. We support his efforts and urge you to support them as well.
Any donations that you can make to enable this event would be most appreciated. We believe the publicity generated on the Internet and elsewhere by the 2011 Health Freedom Bike Ride will be very helpful in raising public awareness of health and food freedom issues.
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine, III (US Army, Ret.) – President & Trustee
Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD – Trustee & Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola JD – Trustee & Counsel
Earmark a Donation for this event:
Ryan’s Video Interview – 09.10.10
In Ryan’s words…
[This is what Ryan is providing to companies in the biking industry and others, seeking support for his ride.]
I cherish the freedom to use natural remedies and eat clean unadulterated food! Open-minded research will prove that our health freedom is under attack and the Natural Solutions Foundation has been and will continue to be an amazing catalyst for change.
I am riding my bike over 3500 miles and through 7 countries to raise awareness and funds for the Natural Solutions Foundation. I am going to be blogging my entire journey down to the VotM Eco Demonstration Project in Panama. Follow my epic adventure at
I am setting a goal to raise 100,000 dollars. Please help me reach that goal.
My name Is Ryan Melia and I love to travel, ride bikes and eat whole unprocessed food. I began riding bikes at the same age as most kids but I just happened to stick with it, so much so that there was a time that you did not see me without that bike. I took my first trip from Chicago to Arizona on the historic route 66. For 3 weeks, there were 6 of us and 6 bikes packed into a jeep in search of new terrain to ride our bikes on, I was 16. From then on, I had the travel bug which was hard with two more years of high school. Since then, I treat every day as an adventure making it hard to remember when one trip starts and stops. Some of my favorite trips are India, Thailand, and both trips to China! In October I am hungry for more as I pedal to Panama.
Riding bikes the way I do is dangerous! I have had so many injuries that have changed my body forever. A few that stand out are two right knee ACL reconstructions, torn left PCL and a shattered and reconstructed talus bone (the weight bearing bone in the ankle). Between those injuries, the internet and some of my best friends I found out how much a good diet can speed up healing and maintain excellent functioning systems In the body. When I found out that there are people trying to take away the freedom to put highly nutritious food and supplements in my body I came up with the health freedom bike ride to give back to the people who are fighting for our health and freedom.
What We Stand For
We stand for the freedom to choose any form of healthcare, allopathic and naturopathic, according to individual free will.
We seek optimal health, beyond mere symptom suppression.
We believe that optimal health is the result of harmony involving body, mind, and heart and is only attainable when we are attentive to the underlying causes of disease.
We observe a society suffering from the illusion of a separation between health and the intricate processes of nature. This separation is the product of a mechanistic paradigm that does not acknowledge the human being as self-healing.
We believe that pharmaceutical science has provided some useful tools for acute conditions, which we value. We also believe that the misapplication of the pharmaceutical approach has lead to a culture of illness and death rather than health.
We believe that while drugs may be effective in acute situations, they pollute both our bodies and the environment when used inappropriately and excessively.
We observe that where there is optimal health, there are no symptoms. Truly healthy people and societies age well and do not experience the epidemic of chronic diseases that we experience in our society.
We believe that in a truly healthy society, where we live in greater harmony with the environment, natural medicine will serve virtually all health needs, reserving pharmaceutical medicine for rare acute situations.
We observe that the pharmaceutical industry is the largest industry on Earth with most of its drugs being useful for perpetual symptom-suppression, not cure; with hundreds of thousands dying annually in the US along, from properly prescribe pharmaceutical drugs.
We observe that humanity is moving away from the symptom-suppression model of health, toward natural health that goes after underlying cases of disease.
We believe that Codex Alimentarius (the World Food Code) is a deceptive program spawned by pharmaceutical and other multi-national industrial interests, with the undeniable agenda of indirectly undermining our sovereign health freedom laws (DSHEA), in order to forcibly maintain a mass market for drugs, processed foods, and pesticides.
We observe that these processed foods and pesticides will perpetuate the need for healthcare and that Codex Alimentarius is in the process of removing all competition to the pharmaceutical/allopathic option for that care.
We know that the Codex Alimentarius Vitamin and Mineral Guideline is unscientific since it erroneously classifies nutrients as toxins, and uses the wrong science of toxicology to determine meaningless micro-doses as “upper limits” on these essential substances. We support the Natural Solutions Foundation Alternative Vitamin and Mineral Guideline and urge that American freedom of choice in nutrients and healthcare be the model for Global Health Freedom.
We understand that biochemistry (the science of life processes) and not toxicology (the science of poisons), is the appropriate science for assessing nutritional needs.
We understand that nutrients are not toxins and do not behave as such, and thus cannot be treated as such if sound scientific advice is to be produced.
We conclude that by seeking to classify nutrients as toxins, the pharmaceutical industry is using the mantle of Codex Alimentarius to eliminate nutritional supplements and other natural health options from the marketplace under the deceptive veneer of “consumer protection”.
We realize that the concept of “consumer protection” which excludes informed consumer choice as the overriding priority is the “Great Fabrication” of Codex Alimentarius.
Codex Alimentarius is the greatest threat humanity has ever faced in the battle for personal choice and personal will, rather than economic interest, to determine health decisions. We view toxins in the food supply, unlabeled Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and mandated vaccinations as affronts to human dignity and fundamental freedoms.
We understand that in America, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) is part of our legislative protection against the destructive Codex Alimentarius Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG). We know that some American politicians in Congress are working to undermine DSHEA, because without DSHEA and similar laws that classify nutrients as foods, we have no legal shield between us and Codex (which classifies nutrients as toxins).
We perceive that the power of the people to make informed natural health choices makes Codex Alimentarius vulnerable; if we urge Congress to refrain from supporting Codex Alimentarius and anti-DSHEA bills, and instead support pro-health freedom bills, they ignore our collective voices at the peril of their positions in office.
We know that more than 230 million Americans use natural health products and treatments in their lives. We also know that there are over 60 million people in America who care deeply about health and sustainability (the LOHAS market). They would become active when alerted to dangers to health and sustainability.
We are committed to applying effective marketing and communication strategies to reach and inspire the LOHAS market and other communities, in order to build a massive grass-roots movement committed to promoting and securing health freedom in America.
We understand that developing relationships with members of Congress in a spirit of respect is crucial to delivering the necessary education which will allow Congress to protect our health freedom. Congressmen and Congresswomen, individually and in their families, stand to lose as much as any other American if health freedom is lost to Codex Alimentarius.
We choose to unite in numbers, organized cohesively thanks to the greatest communication tool ever invented: the Internet. We will organize ourselves into online and offline groups, letting our movement grow organically until our din can be heard in the halls of Washington D.C.
Funding Ryan’s Ride and Health Freedom!
There are several ways to help fund Ryan’s Ride and help raise funds for Health Freedom…
1. Make a Deductible Donation to Health Freedom USA for Ryan’s Ride…
2. Give a personal gift to help Ryan on his way, through the PayPal account he’s set up for the ride; this is a personal gift to the Ryan’s Ride account and is not a donation to the Foundation:
3. Join the Fundraising Pyramid…
Hello, my name is Ryan Melia and I am trying to raise 100,000 dollars for the Natural Solutions Foundation. The Foundation’s Mission is to discover, develop, document, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the issues which threaten our health, food and freedom, achieving and maintaining a healthy self, community and world. To learn more about the NSF visit them at: or
In October I intend to ride my bike from Chicago to the Chiquiri Highlands of Panama. I will be documenting my entire journey through the United States, Mexico , and Central America at:
The Fundraising Pyramid is a way for you to give ten dollars by only giving one dollar. This goal can be achieved, but each of us who receives this document has to follow through with a very simple formula I have listed below. You can follow the progression of this fundraiser at:
1.) Donate one dollar and receive the fundraising pyramid document.
2.) Make ten copies of this piece of paper you hold in your hands.
3.) Sell this document to the ten most important and influential people in your life.
4.) Mail ten dollars to the NSF with the names and addresses of the ten people
Thank you for your support. I am excited to see if we can raise 100,000 dollars one dollar at a time!
Donate here:
Or mail ten dollars to:
Natural Solutions Foundation
c/o Ralph Fucetola JD, Trustee
58 Plotts Road
Newton, NJ 07860-6224
Or use our Internet donation page:
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™ –
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Freedom of Health Speech and Conscience Amendment
Hear Dr. Rima on Health Freedom Radio Sunday Night!
Fast Index:
[1] Dr Rima Reports: Internet Radio, Sunday Night 10 PM – Midnight EST:
Special Guest: DC Insider and Lobbyist Dan Perrin: Making the System Work for Our Side! Listen or call in at 347-324-3704
How to Listen:
[2] Important Action Item: Support Health Freedom Bills and Amendment
Action Item:
Open Letter to Activists and Further information: Click Here.
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition: Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products…
Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity…
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” And their brains. Are yours ready?
Read Dr. Rima’s “Is Nano Silver Under the Gun Because It IS the Magic Bullet?“
Cryptococcus gattii appears to be the latest genetically engineered killer organism. It is a killer mold altered to have a kill rate of half of those who develop symptoms, usually months after exposure. Conventional medicine has no way to treat the infection once symptoms appear. If this mold responds to Nano Silver as part of its biological terrain as well as we believe that it should, Nano Silver may be a VERY useful nutrient to have on hand!
“…potentially lethal fungus may spread…“ – Health Care Industry Today, May 5, 2010
We recommend Silver Biotics Nano Silver, available at
Index: Codex Food Labeling Committee Meeting Analysis
1. Health Freedom Bills and Amendment!
Good Bills in Congress… maybe a constitutional amendment?
2. FTC Power Grab, Threat to Natural Solutions!
Wall Street Reform Act may threaten natural products claims…
3. Stop Fake “Food Safety” Bill S.510
Weeks and Holding: Food Fascism on the Ropes?
4. Dr. Rima Reports – Sunday Night Internet Radio
Topic this week: The Water Doc – What you need to Know
5. Valley of the Moon Eco Community…
6. Dr. Rima Network
Ideas and products recommended by Dr. Rima
New Cognitive Enhancement Pack!
7. Dr. Rima: Globalist Eugenicidal Agenda
This YouTube must go viral… important message!
To: Patriots, Libertarians, Progressives, Liberals, Conservatives, Tea Party Members, Coffee Party Members, Republicans, Democrats, Health Freedom Advocates and All Other Lovers of Freedom:
The Natural Solutions Foundation, the largest health freedom organization in the world, wants to invite you, and everyone within your circle of influence, to join us in promulgating and promoting an urgently needed Amendment to the Constitution of These United States to ensure and protect, now and for the duration of the Republic, the right of each individual to make his/her own health choices unencumbered or circumscribed by corporate or state interference.
We are facing a suppression of our sovereignty over our own bodies. We are subject to mandated vaccinations when vaccination has never been rigorously tested or shown
to prevent to to cure a single disease, but is well documented to induce massive multi system damage.
We are facing mandatory drugging with untested, unproven and demonstrably toxic psychiatric and cancer chemotherapy drugs for ourselves and our children despite the lack of safety, science or constitutionality of such assaults.
We are facing invasive governmental agencies who, instead of regulating dangerous industries, derive the income from them and oppress the economically challenging options which we, the People, seek for our own health maintenance and recover, turning safe, effective therapies into illegal substances and devices.
We are facing oppressive and punitive government assaults and abuses of power in which safe and effective devices are seized, and their purveyors jailed, healing modalities and products are arbitrarily deemed “untested drugs and devices” when use for personal health strategies that do not pour profits into the pockets of the multinational drug and industrial food interests.
We are facing degraded food whose toxic and dangerous nature, both chemically and genetically, is kept hidden from us as an industrial secret so that we, as consumers,
cannot make health conscious choices about our food and that of our children.
We are facing a regulatory system so abusive that natural substances, although unpatentable, can be withdrawn from the market if a drug company expresses interest in
future exploitation of that nutrient as a possible drug.
We are encountering extra-legal and absurdly arbitrary and capricious re-definitions of nutrients as unlicensed, and therefore illegal, drugs if so much as a single scientific study has ever looked at the substance for any purpose or if no scientific study has ever looked at the substance for any purpose.
We are looking at the “HARMonization” of US regulatory standards and guidelines with international bodies in direct violation of US law and regulatory practice.
We are experiencing the selective enforcement of gag rules on truthful scientific speech to limit access to health benefits consumers might reasonably expect from natural substances and helpful devices.
The Natural Solutions Foundation knows that our time is short before we are facing the total criminalization and elimination of all meaningful autonomy over our own bodies and those of our children since the process of domination of our health choices by the State is accelerating rapidly. We believe that we have a last opportunity to reclaim our sovereignty and dominion over our bodies by a Constitutional Amendment which reads:
To learn more read here:
Action Item:
Join us Sunday Night for a conference call about the FHS Amendment
219-509-8322 pin 937848# 9 PM EDT – 45 minute call
2. Waxman’s Bill Threatens to Kill Dietary Supplements Through Hostile Regulation. Thousands Have eMailed Their Senators! We Need Millions!
The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173), just adopted by the House of Representatives (and sent to the Senate as S.3217) includes language giving more power to the Federal Trade Commission to make general rules for interstate commerce that could be used to restrict truthful information about dietary supplements, by requiring expensive, “drug company” level clinical trials before vitamin companies could make claims about their products. This “reform” could hand-over the natural products industry to Big Pharma, which, over the past few years, has bought up most of the larger vitamin companies. The new rules could become a “barrier against entry” driving many smaller companies out of business.
We address this issue in an Action Item telling the Senate to provide protective language for natural products which do not need the same level of substantiation (called “significant scientific agreement”) that drugs should require for public safety. The existing commercial standard of “competent and reliable scientific evidence” allows natural product marketers to rely on published literature and small-scale clinical studies appropriate for food products. As we have been warning, the attacks on Natural Solutions will continue and will escalate. BUT, YOUR CONTINUED PUSH BACK WILL PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO ACCESS NATURAL SOLUTIONS!
Action Item:
FOUR Weeks and Holding: Food Fascism on the Ropes?
S.510 STILL has not made it to the floor of the Senate this week! Some were predicting it would pass two weeks ago when certain industry groups began to back it. However, your continued PUSH BACK is still holding it off. Please read below and TAKE THE ACTION ITEM AGAIN! That’s right , AGAIN! We must continue to innudate the Senate with emails to stop this travesty!
Rumor in DC is that the forced-industrialization of food production bill, S.510, will come to a vote in the Senate this week or next week. If you value local, natural food production, NOW is the time to act! Please use this Action Item and send the message to the Senate: “NO FAKE FOOD SAFETY BILL”. Demand strong, unequivocal protection for local, natural food production! Please forward this message to everyone you know and ask them to act too!
Two critically important action steps to take:
[1] Send an email to your Senators:
[2] CALL your US Senators’ offices; Just dial 800-828-0498 and make a call registering your strongly negative opinion of S. 510! If not now, when? For 9 “talking points” about why the bill is just as we’ve described it, see -
4. Dr. Rima Reports – Internet Radio Archives
Dr. Rima Reports: Your Health, Your Way! archives are available at
Just go to the “Travenyl1” show at 9 PM Eastern Standard Time and fast forward to hours 2 and 3. That’s when the Dr. Rima Reports is on and you’ll be able to hear our ground-breaking interviews! Enjoy!
5. Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstrtion Community…
S. 510, the Fake Food Safety Bill, and now the “Financial Industry Reform” bill advance the Globalist Agenda by Degrading and Industrializing ALL US Food. That’s Why The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Community Exists: to Reclaim the Production of Food in a Sustainable Community.
New Video Gives You a Quick Tour, with General Bert, of Land We Are Considering!
Interested in Natural Solutions Foundation’s ground-breaking program to reclaim the production of food in a sustainable teaching and living environment in the Highlands of Panama? The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project is a place to live, to support, to practice your healing arts or other skills. It is also a perfect project to use as a qualified offshore vehicle for your tax deferred IRAs or 401s and other funds. Perhaps more than one of these areas interests you. Visit for more information.
If so, or to find out more, please contact Ralph Fucetola, JD, Foundation Trustee and Counsel, at with “VOTM” as the subject –
6. The Dr. Rima Network
All Natural… Powerfully Antioxidant…
What? You’re Still Drinking Ordinary Chemical Coffee?
You Have No Idea What You Are Missing!
Health Freedom’s Own Coffee, Valley of the Moon Coffee, Will Delight You, While You Support the Natural Solutions Foundation With Your Morning Java! Make a donation and get your coffee:
Important announcement: Virtual Malls about to reopen! and have been temporarily shut down for new site design testing. In a short time we will be up and running again (when the compuer geniuses tell us we are ready to go!) In the meantime, please continue to purchase the following products from the Natural Solutions Foundation.
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition: Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products…
Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity…
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” Are you ready?
Dr. Rima has designed a third, very special Dietary Supplement Mind Enhancement Pack!
To learn more, go to:
You know there is a battle going on for your mind (or maybe against it!). Part of the Globalist Agenda to reduce human population and restrict our freedoms goes on in our own heads, as we are subjected to a level of propaganda that can only be termed “mind controlling.” Its success depends on making sure that we are dumb, dull, deluded and distracted….
See the video interview with Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert:
Let me quote General Bert, “‘Focus and clarity’ were the words Ralph used to describe the Cognitive Enhancement nutrients, and that is exactly what I experienced. Both my long and short term memory are enhanced by these products and my thinking processes are noticeably sharper. I am very impressed and intend to continue using them.”
There are numerous smart nutrients, but few of them, working synergistic ally, have the capability of doing what these products actually do. In this battle to take back our food, our health and our freedoms, we must all be as mentally sharp as possible. That is why the genocidal elitists want us under-nourished and unable to think. I was so impressed with these products that I immediately began to study them and their impact. I researched the ingredients and am satisfied that there is no indicia of a lack safety when used as directed. That’s when I decided to create combination packs that would support mental function without agitating; would enhance cognition without later let-down. Dr. Rima
A Little Bit of Heaven in a Cup: Valley of the Moon™ Coffee
All Natural, all Wonderful! A 1/2 lb bag of the best coffee you have ever tasted! That’s our gift to you when you make a $25 donation!
Nano Silver
Detox Foot Pads,
Please watch my brief lecture on the Globalist Agenda and then share it with everyone you know:
Now take this video viral along with an invitation to everyone you send it to inviting them to join the Health Freedom Action eAlerts to become involved and powerful!
Four short, hard-hitting video reports from Dr. Rima at Codex meeting:
Report Number 1: Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) Another Codex trick: set nutritional levels so low that everyone will be in chronic nutritional deficit – and think that it is normal. This connects directly to S. 510, the Food Fascism Bill, and S. 3218, the Wall Street Reform Bill that contains language which can kill dietary supplements through hostile regulation. 5 minutes, 7 seconds.
Report Number 2: US wants to prevent labeling of GMOs anywhere in the world! More on health claims and NRVs. 9 minutes, 57 seconds
Report Number 3: Degrading Organic standards. What can you do about it? Plenty. Watch the video and take the Action Steps. 9 minutes, 45 seconds
Reort Number 4: GMOs: US and Big Biotech act to make honest GMO (and GMO-Free) labeling impossible. Summary of the Codex Committee meeting. Ten minutes.
See the videos here:
8. Urgent Action Items: Calling All Mouse Warriors!
Take these Action Items Once for Every Member of Your Family and Then Pass Them On to Every Person in Your Circle of Influence –
9. Fake “FOOD SAFETY”[SIC] Bill On the Move Again
Protect Your Access to Clean, Non Industrialized Food
Click here,
To beat back the phony “Food Safety”[sic] bill, S. 510, designed to end access to clean, healthy food and “HARMonize” us with Codex by industrializing all food production in the US. This week’s “amendments” are not enough! Now is the time to push even harder!
10. GMOs are Not Tested for Safety.
Science Shows They Are Dangerous. Ban GMOs Now
Demand a GMO Ban — Now!
Click here,
To demand a total ban on GMO products and strong scientific study to find out just how bad the damage has been and how to correct it.
11. Resist Tyranny As a HealthKeeper
Tyrannies Enlist the HealthCare System to Enforce Their Tyranny. Stop This Dangerous Trend Which Is Already Being Brought Into Play in the US –
Click here,
To take the Health Keeper’s Oath and make it very clear that you will not be swept up into the misuse of medical and allied personnel in the coming health tyranny, either as uniformed Ready Reserve or as non uniformed health personnel.
12. Impeach HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
Asked the Press to Violate the First Amendment, Violating Her Oath of Office to Defend the Constitution of the United States. She Should Be Removed Immediately.
Click here:
To demand the removal, through either resignation or impeachment, of HHS Secretary Sebelius, who not only presides over one of the most corrupt federal agencies in history, but asked the press to suppress our constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech concerning vaccines, autism, mercury and damage to ourselves and our children.
13. FTC Rule Making Authority: Protect Dietary Supplements
and Natural Remedies from enhanced FTC power which may be used to restrict access to truthful information about Natural Solutions!
14. New Action Item! Ask Congress to Investigate Autism Epidemic!
Remember, Health Freedom Isn’t Free.
Please Set Up Your Recurring Tax Deductible Donation Now!
100% of Your Donation Goes to Defending YOUR Health Freedom
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Medical Director
Rima E. Laibow MD
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Dr. Rima’s video reports from Codex meeting here:
Counsel Ralph’s report from DC meetings here:
There is so much going on right now… the attacks by the Powers that Be are, as Bill Faloon of Life Extension Foundation stated in a recent urgent message, echoing our own concerns: “The threat of a regulatory stranglehold over dietary supplements has intensified.”
We have at least three dangerous bills pending in the US Senate, any one of which could be a real disaster for Health Freedom.
S.3002 – the happily stalled McCain bill. We pushed back against this one so hard that even McCain withdrew his support from his own bill just one month and a day after introducing it! This took about 300,000 emails. However, the Senator from Arizona is still hovering around, trying to get parts of his “HARMonization” with Codex bill terms into the other pending bills.
S.510 – the fake “Food Safety” bill. The “natural products” industry shills and astroturf groups are now backing this disaster, after promises of a Manager’s Amendment to exempt DSHEA products. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Over a million and a half emails continue to pour in, demanding real protection in these words:
“Rule of Interpretation – No provision of this act shall be deemed to apply (a) to any home, home-business, homestead, home or community gardens, small farm, organic or natural agricultural activity, (b) to any family farm or ranch, or (c) to any natural or organic food product, including dietary supplements regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.”
Action Item:
S.3217 – the Senate version of the financial institution “reform” law. California Rep Waxman included more power for the FTC to abuse in the bill that passed the house. Congress took away from FTC in the 80s its general rule making power, due to abuse. Now, in the “new” socialist DC environment, the agency is about to get the power it wants to force Dietary Supplement companies to meet drug-company substantiation standards that are totally inappropriate for food products and that could destroy small nutrient companies.
Action Item:
And the above does not include such extraordinary assaults on Health and Health Freedom as are embodied in the new nationalized illness payment system… but that’s going to get repealed sooner than its proponents can imagine! These other legislative assaults therefore demand our attention — we need millions of emails to the Senate to push back and stop them!
As all this is occurring, a Codex Alimentarius (the World Food Code) committee on nutritional labeling is meeting in Canada perhaps defining the fate of world food trade for decades to come. Health Freedom is at stake there too. See Dr. Laibow’s daily video reports from Quebec City here:
Health Freedom isn’t free… to be effective we need your support!
Thank you!
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee and Counsel