Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedom™
Dr. Rima’s Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars:
Vaxocrats know the deal: Vaccines are neither safe nor effective, as they must be under the laws governing them in the US. That makes, according to my understanding, EVERY vaccine used in the US an illegal, improperly registered and approved drug. What’s new here is that the unreliability of the DPT vaccine has been confirmed by the CDC itself. … read the whole article below.
Donate to Keep Health Freedom Free:
Want Your Money to Help Keep Health Freedom Free? Check out the Fund for Natural Solutions:
Dr. Rima Reports: Every Sunday Morning
10 AM to 1 PM EDT
Your Health & Food Freedom Portal:
The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™
Update Bulletin During the Fake “Food Safety” S.510 Emergency!
Dr. Rima Reports, live chat, updates, Action Items and more…
October 27, 2010
CORRECTION: Dr. Rima, Gen. Bert and Counsel Ralph’s Special Webinar TONITE 9 PM Eastern…
Free Valley of the Moon™ Webinar Wednesday Night 9 PM EDT! Why demonstrate Natural Solutions in Panama? Why not in the US? Join us tonite… NOW! NOT LATER! NOW! Stop S.510! Stop S.3767! NO! to S.3767: Support the Food Freedom Amendment Instead! |
Index: Perfect Coffee Gift - Election Push Back – Free 10/27 Panama Webinar
Short Takes – Dr. Rima Reports – Dr. Rima Recommends & Webinars
First, A Word From Our Sponsor:
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee
What is 100% GMO-Free, Toxin Free, and Helps Keep Health Freedom Free?
Health Freedom’s Own Coffee – Free of Toxins, Free of GMOs, Supporting Health Freedom!
Valley of the Moon™ Coffee is the product of our “Boots on the Ground” Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project in Panama,, where we are helping to reclaim the production of clean, unadulterated food.
Each bag of Valley of the Moon Coffee you give as a gift, or treat yourself to, supports clean food agriculture and supports the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time. That means that you are drinking clean, toxin-free coffee and supporting health freedom at the same time.
Don’t forget to get yourself some of our exceptional Valley of the Moon™ Coffee,, and remember to give this delightful health brew as your gift for birthdays, Christmas, Hanukkah, corporate gifts, Holiday corporate and private gift giving! Clean, toxin-free coffee helps coffee drinkers, it helps the Natural Solutions Foundation at the same time and it tastes WONDERFUL!!!
In fact, we want you to try, and then keep on drinking, our wonderful Valley of the Moon Coffee™ so we have a coffee special for you: Purchase a 1/2 pound bag of our spectacular coffee for $18.87 plus shipping. This same bag normally requires a donation of $25.00 (a savings of $6.13) plus shipping. Now, purchase 5 bags or more (including your gifts) and your price drops to $17.57 per bag – a savings of $37.15!
Just make sure that you enter “RbR01C” in the Comments Area to receive this special price for Valley of the Moon Coffee,
Health and Food Freedom: For You, For Your Kids, For The Future
Please Help! Make Your Tax Deductible Donation Now
We need recurring donations so we cover our expenses and plan ahead. Whatever your recurring donation is, it will help to make the difference. We are hacked and attacked for a reason: because we are having an impact.
The other side has huge power. We have more. Together. You see, we have your Push Back power!
The other side has huge budgets. We do not need that much.
The other side deals in lies. We deal in truth. The other side is truly dangerous because they are wreaking havoc and leading people to disease and death.
We are “dangerous” solely because we are telling truth to power.
Thanks for your help. Please take the actions below and please, please make a donation. Your health and food freedom literally depend upon it.
What can you do about the Uber Cartel?
Here are those Action Items so you can take them and share them for others to take:
Send Congress 4 Push Back Messages:
“Don’t You DARE!”
Use the Action Items Below; Email Everyone You Know Urging Them to Do the Same and Forward to Their Contacts!
Stop S.510! Stop S.3767!
NO! to S.3767: Support the Food Freedom Amendment Instead!
NO! to GMOs
NO! To Forced Vaccination
Thanks! Now spend a few minutes disseminating these Action Items to your contacts so they become part of the Incredibly Powerful Mouse Warrior Army!
That’s why our visits to the offices of both incumbents AND candidates, when we come in groups, armed with the talking points, are so very important. That’s why viralizing the Action Items (see above) and the Talking Points (see below) is so very, very, important.
NO! to FOOD FASCISM Talking Points
GMO DANGERS Talking Points
OF COURSE “they” are attacking us! If you were the Uber Cartel and the other side were this successful, wouldn’t you attack them this way if you had no scruples and no desire to see anything like freedom for anyone but yourself?
A bit of inspiration: The Uber Cartel and the Peasants of the Dawn:
We can only take this level of attack as a powerful confirmation that we, you and the Natural Solutions Foundation, are exerting a meaningful force against globalization, genocide and the contamination of our food! And that is why we cannot let up!
We need your recurring donations and coffee orders now!
Boots on the Ground in Panama. Are They Yours?
New Eco Demonstration Project Development:
Duplex Participations in the Project!
Special free October 27, 2010 Webinar!
Lovely BeyondOrganic™ Restaurant Review!
There are a number of reasons, all of them good ones, that I can think of to buy that ticket to Panama!
Do We Have Fun At the Valley of the Moon? You Bet!!
Click Here to See What We are Doing For Halloween:
Click here for our Halloween Special in English http://www.healthfreedomusa.
and here for our Special in Spanish: http://www.healthfreedomusa.
Here are some reasons to come to Panama, in no particular rank order:
1. You are interested in finding out more about the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Valley of the Moon™Eco Demonstration Project and how it might fit your needs. You have visited and and you are intrigued. Of course, you are welcome at any time but you might want to join Trustee Ralph Fucetola and a group of people for their next visit here (tentative dates: January 19 – 27, 2011). Contact us at, subject PANAMA, for more information.
2. You know that the US is in the process of seizing both IRAs and 401s and “guaranteeing” them with the “strength” of the US Dollar to provide you with an “annuity” of 3% interest and you are not at all happy with this option. You know that you can still place your retirement funds offshore and are seriously considering this option.
3. You want to live in a community of like-minded people with a secure, BeyondOrganic food supply, natural medical center and other services and you want to do it outside the US.
4. You want to help to reclaim the production of clean, unadulterated food around the world through your support of, and connection with, the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project in Volcan, Panama. You don’t have to be a farmer to do so!
5. You want to attend our outstanding seminars and workshops, like Angela Malek’s “Living, Eating and Healing with the 5 Element Theory” Workshop from January 9 – 15, 2011. Watch a short video with Angela here: to get the “flavor”. Interested? Contact us at with “5 Elements” as your subject line. More information: — Space is strictly limited!
6. You love good food and the idea of reclaiming its production. You love eating it, too, and you can’t wait to eat at our gourmet organic restaurant!
7. You want to volunteer your time and talents at the Valley of the Moon! Again, use our address with “Volunteer” in the subject line.
Short Takes
GlaxoSmithKline Agrees to Pay $750 Million to Settle Manufacturing Complaints!
GlaxoSmithKline, the British drug giant, has agreed to pay $750 million to settle criminal and civil complaints that the company for years knowingly sold contaminated baby ointment and an ineffective antidepressant — the latest in growing number of whistle-blower lawsuits that drug makers have settled with multimillion dollar fines. Altogether, GlaxoSmithKline sold 20 drugs with questionable
safety that were made at a huge plant in Puerto Rico that for years was rife with contamination. Cheryl Eckard, the company’s quality manager, asserts in her whistle-blower suit that she warned Glaxo of the problems but the company fired her instead of addressing the issues. Among the drugs affected were Avandia, Bactroban, Coreg, Paxil and Tagamet. No patients are known to have been sickened by the quality problems although such cases would be difficult to trace.
Altogether, GlaxoSmithKline sold 20 drugs with questionable safety that were made at a huge plant in Puerto Rico that for years was rife with contamination. Cheryl Eckard, the company’s quality manager, asserts in her whistle-blower suit that she warned Glaxo of the problems but the company fired her instead of addressing the issues. Among the drugs affected were Avandia, Bactroban, Coreg, Paxil and Tagamet.
No patients are known to have been sickened by the quality problems although such cases would be difficult to trace.
FDA Announces Sibutramine Has Been Withdrawn From the Market
The agency asked Abbott Laboratories to pull the drug from the market after it evaluated data from a postmarketing study of the drug’s cardiovascular safety. The study, called the Sibutramine Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial (SCOUT), demonstrated a 16% increase in the risk for serious cardiovascular events such as nonfatal heart attack, nonfatal stroke, the need for resuscitation after the heart stopped, and death in a cohort of patients given sibutramine compared with another given a placebo.
In September, an FDA advisory panel reviewed the SCOUT results, with HALF OF THE MEMBERS IN FAVOR OF WITHDRAWING SUBITRAMINE [emphasis added – REL] and the other half recommending stricter access to the drug and tougher label warnings.
Quadruple $trength Vaccine For Elderly
Note: IF Vaccine$ Worked At All, Why Would 4x Do$e Be Needed? Who $ays It I$ Needed? But It’$ 2x A$ Expen$ive
(NaturalNews) The vaccine industry has now decided that injecting senior citizens with the “standard” vaccine dose just isn’t working. (Gee, really?) So now they’ve decided the way to make it work better is to offer a quadruple viral potency vaccine that packs 400% more viral fragments into one toxic shot. The target for this quadruple vaccine injection? Senior citizens, of course — the very people most likely to suffer the most serious side effects from a vaccine overdose. The FDA reportedly approved the new vaccine in April even though no scientific tests have ever been done to show it reduces flu symptoms.
Low Testosterone Associated With High Mortality in Men With CHD
October 22, 2010 (Sheffield, United Kingdom) — Among men who have coronary heart disease, mortality was doubled in those with low testosterone levels compared with those who had normal levels, a new observational study has shown. Dr Chris J Malkin (Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK) and colleagues report their findings in Heart. [1]
“This is the fourth epidemiologic study to have shown that low testosterone is a marker of early mortality,” senior author Dr Kevin S Channer (Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK) told heartwire . “But most crucially, it is the first in men with vascular disease; all of the other epidemiologic follow-up studies of testosterone have excluded this patient population.”
Natural Solutions Foundation: Note, however, that when cholesterol is artificially lowered, the sex hormones, including testosterone, cannot be produced in adequate supply. Heart disease is “treated” by lowering cholesterol to ultra low, non-physiologic levels with statins. Subsequent conditions like depression, erectile dysfunction, stroke, cancer, heart attacks and death are likely results. Bad medicine, good business. REL
A Friend of Health Freedom Writes to Diane Feinstein – Sometimes Health Freedom Is Just Plain Hilarious!
A good friend of health freedom wrote to Diane Feinstein (D CA) about his flu vaccine concerns. He received the predictable form letter containing such idiocy as “Several studies have been conducted, by the CDC and other agencies, in response to concerns that thimerosal, a mercury-containing component of the influenza vaccine, is linked to autism. These studies did not find such a link, noting that the amount of thimerosal in the vaccine was too low to have an effect. One study found that, even after thimerosal was removed from vaccines in Denmark, the rate of autism in children continued to rise.
The influenza vaccine is the safest, most effective method of preventing the spread of a disease which, according to the CDC, leads to an average of 36,000 deaths each year. Please know that I will keep your thoughts in mind should legislation regarding the influenza vaccine come before the Senate.
Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator”
Our articulate friend wrote back to her a letter which I now share with you with thanks to him for his activism, his passion and his sharing of this exchange.
“Dear Diane,
Thank you so much for your email regarding the use of the deadly mercury in the H1N1 vaccine and other injections given even to newborn babies with no regard to the long term neurological consequences and the damage that will be done to millions of families across our country and around the world. I appreciate your need to do all you can for the reputation of the WTO, after their complete exposure as a fraudulent organization when they issued a pandemic alert of the highest level last year (level 6) in order to convince (or coerce) millions of people to take the toxic vaccines.
I sympathize with you that the otherwise well-coordinated scam did not work, and the “pandemic” had to be canceled, with millions of unused injections sitting on the shelves, waiting for a pandemic to be created fast enough to use them before they have to be thrown away. No one realizes how hard the poor drug dealers work with their government servants to pull off one of these global scams, and how much hard-extorted money they lose when one does not work. Actually, though, since the government bought the injectable drugs from them, there is fortunately no loss to the drug dealers themselves, but only to the American public, since this was a taxpayer expense.
As far as your reassurance that CDC and FDA have made sure these toxins are really good and healthy for us to inject into our bodies, thank you that makes me feel so much better. I realize that as a busy senator, you have no spare time to waste on things like learning what the CDC and the FDA are, or that they are fully controlled by and take their orders from, the drug companies. Later, when you are retired, perhaps you can take the time to study these things, instead of just repeating what you have been told. If you eventually become honest, and perhaps develop a conscience, you will find that the current “health care” system, overseen and controlled by the respectable drug lords that you know as “pharmaceutical companies” has become the number two cause of death in American today (something like 750,000 deaths a year from “properly” used drugs).
I look forward to the time you become interested in what good you could actually do for the people you are supposed to represent. There is still time for you to drop the party and political nonsense, and take up humility, honesty, and a sincere interest in truth instead. Millions of us are waiting for that time and wishing you well in getting there.
In the meantime, if you ever develop any curiosity to see the real data on vaccines, take a look at:, and, and numerous others which are not connected to the vast “health care” drug machine. The information is rock solid, science based, and will amaze you if you allow yourself to learn.
[Name Redacted at Writer’s Request]”
Dr. Rima Reports
Every Sunday 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time
Listen and Chat:
Just Listen:
European Food Supplements Directive, which we have described as “Codex on steroids” is set to go into full implementation in April, 2011. In our rapidly globalizing world, does this spell the end of high potency nutrients and supplements in the US? Find out this coming Sunday at 10 AM – 1 PM Eastern
To Listen or Ask Questions Call: 512-904-8014 or Toll Free 866-841-1065
(If is down, we have an alternative program link at
And on November 7th… You are invitee to join our
Round Table Discussion of the election and
How the results will effect health and food freedom issues…
We will have some surprise guests then too!
Click Here For More Information on Dr. Rima Reports:
Dr. Rima Reports Archives
NATURAL SOLUTIONS CENTER WEBINARS Webinar Archives 1. Special Free Webinar — the Valley of the Moon Eco Community 2. Archived! ESSENTIAL CAUTIONS FOR CAM PRACTITIONERS – Ralph Fucetola JD (1.5 hr – $99) 4. Archived! The Five Elements: Video Intro for Free Webinar and more… 5. Experience Karma Singh’s Energy Transmissions, Then Tell Us What You Think: 6. Free Valley of the Moon™ Webinar Wednesday Night 9 PM EDT! |
Please don’t forget YOUR universal remedy, Nano Silver, |
And remember to supplement with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients to keep your brain healthy and focused… this message from our friends at Biologics Nutraceuticals, providers of the Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:
“Please let Health Freedom supporters know they can take advantage of our Double Dip Sale with $4.99 Economy Shipping to the entire US! All of the Dr. Rima Packs are discounted 10% with the additional option to buy 2 and get another pack of the same type added to your cart at checkout for free! You may also buy three of the same type individual bottles and receive a free bottle of the same type in your cart at checkout!” Brian
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President –
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director –
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee –
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Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Dr. Rima Reports:
June 27, 2010
David Korten is both a change agent and an observer of change. He has written a provocative article called, :The Big Picture: 5 Ways to Know if You’re Making a Difference”.
He says that if you can answer “YES!” to ONE of the following criteria, you are making a difference.
Here are his criteria, taken from the article which you can read below:
1. Does it help discredit a false cultural story fabricated to legitimize relationships of domination and exploitation and to replace it with a true story describing unrealized possibilities for growing the real wealth of healthy communities?
2. Is it connecting others of the movement’s millions of leaders who didn’t previously know one another, helping them find common cause and build relationships of mutual trust that allow them to speak honestly from their hearts and to know that they can call on one another for support when needed?
3. Is it creating and expanding liberated social spaces in which people experience the freedom and support to experiment with living the creative, cooperative, self-organizing relationships of the new story they seek to bring into the larger culture?
4. Is it providing a public demonstration of the possibilities of a real-wealth economy?
5. Is it mobilizing support for a rule change that will shift the balance of power from the people and institutions of the Wall Street phantom-wealth economy to the people and institutions of living-wealth Main Street economies?
You, through the Natural Solutions Foundation, can answer
1. YES!!
2. YES!!
3. YES!!
4. YES!!
5. YES!! to this excellent assay of effectiveness.
Check out just a few of our accomplishments below and here, These accomplishments are yours and ours, together, because without you, there would be no meaning to our work. It is the community of empowered people that makes a difference, and that is what you, and we, are, together.
Frankly, our “Accomplishments” page is out of date because the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation do not have time to get it up to date without taking time away from our rapid, profound and widely focused forward movement.
Consider: Our Codex eBook,, was the first document to outline exactly how every country in the world, including, of course, the US!, could move to a higher standard for every class of food than Codex (which would not be hard!) without the dreaded World Trade Organization trade sanctions which are the club Codex waves to subdue countries that balk at degrading their food supply to make the globalists happy while their people die, just as we do, from toxic, degraded food and nutrients whose doses are so low that they have no beneficial impact worth noting – by design!
Our Codex DVD, “Nutricide“,, is the lecture that has helped millions of people, including Codex delegates!, understand what Codex is about by understanding where it came from!
Our trips to the poorest countries all over the world resulted, for example, in their trusting our leadership so that we were able to block the US government’s attempt to get fluoride approved for inclusion at high levels in infant formula for normal babies at the Codex Committee for Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (Thailand, 2007). This, alone, is a major victory in policy change!
The Natural Solutions Foundation, with its radio show, the Dr. Rima Reports,, 9 PM to Midnight Eastern Standard Time, every Sunday night, is getting information out. Just look at the lineup of guests for the next couple of months!
Our Action Items generate hundreds of thousands to millions of your emails to decision makers!
Our Blogs are widely circulated and passed from reader to reader around the world!
Our Videos, like
Should the US Get Out of Codex?
The Globalist Genocidal Agenda,
and dozens of others at give people deeply researched, and deeply important information that they can use and share, changing local and leadership opinion. They, too, are passed from person to person around the world!
Radio appearances (on shows like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense and dozens of others), documentary film appearances (like “Making a Killing, Psychiatry, Industry of Death, and two of Governor Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theories episodes, and other public information activities get the word out there. Uniquely, Natural Solutions Foundation gives people meaningful actions they can take – including growing their own food at, for example.
And, uniquely among all the health freedom organizations we know of, we are actually creating a project to help the farmers of the world, the consumers of the world and the governments of the world to reclaim the production of clean, unadulterated food! It is called The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project,, and it is a major forward step for people who want to live, to farm, to help or to enjoy a truly sustainable teaching community the temperate, beautiful Highlands of Panama.
Several governments have asked us to work with them to change their food supply to a clean, unadulterated, health-promoting one and, of course, we said “YES!”
On the eve of our departure for another grueling Codex meeting. Oh, Geneva is OK as a city. There are some decently priced restaurants for locals and the lake, surrounded by mountains is pretty enough. If I had my way, though, and if General Stubblebine had his, we would stay right here in Panama working on the development of the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project,, getting ready for the Grand Opening of the Natural Solutions Center on August 7 and 8! By the way, consider this your invitation to join us for this event! If you are on the Health Freedom Action eAlert list (sign up here: you’ll get all the details.
But we cannot stay here, much as we would like to. Hundreds of thousands of people -and more – want to know what the Codex Alimentarius Commission is doing to despoil the world’s foods to bring about the perpetual war on their bodies, their health and their freedom – indeed, their very existence, that Big Pharma, WHO, Big Chema and the other genocidal, callous and much-worse-than indifferent players on the global food scene, led by the US, of course. They wait for our live radio reports, our daily Codex Video and written updates and our analysis of what is happening so they can counter it.
They know, and they take action on, the dangers that bills like S. 510, the Food Fascism Bill (named, of course, the “Food SAFETY Bill”),, will bring to them if they remain inactive. And we’ve kept this horrible bill from being voted on since November, 2009! That’s impact.
They are willing to call for a complete ban on the dangerous technology which has invaded the world’s food and non-food plant and animal life forms – including US, our DNA. By clicking on this link, rapidly growing numbers of people are protecting their future, and that of every living thing on the planet:
Millions of people demanded that they have the right NOT to receive the vaccine for the absurd and fraudulent “Level 6 Pandemic” nonsense known as H1N1 or Swine Flu and the US backed off from requiring mandatory vaccination.
Now we are demanding Congressional hearings and responsibility in controlling, stopping and reversing the loss of children because of devastating environmental toxicity, including vaccines that do not work, have no science behind them and are killing us and our kids, while rendering huge numbers of us infertile, And we are suing the FDA to prevent more vaccines from being used which have never, ever been either tested to make sure that they are safe OR effective, let alone both. That case, the Stop The Shot Case, is a companion case to the Ear Candle Case, which we are also suing the FDA in that one, too. You see, if they can innocuous ear candles, of which 20 million have been sold without a single meaningful adverse event, saying that they are a medical device for which there is no medical use, they can ban ANY device or nutrient claiming the same.
We backed them off this crazed behavior in March, 2008 when they first flew this particular idea to see what would happen. What happened was that we, 688,000 strong, roared NO!, HELL NO! They predictably went away and, just as predictably, came back with this absurd power-grab to make all natural health products and services illegal.
We were there that time, and we are there this time, too. By the way, your recurring tax deductible donations here,, are the essential lubricant which allows the health freedom wheels to keep turning. These donations are the only way that we can do this work, get to Codex, sue agencies, etc.
We are there, every time, because YOU are there. YOU are the netroots and YOU are the solution, the natural solutions. Thanks for making the Natural Solutions Foundation the largest health freedom organization in the world. And thanks for making a big, big difference.
Thanks, too, for your generous tax deductible donations.
If you are not already giving the cost of a month’s worth of coffee, tea, chai, latte, cappuccino, or your other pleasure items each month, let me suggest that you do so, on a recurring basis. That’s the life-blood that keeps our brains and our other working parts pumping!!!!!
Oh, yes, two other things: first, if you use coffee for health or pleasure, you will want to taste the Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee – FREE coffee! Coffee that we grow here in Panama to teach other farmers how to grow coffee without ANY toxic chemicals, neither herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup(C), nor paraquat, nor Agent Orange products like 2-4D, nor pesticides or herbicides – NOTHING but sun, rain, fish meal and a 10 ingredient fermented compost! Other farmers are beginning to grow coffee this way, but there is nothing like our Valley of the Moon Coffee! Support your health and health freedom at the same time by making a tax deductible contribution and getting the healthy coffee. Oh, by the way, you can give this superb coffee as a thoughtful gift at any time of the year. Supplies are strictly limited so order NOW!
The second thing: All of this is great but without YOU as the person who disseminates this information, the Action Items and takes them once for each member of your family and then passes them along to all your contact, this information would stay the private knowledge of the few, a sort of information elite. Nice, but not effective. It is YOUR dissemination which makes this heath freedom thrust take wing and shape local, national and international policy.
It’s your world. Thanks for making us effective so that we do, in fact, make a difference!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee
NSF Virtual Malls
The Dr. Rima Network:
Food Freedom eJournal
The Big Picture: 5 Ways to Know if You’re Making a Difference
David Korten
David Korten’s newly revised and greatly expanded 2nd edition of Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, outlines an agenda to create a new kind of economy: locally-based, community oriented, and devoted to creating a better life for all.
In this special pre-publication excerpt Korten explains how to tell if your actions are helping to build the new economy that “must be lived into being from the bottom up.”
For the many millions of us working to create a better world, it is easy to feel discouraged by the seeming insignificance of even major successes relative to the scale of the problems we face as a nation and a species. Consumed by the details and challenges of our daily engagements, we may easily lose sight of the big picture of the powerful social dynamic to which our work is contributing.
Step back from time to time; take a breath, look out beyond the immediate horizon to bring that big picture back into perspective. Reflect in awe and wonder at the power of the larger social dynamic to which your work contributes.
In my career in international development, I saw, time and again, that the most successful projects were not the largest or the most carefully, centrally planned; they were the ones that arose from the bottom up. Likewise, successful social movements are emergent, evolving, radically self-organizing, and involve the dedicated efforts of many people, each finding the role that best uses his or her gifts and passions. Their scope and their success may not, at first, be readily apparent. Social movements grow and evolve around framing ideas and mutually supportive relationships instead of through top-down direction. New ideas gain traction, or not, depending on what works for those involved in the movement. Some alliances are fleeting; others endure.
The organism, not the machine, provides the appropriate metaphor. The relevant knowledge resides not in the heads of outside experts but in the people who populate the system. The challenge is to help them recognize, organize, and use that knowledge in ever more effective ways.
This is the model I think of when I think about what it will take to build the New Economy—one based on fulfilling the basic needs of people and planet—that we need. It’s also the way that that economy is already being built: step by step, in creative and surprising ways, by people looking for alternatives to a system that isn’t working for them.
To bring down the institutions of Empire, we must begin to build the rules, relationships, and institutions of a New Economy. These must be lived into being from the bottom up.
So how do you know whether your work is contributing to a big-picture outcome? If you can answer yes to any one of the following five questions, then be assured that it is.
1. Does it help discredit a false cultural story fabricated to legitimize relationships of domination and exploitation and to replace it with a true story describing unrealized possibilities for growing the real wealth of healthy communities?
2. Is it connecting others of the movement’s millions of leaders who didn’t previously know one another, helping them find common cause and build relationships of mutual trust that allow them to speak honestly from their hearts and to know that they can call on one another for support when needed?
3. Is it creating and expanding liberated social spaces in which people experience the freedom and support to experiment with living the creative, cooperative, self-organizing relationships of the new story they seek to bring into the larger culture?
4. Is it providing a public demonstration of the possibilities of a real-wealth economy?
5. Is it mobilizing support for a rule change that will shift the balance of power from the people and institutions of the Wall Street phantom-wealth economy to the people and institutions of living-wealth Main Street economies?
These are useful guidelines for setting both individual and group priorities. Bear in mind that in a systems-change undertaking of this magnitude, there is no magic bullet and no one is going to make it happen on their own, so don’t be discouraged if the world looks much the same today despite your special and heroic effort yesterday. It took five thousand years to create the mess we are in today. It will take more than a few days to set it right.
David Korten adapted this article from the newly revised and expanded 2nd edition ofAgenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, available for advance purchase from the YES! Magazine web store.
David is co-founder and board chair of YES! Magazine, co-chair of the New Economy Working Group, president of the People-Centered Development Forum, and a founding board member of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE). His books include Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, and the international best seller When Corporations Rule the World.
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Health Freedom Thought Experiment.
The article following this essay looks at an emerging danger, the newly virulent Cryptococcus gatti fungus. Apparently weaponized, this may be “The Next Big Thing” for the genocidalists at WHO and elsewhere. If so, we need to have a defensive strategy and an offensive one as well.
I believe that the defensive one is to have as much high quality Nano Silver on hand as you estimate you will need both for immediate use and for what comes next, and next, and next again after that. Because it appears that the plagues manufactured in laboratories will keep coming. Nano Silver, like the Silver Solution we recommend, will keep you safe if you have it and if you use it.
The offensive strategy is two fold: protect our health options and expose the genocidal agenda at every turn, making it so widely understood that the secrecy which allows it to function is shattered. Make the myth of overpopulation a thing of the past, like the myth of necessary female circumcision or a flat earth.
Let’st hink this through. What happens if we protect Nano Silver? What happens if its use in animals and humans is so widespread that it eliminates antibiotics altogether?
Physicists use “thought experiments” to guide them to new approaches when the experiment is too hard, too expensive or too novel to actually conduct. By working through the experiment in their minds, they can make [very] educated guesses about what happens next if they were to conduct the experiment in the real world.
Health Freedom can use the same techniques to conduct an important Thought Experiment. First, the propositions and assumptions:
Antibiotics and Vaccines
1. Antibiotics, vaccines and other pharmaceuticals are astonishingly profitable
2. Antibiotics are widely understood to be overused, leading to drug resistant and multiply drug resistant pathogens.
3. Vaccines have never been tested in a placebo controlled, double blind study to show that they are effective in either preventing or treating any disease. Vaccine manufacturers and regulators hold the position that it would be “unethical” to deprive the test subjects of the benefits of vaccines even though such benefits have never been rigorously documented while vaccine dangers have been.
4. 90% of all antibiotics used world wide are used in factory farming.
Nano Silver
1. Nano Silver is the Universal Antibiotic because laboratory tests show that it is effective against every disease-causing organism against which it has been tested: bacteria, mycoplasma, fungus (i.e., mold), virus. In all, It has been tested against more than 630 disease organisms and the result is the same: Low concentrations of Nano Silver kills disease-causing organisms. In addition, Nano Silver:
a. Is non-toxic to the environment and to living organisms since it leaves coalesces into larger ionic units which have no biological impact once it leaves the body
b. Leaves the body rather than accumulating in it due to its ultra-small size making overdose impossible
c. Cannot lead to the generation of new super bugs even with wide spread use since its mechanism of action does not permit organisms to develop resistance
d. Is inexpensive and has an indefinite shelf life, requires no refrigeration or other special care
e. Is self sterilizing, automatically killing disease causing organisms if it is contaminated by them
f. Is safe and effective for use in people of every age and condition and animals of all types
g. Has no known side effects
h. Does not kill beneficial bacteria leaving both gut and skin pro-biotic organisms intact while killing pathogens
i. Boosts white blood cell function, providing enhanced immune response
The Experiment: If Nano Silver were widely available, what would the results be?
1. Drug resistant organisms would no longer emerge in human or animal reservoirs
2. Resistant organisms in humans and animals would be killed off by the use of Nano Silver when they created disease. Over time, their numbers would decrease and the impact of disease from them would be either greatly reduced or eliminated
3. No new drug resistant organisms would emerge through the use of Nano Silver since its mechanism of action makes the acquisition of resistance impossible except through horizontal gene transfer. Any such organisms would be killed if they caused disease in humans or animals since they would be treated by Nano Silver.
4. Animals consumed for food would be significantly less toxic since Nano Silver, unlike the metabolites (by products) of antibiotic metabolism, does not remain in the body of either humans or animals
5. The amount of antibiotic and vaccine residue in effluent water and soil would decrease dramatically with marked environmental and health benefits since metabolites of drugs from the urine and feces of antibiotic and vaccine treated animals and humans poses and increasing health and environmental danger
6. Finely divided silver (without biological effect) would increase in effluent water and soil. This poses no known health or environmental danger.
7. The cost associated with antibiotic and vaccine therapy in humans and animals would be eliminated, to be replaced by a significantly lower cost
8. Pharmaceutical profits would drop dramatically since these two classes of drugs account for many billions of dollars of profit
9. Government and Union pension plans, as well as mutual funds, would loose value since they are heavily invested in major pharmaceutical stocks
10. Investing officers of pensions and mutual funds would seek other lucrative investments, including alternative energy and Advanced medicine options and companies, many of which have difficulty finding funding at this point because of the heavy investment in pharmaceutical and related, drug-based industries
11. Morbidity and mortality from nosicomial (hospital-acquired) infections would drop precipitously, eliminating a major health and health cost problem:
In the US in 1992, there were about 2 million nosicomial infections per year, =166,666 per month = 38,461 per week = 5,479 per day = 228 per hour =3 per minute.
Note: this equals approximately 10% of American hospital patients (CDC/NNIS 1992)
In 2004, 13% of all patients who acquired nosicomial infections died.
10. Nearly 100,000 people in the US alone would not die because nosocomial infections would be wiped out. “In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that roughly 1.7 million hospital-associated infections, from all types of bacteria combined, cause or contribute to 99,000 deaths each year.” Pollack, Andrew. “Rising Threat of Infections Unfazed by Antibiotics” New York Times, Feb. 27, 2010
11. National, local and private health care costs would drop dramatically since the costs associated with antibiotics, vaccines and health care costs for infections would drop dramatically as well. In 2007, the direct costs of nosicomial infections Applying two different Consumer Price Index (CPI) adjustments to account for the rate of inflation in hospital resource prices, the overall annual direct medical costs of nosicomial infections to U.S. hospitals ranges from $28.4 to $33.8 billion (after adjusting to 2007 dollars using the CPI for all urban consumers) and $35.7 billion to $45 billion (after adjusting to 2007 dollars using the CPI for inpatient hospital services). (Costs of Hospital Acquired Infections in U.S. Hospitals Report,The Direct Medical Costs of Healthcare-Associated Infections in U.S. Hospitals and the Benefits of Prevention PDF 835 KB/16 pages,
12. Any pandemic, plague, or epidemic, whether intentional or unintentional, would be successfully halted by the universal application of Nano Silver orally.
13. Globalist plans for depopulation would be adversely impacted since communicable disease, including weaponized viruses, bacteria, etc., would be ineffective against a population supplied with Nano Silver.
14. Vaccine deniers would increase in number since epidemic diseases would be a thing of the past.
15. Globalists and their supporters would have to resort to means other than infectious agents, deadly drugs and dangerous, immune compromising vaccines to reduce the population. The 10-15% of the population which Bill Gates stated in a recent TED lecture could be eliminated through properly used vaccines would not die.
16. The myth of over population would suffer serious damage as the world population did not devour the available resources and the false mathematical and social engineering premises upon which it is based would be visibly flawed. See “Overpopulation, the Making of A Myth”,
17. Local, clean and unadulterated food production could be instituted around the globe to enhance the health of people no longer dying from communicable diseases and parasites.
18. Chronic and deadly diseases like malaria, dengue fever, elephantiasis, tuberculosis, HIV and a host of others will become easily curable diseases.
19. Economic productivity and prosperity of poor and ill countries will rise as personal productivity increases due to decreased health care giver requirements and decreased time away from job and school.
20. Decreased overall health costs locally, nationally and internationally reversing some of the crushing burden of modern health costs through decreased hospital stays, increased infectious disease self care (fewer doctor and hospital visits and services), decreased drug and drug complication costs, less time away from job and school).
21. Increased Happiness Index, which is directly related to subjective (and, to a lesser degree, objective) measures of health.
21. Antibiotic and vaccine manufacturers will counter the loss of their market by political, propaganda and economic thrusts designed to eliminate Nano Silver. These will include
– Criminalizing and banning Nano Silver (already accomplished as of January 1, 2010 in the European Union and underway in the US)
– Deceptive science to “show” that the product is dangerous or ineffective
– Media campaigns to deride and/or demonize Nano Silver.
I think that covers most of the major impact of making Nano Silver widely and easily available. You have the good (health, autonomy, cost), the bad (pension and stock market impact) and the ugly (intentional, weaponized pandemics would be totally ineffective if they were based, as they have been to date, on infectious disease agents).
The net result? Stock up on Nano Silver, which we believe to have an indefinite shelf life.
We recommend the Silver Solution Nano Silver available at because we believe that it is of exceptional quality and utility.
But whatever Nano Silver you choose to purchase, make sure that you have a good supply on hand. The apparently bioengineered Cryptococcus gatti fungi may be upon us as the next plague. MRSA may be the next plague. The next plague may be one that we have not heard of yet, but which has been in the works for years. Who know? Well, actually, it is very likely that WHO does know. But Nano Silver simply eliminates the threat of an infectious danger, IF you have it on hand and take it when the time is ripe.
I do. I hope that you do, too.
Yours in heath and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Dr. Rima Network:
Health Freedom Virtual Mall
Valley of the Moon BeyondOrganic Coffee
Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project
Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist
Friday 07 May 2010
by: H.P. Albarelli Jr., t r u t h o u t | Report
(Photo: chickeninthewoods; Edited: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t)
Media outlets across the Northwest United States began reporting on April 24 that a strange, previously unknown strain of virulent airborne fungi that has already killed at least six people in Oregon, Washington and Idaho is spreading throughout the region. The fungus, according to expert microbiologists, who have expressed alarm about the emergence of the strain, is a new genotype of Cryptococcus gatti fungi. Cryptococcus gatti is normally found in tropical and subtropical locations in India, South America, Africa and Australia. Microbiologists in the United States are reporting that the strain found here, for reasons not yet fully understood, is far deadlier than any found overseas.
Physicians in the Pacific Northwest are reporting that an undetermined number of people in the region are ill from the effects of the strange strain. Physicians also say that the virulent strain can infect domestic animals as well as humans, and symptoms do not appear until anywhere from two to four months after exposure. Symptoms in humans include a lingering cough, sharp chest pains, fever, night-sweats, weight-loss, headaches and shortness of breath. The strain can be treated successfully, if detected early enough, with oral doses of antifungal medication, but it cannot be prevented, and there is no preventative vaccine. Undiagnosed, the fungus works its way into the spinal fluid and central nervous system and causes fatal meningitis.
The estimated mortality rate is about 25 percent of 21 cases analyzed. Several newspapers and media outlets in the US and overseas quote a researcher at Duke University’s Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Edmond Byrnes, as stating: “This novel fungus is worrisome because it appears to be a threat to otherwise healthy people. Typically, we see this fungal disease associated with transplant recipients and HIV-infected patients, but that is not what we are seeing.”
Microbiologists and epidemiologists studying the strain say the mystery fungus came from an earlier fatal fungus that was first found on British Columbia’s Vancouver Island in the fall of 2001, and perhaps as early as 1999. There the fungus infected and killed dogs, cats, horses, sheep, porpoises and at least 26 people. The disease spreads through spores carried by breezes and wind and when people and animals encounter infected ground where the fungus is present. A number of microbiologists say that the disease has “the potential to essentially travel anywhere the wind or people can carry it.” Reads an alarming study authored in part by Duke University’s Edmond Byrnes: “The continued expansion of C. gatti in the United States is ongoing, and the diversity of hosts increasing.”
Several researchers in California also note that the Cryptococcus gatti fungus has been researched for decades, extending back to the 1950’s, at the US Army’s biological warfare center, Fort Detrick, in Frederick, Maryland. One microbiologist at the University of California at Los Angeles recounted that the fungus was first brought to the attention of Fort Detrick researchers by British scientists experimenting with the bark of eucalyptus trees from Australia. Army biological warfare reports obtained through the Freedom of Information Act reveal that beginning around 1952 the Army mounted a huge research program involving numerous plant and fungi products, and that well over 300 long-term contracts and sub-contracts were let with over 35 US colleges and universities to carry out this multifaceted research. Examples of this early research in California included experiments and projects at Camp Cooke; Port Huemene; Harpers Lake; Oceanside, and extensive experimentation with wheat stem rust and “various spores” including “several from tropical locations” and cereal rust spores and dyed Lycopodium spores. Several Army reports reveal that private-sector corporations that participated or assisted in these projects were the American Institute of Crop Ecology; the American Type Culture Collection Inc.; University of California; Bioferm Inc. and the Kulijian Corporation.
The same microbiologist, who declined to speak on the record and who recounted extensive fungus work at Fort Detrick, also stated that researchers at Israel’s Institute for Biological Research, located in Ness-Ziona about 20 km from Tel Aviv, have worked with the Cryptococcus gatti fungus. They also report that mysterious Israeli-American scientist Joseph Moshe, 56 years old, may have conducted covert studies with the fungus while he was recently living in California. This report concerning Moshe is especially interesting because Moshe was briefly in the international spotlight in 2009 when he was the subject of a spectacular chase and arrest by the LA police department and SWAT team, assisted by the FBI, Secret Service, CIA, US Army and several other unidentified federal officials. That highly unusual arrest has never been fully explained to the media, and the whereabouts of Moshe has remained unknown since its occurrence. Compounding the mystery surrounding the Moshe case is that there is another scientist named Moshe Bar-Joseph who works in Israel and who looks remarkably like Joseph Moshe, except that he is about 20 years older.
Why Moshe was pursued and apprehended by the police is a largely unanswered question. According to the Los Angeles media, which recorded the entire incident by helicopter and ground cameras, Moshe claimed to be “a former Mossad microbiologist” who had telephoned a police dispatch number before his pursuit and had made “threatening statements about the White House and the president.” Reportedly, Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan confirmed this when he spoke with several Los Angeles reporters.
On August 14, 2009, several Los Angeles police cruisers and an unmarked armored vehicle pursued Joseph Moshe as he drove his red VW automobile several miles through downtown Los Angeles before his car’s engine was reportedly knocked out by an electromagnetic pulse. Moshe refused to exit his car when ordered several times by the police, and after the driver’s window of his VW was smashed out by a robotic arm and several rounds of tear gas and pepper gas were fired into the vehicle, he still remained behind the wheel, refusing to move. At the time, police officers on the scene were stunned that Moshe was able to withstand three tear gas shells and hosing with pepper spray without moving. Later that day, a Los Angeles law enforcement official said: “I can’t explain that; there’s no way to explain that.”
After his apprehension, Moshe was taken to the Patton State Mental Hospital and then to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles. Sometime about 60 days later, Moshe was quietly released and his current whereabouts are unknown. Since his arrest became public, reports about Moshe’s activities in the US have spread like wildfire, especially across the Internet. Many of these reports are unconfirmed, but a few come from credible sources and have linked Moshe to the grossly under-reported outbreak of flu in the Ukraine.
Other reliable sources, including two former Fort Detrick biochemists, have also linked Moshe to a mysterious disease that is becoming alarmingly common in Vermont and other states, including California. The disease is known to have killed or incapacitated at least 10 to 20 rural dwellers and farmers. This disease is said to be Morgellons disease or “a rare, mutated form of Morgellons disease.” Former Fort Detrick scientists, speaking off the record, say that the disease is one that was “experimented with intensely” in the late 1960’s at several “test sites in New England.” Morgellons causes patients to suffer horrible skin problems as well as fatigue, confusion and serious memory problems, as well as joint pain and the strange sensation that pins and needles are piercing the body or that something is crawling beneath one’s flesh. Some researchers and physicians believe that Morgellons is actually a psychiatric condition called “delusional parasitosis.” Other physicians, who are familiar with treating the disease, say it may be caused by “an airborne, unidentified spore” and that it was developed in the laboratory from an affliction that was first identified in the 1700’s. Regardless of its origin, some researchers say that Morgellons is becoming “a very real medical problem in some parts of the country.”
This work by Truthout is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
General Bert’s Communiqué
Bringing Push Back Home
State by State Victory!
Soldiers fighting on their home territory are filled with vigor and determination which invaders lack. In our struggle for Health Freedom we need to take the push back battle to your state, your job, your home territory.
The next battlefield waiting for a push back victory is where you live. And Natural Solutions Founation is here to help you win that battle.
We are winning the war against our bodies. The forces that believe they can compel us to submit to their idea of medical “care” are retreating.
Twice so far, as we came to the brink of a Federal Law Suit against the vaccine mandates they retreated, claiming illogically that there were insufficient doses of vaccine to carry out their mandate.
Absurd, but telling.
Twice now, once in New York and then in New Jersey, we have seen their tails between the legs of the mandating forces as they take off in disarray. They will regroup, but right now, we hold the high ground. What that means is that we need to take back our health freedom state by state. Every school mandate, every worker’s mandate, every daycare mandate must be pushed back.
And together we can do that. We want you to succeed in Bringing Push Back Home!
We’ll work with you to (1) create a web page, (2) send Action Items that will go to your supporters only and (3) make a free conference bridge line available to you for local conference call participation.
Natural Solutions Foundation will advise you on strategy, legal possibilities, etc., all without charge to your group. Our Organizer’s eBook is being updated to include the latest techniques and tactics.
Why? Because community organization around health freedom issues is near and dear to our heart. We KNOW, we don’t just believe, we KNOW that it is the voice of the People, demanding our rights, that will protect our rights. That is what Dr. Paul G. King’s wonderful essay says and that is what Natural Solutions Foundation says, over and over and over and over.
And you know what? That repetition, the enlarging drum-beat of power, personal power, is turning the tide.
Of course, we have come to the most dangerous part of the game: we are becoming SO powerful that the other side, call them what, or whom you will, could, at a moment’s notice, change the rules of the game and come down on free men and women (and children, remember that part) like a ton of bricks IF they feel both threatened and IF they can get a way with it.
You know they feel threatened: hence the threats to shut down the internet, declare Martial Law, criminalize vaccine refusal, etc. But you also know that our collective power has an immobilizing effect on them: without that immobilizing effect, consider what would already have happened. Why has it not? Why is only the Ukraine under effective Medical Martial Law? Why has the WHO not exercised its treaty-granted powers to take over the governance of every country in the world under the 2005 agreement which went into effect in 2007 now that they have what they have been working toward: a declared “Level Six Pandemic” of their own defining and making?
The answer to all of these questions is the same: because of the People. Because we are alert, active and pushing back with the might of millions – and because evil is always weaker than good, because the entropy of the Universe, its disintegrative force, is balanced by the enthalpy, the constructive force. So knowledge, wisdom, caring accumulates while destruction destroys itself.
Our trick now is to make sure that the integrative forces are equal to, and, indeed, stronger in our time frame, than the disintegrative ones.
That is your job – nourishing the forces of freedom. The Three Vitamin D’s for Activists are –
Vitamin D1: Do – take Action, spread the Action eAlerts as widely as you can. The issues are getting hotter, more dangerous and more absurd with every passing day – people are more and more ready to hear our side now. This is a moment of ripeness for awareness.
Vitamin D2: Disseminate – This is a variant of Vitamin D1: there is no such thing as an overdose of dissemination! It is safe, effective, and stops a multitude of ills in the body politic.
Vitamin D3: Donate – Where do we get the money to assign people to do research? From you. Where do we get the resources to attend meetings you need to know about? From you. Where to we get the ability to create a model for the production of food which has a good chance of giving industrial agriculture the most serious run of its life? From you. And where do we get the resources necessary to tell you and everyone we need to reach about it? From YOU!
Give everyone on your Holiday list Health Freedom’s Own Coffee™, Valley of the Moon Coffee,
As our thank you for your support (besides the sheer joy of what we firmly believe will be the finest coffee you have ever sipped and sighed over, we’ll give you an 80% tax deduction for every bag of our GMO-free, pesticide-free, herbicide-free coffee straight from our educational Valley of the Moon™ Coffee Finca.
Not a coffee drinker on your list? Why not give the gift of perfect protection from every tested bacteria, virus and mycoplasma – without any side effects or over dose profile? Stuff those stockings with Silver Biotics, .
Looking for a good read? How about a book that can help you reverse the most frightening of diseases, cancer, in weeks.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s The Only Answer to Cancer, available from, is a magnificent breakthrough that you MUST read either now or later.
Looking for more? Well, there’s plenty to choose from.
Visit and for outstanding products which you need, the people you care about need and will appreciate and which support YOUR health freedom organization, Natural Solutions Foundation, the Voice of Global Health Freedom™.
Oh, yes, plain vanilla donation now comes in two flavors: Make your recurring donation, large or small, ending in the number 6 and we’ll earmark your donation for our vitally important legal support fund. Not only our Stop the Shot legal case against the FDA, but a host of other cases need attention and support to stop the recurring, and potentially lethal incursion of government agencies into your health, your medicine chest and your life.
You can also make a donation ending in any other number and that donation will be used for everything else we are doing.
Oh, yes, if you are interested in participating, or knowing more about, or visiting, investing in, (with or without IRA/401 funds) or living at the astonishingly beautiful Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project, , you are most welcome to contact us at with “VotM” as the subject.
Whew! So much to do, so much that’s true and so much that’s new! Natural Solutions is there for you. Are you there for us, too?
Yours in health and freedom,
Bert Stubblebine
Foundation President