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BREAKING NEWS: 4:00 PM – MARCH 2, 2015: the White House Petition Counter is “Fixed” — But Do You Really Trust Them? Over 1,000 Signers Per Hour!
Total at 9:38 PM Eastern: 77,104.
Sign-UP, Be Counted
Note just sent to White House Feedback: “Since the counters on the White House Petitions were frozen for 4 days, from 02.28 through 03.02, you should extend the time on existing petitions by 4 days.”
After sending emails to your state and federal representatives. our web form sends you directly to the White House petition page, and we record your vote so the White House cannot ignore you! You really should use this link now:
It has been hard to miss the pro-vaccine drum beat.
It’s all over the social media and the mass media. And the response from Health Freedom advocates? We’re winning the social media effort. But, except for a few notable exceptions like news commentator and retired judge Andrew P. Napolitano* the mass media has taken Big Pharma and Big Govt’s side.
You already know that we have taken a major interest in using our Action Item,, to tell decision makers at the State and Federal levels that we will not tolerate Mandatory Vaccination AND to get the necessary signatures on the White House petition against mandatory vaccination.
That’s important because we have to reach the threshold of 100K signatures to make it clear that the no forced vaccination position is neither a minority view nor one that can be ignored now that the phony corporate cronies are making medical excess their new normal.
In fact, a USA Today poll showed that 92% of Americans said that vaccination is a personal choice! And that was in response to an article they published that said that non vaxxers should be imprisoned. USAToday was looking for support for that position so they conducted the poll. SURPRISE! Those are probably the same 92% that want their GMOs labeled. I know that General Bert, Counsel Ralph are in that 92% and I bet you are too!
We sent the Action Item out on Twitter (we release a whole lot of breaking and important news there so you really should follow us there!) and in our blast to hundreds of thousands of people whom we know can and will take action, to a whole slew of activist leaders in this movement and waited for the numbers to go up on the White House poll.
And, for a while they did. Slowly. Suspiciously slowly.
We noticed that as we were moving toward the halfway mark of the magical 100K, at which point the President has said that he will comment on the petition that reaches that number, the petition link disappeared from the list of petitions on the site.
Some diligent searching by Counsel Ralph revealed that the petition was, in fact, still on the site, but it was buried in the deep bowels of the program and could not be easily found by people searching for it.
We took two actions: first, we wrote and submitted a Press Release to alert people to the fact that the White House site was being manipulated to make transparent, participatory democracy and debate ever harder and, two we created an Action Item that would allow, as I said, both decision makers at the State and Federal levels AND the White House petition to be accessed with our strong opposition to mandatory vaccination. That link is, once again,
When I did the same, there was no block. THE NUMBER OF SIGNATURES DID NOT INCREASE IN EITHER CASE.
Well, we said, there must be a lag time. But no matter how long we waited, neither his signature nor mine showed up.
Then, since Counsel Ralph and I were tracking the numbers closely, we started putting them on our mutual Skype chat which date and time stamps every entry.
Now we noticed something else:
Every signature is noted at the bottom of the page with a square with the signer’s initials and the town they come from as well as the number of their signature on the petition, for example, REL, Newton NJ #46,271. Except that when Gen. Bert signed and sent back the validation email, there was no block for either of us.
In fact, the same thing happened to a lot of people who signed it.
We found that concerning indeed.
Equally concerning was the fact that the numbers were going up so slowly. In fact, the numbers were recorded pretty much around the clock by Counsel Ralph and by me on the Skype chat we keep open between us.
I am in India right now, he is on the East Coast and so my current day is his current night and vice versa, so we leave messages for each other all the time.
The numbers on the White House petition were going up BY EXACTLY 100 PER HOUR, HOUR AFTER HOUR.
Now that could happen once, but not over and over unless the site were programmed with an algorithm which selected how many petitions it would allow.
1 out of every 10 signatures to a maximum of 100 per hour or some such.
While we were watching that, something else happened: the counter on the site froze. Stone dead at 56,791 signatures.
Now we know that the system is still receiving, and, we believe, registering, signatures because when you sign the petition using the webform, you receive a validation request at the email you entered. So the system is working.
The White House, whose occupant believes that the vaccine science is “settled,” which it is anything but, clearly does not want our voices to be heard.
Change you can believe in.
Participatory democracy.
Every voice counts.
Yeah! Right.
We gave the story to Mike Adams so that he could get it out to his readers and he has done so.
If you have others whom you can share this story with, please do so as well.
When you go through our Action Item,, we know how many people took the White House Petition, which is a vitally important piece of data at this point.
When you don’t we have no idea how many people have taken the item and any lie that the White House chooses to put forward is unchallengeable. So it is really imperative that you take the action and that you take it through Action Item.
We are facing the rise of the crazies, the anticipated triumph of medical extremism. I have been barred from posting on the Guardian, the UK paper which has made good on its threat of silencing vaccine critics.
You know how viciously attacked we are by the forces ofd deception and deceit like the Fraud and Death Administration.
We keep on acting for truth, health and freedom.
We need you to stand with us and do several things.
1. Take the Action Item once for every member of your family:
2. Share it via every social media and disssemination system you can think of; download our free PAD / Smart Phone app:
Follow us on Twitter@DrRimaLaibow and and like and share us very frequently.
3. Stock up on Nano Silver 10 PPM at because your purchase supports us and because we know that another super bug is on the way. You can just feel it in your bones! Stock up on our glorious new crop of Valley of the Moon Coffee™ while you are there, too.
That supports your health and freedom at the same time and consider making a recurring or one time donation as generously as you can either with your purchase or separately at:
You are worth fighting for and that’s precisely what we are doing.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
* “The issue, according to [US Senator Rand] Paul, is: WHO OWNS YOUR BODY? This is a question the government does not want to answer truthfully, because if it does, it will sound like Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel “1984.” That’s because the government believes it owns your body. Paul and no less an authority than the U.S. Supreme Court have rejected that concept. Under the natural law, because you retain the rights inherent in your birth that you have not individually given away to government, the government does not own your body.”