[This blog entry was inspired by Dr. Rima’s reply to another pro-vaccine piece on the Internet.]
Autism and vaccines is a hot topic with a clear answer: Vaccines are dangers and ineffective.
Autism can be caused by many things, but vaccines lead the deadly parade. Strong words. Strong facts which support them. If you have the choice of vaccinating yourself or people you care about, why would you inject dangerous toxins into your body or theirs other than you have been propagandized or terrified into doing so?
Rationally there is no reason to do such a thing.
Recently, someone sent me a supposedly authoritative article regarding the issue.
I find it fascinating that this unsigned piece “shows” that vaccines are safe and effective without a single statistic or documenting datum. The anonymous author claims it was something else that causes autism in kids. The author makes this assertion without regard to the fact that the vaccine/autism “clean slate” is anything but scientifically validated.
The author backs up his/her contentions with broad brush statements damning Andrew Wakefield MD with alleged misconduct — an accusation we have known for months to have been the results of corrupt corporate media. The British “scandal sheet” which defamed Dr wakefield is now out of business, but the lies have a life of their own.
Leaving aside the false ad hominum attack on Dr. Wakefield, the core assertions in the article include:
“Large-scale studies, smaller studies, retrospective studies, prospective studies, and case-control studies … all come to the same conclusion: there is no connection between vaccines and autism,” Dr. Andrea Darby-Stewart of Scottsdale Healthcare, said in an article published in 2010 in the American Family Physician.
“The only outlier is Dr. Wakefield’s study, which suggests this possible link,” she continued.
After the Great Britain’s General Medical Council in 2010 issued a scathing report against Dr. Andrew Wakefield, lead investigator in the study, The Lancet retracted the article. We now know the bureaucracy based its decision on false media reporting.
The Council erroneously reported that subjects of Dr. Wakefield’s study had been carefully “selected” to skew the results. The council therefore falsely found that Dr. Wakefield had acted unethically.” These assertions have turned to dust under close scrutiny and aggressive counter attack by Dr. Wakefield and his supporters, as well they should.
But after reading this article, I am left with a key question:
Who funds The Autistic Fraternal Twins Center?
While I agree that there are many environmental factors that damage brains leading to the Final Common Pathway diagnosis of “Autism”, I find it interesting that the Autistic Fraternal Twins Center is, as far as I can make out, a marketing site for a legal practice to bring suit against the manufacturers of drugs like terbutaline and perhaps the doctors who used it.
They do not answer questions like, do some/all/most autistic children have a history of terbutaline use during their gestation? Does the 78% increase in autism they cite noted by the CDC between 2002 and 2008 in children screened at age 8 correspond with a 78% — or any — increase in the use of terbutaline or similar agents between the cohort’s birth years of 1994 and 2000? I do not know the answer to that question, but I would find it very hard to believe that were so unless the hard evidence showed it to be true.
What I do NOT have a hard time believing is that the CDC and its subsidiary organization, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices are directly responsible for horrific damage to immune systems and brains, endocrine systems, gastrointestinal systems, futures and lives, through their immunization schedules and conflicts of interest for personal gain.
The Natural Solutions Foundation, www.DrRimaTruthReports.com, called years ago for a Congressional hearings into the environmental causes of autism and brain damage in our population of the most vulnerable: fetuses, babies and children.
You could call it an investigation into the deleterious impact of vaccines (there are no non-deleterious ones that I am aware of) or an investigation into the environmental factors that cause those deleterious effects (toxins in drugs, food and environment; radiation leakages; GMO novel proteins). Regardless of what you call it, we are looking at the same phenomenon from either the causal or the impact end of the see saw: vaccines kill and injure. They are based in pseudoscience and, according to US law, new vacciens MUST be tested for greater efficacy and safety before they can be deployed for use in the population. Such tests are either waved by FDA (as they were for the 2009 Swine Flu vaccines) or simply industry “science” with no credibility.
Because NO vaccine has been shown to be either safe or effective, every vaccine used in the United States is therefore illegal. There is no overriding public good that could make the gross neglect of public duty and legislative requirements make sense since vaccines cause an overriding public harm, not a public good.
I am a vaccine refuser and proud of it. In fact, I invite every vaccine refuser within the sight of these words to take 30 to 60 second to send me a video at DrRima@GlobalHealthFreedom.org telling me why he or she is a Vaccine Refuse so we can make a montage and share it widely. See my video at http://tinyurl.com/VaccineRefuser.
To my mind, as a physician, parent, social activist and Truther, if you are not a Vaccine Refuser, you do not get it. If you allow your vulnerable loved ones to be vaccinated for anything, you do not get it.
For those who want more information, I invite you to visit www.GDS-Therapy.com to download a free ebook on how our genes are assaulted and damaged by vaccines and other toxic inputs and what to do about it.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Be A Vaccine Refuser With ME!