[This blog entry was inspired by Dr. Rima’s reply to another pro-vaccine piece on the Internet.]
Autism and vaccines is a hot topic with a clear answer: Vaccines are dangers and ineffective.
Autism can be caused by many things, but vaccines lead the deadly parade. Strong words. Strong facts which support them. If you have the choice of vaccinating yourself or people you care about, why would you inject dangerous toxins into your body or theirs other than you have been propagandized or terrified into doing so?
Rationally there is no reason to do such a thing.
Recently, someone sent me a supposedly authoritative article regarding the issue.
I find it fascinating that this unsigned piece “shows” that vaccines are safe and effective without a single statistic or documenting datum. The anonymous author claims it was something else that causes autism in kids. The author makes this assertion without regard to the fact that the vaccine/autism “clean slate” is anything but scientifically validated.
The author backs up his/her contentions with broad brush statements damning Andrew Wakefield MD with alleged misconduct — an accusation we have known for months to have been the results of corrupt corporate media. The British “scandal sheet” which defamed Dr wakefield is now out of business, but the lies have a life of their own.
Leaving aside the false ad hominum attack on Dr. Wakefield, the core assertions in the article include:
“Large-scale studies, smaller studies, retrospective studies, prospective studies, and case-control studies … all come to the same conclusion: there is no connection between vaccines and autism,” Dr. Andrea Darby-Stewart of Scottsdale Healthcare, said in an article published in 2010 in the American Family Physician.
“The only outlier is Dr. Wakefield’s study, which suggests this possible link,” she continued.
After the Great Britain’s General Medical Council in 2010 issued a scathing report against Dr. Andrew Wakefield, lead investigator in the study, The Lancet retracted the article. We now know the bureaucracy based its decision on false media reporting.
The Council erroneously reported that subjects of Dr. Wakefield’s study had been carefully “selected” to skew the results. The council therefore falsely found that Dr. Wakefield had acted unethically.” These assertions have turned to dust under close scrutiny and aggressive counter attack by Dr. Wakefield and his supporters, as well they should.
But after reading this article, I am left with a key question:
Who funds The Autistic Fraternal Twins Center?
While I agree that there are many environmental factors that damage brains leading to the Final Common Pathway diagnosis of “Autism”, I find it interesting that the Autistic Fraternal Twins Center is, as far as I can make out, a marketing site for a legal practice to bring suit against the manufacturers of drugs like terbutaline and perhaps the doctors who used it.
They do not answer questions like, do some/all/most autistic children have a history of terbutaline use during their gestation? Does the 78% increase in autism they cite noted by the CDC between 2002 and 2008 in children screened at age 8 correspond with a 78% — or any — increase in the use of terbutaline or similar agents between the cohort’s birth years of 1994 and 2000? I do not know the answer to that question, but I would find it very hard to believe that were so unless the hard evidence showed it to be true.
What I do NOT have a hard time believing is that the CDC and its subsidiary organization, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices are directly responsible for horrific damage to immune systems and brains, endocrine systems, gastrointestinal systems, futures and lives, through their immunization schedules and conflicts of interest for personal gain.
The Natural Solutions Foundation, www.DrRimaTruthReports.com, called years ago for a Congressional hearings into the environmental causes of autism and brain damage in our population of the most vulnerable: fetuses, babies and children.
You could call it an investigation into the deleterious impact of vaccines (there are no non-deleterious ones that I am aware of) or an investigation into the environmental factors that cause those deleterious effects (toxins in drugs, food and environment; radiation leakages; GMO novel proteins). Regardless of what you call it, we are looking at the same phenomenon from either the causal or the impact end of the see saw: vaccines kill and injure. They are based in pseudoscience and, according to US law, new vacciens MUST be tested for greater efficacy and safety before they can be deployed for use in the population. Such tests are either waved by FDA (as they were for the 2009 Swine Flu vaccines) or simply industry “science” with no credibility.
Because NO vaccine has been shown to be either safe or effective, every vaccine used in the United States is therefore illegal. There is no overriding public good that could make the gross neglect of public duty and legislative requirements make sense since vaccines cause an overriding public harm, not a public good.
I am a vaccine refuser and proud of it. In fact, I invite every vaccine refuser within the sight of these words to take 30 to 60 second to send me a video at DrRima@GlobalHealthFreedom.org telling me why he or she is a Vaccine Refuse so we can make a montage and share it widely. See my video at http://tinyurl.com/VaccineRefuser.
To my mind, as a physician, parent, social activist and Truther, if you are not a Vaccine Refuser, you do not get it. If you allow your vulnerable loved ones to be vaccinated for anything, you do not get it.
For those who want more information, I invite you to visit www.GDS-Therapy.com to download a free ebook on how our genes are assaulted and damaged by vaccines and other toxic inputs and what to do about it.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Be A Vaccine Refuser With ME!
Some things are fun to like and share. Some touch your heart and some can save your life and the life of people you care about.
This post is one that can save your life and that of the people it touches. I cannot urge you strongly enough to like, to share, to friend and to forward this post.
Six years ago, Brittney Fiste’s life was changed forever by lies and distortions her doctor foisted upon her. She was duped by her doctor’s unscientific and absurd lies about her chances of contracting cervical cancer from a handshake or lab accident [sic] and allowed herself to be vaccinated “against” HPV with an injection of Gardasil.
Almost immediately, she became gravely ill with seizures and a host of other horrifying symptoms which her doctor predictably failed to see as connected with the injection, despite evidence to the contrary. In fact, Brittney actually had a second Gardasil shot.
<All the normal parts of life have been destroyed by that unnecessary and ineffective shot. In return, it has given her medical emergencies, convulsions, constant pain and incipient organ failure in one organ after another.
Instead of becoming a miserable invalid, Brittney and her mother Roxi have become articulate, knowledgeable and powerful spokespeople for the assault which is HPV vaccination and, by extension, the rest of the medical lies we are exposed to, and harmed by.
Watch this amazing and candid interview, available without charge here:
It is the inaugural program of our new series of interviews presented by Leslie Carol Botha, the Coordinator of the Women’s Health Freedom Coalition of the Natural Solutions Foundation — the Battle of All Mothers!
The first program of each month on the Dr. Rima Truth Reports, 10 am to 12 noon every Sunday at www.HealthFreedomPortal.org (live chat and video stream available) will be hosted by Leslie as she focuses on women’s health and freedom, their control of, and their use of, their own bodies. The other shows of the month will continue to be hosted by Ralph Fucetola, JD and by me, Dr. Rima.
Health Freedom’s most basic definition is owning, and controlling what happens to, your own body. Women are particularly often assaulted in that area since their health, and options, are often limited by cultural beliefs and values which defy their realities and well-being.
Just as we say “No More!” to ownership of our bodies by other forces than our own conscience and decision-making abilities, so we say, “No More!” to external control of women, their life, their sexuality and their reproductive lives.
We are honored to have Brittney and Roxi tell their stories and we are proud to have Leslie Carol Botha, our friend and a friend of women’s freedom and health everywhere, initiate this new series of programs on the first Sunday of every month.
To receive our free e newsletter, please visit www.DrRimaTruthReports.com and enter your email address. It will be safe with us, I promise!
I urge you to listen, like and share this link. You could be saving lives and opening eyes! http://new.livestream.com/accounts/1976597/events/2146956
And don’t forget to sign up for our complementary weekly newsletter at www.TRUTHAboutAgenda21.com where you can download a free ebook, as well.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Bird Flu in Pigs. Swine Flu in Birds.
Super Flu in Labs – Until It Escapes!
The smoking guns have long grown cold.
National Institutes of Health spent millions of dollars and 6 years to make harmless avian viruses into pandemic Avian Flu beasties in the middle of New York City by inserting the 4 gene sequences that made the 1918 flu deadly enough to kill 50 million people.
Fizzle. Thank God!
The World Health organization designer engineered the Swine Flu in its lab in Scotland from a harmless avian virus.
Fizzle. Thank God!
Sars was created in a laboratory from a harmless corona virus with the intention of being so so good at targeted genome disruption that it would only kill people with yellow skin!
Fizzle. Thank God!
The new H7N9 virus was created in a Chinese lab by scientists who have been publicly criticized by senior scientists for “going too far” in their efforts to increase human transmissability.
Fizzle? We do not know yet. Perhaps and, if so, Thank God!
But eventually they will get it right and we will drop by the hundreds of thousands, millions, perhaps even billions.
Solutions. Solutions is our middle name here at the Natural Solutions Founation. And the solution I am talking about right now is a silver solution.
Silver Sol, available at a website I am proud to have my name associated with, www.DrRimaKnows.com, is the universal antibiotic because it kills whatever pathogens it meets.
It is my clinical and professional belief and understanding that the mechanism of action of Silver Sol has two parts, neither of which any pathogen (disease causing) organism, can evade:
1. the very, very small silver particles interrupt the function of the structure surrounding the virus, cell or organism so that the organism can no longer function and dies (or, in the case of viruses which are not truly alive), ceases to function
2. The nano particles have been, through the brilliant and pioneerig work of one of the great scientists of our life times, Dr. Rustum Roy, infused with energy subsequently emmitted as 930 Terra Hertz, the same frequency used to kill dangerous organisms in the kill lamps used in hospitals, food service and other health-focused areas
At the same time, Silver Sol is totally safe with no known toxicity.
What that means for you is
1. You get effective pathogen killing strength without any toxic side effects since all normal cells and organisms are untouched by the impact of Silver Sol
2. Any silver particles are emitted harmlessly through the elimiination channels of the body: the liver, kidneys, skin
3. All emitted nano particles combine to make ordinary silver ions once they leave the body so there is no environmental impact, despite misleading propaganda to the contrary
4. Silver Sol is such an effective pathogen-killer that it requires no refrigeration so you can tuck a bottle into your purse or suit case and make sure that you never travel without it.
5. You can store Silver Sol nano silver for as long as you need to because although the FDA requires an expiration or “sell by” date, there is no meaningful expiration for Silver Sol Nano Silver. None.
Self shelter, shield yourself with good food and make sure that you have plenty of Silver Sol on hand without fear that when the US yanks it off the market, which it will do, following the Euoprean lead, you will not be caught sort.
Sorry to tell you, though, that there is o comparison between colloidal silver and nano silver. Yes, you can make colloidal silver at home. Yes, you can use filtered water and ultra pure silver bars to make it. But the fact remains that from batch to batch, no matter how carefully you control the variables, there is no assurance whatsoever that they will be equivalent in effectiveness.
And if you are dealing with a man-made killer viruse with a kill rate [currently] around 20% which could become more virulent as it moves through the population, spread by vaccination, your ineffective colloidal silver could, quite literally, kill you.
Is it worth the risk? Not to me, it’s not.
Silver Sol nano silver is completely equivalent from batch to batch and it works, which is, after all, the whole point.
You have an opportunity, now, while the pandemic has not hit your neighborhood and the vaccine-by-force gangs are not roving your streets, to embrace this method of safe, simple protection for your family here: www.DrRimaKnows.com. Or not.
You can always wait for the roving vaccine gangs, the round up crews for the unvaccinated and, devastatingly, the crews that will cart off the plague dead. My plea is that you and the people you love will never be among them.
How serious am I? Dead serious.
Now take the next step:
Click here: http://tinyurl.com/ReservingRights to make it clear, in our millions, that there is, quite literally, no point pulling out the pandemic card from the Agenda 21 deck. We know the game and we know that vaccines spread disease, they do not cure it. We won’t be stampeded and we won’t be forced to put deadly and dangerous things in our bodies.
Oh, yes, one other thing: this battle takes resources. It’s everyone’s fight who wants to survive and maintain control of his/her own body: it’s YOUR fight. We are doing everything we can to win that battle. Now it’s time for you to pay your fair share. How much money is that? You know exactly what that number is. A number has already popped into your head, hasn’t it? Now your head is arguing, right?
You decide. But whatever you decide, do it. Now.
Don’t you think you should share this with the people you care about? I do.
Send as many people as you can the following message:
“I am sending this to you because I care what happens to you and the people you care about.I have learned something that could potentially save your life and I want to share it with you. Please go to http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=15169, read the article there and take action.”
Once you have taken the action and protected yourself using the links there, I urge you to send this message to as many people as you can reach.
I cannot thank you enough for your activism on your own behalf and that of the people about whom you care.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
PS Be a Vaccine Refuser with Me! –
“We are under attack, and it is a mind control attack! ‘They’ intend to control your mind through fear. They seek to trigger the world pandemic as they have tried at least three other times in the past decade. If they succeed, they will both take away what remains of your freedom and your health, resulting in the mega-deaths they have told us they want. This is a genocidal, genomicidal war against people like us, with families like ours. Become a Vaccine Refuser with me if you want to survive!”
Become a Vaccine Refuser with General Bert, Counsel Ralph and me! http://tinyurl.com/VaccineRefuser
For health freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Potential for New Weaponized Flu
And Vaccine Very High
Before you begin to read what lies below, I want you to prepare yourself by taking two actions. First of all, steel yourself for some very difficult information which you need to survive. Are you strong enough to face a terrifying truth? I believe you are or you would not be a Natural Solutions Foundation supporter. Stay with me, then.
Second of all, I want you to prepare your family for the likely assault of a genetically engineered, massively deadly pandemic virus. I can virtually assure you that it will be rendered resistant to all current drugs, like the efficient viral death star that it is.
But no pathogen is resistant to nano silver. There is no way for any organism to become resistant to it. So you and your family will need enough nano silver, the Universal Antibiotic, in your home to protect you from the new danger I believe you are about to face, courtesy of the depopulationists: H7N9 Avian Flu.
All of the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation use Silver Sol (www.DrRimaKnows.com ) for profound protection from EVERY pathogenic organism, without exception. The US Government wants to make it illegal to own this marvelous stuff and you can see why.
This assault on our health and our freedom to protect ourselves is a dot, a very big dot, which helps to delineate a powerful picture of intentional destruction.
Strategic intelligence is my strong suit. Taking separate data points created by the enemy and surrounding our situation, laying them out into a pattern, assigning probabilities, deciding where to look for deeper levels of information and then creating a strategic response from which a tactical response develops is what I do.
And I am looking death straight in the face. Manmade, genetically engineered death designed to go – and be – viral. It has carried many names in recent years: Swine Flu, Avian Flu, SARS, H1N1, H5N1, briefly and absurdly, Goat Flu.
So far each of the Flus has flopped. But, as I have been advising for several years now, the flubs that have led to the flops will finally finish and the devastators, the mad depopulationists, will eventually get what they are looking for: a pandemic so horrific and effective that they will joyously chortle with glee as hundreds of millions of innocent people have their populations “reduced”, exterminated. You and your family are invited to the funeral – yours.
The new H7N9 bird flu is currently showing, if reports can be believed, a 33% kill rate in those affected although buried in the news feed we learn that those who have died have other pre-existing conditions and that the virus does not spread between humans easily.
But the genetic tinkering by the same sort of folks who took the four gene sequence of the astonishingly deadly 1918 pandemic flu and INSERTED IT INTO THE NOT-DEADLY-ENOUGH AVIAN FLU will fix that, I have absolutely no doubt. In fact, each of the recent plagues has been created in a laboratory striving for deadlier and deadlier results when it was “ACCIDENTALLY” released.
By the way, that research was paid for by YOUR tax dollars.
I also have no doubt about the shape of things to come:
1. Media hype will reach a hysterical and fevered pitch about the great global menace to which we are all horrifyingly vulnerable
2. Calls for a vaccine to save us will be trumpeted from every media rooftop
3. Laments about the difficulty of producing enough antigen to save the world’s population will circle the globe
4. Outcry from governments and public figures alike for a massive infusion of money to save the planet through vaccine innovation, no matter what the cost, will come at us from every quarter
5. Rich governments will promise amazingly small sums of money to poor ones to save their people
6. A Level 6 Pandemic will be declared by the World Health Organization for the second time in history, following the pattern of the 2009 Swine Flu concocted panic for a pandemic which never materialized because so few people took the vaccine that it was not able to be spread efficiently, overcoming natural immune function
7. Police powers of the State will be turned over to the World Health Organization once a Level 6 Pandemic is declared, as provided for in the June 2004 agreement between every member nation of that body
8. A health emergency will be declared in multiple countries so that vaccination of health providers and other first responders as well as the general population, starting with the young and elderly, the frail and the weak, will be advised
9. Public policy makers will generously make free vaccines available to vulnerable populations.
10. The vaccination program will once again spread the infection and its deadly consequences will receive endless media attention (even if there is no real pandemic, of course)
11. The hysteria machine will work overtime to convince everyone not yet vaccinated that it is the only way to survive
12. Mandatory vaccination will be imposed on entire countries with total liability immunity for manufacturers and those who administer the destructive, ineffective vaccines
13. Dangerous adjuvants like Squaline and aluminum will be added to the H7N9 vaccine to stretch the intentionally created “tiny supply” despite the massive dangers of these injections
14. Martial law and other powers of the State and Federal Governments will be invoked to “protect” us from the new, unexpected and devastating disease
15. Agenda 21, the well-orchestrated ultimate seizure of property and devastating dictatorship over every aspect of your life, will be instituted for you own good since so many lives, and so much social organization, has been lost to the H9N7 flu.
Unless you, that’s right YOU , decide that you do not want to see your world end with a syringe and a whimper. Because you still have choices.
You can shrug and do nothing. Or you can do a great deal. Becoming a vigorous, unstoppable Mouse Warrior makes you a potent defender of your freedom. Last time they came at us with mandatory vaccination (and they will again, you may be sure) we said “Not only NO, but HELL NO!” and declared our right to self-shelter. Eleven and half million emails in just a few days were more than enough for the US government to back down from their Congress-announced mandatory Squalene-laced Swine Flu vaccination program.
But think about it. 100 people can alert 200 people and motivate them to alert 400 people who can act to motivate 800 people who motivate 1600, then 3200, then … millions and millions of people declaring their ownership over their own bodies.
Are you ready? This is your job and only you can do it. This takes place at the speed of email transmission. Are you set? Go here – http://tinyurl.com/noforcedvax and take tell decision makers that mandatory vaccination under any circumstances is totally unacceptable.
Alert everyone you can reach and help them to do the same with their list. And share with those people that there is protection available form these man-made plagues: safe, effective, efficient and inexpensive protection called Silver Sol.
Give them the gift of life and life-saving information by motivating them to become Mouse Warriors as well and direct them to www.DrRimaKnows.com for Silver Sol.
Life, your life, is at stake.
General Bert