URGENT ACTION ITEM: DEMAND the right to self-quarantine if pandemic vaccines are mandated instead of either taking them or being detained in involuntary quarantine: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=27275
Our Self-Quarantine / Self-Shield White Paper: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=2752
I urge you to take this action and pass it along to everyone you can reach NOW. Do not wait.
A politically active and astute friend of mine wrote to me suggesting that the inconveniences of self-quarantine, including potential loss of jobs and income during enforced absences (to say nothing of really, really bored children and, if the TV fails, adults) make it a poor solution when considering our [shrinking] health freedom options in the face of the idiotic,
-politically (e.g., divert attention from the economic ruins of the globe and the devastatingly destructive “solutions” imposed by the globalists who created the disaster in the first place) and
-economically (e.g., this absurd and intelligence-insulting “Pandemic” Swine Flu is the largest-ever windfall for the already death-dealing Big Pharma – after wasting uncounted billions on a vaccine for the failed weaponized Avian Flu – which did not take wing as a massive killer, apparently, because the human nasal cavity is cooler than the body of a bird! – yet more tens, or hundreds of billions of dollars will be spent on yet another weaponized injection PLUS the notoriously ineffective and dangerous “seasonal flu” vaccines.)
I strenuously disagree. Here’s the letter I wrote to her and her distribution list explaining why the Natural Solutions Foundation urges you in the strongest possible terms to flood decision makers with our demand, not request, to have the right to self-quarantine:
Dear All,
The best solution, of course, is to quash the absurd “Pandemic” declaration and expose it (and those involved with it) for the devious, deadly and dastardly plot that it is.
You and I continue to do that.
But that will not, in all political likelihood, occur.
Now we are faced with the real-world possibilities. Under the current reality, which includes, as you know, various State and Federal legislation, vaccine refusal (and Thimerisol, as bad as it is, will not be the worst of what we will have to face, I am afraid – after all, the virus was weaponized, why would the vaccine not be even more so, considering that EVERY vaccine is already a bio weapon?) will be met with involuntary incarceration.
I, for one, would far prefer voluntary self-shielding to involuntary incarceration, whether the tents are air-conditioned or not. [CDC is planning to create 19 airport quarantine centers for everyone on an airplane coming from a country with Swine Flu! REL]
I believe that the ONLY freedom-supporting approach we have open to us at this point is to DEMAND the RIGHT to self-quarantine.
Yes, there will be losses. Yes, there will be serious boredom and emotional stress. Yes, there will be a lot to belly ache about. There will also be a whole lot of telecommuting that is not taking place now.
Is that a lesser evil than internment by a system that wants us dead, anyhow? Remember that in These United States (!) prisoners have no rights of informed consent and, as in the Nazi concentration camps, can be used for experimentation.
Remember, too, that under the States Emergency Medical Powers Acts (passed in whole or in part by a majority of States) ANYONE refusing vaccination after the Governor declares a Pandemic (and how long do you think that will take after HHS does so?) is liable to immediate incarceration as a FELON without benefit of trial, jury or habeas corpus.
So what I urgently suggest is to forward this link, http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=27275, to everyone you know and ask them to take the action therein and then forward to everyone they know.
Do I want to be incarcerated? No. Will I accept being vaccinated? No. Do I prefer spending a couple of weeks eating dried food and drinking bottled water in my own home? You bet I do. So do you.
This one really is a no-brainer.
Please join me in demanding our right to make our own health choice in this insane and potentially lethal situation. Only massive push back will work here. And if it doesn’t, then game, to put it simply, over.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Natural Solutions Foundation recognizes this Pandemic as a political disaster designed to complete the removal of our rights to health and health care.
The provisions which mandate vaccines, and remove any and all liability from the manufacturers of these weaponized vaccines, from the US Government and from the States are already in place through legislation. The stage is set to demand vaccination or impose incarceration once the very expensive stocks of vaccines are acquired (if they do not already exist).
It’s your call. Either we act in huge numbers or we accept what Big Pharma and Big Global have in store, whatever that might be.
By the way, this innovative option is brought to you by the Natural Solutions Foundation which is totally supporter supported. Please give generously right now by clicking here (http://drrimatruthreports.com/?page_id=189) to set up your recurring donation, large or small, so that we can continue to work for your health and your freedom.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
PS – on the lighter side, have you seen my Rap “Pig in a Poke” [you didn’t know I could rap?]
(the website for the Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project, Volcan Panama)