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Daily Update Bulletin During the Fake “Food Safety” S.510 Emergency!
Dr. Rima Reports, live chat, updates, Action Items and more…
September 23, 2010
Latest from the Beltway: Today, Reacting to Your PUSH BACK, the Senate Judiciary Committee Amended S. 3767! Now it’s time to demand the Food Freedom Amendment! Push Back Continues!
Don’t Rush S. 3767 to the Senate Floor – adopt the Food Freedom Amendment Instead!
Stop S.510!
Thank Senator Coburn for Keeping a “Hold” on S.510!
The Senate Judiciary Committee Considered S.3767 In Its Executive Business Meeting today… and Amended it!
The Devil, they say, is in the details. Today’s Judiciary Committee details are a partial win for us. Not enough to declare victory, you understand, but enough for us to see clearly that the pounding we are delivering to the Senate is noted, and having an impact. Conclusion? KEEP POUNDING!
Senator Leahy is a powerful man. S. 3767 is his bill. He is the Chairman of the Committee that is considering it. He would have no need to amend it under normal circumstances.
You, the Health Freedom NetRoots, the Mouse Warriors, have made sure that these are absolutely not normal circumstances. In just 24 hours, 43,475 emails have been sent saying STOP! DO NOT CRIMINALIZE THE DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD! So the amendment is a powerful signal that Sen. Leahy and his Agribiz cohorts had no choice but to look for a way to make the bill less bizarre and unpalatable.
While Senator Leahy continues to push his dangerous and unnecessary bill through the Judiciary Committee (um, we thought that it was already illegal to use interstate commerce to knowingly spread dangerous substances…), the Senate leadership had to acknowledge wide-spread public opposition to criminalizing food (and supplement) distribution. Leahy’s substitute amendment adds the following words to the definition of the crime.:
“…and with conscious or reckless disregard of a risk of death or serious bodily injury…”
Thus, a bill which would have criminalized any distribution of food where FDA, FTC or other govt agency later decided some rule, regulation, guideline or standard had not been met to the satisfaction of the bureaucracy (recalling that S. 510 allows secret regulations which could later have been said to have been violated), the added language at least references more traditional standards of criminal liability. While this is a partial victory for the forces of Food and Health Freedom, we must redouble our efforts and defeat S.3767 and S.510 just as we defeated Senator McCain’s ill conceived and ill-fated S.3002… through massive Push Back!
OK. So What Do We Want?
Maybe, if Congress wants to criminalize distributing things that are harmful to the public… maybe, just maybe, it should criminalize “knowingly” introducing dangerous drugs (including vaccines) into commerce! Like Vioxx, Avandia, Flu Vaccines, Bextra, for a very few examples, But, then, there might be a lot of drug company executives and maybe even some FDA officials who would face criminal charges… Certainly, we need to continue to oppose S.3767, Sen. Leahy’s bill that could criminalize commercial speech about food (or at least food distributed in interstate commerce), whenever FDA or FTC decides subsequently that the claims about the food were not substantiated to the liking of some bureaucrat.
The “serious” harm amendment (HEN10891) added by the Judiciary Committee on September 23, 2010 is not sufficient to protect food distributors from bureaucratic and criminal harassment. We the People, need protection against over-zealous regulators who will destroy small producers while big companies can afford the legal talent needed to escape penalties.
Instead, our communities need to be protected by law from Federal Government interference in local and natural food production and distribution. We need a Food Freedom Amendment, such as we proposed last year when the House was considering its version of S.510 and which we have continued to urge:
Food Freedom Amendment
“No provision of Federal Law giving regulatory oversight to any Federal department or agency shall be deemed to apply (a) to any home, home-business, homestead, home or community gardens, small farm, organic or natural agricultural activity, (b) to any family farm or ranch, or (c) to any natural or organic food product, including dietary supplements, as protected under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.”
Food Freedom is part of Health Freedom, and an essential part of the Liberty that all free people have a right to expect. Legislators have a responsibility to protect that freedom from the bureaucracy they foist on us. Local oversight of local food production would be far superior to big govt poking into all our local activities. Reducing central govt power would enhance the overall health of our society.
S.3767 Coupled with S.510 Could Reach the Senate Floor For a Vote Early Next Week!
One other bright note: we knew that the possibility existed that because Sen. Dr. Tom Coburn has blocked the easy passage of S. 510, its language could be inserted into S. 3767 today as an end run around Sen. Coburn’s hold. Again, because of our continued opposition and vigorous activism, that did not happen.
Continue to take action NOW and mobilize your contacts… NOW!
What else can you do? Join Our 510/3767 Club NOW!
Help protect your health freedom by donating $5.10 every week (or every month) until this threat is laid to rest. Can you donate $37.67 cents every month (or every week)? If you can, please set up your recurring, tax deductible donation right now and keep it alive until we are free of these deep and dangerous threats!
Special Treat, But Don’t Eat!
Health Ranger Mike Adams Launches “Food Investigations” with Pharmaburger.
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John A. Corbett To Save The Future, Save Our Soil
Sunday, 10 AM to 1 PM EasternSeptember 26, 2010: John A. Corbett To Save The Future, Save Our Soil 3, 2010: Paul G. King, PhD Dead Babies and Flu Vaccines Part I 10, 2010: Eileen Dannemann, Dead Babies and Flu Vaccines Part II Here For More Information on Dr. Rima Reports: Here:
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Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President – www.FoodFreedomeJournal.orgRima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director – www.DrRima.netRalph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee – www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.orgSupport Health & Food Freedom:
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