Natural Solutions Foundation
Professional Advice Regarding Self-Shielding in a Pandemic
July 2009 Update: Online Resources (Sites, Media and Social Networking)
May 2009 Update: Your Right to Self-Shield
April 2009 Update:
March 2009 Update:
1. Introduction
2. Self-Shielding Memo from a NBC Protection Expert
3. Fourteen Preparedness Points
4. Other Preparedness Steps
Natural Solutions Foundation has recently identified a potential for the near-term release of a Weaponized Pandemic Flu. With circumstantial evidence, “connecting the dots” we decided to bring this warning to our members, making this information available so you may be forewarned and prepared. This may never come to pass; publicizing the possibility may forestall it. PUSH BACK works! Demand respect for your Right to Self-Shield in a Declared Pandemic Emergency:
In this posting we concentrate on what you can do about the threat. While the threats are many, we know the solutions are natural…
We received the following information about Preparedness and Quarantine from some of our supporters and have brought together other preparedness information for this posting. We do not know if (under a declared emergency) you will be permitted to self-shield and avoid mandatory vaccination or treatment; we offer this information with that caveat.
Some of this information was provided to us from a retired NBC government. employee (NBC = Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical).
Since retirement, he has gone on to teach preparations to people on warfare and pandemics. He is also a CERT trainer and travels abroad to teach other countries what to do in earthquakes and other natural disasters.
Please take advantage of what this man has to offer, as we forward his information, with his blessings, to you.
Expert Opinion Memo: Self-Shielding (Self-Quarantine)
I have been asked repeatedly about how to self-shield or quarantine properly and so this private memorandum is being written to respond to that question.
The first thing we need to consider is why we are quarantining. Remember quarantine is due to a biological event and not a chemical or nuclear incident. For these last two you should be sheltering in place. A proper quarantine will protect you from what ever it is you are trying to protect against, henceforth there will be discussing different stages of self-shielding.
1. The first and most basic stage is to go home lock the doors and stay there. DO NOT try to seal up your home with duct tape and plastic as you will not have enough oxygen to breathe within a very short time. The sealing method is used for chemical events where you need to be indoors for a very short period of time. Most self-shielding quarantines will last days if not weeks and months. At this stage you can actually go out in to your front yard or back yard and breathe the air just fine just as long as you do not breathe someone else’s air that might be infected with an airborne communicable disease or virus. This could include certain animals and insects, all depending on the biological involved.
All infected people should remain a good distance (minimum 20 feet) away from you and anyone else sheltering with you. Anyone (again including certain animals and some insects) that has been in a possibly infected area should be kept separate (quarantined separate) from you until they have sought proper medical attention (if it is available) and been cleared or they have run the course of waiting the required length of time to be sure that symptoms will or will not show up.
Remember in most biologicals symptoms do not show up for several days.
[Note from NSF: we have been examining the historical record for latency and infectious periods (for example, for the 1918 pandemic and for the unweaponized Pandemic Flu). The latency period could be up to 2 weeks. Our current best estimate is that people will start to notice symptoms as soon as a week after disbursal of the pathogen; the disease will, if especially virulent, cause death within 72 hours of first symptoms. For example, if the pathogen were released, say, on August 23rd, people would start to notice symptoms by the end of the Labor Day Holiday (Labor Day is usually about September 1st). By the time most students are back in school, say, September 5th, the media would begin to notice and the public authorities would be empowered to act, we suspect, within 72 hours of mass media notice (we believe the alternative media might “get wind” of the impending pandemic a day or a half day earlier). That brings us to September 8th. We can expect national “lock down” and Martial Law within a day or two, as people panic to obtain food and protection. End of Internet communications; possibly of telephone as well.]
For mothers and other care givers wishing to attend infected persons, especially children, during this time, a full biological protection mask, gown, and gloves should be used and then disposed of properly. This really should be avoided at all costs but trying to tell a mother she cannot care for her children is sometimes near to impossible. Exposure time should be set at a bare minimum. The proper shielding garments to be worn would be a disposable non-breathable (Tyvek) suit (available at most paints stores), a tight fitting (with two straps) N-95 or N-100 dust mask, and latex or rubber gloves. All of this needs to be disposable. A better face mask with biological filters is suggested.
It is important to remain quarantined for the suggest length of time that the certain biological requires. This will vary from biological to biological. This means no going to the store or to work or church or school or . . . STAY HOME.
2. The second stage is for more serious conditions where being around certain biologicals, even on the other side of a locked door, posses a more serious problem. Usually at this stage a gas mask with a biological filter is needed instead of a simple N-95 dust mask. Be wary of official warnings as when to move to this level.
3. The third stage is the most serious and nothing other than a level one suit is necessary. Again be wary of official warning as when to move to this level although the common citizen should never be involved with such procedures that would require this level.
What more can I say about this other than . . . STAY HOME. If you prepare now you can do this. It really is not that hard.
Essential Preparedness Steps for Self Shielding: Have a Family Call-out Plan!
1. When the “pandemic emergency” starts, call every family member; get everyone home ASAP.
2. If still on road and/or in public, pull out bio-filter gas mask from kit in auto.
3. Keep radio tuned to local stations you trust for local updates.
4. Upon arriving home, start quarantine by bringing everyone inside, including pets.
5. Put a ‘Quarantined – Self-Shielding’ sign on front door.
6. Start bio-in-house air filter.
7. Set up prepared decontamination station in garage – drapes, shower, gloves, masks, & gowns
8. Set up isolation rooms for possible sick family members and guests.
9. Start everyone on immune system boosters. [ Note from NSF: see to find some effective natural solutions to immune system support. We believe the “Pandemic Flu Vaccine” may be very dangerous and urge great caution about receiving it. Many people are preparing in advance by obtaining a supply of Nano Silver products. You can support the Natural Solutions Foundation while doing so: ]
10. (a) Check all electrical (solar, 12 volt, and battery) systems in case of loss of power. Provide backup, alternative power sources (e.g., batteries, hand cranked generators and radio, etc.)
(b) Check water supplies, have everyone shower daily until loss of water pressure. Stock-pile enough water, food for cooking, drinking, hygiene.
(c) Check on possibility of working from home.
11. Request in advance that school homework assignments be sent over the Internet.
12. Check with contacts you trust for updates on problem.
13. Call your neighbors via phone or internet for distribution of information sheets to neighbors upon confirmation of problem.
14. Prepare to use alternative heating/cooking/lighting/sanitation measures. Think through amounts and types of foods, snacks, etc., and stock-pile at least one month’s supply NOW!
[Some language has been modified to fit our format.]
Dr. Laibow taped a message on preparing for a Flu Pandemic:
Additional Dr. Laibow message on Weaponized Vaccines:
The Five Points she raised in the video are:
1. Eat Organic; take Dietary Supplements. A strong immune system is your best defense; toxins and GMOs are immune system suppressors.
2. Become Informed. Stay Informed. Join the Health Freedom eAlert
3. Have an Exit Strategy. Pre-plan with your family how to react and how to reach safety. Do you have your passport and other means of identification?
4. Learn about Natural Remedies. Consider Vitamin C, Ionic/colloidal Silver, Immune Supporting Herbs, such as Echinacea. Sound Health and other energy support.
5. Support Natural Solutions Foundation so we can keep you informed.
She also taped a message about Genetically Modified Food. The points raised are also valid when preparing for a pandemic.
Remember to stockpile enough food for you and your family for several weeks.
We believe that this threat can be averted by public awareness. We need your help to get this message out… being prepared will allow more good people to survive; being prepared will reduce the likelihood of this pandemic occurring.
We urgently need your recurring tax deductible donations to allow us to distribute this information.
Please make your donations here:
Get as many people as possible to join the Health Freedom eAlert system so they can be kept updated on the threats to health and freedom, pass along the information, further viralizing it. You can join here:
On the lighter side: Dr. Rima Raps: “No Pig in a Poke”
The viralization of this powerful information is our best tool to prevent succumbing to pandemic hysteria!
Please distribute widely: