This page updates our 5.22.14 Urgent Health Freedom Action Alert.
May 26th: We have posted several UPDATES BELOW.
May 29th: You must watch this startling video from Fukushima:
Dear Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph,Thank you for the important information.I have transmitted to competent authorities.I will inform you their reactions.Best wishes,
We will also post updates on the above web page.
05.22.14 UPDATE
Subject: | Fw: URGENT: Is Fukushima Burning? |
Date: | 10:25 PM EDT, 05/21/14 |
From: | |
To: | “Rima Laibow” |
Cc: | “Ralph Fucetola JD” |
Fukushima May No Longer Be Burning… Or Not!
May 22, 2014. Rima Podcast Archive
Fukushima May Not Be Getting Worse – For Now
Exhale. Carefully. Recently we were sent information that made it seem likely that Fukushma Daiichi was experiencing another move toward disaster: it appeared that vapor/smoke were pouring out of some part of the facility and being caught on the TEPCO webcam. When we asked recently if Fukushima Unit No. 4 was burning, we were all holding our breath.
It also seemed worrisome in the extreme to us that the near real time radiation monitoring systems available to the public had stopped updating either before, or just after, the apparent event (labeled by many as coming from Unit No. 4).
There is a frightening media blackout and censorship via new and very draconian state security laws in Japan so the lack of news about a potential catastrophy was deeply troubling, but not at all surprising.
So we took the following steps when collegues shared the distressing webcam images with us:
1. We reviewed troubling web cam footage and many other web cam segments from the TEPCO Live Fukushima Web Cam feed. General Bert, highly trained and experienced in photo interpretation was among the reviewing team. Our conclusion: there was a serious event taking place.
2. We examined the radiation feeds which are available to public and noted with alarm that they were no longer updating regularly, missing data from the time that this worrisome webcam data became available
3. We reached out to our esteemed, and highly placed, collegue in Japan, sending him the video and our information (and lack thereof).
He, in turn, reached out to his contacts, including sending our data and concerns to the Office of the Prime Minister and the head of TEPCO, various Japanese cabinet-level Ministers and others.
4. We shared his feedback with you noting that although we were being told that there was no problem there, there is some suspicion that the answers may not be accurate, given the black out and distortion of the news by these same players and their failure to act responsibly throughout the long-playing Fukushima emergency.
5. Perhaps most important, we reached out to you to alert you to what we were seeing. We did not sugar coat the possibilities, nor did we inflate them.
As Ambassador Murata’s information became available, we shared his correspondence with you.
So here is the current situation, as we understand it:
1. The drifiting clouds of smoke/vapor/mist or whatever it is in the live webcam feed from TEPCO remains unexplained. It appears to be moving at or near ground level. This mist/smoke/vapor condition is not a frequent event (which would suggest mist from the sea or similar) and continues to be visible in both the night and day feeds.
2. Officials in government and industry (TEPCO) continue to reassure us and our colleagues that there is no problem.This is not the first time that unexplained steam/smoke has been identified rising from various parts of the crippled nuclear station. Each time that happened, reassurances were offered by the same actors that there was nothing of significanc happening. Their assurances remain unconvincing.
., a near real time radiation monitoring system is back on line showing current data like this for the Fukushima area: indicating 22.763uSv (millionths of a Sievert)/hour.
3. Internet Fukushima watchers suggest that not only was there no problem, but that the radiation levels actually dropped during the time that the monitoring systems were apparently off line.
Commentators on that data suggest that since the sum change indicated on the now-retrospective data averages precisely zero that the data have been manipulated and are not trustworthy.
4. We have no way of knowing if the assurances offered to our esteemed colleague are more of the same-old, same-old “No Harm To Human Health” mantra of deceit or if they are accurate. This time.
The fact is that TEPCO and the Japanese government officials have engaged in a public relations, and to our mind, criminal campaign of deceit and minimization , excusing their failure to grapple with the problem in the most callow, shallow and shameful terms, as if we would be seduced by their outrageous distortions.
Were that not the case, Ambassador Murata would not be calling for Japan to deal with the problem through the agency of international outrage.
Were that not the case, Japan would never have found it necessary to pass a States Secrets law which gags anything remotely resembling free speech, including the publication of thyroid and diabetes increases in children in Fukushima with correct and clear attribution to the radiation exposure from which these children are not being protected.
Were that not the case, a clean up contractor would not have been instructed to issue lead wrapping material to shield the Fukushima worker’s dosimeter badges so that the No Harm To Human Health mantra beat could go on.
Were that not the case, every thyroid mass in every person in Fukushima would have been followed up for potentilal cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Were that not the case, the “compensation” to the victims of government/TEPCO incompetence would not have been compensated for their radiation exposure with $1000 worth of coupons for food produced in and around Fukushima!
Were that not the case, the radioactive tsunami debris would not have been trucked all over Japan and burned in the open air to “equalize the risks”.
Need I continue?
The fact is that we have assurances at this point from people whose assurances have been unfounded that there is no problem at Fukushima that is in any way novel.
The fact is that yesterday the Japanese Court forbad the restarting of two more nuclear planst due to a class action suit by concerned residents.
The fact is that the frozen wall of ice maintained at 30 degrees C below zero to block water from seeping into the facility was halted a few days ago because the Nuclear Regulatory Agency of Japan realized how abyssmally stupid the plan was and asked some deep questions about TEPCO’s only game plan.
The fact is that by 2020 Japan will be far less suitable for an Olympic games than it is today, with Tokyo soil and dust documented to be contaminated in places above levels permitted by OSHA for nuclear waste!
The fact is also that people like Dr. Kesh of the Kesh Founation have offered technical solutions to the government of Japan which could possibly resolve the Fukushima issue, as we predicted that novel technologies might. We do not have the technical expertise to evaluate Dr. Kesh’s technology.
To date, however, we understand that Dr. Kesh has receive absoutely no response from the responsible [?] parties in Japan.
As Clint Richardson, our guest last night on the Dr. Rima Reports so amptly documented, governments and industries like TEPCO are one and the same, quite literally, through their shares in such corporations.
.Therefore, when TEPCO announced that clean up of Fukushima and resolution of the disastrous problems there was not in the best interests of its shareholders, the Japanese government was, in effect, making that statemet through its puppet, the CEO of TEPCO.
Or is the Prime Minister of Japan the puppet of TEPCO and whomever it is that controls that, and the other mega corporations involved in this cataclysm?
In any event, it appears, if the web cam and radiation data have not been tampered with, that Fukushima is stable in its intolerably unstable condition.
We will, of course, keep you closely updated.
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
May 25, 2014
Japan is about to reopen the beaches at Fukushima, without first testing the sand for radiation (hint: last time they were tested, the reading were 31 times greater than the maximum amount allowed in food). As a general officer trained in interpretation of intelligence, I must conclude that TEPCO is either being led by General Confusion, or is intentionally obscuring yet another threat to the health and safety of the entire Northern Hemisphere!
I will continue to analyze reports and keep you informed of critical developments.
Dr. Rima 5.22.14 Podcast Archive:
Updates to be posted here: