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It is quite clear that 2016 will be the Year of the Death Syringe if we fail to stop the universal vaccine mandates. We’ve drafted a congressional bill to stop the vax mandates, the Informed Consent Protection Act of 2016: – PUSH BACK for 2016 starts here. Be prepared when General Bert calls upon us to support the bill.
Now is the time for revisiting and reviewing 2015 and making predictions about 2016. Well, the esteemed President of Natural Solutions Foundation, Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.) is always in front of the curve probing core issues and accurately predicting trends.
Infirmity, death and infertility in a syringe — actually, many syringes — is in the offing for us all unless we cement our own health freedom firmly in law, in the courts and in public policy.
That will not be easy, but it can be done. You’ll need to help us do it, though, with your dissemination power, activism and donations.
Read on.
In a series of extraordinary blog entries over the past several months, General Bert correctly identified key trends and exposed the risks we all face.
Some of those intelligence reports have been consolidated into the remarkable ebook, An Elite at War with the World available here:
Your donation of any amount unlocks your ability to download this imporant document.
As an intelligence analyst, General Bert is very good at making fact-based, accurate predictions including these:
The US government will use entrapment to have parents perjure themselves and incriminate themselves so that their children can be medically kidnapped, the parents criminalized and the children forcibly vaccinated.
See General Bert on Despicable Entrapment
“US Government has teamed up with American Pediatric and Medical Associations creating a document designed to entrap parents into admitting “Child Endangerment” by failing to vaccinate their children. False “Do Not Vaccinate” entrapment forms coming for adults too.”
Massive terrorist attacks against nuclear installations (false flags one and all) are likely in 2016 based on geopolitical events now unfolding.
See General Bert on Nuclear Terror Risks
“All Nuclear Reactors are at Risk of Terror Attack; ISIS Targeting Reactors Would Be Apocalyptic”
About the false flag “terrorist threat”, General Bert, an expert in sorting out disinformation from valid data, warns
“We need to oppose the Black Ops of the hidden government or its alleged terrorist “opponents” with the Light of Truth. The first step for Freedom to prevail against terrorist institutions, foreign or domestic, such as government mandated vaccination, is for us, for “We the People” to shine the Light of Truth into the dark places where tyranny plans its evil deeds — and then to take specific actions.”
The genocide/genomicide referred to as the “Great Culling” is, according to General Bert, fast reaching a point of no return as cohorts collapse into declining longevity and increasing mortality. See General Bert on “The Great Culling Tipping Point”
“The decline in white male 40-55 year longevity] is momentous and very disturbing news. For the first time in American history, one age cohort, white males heading into their fifth decade, cannot expect to live longer than their parents. This should shock you.”
General Bert’s unflinching analysis should serve as a warning to everyone for this coming year, 2016. But if we are not only to survive, but to triumph over this evil facing us, It must also lead to action, not paralysis.
Because he is solution-oriented, as befits the President of an organization like the Natural SOLUTIONS Foundation, General Bert details very specific actions you can take now, and stimulate others to take as well, which will make a meaningful difference in the outcome.
Listen to General Bert as he tells us the steps we all must take:
1. Make certain you are current on our email list. “White list” ‘’ to make sure our messages reach you despite the active censorship and interference to which we are subjected:
2. Like and Share our Page and Posts on Facebook:
We use this globalist system against the globalists since it allows us to share rapidly breaking and vital information rapidly with many thousands of people nearly instantly.
3. Install our free Health Freedom App on your smart phone or PAD. To date, push notices to your phone are not subject to the massive interference and censorship of other media systems so you really need this. To install our App, go to the App Store on your device and search for “healthfreedom” (as one word).
4. Amassing the resources to fight the coming vaccine mandates is essential. We need to fight the coming and pending legislation. We need to enter law suits and take other definitive actions against the mandates. We must have your help. That’s why we are asking your to make your most generous year-end donation to support Health Freedom, here:
5. You will likely be approached to be forcibly vaccinated in 2016 as will your children. It is therefore essential that you are ready to assert your legally protected Informed Consent right with the Advance Vaccine Directive health care directive card here:
6. Support your friends, family and Health Freedom at the same time with the extraordinary health products Dr. Rima Recommends, here:
7. Tell decision makers, “No Forced Vax” here:
Join General Bert, Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph on the Dr. Rima Truth Reports December 30th January 6th End-of-Year Special! Special Guests! 6 to 8 PM, Eastern.
Media Archives here:
New Year, new opportunities. Act today to start the new year right.
Contribute to your freedom here:
General Bert
Dr. Rima
Counsel Ralph
Natural Solutions Trustees