As we approach Independence Day, a California law suit to overturn SB277’s vaccine mandates is being filed. What’s at stake? Nothing more than Health Freedom at its deepest level. Read and Share widely. And remember to equip yourself and family with your Vaccine Exemption card here:
Reject Vaccine Mandates Here:
Vaccine Exemption Card Here:
This MUST Go Viral. Share this Link:
Last year California adopted SB277 which gave California parents a stark choice: get your kids vaccinated or do not send them to public (and most private) school.
The California Constitution has a provision guaranteeing each child a (so-called) free public education. Thus, legal commentators noted at the time, there was potential for a conflict between the vaccine mandate and California’s Constitution. What the legislature had done was to abolish the decades-old statutory religious and philosophical conscientious objections to school children vaccinations.
The new mandates become effective tomorrow, and tomorrow is when a long-planned lawsuit is to be filed in Federal Court in San Diego. The suit seeks to overturn the California law on state and federal constitutional and legal grounds.
Among other claims, the Complaint alleges,
“The individual plaintiffs, and each of them, have a liberty interest under the constitution in making the medical treatment choices for their minor children, in regulating their upbringing, in directing their education, and in exercising informed consent to medical treatment on behalf of their minor children…”
Later the Complaint warns… READ MORE HERE.
Dr. Rima’s PS: Globalism Cannot Thrive if We assert Informed Consent. We Cannot Thrive if We Don’t.
Either you own your body, deciding what happens to it or you do not. That right is called “Informed Consent”.
Precisely as General Bert has said, “Informed Consent is the defining issue of the 21st Century!”
What will you donate to support our work on behalf of YOUR health Freedom? Make your generous DONATION HERE. Why not make it a monthly donation? We at the Natural Solutions Foundation thank you for your active support.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Dr. Rima Replies: Heroic Nun Resists Vaccination without Informed Consent
[Sister Cecilia, a nun in Kenya, where Catholic Bishops have accused the public health authorities of promoting vaccines that cause involuntary infertility, has been arrested for resisting the WHO vaccination drive there.]
Sister Cecilia – 2016 Dr. Rima Health Freedom Prize Nominee
I wonder if this nun was trying to protect children from the infertility which the Catholic bishops of Kenya once again confirmed had been introduced by the intentionally HCG-tainted vaccines that WHO once again provided to Kenya? Or was she trying to protect them from the impact of MMR vaccines in destroying their immune and nervous systems because of its well documented, but well-denied, association with autism, especially in black male children, especially under the age of 36 months, as CDC whistle-blower William W. Thompson, PhD, made abundantly clear in his devastating revelations last year.
Or perhaps she was attempting to protect them from the life-long intestinal pain and dysfunction associated with the permanent lodging of the measles virus from the vaccine in their gastrointestinal tract.
Congratulations, Sister, for your bravery.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
@DrRimaLaibow @HealthFreedomUS
Dr. Rima Replies: Catholic nun held in Kenya for blocking immunisation of pupils [Wednesday, June 01, 2016 10:59 PM]:
PS – Foundation Counsel Ralph posted this note at the AmRedeemed site:
“I hereby nominate Sister Cecilia for the Dr. Rima Health Freedom Award. Sister Cecilia is a living saint and hero for seeking to protect the universal right to Informed Consent. Please pray for her quick release. Vaccination is an uninsurable risk that courts around the world have held to be “unavoidably unsafe.” In this case the toxins in the vaccines, in the conditions of a developing country, contribute to mass infertility. Which may very well be the purpose of the WHO program. Google “Bill Gates TED talk vaccines reduce population”. And here is a paper delivered last year by Dr. Rima Laibow on the vaccine hoax:“
Dr. Rima Replies: The Sky is Blue But Pro Vaccine “Science” is Anything But “Settled!”
This reply is to a Politico EU article* entitled, “Vaccination? Non merci – Distrust in vaccines is a growing problem in Europe, especially in France.” Dr. Rima’s comment #750018 was removed from the article, as Politico EU joins the New World Order Vaccine Truth censorship push. Share this Reply with this link:
As the scientifically illiterate Hillary Clinton incorrectly remarked, supporting vaccines, “The science is settled. The sky is blue. Vaccines work.” Only they don’t although the science IS settled: non corporate, independent science is very settled: vaccines are dangerous and do not work. They spread disease and damage the immune and other systems, can carry stealth viruses like the SV-40 cancer virus the US CDC knew contaminated 310 million courses of polio vaccine but allowed to be distributed in order to spare the manufacturers the cost of a single pass filtration. They have dangerous ingredients and contaminants like viral DNA, foreign protein, aluminum, mercury, infertility agents like Polysorbate 80 and cause a wide range of life-long problems in the vaccinated.
Oh, yes, there is no such thing as Herd Immunity. It is a thoroughly disproved theory which has no meaning in humans living in human societies.
Please see the following paper for a review of much of the science that is settled and the epidemiology that makes it clear that not one single vaccine has ever decreased or prevented a single disease:
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Dr Rima Debates Pro-Vax Skeptic – Live!
Safe and Effective or Dangerous and Unnecessary?
Dr. Rima’s Great Vax Debate Powerpoint Now Available
Archive Video:
Dr. Rima Demonstrates How to Deal with a Hostile Pro-Vaxxer
Original Call for the Great Vax Debate
Proponents of each side rarely talk to each other. Natural Solutions Foundation is about to change that.
Dr. Rima, our Medical Director, and a strong proponent of absolutely personal choice about what happens to your own body (operative word, “OWN“, as in “YOU OWN YOUR BODY!” has issued a challenge around the world for almost a year: “Debate this issue with me!” I have directly challenged, for example, the Prime Minister of Australia when he propelled the atrocious No Jab No Pay law into reality in Australia. No response.
I challenged the despicable Dr. Richard Pan, the nominal engineer of California’s Vaccine Mandate Bill, SB722. No response.
I challengeD Paul Offit, Big Vaxx’s biggest US cheerleader, who believes that babies can safely tolerate up to 10,000 vaccines, to a debate. No Response.
And more. Lots more! Still no response until the admirable Adam Crazz found a skeptic in Australia who is willing to hold, he says, a civil discourse on the topic.
OK, then! I’m your girl.
Nicholas Gassner is ready for a debate.
So am I.
Nicholas is a member, we understand, of the Australian Skeptics. Good.
Do your friends and colleagues a favor and share this information with them by sending this link: — this link will have the live stream when the debate starts. Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 23, 2016 – 6 to 8 PM Eastern.
See you there!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
PS – Remember to assert your right to Informed Consent… or you will be “deemed to have waived” it!
—— Original Message ——
Received: 07:57 PM EDT, 03/21/2016
Subject: My child’s vaccination
My question is that if it’s mandatory to vaccinate my child in California
and if there is any way around it. Thank you
Sent from my iPhone
The new CA law bars children from government and certain private schools unless they are vaccinated (after July, 2016). The legislature abolished the long-existing religious exemption for children.
However, the CA constitution says each child has a right to a “free” public education.
Various people are going to sue the state since Federal courts have long held that a state cannot condition the receipt of a public benefit (“free” public education) upon the surrender of a right (the right to Informed Consent) which has nothing to do with any now-abolished statutory religious exemption.
How will the state be required to accommodate the right of Informed Consent?
I don’t know… but I do know that unless you assert the right of Informed Consent, you will be deemed to have waived it. Since I am retired from the practice of law, I cannot give you any legal advice. I know what I would do if I were a CA parent…
You may want to send a certified letter to your school superintendent saying something like:
“I understand that the California Legislature and Gov. Jerry Brownshirt have abolished the statutory vaccination philosophical and religious exemptions for school children. The new law requires that children must be vaccinated to be allowed to attend school.
I am not seeking to assert a philosophical or religious exemption at this time, although I reserve that right, if the law changes.
I am now asserting my child’s international humanitarian right of Informed Consent. I do not give informed consent for my child to be vaccinated. Do not vaccinate my child. My child’s right to Informed Consent does not depend on any state legislature’s statutes.
How will the School District accommodate my assertion of right if my child is barred from the free public education to which each California child is entitled by the State Constitution?
Will you provide tutors for homeschooling my child? Will the district establish a separate but equal school for vaccine-free children? Who will be financially responsible if my child is injured by a vaccine?
You have a legal duty to accommodate my assertion of my child’s right to Informed Consent. I do not have a legal duty to surrender my child’s right to Informed Consent. The legal obligation is entirely upon the state and its agencies.
I call upon the district to immediately provide for lawful and equal access to public education for those of us who exercise our right to Informed Consent and choose not to vaccinate. If you condition my child’s right to a free public education on my surrendering my child’s right to Informed Consent, you are imposing an unconstitutional condition.
I would therefore hold you and the Board responsible in damages for violating my constitutional rights.
I expect an answer within ten days or I may initiate legal action without further notice to you.”
I you decide to assert your international humanitarian right to Informed Consent, I would love to hear how the school district responds!
Remember, the US Govt hung a bunch of Nazi doctors at the end of WWII for violating the international humanitarian right of Informed Consent! The Federal courts are obligated to protect the right.
Some more details about the law of Informed Consent here:
Yours for health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD