FDA Petition Docket Number: FDA-2017-P-4500
Your Pediatrician Cannot Abandon Your Vax-Free Child!
I have a friend with two young children who does not want them vaccinated. Today she went to their pediatrician armed with our Advance Vaccine Directive card and did the following:
She had a copy of the front and back of each girl’s card which she signed.
She asked the doctor to sign it and enter it into the permanent medical record of the child.
The nurse receiving the request “lost it” and began to become belligerent, saying that the children could no longer be seen in that practice if they were not vaccinated.
My friend called me and, as it happened, called Counsel Ralph too because we were together at the time.
Counsel Ralph told her to tell the staff that they were abandoning the patients simply because they were asserting their nationally and internationally protected legal right of Informed Consent and that this was a violation of the law.
Another nurse showed up and escorted my friend into a side room lest the other mothers in the waiting room hear the conversation.
She agreed that the mom could assert the right of Informed Consent for the children with these cards and that the practice could not abandon the children. The copy of the Advance Vaccine Directive card for each child was put into each child’s medical records, although the doctor refused to sign it.
In popped the Doctor who angrily demanded to know what the problem was.
The nurse shooed him out after calming him down.
Note from Dr. Rima: more than half of the income of the average pediatrician comes from vaccinations.
I am reminded of the angry patron who calls over a waiter and says, “Waiter! There is a fly in my soup!” “SHHHHH!!!” says the waiter. “Please lower your voice, Sir, or everyone else will be wanting one, too!”
Oh, dear! What if all the other moms realized they did not have to vaccinate their kids, either!
Nurse tells mom in side room that she is quite right and that she will find her a pediatrician who will accept mom not vaccinating her kids. The child’ medical records, including the AVD Card, will be transferred to the new physician.
Mother leaves and within 20 minutes the nurse calls mom and says that there is a doctor in mom’s town who will accept unvaccinated kids and who is considerably closer than the doctor mom was seeing for her kids.
Mom writes email to doctor when she gets home notifying his office of the events listed above.
Doctors are sometimes paid hefty bonuses for vaccinating kids. That is a kickback although it may be craftily worded to avoid that legal irregularity.
Here is what Dr. Sears has to say about the practice:
“… I recently talked with two physicians in different states that told me the HMO plans that they contract with do chart reviews and patient surveys at the end of each year. If their office scores high enough on these reviews, the HMO plan gives them a several thousand dollar bonus. This bonus varies depending on the number of patients the doctor sees. One of the requirements for a patient’s chart to pass the test is that they are fully vaccinated.”
He goes on to point out that “The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics makes it very clear that the official AAP policy is that doctors NOT kick patients out of their office over this issue. But when money talks, some people don’t listen.”
He does not mention that the American Academy of Pediatrics could not be more hard core pro-vaccine – any vaccine, every vaccine – than they are.
Yet approved behavior or not, pediatricians do “fire” young patients when their parents do not want them poisoned with ineffective and dangerous injections of pus and toxic materials.
Dr. Sear’s article is here https://www.askdrsears.com/topics/health-concerns/vaccines/do-doctors-have-financial-incentive-get-their-patients-fully-vaccinated
According to Health Impact News, in 2009, Merck spent roughly $18,810,495.52 to encourage doctors to promote their solutions/products, including vaccines. IN JUST TWO QUARTERS! http://healthimpactnews.com/2012/merck-paid-doctors-millions-to-promote-vaccines/
What to do? Assert your right of Informed Consent properly.
Make sure that every member of your family has an Advance Vaccine Directive Card properly filled out and on file at school, work or doctor’s office.
NOW, before you need it!
Get them at http://TinyURL.com/AVDcard
Use them according to the instructions on the FAQ page at www.DrRimaTruthReports/AdvanceVaccineDirective.
Remember, the immune system you save may belong to someone who is very dear to you!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Share with this link: http://drrimatruthreports.com/your-pediatrician-cannot-abandon-your-vax-free-child/
5 Days – 5 Hours Each Day – Live Stream
DECEMBER 19 – 23, 2016
Symposium Schedule HERE
Imagine a world in which you have no say over what type of food you eat. A world in which you can be picked up on your front porch and, without a murmur from your doctor, hauled off to a “treatment center” and experimented upon, vaccinated or otherwise molested, perhaps terminally.
Your genes are the target and you freedom must, for their plans to bear their twisted, toxic fruit, be dissolved, diminished, dissipated.
In short, either you have – and are part of – an energetic and effective Health Freedom movement pushing back or your health freedoms will evaporate totally.
The Choice is entirely yours.
Donate, taking full advantage of year end giving options for tax deductions here, link, share the work an mobilize as many people as you can to become part of the Health freedom movement or loose every iota of self determination you ever thought of having for yourself and your minor children.
Give Generously Here:
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Experimental drugs
Organ removal
Cancer chemotherapy
Or . . .
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC, is a lesser known, but every bit as corrupt and dangerous agency which, like, the FDA (Fraud and Death Agency) is staffed and funded primarily by special interest groups like drug companies, vaccine makers, chemotherapy manufacturers, and even drug patent owners, who all make decisions in their own favor.
Their corruption is monumental. The “rules” had to be changed so the self-interested would not have to recuse themselves and could still vote on various approval committees, or there wouldn’t even be a quorum available; now all they need do is “disclose” their self-interest!
Their dysfunction is legendary and now they want total control over YOUR body, YOUR medical decisions and, in essence, YOUR life.
Their proposed regulations are Medical Tyranny — permitting them to abduct anyone, at any time, for any length of time, to “treat” them. And they specifically exempt themselves from the need to honor your Informed Consent despite the fact that it is protected by US and International law.
70.18: “…including quarantine, isolation, conditional release, medical examination, hospitalization, vaccination, and treatment; provided that the individual’s consent shall not be considered as a prerequisite…”
What can you do to stop CDC Medical Tyranny? Plenty!
1. Drown the decision-makers in emails telling them that you do NOT accept this horrific body-grab and reject any medical tyranny — easily through our online web form action item here: http://TinyURL.com/InformedConsentProtection
2. Share this urgent matter as widely as possible on Social Media and email to encourage your circle of influence to take the same action and reach out to their circle of influence to do the same.
3. Make sure that you have YOUR Advance Vaccine Directive to prevent anyone from assuming that you have waived your right to Informed Consent. Information and Advance Vaccine Directive cards here: http://TinyURL.com/AVDCard
Vaccine Court Finds Gardasil® Destroyed Girl’s Brain
Everyone is at Risk for Vaccine Injury
Except Those Who are Never Vaccinated.
Assert Your Legally Protected Right to
Refuse Any Vaccine
SPECIAL NOTE FROM COUNSEL RALPH — Share with California Residents. Regardless of what state or local laws hold, your Right to Informed Consent supersedes any such laws or regulations, as long as you assert that right correctly. The Advance Vaccine Directive Card allows you to do that.
In May, 2015 the Vaccine Injury Compensation Board found in favor of a child whose family said that parts of the Gardasil vaccine are so much like normal brain receptors that the immune system, BECAUSE OF THE GARDASIL VACCINATION, attacked a vaccinated child’s brain. The result? Uncontrollable seizures and profound retardation ultimately requiring cataclysmic brain surgery. Note the date: May, 2015. Mainstream reporting? Missing.
With the recent cervical cancer death of a 33 year-old vaccinated Australian gold-medalist* much attention is back on the so-called HPV vaccines and their horrid adverse reactions.
Bottom Line First: Everyone has aquaporin-4 water channels in their brains. Parts of the Gardasil HPV vaccine resemble those structures closely enough so that if the HPV vaccine breeches (read: crosses) the blood brain barrier and the immune system detects those bits, the immune system will attack those receptors with possibly devastating consequences.
How would the blood brain barrier get breached? Simple. The immune system irritant aluminum is included in the vaccine specifically to put the immune system into overdrive. It does that well but it also does two other things as well: it promotes high levels of inflammation and it damages the all-important blood brain barrier.
So we have a recipe for a perfect storm: damage the blood brain barrier, put proteins that mimic the structure of brain cell receptors into the brain, facilitate a huge inflammatory response, and put the immune system into overdrive facilitating auto immune disease.
In this particular case, Gardasil-related auto immune attack on her brain ended any hope of a meaningful life for this child.
Everyone has those receptors. Everyone’s blood brain barrier is subject to disruption by aluminum and other toxins, including Monsanto’s Roundup®. Everyone is at risk for vaccine injury except those who are never vaccinated.
Here the issue is not just infertility, premature menopause, endocrine disruption or other reproductive safety concerns, although they are also valid.
Here the issue is that we know conclusively that Gardasil can cause the body to destroy the brain whether the recipient is male or female, young or old.
In my view, the risks so far outweigh any potential, possible, imagined or imaginary benefits that no reasonable person would accept those risks for him/herself or his/her children. No reasonable person could give Informed Consent to such a medical procedure.
But the mandates roll along and pressure from pediatricians, who now report that more of their income is derived from vaccinations than from any other part of their practice, is fierce.
You have the right to refuse any vaccine for yourself and your children no matter what state or local laws have been passed IF, and ONLY IF, you assert your right to Informed Consent correctly.
Go to http://TinyURL.com/AVDCard to take the necessary steps to do that. Now. And say “NO!” to Gardasil, Cervarix and the rest of these deadly toxic inputs.
Oh, where is the mainstream media on this blockbuster decision. Missing in Action.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Share with this link, or read online: http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=29685
See my previous blog entry, http://drrimatruthreports.com/another-needless-cancer-death-or-not/