Compulsory drugging is wrong, as far as I am concerned. Mandatory vaccination is compulsory drugging and is not only wrong, it is unnecessary and dangerous. Disinformation is easily found claiming that vaccination is both safe and effective. These falsehoods are so far from the truth that the Natural Solutions Foundation has filed a Citizens Petition with the Federal Trade Commission urging it to hold public hearings and ban all advertising and information to patients and doctors which claims that vaccination is either safe, effective or both. (That Citizens Petition has been “lost” and illegally denied a total of at least 4 times so far!)
The reality is that vaccination is dangerous and ineffective, despite hundreds of year of propaganda to the contrary.
When the act to establish the Vaccine Police, BARDA, was under consideration, I published an article called “The Syringe of Death: Coming Soon to a Police Station Near You” in which I argued that establishment of BARDA, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency by the Richard Burr’s Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005 was a very bad, and very dangerous secret agency and should not be created. BARDA was created, none the less, and now serves as the mandatory vaccination police of the Patriot Act “Public Health” fascism.
“The Syringe of Death” is published in full below. Although BARDA was then under consideration and is now a reality, the discussion of this frightening agency is relevant to today’s discussion as is a look at the 4 myths upon which the barbaric, unnecessary and dangerous treatments called “vaccination” or “inoculation” rest.
Frighteningly, the creation of BARDA was announced on April 26, 2007 by the Department of Health and Human Services. Its Secretary at that time, Mike Leavitt, said in his Press Release, “The creation of BARDA enhances the opportunity for innovation in our efforts to develop effective medical countermeasures against a host of public health threats, either natural or man made,†Secretary Leavitt said. “I am pleased that Congress recognized the importance of advanced development in the establishment of BARDA, and the President’s FY 2008 budget request of $189 million for this purpose will help further the department’s efforts to bridge the gap between the National Institutes of Health’s research and development programs and Project BioShield.â€
BARDA, however, is, in essence, a secret Vaccination Police which can, once a “Pandemic” is declared, with or without reason or evidence, require mandatory vaccination for the real or imagined “Pandemic”. If vaccinations were safe or effective, assuming a real Pandemic, of course, perhaps there would be some faint justification for such totalitarian police state tactics in the approach to public health. In fact, vaccination is such a risky activity that it is classified as an un-insurable risk since no insurance company or underwriter in the world will guarantee the financial compensation of those harmed by it – and they are, as we now know, legion.
Documentation of extensive, shameful cover-ups by industry (now absolved from all liability for dangerous vaccines and drugs by a compliant FDA) and government abound and are sadly, old news. Documentation of vaccination dangers abound as well, ranging from the well known tragic and nearly totally preventable autism epidemic to life long neurological dysfunction of many sorts to asthma and immune suppression, leukemias and other cancers, infertility (secondary to UN/US/WHO sponsored vaccination programs in Africa, South and Central America allegedly for diseases like small pox and tetanus but which secretly induce permanent sterility) and a host of other conditions and diseases. But still the beat goes on: one state after another decides that yet another vaccine must be added to the vaccination schedule. New Jersey, for example, has decided that ineffective, but financially productive, mandatory seasonal flu vaccine, which often contains mercury, but always contains other horrific contaminants and toxic substances, MUST be administered to every child from the age of 6 months to 18 year EVERY YEAR (twice in the first year, by the way). Never mind that in the winter of 2007-8, the CDC announced that this same vaccine was ineffective at least 60% of the time. Never mind the dangers. Just focus on the profits!
And just focus on the social control, as well. It is well known by now that the Patriot Acts, the BIOSHIELD Acts and other US laws make mandatory vaccination a reality once the world “Pandemic” is invoked. And those who resist will, says the law, be interred or quarantined for an indeterminate period.
The propaganda war continues: Those who opt out of this questionable procedure are endangering us all, they say. But is that true? No, not at all.
Vaccination is, in fact, based on 4 major myths or, if you want to be more precise, lies.
Vaccination is based on junk science, and has been since the first “experiments” by that mountebank enshrined by history, Edward Jenner, the founder of virology and vaccination. In 1796, when Jenner transferred “cowpox”, actually syphilis, from the hand of milk maid Sarah Nelmes to 8 year old James Phipps, allegedly protecting James from smallpox. In fact, James and Jenner’s own son died from the repeated immune challenges induced by Jenner’s repeated inoculation.
Within 60 years, it was clear that Jenner’s procedures were neither safe nor effective. Since the British Parliament decided that although Jenner’s now-mandatory vaccination against small pox was causing deadly epidemics of syphilis and leprosy in otherwise healthy babies, it would be embarrassing to admit its error to the British public. Rather than reverse its support of both vaccination and Jenner, it chose to protect its own face at the expense of its citizens’ well-being, therefore laying the groundwork for today’s government position on vaccinations.
Much has been written about the dangers of vaccination and those who are interested in learning what vaccination is really about and how to avoid it for themselves and their children are invited to join the Natural Solutions Foundation vigorous and informative No-Forced-Vaccination Forum at
The article, “The Syringe of Death” is more timely than ever since BARDA was established last year and the United States Government is determined to add both voluntary and mandatory vaccinations to our lives at ever-accelerating rates, despite common sense and good science.
To stop compulsory vaccination and drugging, click on each of the following action steps and ask your friends and neighbors to do the same:
Stop Compulsory Vaccination and Drugging
Protect Philosophical Exemptions to Vaccinations
Sign the Tiburon Declaration on Compulsory Vaccination
Remember, your voice is the one that can make the difference.
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Syringe of Death, Coming Soon To A Police Station Near You
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) thinks he owns your body. If he’s right, you will have no
say over what gets injected into it and no recourse under the law if it harms or kills you.
That is, if Burr gets what he’s after and S. 1873 passes the US Senate. Burr’s bill,
“Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005”, establishes the
Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA), a secretive and
secret agency exempt from public scrutiny, the Freedom of Information Act and the
Federal Advisory Committee Act. BARDA will be the only agency which can declare a
pandemic condition and may do so for any (or no) reason. Operating in secret, BARDA
will be responsible for the advanced research and development of drugs and vaccines (in
partnership with pharmaceutical companies), and, because the contents of those vaccines
will remain shrouded in BARDA darkness, any injuries and deaths caused by drugs and
vaccines which BARDA labels “countermeasures†to any BARDA-declared threat may
never be known.
Even if those contents do become known, S. 1873 cancels any manufacturer liability for
the companies that made the vaccines or drugs. Injured parties will have no legal means
of securing compensation from either the government or the companies themselves.
And BARDA can declare a pandemic (at any time) and require mandatory universal
forced vaccination.
Can we assume that these vaccines will provide us any protection at all? Perhaps, but
it’s not likely. First, clearly understand that under BARDA you may be (legally)
subjected to experimental drugs – drugs which have no track record at all – and, second,
with or without the advent of BARDA, it is now more important than ever that the real
truth about vaccines be widely and quickly disseminated. There are reported to be more
than 200 new vaccines “in the pipelineâ€. If they, along with the ones in use now, are not
safe, we, and our children, are not safe.
All of us have been carefully conditioned to believe that vaccines are safe. But the truth
is ugly and, with BARDA staring us in the face, more than a little frightening. Here are
the cold, hard facts:
Cold, Hard Fact # 1: Vaccines are not safe: vaccines are dangerous. The evidence is
abundant that the tragic cost of loading babies and children up with toxic brews of
mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, injected foreign protein, stealth viruses and, in the
second generation vaccines, the deadly immune enhancer squalene, is unacceptably high.
Lives are ruined and lost in these children when toxins overwhelm their immune systems
and brains and cause tragic, totally preventable suffering and death. Autism (occurring in
4 children per 10,000 when I graduated from medical school in 1970) now afflicts a
minimum of 1 child in 168 in the US. Children have not changed: the poisons we give
them have. Gulf War Syndrome, a pervasive, progressive, deadly auto-immune disease
afflicting over half a million US veterans, appears to be a deadly vaccine reaction to an
experimental vaccine (Anthrax) which the US used on soldiers without their consent in
clear violation of the Helsinki Declaration and the Nuremberg Protocols, international
conventions and agreements which prohibit human experimentation without full
informed consent.
The concept of informed consent, is, of course, is meaningless in the face of compulsory
vaccination with secret ingredients and no manufacturer accountability.
Contaminants make vaccines tremendously dangerous. Swine flu (for a pandemic which
never materialized) was contaminated with polio virus in 1976. Over 45 million
Americans were vaccinated in just 77 days and although there were only 6 cases of Swine
flu in the entire country the vaccine reportedly caused at least 565 cases of polio paralysis
(renamed “Guillain-Barre Syndrome†for the occasion), 60 deaths and other serious
problems, including blindness and impotence. (There is no reason to feel reassured
because this particular disaster occurred in the past: every flu vaccine is capable of
passing along Guillain-Barre (polio) and other unsuspected viral diseases.)
Cold, Hard Fact # 2: Vaccines have not eradicated diseases: vaccines spread diseases.
Attenuated viruses (infective, weakened versions of the dangerous ones) are commonly
used in vaccines so that your body will develop an immune ‘memory’ for that virus. The
next time your immune system meets that specific virus, it rapidly combats it by
producing large numbers of antibodies. This practice and theory derive from the dawn of
vaccination: Edward Jenner’s pioneering use of cowpox pus inoculations to eliminate
smallpox. This innovative and surprising medical treatment is touted as one of the
triumphs of modern medicine. It makes a wonderful story but, in fact, inoculation not
only spread smallpox, it caused well-documented epidemics of syphilis and leprosy in
inoculated people, especially babies (who have immature immune systems). In spite of
the documented associated dangers of leprosy, syphilis, smallpox, death and blindness,
England provided free vaccination in 1840, made it compulsory in 1853, and punished
lack of vaccination with seizure of property and imprisonment in 1857 (which should
sound familiar). It took a British Royal Commission some 41 years more to put a stop to
the deaths and disease that Jenner’s unproven technique caused. Finally, in 1898,
England’s compulsory smallpox vaccination laws were overturned.
In 1854, the first year of British compulsory vaccination, deaths from syphilis in infants
under 1 year increased by 50% and continued to rise steadily after that. In 1802 Jenner
was paid 10,000 pounds by the House of Commons. Shortly afterwards, it became clear
that vaccines did not work. Rather than lose face, the House of Commons granted Jenner
another 20,000 pounds in 1807 and 3,000 pounds a year thereafter.
Jenner knew that milk maids who milked with active pus-filled sores on their hands
transmitted pox to their cows. Local superstition held that the cow’s pus was a
preventive against small pox. Jennings learned from a local farmer, Benjamin Jestey, that
he had inoculated his wife and 3 children with cowpox pus by jabbing them with a
darning needle and they did not contract small pox. Jenner assumed that this meant they
were protected against smallpox. To the modern ear this is absurd. In Jenner’s day,
neither methodology nor the scientific method were part of the culture.
Jenner, a village apothecary who purchased a University of Edinburgh MD for 15
pounds, was a showman who made much of his “discovery†and hastened to induce
Sarah Nelmes, a young milk maid with a fresh lesion on her finger, to allow him to
collect pus from her sore. He inoculated an 8 year old named James Phipps who
developed a fever and a pustule on his skin. Seventeen days later he inoculated the boy
again, this time with small pox. Since the boy did not develop smallpox, Jenner
concluded that “protection was completeâ€.
Jenner hawked his inoculation but people started to complain because they were
developing smallpox (and syphilis) after vaccination with Jenner’s cowpox. Jenner
switched to infected material from horses’ heels instead (“Horse-greaseâ€). John Baker,
the child he inoculated with horse-grease, however, died before he could expose him to
small pox. Undeterred, he inoculated 6 more children with horse-grease and was so
convinced that the results would be positive that he rushed to London to publish them
before there were any results. The [untested] “success†of James Phipps’ inoculation and
his London paper established Jenner’s method and his success. Revolted by the idea of
horse-grease inoculations, people demanded cowpox inoculations again. Jenner
But just what is cow pox? In tropical countries it is cutaneous smallpox plus leprosy (a
non-lethal disease often present along with leprosy) while in more moderate climates the
milk maids were transferring syphilis to the cattle along with their cutaneous smallpox.
Jenner was making his brew from the cowpox pus and the results were
nothing short of disastrous for untold numbers of people.
Modern small pox vaccines are produced in much the same way: lesions are induced on
the skin of calves and, after they are “sacrificed†[and sold for veal?], the harvested
material from their lesions is cultured in eggs and prepared as vaccines.
However, although immunity fails to develop more than 80% of the time, serious side
effects are distressingly common from the modern small pox vaccines: At least 52 people
out of every million will have life threatening events and 1-2 will die. Permanent damage
to heart, brain, skin and GI effects are also well known side effects. The Center for
Disease Control (CDC) notes that serious side effects and dangers probably occur much
more often since many people can be harmed by live virus vaccines: immune
compromised people (on steroids, with eczema or psoriasis, nursing babies, pregnant
women and their fetuses, people with HIV/AIDs, transplant patients, chemotherapy and
radiation patients, people with auto-immune diseases, young children, asthmatics, etc.)
are at serious risk for contracting the same disease that the inoculation is designed to
prevent or worse.
In the US, the CDC classifies more than 60 million people as immune compromised.
People who are re-inoculated after many years are particularly susceptible to severe and
life threatening reactions. Those who are ill are likely to develop sever effects as well.
In fact, Tommy Thompson, former Health and Human Services boss, said that he would
not take the vaccine although the US is stock piling “a dose of smallpox vaccine with
every American’s name on itâ€. Perhaps the one with his name has been changed so it
reads, “To Whom It May Concernâ€.
S. 1873 and BARDA would, according to its proponents, allow absolutely no exemptions
for medical conditions or personal conviction. None.
Dr. Mike Lane, former director of the CDC’s so-called “smallpox eradication programâ€
in the 1970’s, is a proponent of mass vaccination with no exemptions saying, “Medical
contraindications would not apply… there would be NO exceptions. [In India] I’m sure
that we killed a few people, but we did the best that we could….If the person is exposed
there will be no exemptions, medical or otherwise.â€
When a live virus is used in the vaccine, infective virus is shed for anywhere from 4 to 21
days (or more) and, during that time, inoculated persons can give the disease, or the side
effects of the inoculation, to any vulnerable person they come into contact with.
So, while it may be true that vaccines have spread disease, isn’t it true that vaccines have
eliminated the epidemic diseases of the past? No, actually they have not. Neither
Jenner’s cowpox inoculation nor modern smallpox inoculation did anything to eliminate
smallpox (quite the contrary). The fact is, Dr. Charles A. R. Campbell discovered that
smallpox is transmitted by the flying bedbug, Cimex lectularius, and that eliminating this
parasitic insect from human habitation eliminates smallpox, too. Personal hygiene and
better housekeeping eliminated the deadly scourge. (Dr. Campbell also discovered that
the disfiguring pocks of the disease could be prevented by a diet high in Vitamin C.)
When the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the planet “smallpox free†in
1980, they did so administratively, not medically: small pox incidence was reduced, but
not gone, despite nearly universal vaccination. What to do? WHO solved the problem
cleverly: they renamed the disease “cowpox†and “monkey poxâ€. Shazam: a smallpox
free planet, quicker than you can say, “Junk Science!â€
Other epidemic diseases were in sharp decline at the end of the 19th and early 20th
centuries as a direct consequence of improved hygiene and other life-style changes.
Measles, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Polio and Hepatitis B were all in sharp decline
long before vaccines were introduced. The contribution to the decline made by vaccines,
however, was negligible or non-existent. Scarlet Fever, typhoid fever and cholera, for
which inoculation either did not exist or was never wide-spread, declined on the same
sharp curve for the same reasons. So do we need inoculations because of the public
health hazard? Despite the considerable hype, in fact, there is no unbiased evidence
which connects disease prevention with inoculation.
Cold, Hard Fact # 3: Flu vaccines do not protect people from flu-related deaths.
The CDC claims that an astonishing 36,000 people die from flu in an average year. But
according to the former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tommy Thompson, 68
people under 65 die from flu each year in the US. The truth is that in 4 years, a total
4,440 people, mostly elderly, died from flu, no where near the CDC’s touted 144,000
deaths. While that figure is great for flu vaccine sales, it derivers not from reality but
from the CDC’s industry-friendly statistical trick of classifying all pneumonia-related
deaths, despite any lack of evidence, as flu deaths. Discussing this nonsense, Lone
Simonsen of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease/NIH, writes in The
Archives of Internal Medicine “We could not correlate increasing vaccination coverage
after 1980 with declining mortality rates in any age group. Because fewer than 10% of all
winter deaths were attributable to influenza in any season, we conclude that observational
studies substantially overestimate vaccination benefit.”1
Cold, Hard Fact # 4: Potential pandemic viral diseases like the Bird Flu do not have safe
and effective vaccines to prevent them and there are no drugs to treat them effectively.
Despite that fact, on September 15, 2005 the US purchased $100 Million of a French
experimental flu vaccine designed to protect against bird flu. It’s so experimental, in fact,
that although we have purchased megabucks worth of the stuff, the French manufacturer,
Sanofi-Pasteur, is planning to experiment with adjutants (immune response enhancers) to
rev up human response to it. Perhaps the adjuvant is the same one that the Army used in
the deadly Vaccine A against anthrax: squalene. The purchase is real, but there is
currently no such thing as a vaccine for pandemic bird flu.
Unfortunately, even if vaccines did work (they don’t) and were safe (they’re not), a virus
has to actually exist before you can make a vaccine that can control the disease. The
pandemic version of the latest bird flu does not yet exist. Vaccines are very specific: they
train the immune system to make antibodies to a particular protein sequence. Because
those antibodies are highly specific, guessing wrong on which flu strain is coming soon
to a droplet near you has led to an embarrassing history, year after year, of ineffective flu
shots against the wrong strain of virus. People developed side effects, but the shots did
not ward off the flu since the vaccine misfired with regard to the virus it was supposed to
be protecting people against. And, oh by the way, experimental vaccines are not even
alleged to be safe. No one knows what effects they will have. And, under BARDA, no
one (least of all the manufacturer) will need to worry about that.
Allegedly, the bird flu pandemic version has not yet mutated and therefore does not exist
so there is no way whatsoever to make a vaccine against it. Not even the US Government
can make a vaccine against an imaginary virus. But that is just what the government
wants us to believe they can do. Clearly, the French experimental flu vaccine purchase is
a political, not a public health one. IF the bird flu mutates and becomes pandemic, it
would take between 4 and 18 months to gear up to make commercial quantities of the
vaccine. In the meantime, anyone getting the bird flu and surviving it would have natural
antibodies to the disease. But right now, unless the already-mutated pandemic H5N1
virus is being stock-piled in a laboratory for convenient release at an opportune moment
(which is certainly possible), the virus needed to make a real bird flu vaccine exists only
in fearful imagination. So what would BARDA inoculate you with? Who knows? A
nanochip to track you, perhaps? The technology exists. An experimental drug, maybe?
Something that someone wants to test on huge numbers of people whether they like it or
not? Squalene? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Only BARDA would know. You won’t.
BARDA would be above the law and beyond investigation. Consider: the anthrax vaccine
currently being tested on US 2nd and 3rd graders contains squalene. The experiment is
therefore not about anthrax (the vaccine is only approved for cutaneous anthrax, a non-
life threatening disease highly unlikely to be used, therefore, as a bio-weapon) but rather
about what happens to children given a deadly substance which stimulates their immune
systems to destroy their bodies over time. After World War II, the managers of IG
Farben, the vast German industrial combine, were imprisoned for Crimes Against
Humanity for precisely this kind of activity. Who will be convicted this time? The head
of super-secret BARDA? On what secret evidence? This is what the
government/pharmaceutical cabal is doing now in full view of the public and of
Congress. Can you imagine what would happen if there were no public scrutiny at all
and no legal liability for any ill deeds whatsoever? Only if you can imagine BARDA.
BARDA is a medical Gestapo. It would have the power to initiate a medical marshal law
from which the only escapes would be prison, death, fleeing the country or rebellion.
Bill S. 1873 has five powerful Republican co-sponsors: Republican Senate Majority
Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee
Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY), Senate Budget Committee Chairman Judd Gregg (R-NH),
Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) and Alexander Lamar (R-TN).
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