Auschwitz in Atlanta: CDC Kills Health Freedom
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Auschwitz in Atlanta, better known as the CDC, wants the power to detain, “treat” and vaccinate you, and do whatever it wants to you.
Informed Consent does not, in their demented minds, mean anything at all. If the regulations they are bringing forward (comment period ends October 19, 2016) are adopted, YOU will have neither the right nor the opportunity to protest any treatments that CDC chooses for you —
Experimental drugs
Organ removal
Cancer chemotherapy
Or . . .
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC, is a lesser known, but every bit as corrupt and dangerous agency which, like, the FDA (Fraud and Death Agency) is staffed and funded primarily by special interest groups like drug companies, vaccine makers, chemotherapy manufacturers, and even drug patent owners, who all make decisions in their own favor.
Their corruption is monumental. The “rules” had to be changed so the self-interested would not have to recuse themselves and could still vote on various approval committees, or there wouldn’t even be a quorum available; now all they need do is “disclose” their self-interest!
Their dysfunction is legendary and now they want total control over YOUR body, YOUR medical decisions and, in essence, YOUR life.
Their proposed regulations are Medical Tyranny — permitting them to abduct anyone, at any time, for any length of time, to “treat” them. And they specifically exempt themselves from the need to honor your Informed Consent despite the fact that it is protected by US and International law.
70.18: “…including quarantine, isolation, conditional release, medical examination, hospitalization, vaccination, and treatment; provided that the individual’s consent shall not be considered as a prerequisite…”
What can you do to stop CDC Medical Tyranny? Plenty!
1. Drown the decision-makers in emails telling them that you do NOT accept this horrific body-grab and reject any medical tyranny — easily through our online web form action item here:
2. Share this urgent matter as widely as possible on Social Media and email to encourage your circle of influence to take the same action and reach out to their circle of influence to do the same.
3. Make sure that you have YOUR Advance Vaccine Directive to prevent anyone from assuming that you have waived your right to Informed Consent. Information and Advance Vaccine Directive cards here: