The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™
Update Bulletin During the Fake “Food Safety” S.510-Related Emergency!
Internet Radio that Matters: Sunday Morning
Dr. Rima Reports, live chat, updates, Action Items and more…
November 9, 2010
Index: SAY ‘NO!’ TO LAME DUCKS! – GMOs – Vaccines
Short Takes – Dr. Rima Reports – Dr. Rima Recommends
UPDATE: On 11.30.10 the US Senate voted to end Food Freedom. Tell your Congressperson not to make the same mistake that the Senate made: VOTE NO ON S.510! Action Item Here:
Dr. Rima Reports Every Sunday Morning! Chat & Listen 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time 9 AM to Noon Central Time This Sunday: Will the Lame Duck Senate Kill Health Freedom? Make some Coffee or Tea… and Join us! |
Say “No!” to Lame Duck Congress Tricks Before
It Turns Health Freedom Into A Dead Duck!
Powerful forces arrayed behind S. 510. Our PUSH BACK is Not Finished!
Say NO! to s.510 – s.3767 – s.3002
A couple of days before the election, speaking at the University of Indiana, Dr. Ron Paul said, “I don’t think the FDA protects us; I think the FDA exists for the drug companies. That’s what I think… Now the FDA wants to get into regulating every single thing you eat… and regulate everything that might be holistic medicines and vitamins and they want worldwide regulations… I try to teach others including my patients that the use of prescription drugs is very dangerous….” Minute 39/40 at
During this Lame Duck period, the corporatists will seek to pass the fake “food safety” bills, S.510 and S.3767 which seek to nationalize all food regulation and to restrict, control and ultimately prohibit all natural, independent, local, community and family farm operations in favor of the worst of the Bigs: BigAgBiz, Big Chema and Big Pharma (which are really all part of the same failed bankster unfreemarket).
They will try to destroy our ability to decide whether we want to grow, buy or eat clean food. Our health, and our freedom, will be, literally, dead ducks.
The Lame Duck Senate led by Harry Reid is poised to force these Food Fascism Bills through the Congress when the Senate comes back into session on November 15th. We the People need to teach Harry another lesson and STOP THE FAKE FOOD SAFETY BILLS!
PLEASE take the Action Item below EVERY DAY FOR EVERY PERSON IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD WHO HAS AN EMAIL ADDRESS, to tell the Senate to keep the hold that Dr. Coburn (R-OK) has on the bills. Then pass the item along to every person on your contact list asking them to do the same.
These bills are NOT “noncontroversial” bills that can be foisted on We the People through the Senate’s “unanimous consent” procedure!
Here are our Talking Points about those very bad bills:
We need to “hit the ground running” on Freedom issues and make sure Congress hears us the day that the Senate comes back from the election vacation!
When the Obama administration spent $6.4 billion on its plan in ’09 to force every American to be shot with the dangerous Swine Flu Vaccine, 3.5 million emails to decision makers stopped that plan and stopped the engineered “pandemic” the vax would have triggered.
That is called PUSH BACK! The Election is Over; the Struggle Has Just Begun!
Please join us Sunday mornings, 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern, 9 AM to noon Central, for Dr. Rima Reports on Oracle Broadcasting:
Here are our Talking Points on GMO Dangers
We’d like to acknowledge the many groups of farmers, consumers, gardeners and health freedom advocates who are raising their voices in favor of Food Freedom! We note with pride that various health freedom organizatiions are, once again, following our lead on calling for GMO protection.
We believe that each of us should take all of the action items that we can find to bombard Congress with our opinions. Right now, take the Natural Solutions Foundation Action Item to make your Push Back felt and your voice heard.
Must Read: Monsanto’s Fall: The End of the GMO Seed Industry?
Just Say “NO!” to Vaccines
Here are our Talking Points on Vaccine Dangers
ACIP Changes Immunization Recommendations
Vaccination Rates Fall Among Better Educated Families
Oak Park, IL, Demands More Information on Vaccine Contents, Dangers,0,5940624.story
Utah Professor Says 100% HealthCare Worker Forced Immunization Rate is Wonderful
Gates: Vaccines Can Reduce Population 15%. Gates Foundation to Focus on Vaccines as “Top Priority”
Ex-Glaxo Lawyer Indicted for Obstruction in U.S. Drug Probe: Faces Up to 20 Years
Short Takes
The Toxic Triad
How Big Food, Big Farming, and Big Pharma
Spread Obesity, Diabetes, and Chronic Disease Across the Globe
“Processed food full of sugar, fat, and salt is neurochemically, biologically addictive in the same way cocaine, heroin, nictoine and caffeine are addictive, and it increases food and calorie consumption and obesity as a result.”
ONE THIRD OF OUR ECONOMY THRIVE ON MAKING PEOPLE SICK AND FAT. Big Farming grows 500 more calories per person per day than 25 years ago because they get paid [by government corporate welfare] to grow extra food even when it is not needed. The extra corn (sugar) and soy (fat) are turned into industrial processed food and sugar-sweetened beverages—combinations of fat, sugar and salt that are proven to be addictive. These subsidized ($288 billion) cheap, low-quality foods are heavily marketed ($30 billion) and consumed by our ever-widening population with an obesity rate approaching three out of four Americans. The more they eat, the fatter they become. The fatter they become the more they develop heart disease, diabetes, cancer and a myriad of other chronic ailments.
Today, one in 10 Americans have diabetes. By 2050 one in three Americans will have diabetes. The sicker our population, the more medications are sold for high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, and many other lifestyle driven diseases. The Toxic Triad of Big Farming, Big Food, and Big Pharma profits from creating a nation of sick and fat citizens.
This structure is built into the very fabric of our economy and culture. It could be called the medical, agricultural, food industrial complex. It is what is known as “structural violence”—the social, political, economic and environmental conditions that foster and promote the development of disease.
Dr. Ron Paul for Chair of the House
Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee
Dr. Rima Reports
Every Sunday 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time
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Sunday’s Program: Election Wrap-up
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How will the results effect health and food freedom issues…
We will have some surprise guests then too!
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Valley of the Moon™ All Natural Coffee!
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New! Dr. Rima Institute Protocols and Services
NATURAL SOLUTIONS CENTER WEBINARS Webinar Archives 1. Special Free Webinar — the Valley of the Moon Eco Community 2. Archived! ESSENTIAL CAUTIONS FOR CAM PRACTITIONERS – Ralph Fucetola JD (1.5 hr – $99) 4. Archived! The Five Elements: Video Intro for Free Webinar and more… 5. Experience Karma Singh’s Energy Transmissions, Then Tell Us What You Think: 6. ARCHIVED! Free Valley of the Moon™ Webinar 1.5 hr; 40 slides! |
Please don’t forget to make sure you have YOUR supply of the universal remedy, Nano Silver, |
And remember to supplement with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients to keep your brain healthy and focused… this message from our friends at Biologics Nutraceuticals, providers of the Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition:
“Please let Health Freedom supporters know they can take advantage of our Double Dip Sale with $4.99 Economy Shipping to the entire US! All of the Dr. Rima Packs are discounted 10% with the additional option to buy 2 and get another pack of the same type added to your cart at checkout for free! You may also buy three of the same type individual bottles and receive a free bottle of the same type in your cart at checkout!” Brian
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President –
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director –
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee –
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