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Dr. Laibow on Non Food “Food”
On Processed “Food”
On Regulating Real Food Out of Existence
Non Food “Food” – A Taste of Things – and Diseases – to Come
The American Dietetic Association (ADA) says,
“A balanced diet is best way to safeguard health and to prevent disease rather than relying on nutrition supplementation”.
The ADA also says that they, and they alone, should be the only people legally permitted to tell anyone anything at all about nutrition. Ever. No Doctors, Nurses, Nutritionists, Biochemists, only Dietitians. You know, the people who are responsible for the ghastly diets of cheap non-foods in nursing homes, hospitals and other places where if you are sick, the food makes you sicker and if you are not sick, you soon will be if you hang around there long enough.
Here is my question to the ADA: “How, pray tell, are we to have a balanced diet when our food is being increasingly replaced by non-food substitutes filled with chemicals, flavors that never saw a real food item and deadly, damaged oils? Just how does that happen? And how does it happen when our food is grown in soil so demineralized that there is nothing for the plant to make nourishment out of for you? When the foods that we are offered by the industrialized food supply contains non-food substitutes like the 6 mentioned in the following article? Where is the balanced diet supposed to come from when 90% of our food has been manufactured from genetically modified sources, meat is being grown in cloning tanks and the amount of poison in food production is so great that beekeepers in Europe are actually calling, at their own economic peril, for bee products to be banned from human consumption because they are now so toxic that they cannot be safely eaten?
The articles below are noteworthy because they are a taste of things to come, literally, if the Food Fascism bill, S. 510, now before the Senate, which will drive small, organic and clean farming operations out of business nationwide, is allowed to pass. It will not only mean that the corrupt, dysfunctional and dangerous FDA will be given far more authority to abuse than it has now [including the power to declare marshal law (!)] but also that the entire food supply will be industrialized. What does that mean? It means that whatever is cheapest will be marketed and sold to you as if it were food. And it means real food, such as safe raw milk, will be demonized and outlawed, as the second article below suggests is happening right now!
The World Health Organization and Food and Agricultural Organization’s Joint Special Report, Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Disease, makes it clear that under nutrition (including high calorie under nutrition, a form of slow starvation) is the primary cause of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. These 5 diseases are the primary causes of morbidity and mortality in the US and the rest of the developing world. They are also the principle money makers for the Illness Care Industry, at the head of which, of course, you will not be surprised to find Big Pharma.
Oh, yes, the Pharmaceutical companies are also chemical companies. They make the dangerous chemicals which are permitted in our food by Codex, the US EPA and their global counterparts. AND, of course, they make the drugs which the sell when your under nutrition and your toxic state damage your immune system so badly that there is nothing left with which to fight off these chronic, disabling and, frequently, ultimately lethal, diseases.
So the passage of S. 510 means, ultimately, non-food substitutes like the ones below in favor of food, real food. You are already eating GMO corn which has been turned into flavors, starches, amino acids and a host of other “food” products. You are already eating fats which have been treated in such a way that they become toxic since hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats are both immune suppressive and neurotoxic.
You are already eating food which is being irradiated. And damaged at every processing step. Isn’t it time that We, the People, required that our government define food as a nutritive substance whose immediate last identity was recognizable food? We think it is.
How will you stay abreast of the latest developments in this food fight? Make sure that you are signed up for our free, secure and highly informative Health Freedom Action eAlerts here: ¥our data is safe with us. We promise. Your food future is, however, not safe with either the US Congress, the FDA, EPA or the USDA.
Food Freedom means, among many other things, never having to be sorry for what you are eating!
And don’t forget, Knowledge is Power –
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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The 6 Weirdest, Scariest Processed Foods
By Brad Reed
AlterNet. – December 6, 2009.
Once upon a time, some brave scientists had a noble dream of ridding our food of the plague of nutrients.
Today, at the start of the 21st century, the miracle of food processing has brought that dream closer to reality than ever before. From vitamin-free “blueberry bits” to spray-can cheese to avocado-free guacamole, food scientists have worked tirelessly to bring us new and exciting foods that contain as little nutrition as possible. Even apparently “healthy” foods such as soups have been ingeniously overloaded with so much salt you feel as if you’re eating French fries.
In this article, we’ll provide a handy guide to six uniquely unnatural processed foods that will hopefully serve as a blueprint for humanity’s eventual triumph over the tyrannical fist of Mother Nature.
1. Spray-Can ‘Easy Cheese’
Dipping a butter knife into a tub of cheese spread and putting it on a cracker takes a lot of time and effort. Thankfully for all of us, the wizards at Kraft have developed a product that ensures we’ll never again run the risk of hurting our wrists trying to spread processed cheese. Kraft’s Easy Cheese cans combine the soulless tastelessness of its cheese products with the convenience and simplicity of whipped cream cans.
The most interesting aspect of Easy Cheese is its remarkable consistency. Normally, cheese comes in a solid state when kept at room temperature and only becomes liquid when melted at high temperatures. Easy Cheese, on the other hand, has a Goldilocks-like “not too solid, not too viscous” quality that makes it easy to spread on food without having it drip on your clothing.
According to an exposé in Wired magazine, Easy Cheese achieves this amazing texture by containing lots of unhealthy crap, such as the stain-removing chemical trisodium phosphate and a healthy dose of canola oil that keeps the cheese from solidifying. Oh, and they also load Easy Cheese with about twice the amount of salt you’d normally find in natural cheddar cheese.
But the best ingredient in Easy Cheese is calcium phosphate, which is used as a calcium supplement. “But wait,” you say. “Why does a cheese product need calcium added artificially?” Well, as Wired speculates, the sodium phosphate could actually negate the calcium in the natural cheese. Thus, Kraft had to put in an additive that would make up for the calcium that’s taken away through food processing. Genius!
2. Oreo Cookie Death Filling
It’s rare to encounter a food that makes you say, “If only this were as healthy as frosting!” And yet, the filling in Oreo cookies manages to accomplish just that.
You see, typical frosting is made mostly from butter, milk, sugar and vanilla extract. No one will ever accuse it of being good for you, but at least you’re eating fairly natural fats. Oreo stuffing, on the other hand, is basically sugar-flavored Crisco. Seriously, that’s what you’re consuming when you eat an Oreo.
Oreos’ death filling is so bad it even inspired an ill-fated lawsuit in California a few years back that tried to stop the sale of Oreos to children. While the suit was eventually dropped, it did introduce trans fats to the public consciousness and helped spearhead the campaign to make food companies indicate on their labels whether their products contained any trans fats, so it wasn’t a total waste.
That said, I think the best way to stop people from eating Oreos wouldn’t be to ban them outright but to force Kraft to rebrand them to reflect their actual ingredients. So let’s say you mandate that Kraft label its cookies “Criscoroes” and have the package depict a kid gorging himself in a tub of vegetable shortening. Yum!
3. Condensed Soups
Ah, soup. It’s the food mom used to feed us when we were sick. Every child has fond memories of being nursed back to health by sipping at the warm, nutritious broth of chicken noodle soup. Of course, mom probably didn’t realize at the time that she was setting you up for a future of high blood pressure and kidney failure. Because if she fed you condensed soup from a can, she was loading your young body up with insanely high amounts of sodium.
How insanely high, you ask? Well, consider that a mere half-cup of Campbell’s Vegetable Soup contains a heart-stopping 890 mg of sodium, or roughly 37 percent of your daily recommended sodium intake. But wait, there’s more! The typical Campbell’s soup can contains one-and-a-half cups of soup, meaning that one can of soup contains more than 90 percent of your daily recommended sodium intake.
To be fair to Campbell’s, it does have a “Healthy Request” brand of soup that contains roughly half the salt of Campbell’s other soups. Still, one of soup’s supposed key virtues is that it isn’t a cheeseburger. In other words, when you buy a bowl of soup you shouldn’t have to “request” a healthy version of it.
4. Spam
Spam was really a major miracle of food science, as it solved a mystery that humanity had been trying for centuries to figure out: namely, how to make meat-flavored Jell-O. Developed in the 1930s, Spam is derived primarily from pork shoulder meat (seriously) and combined with water, sugar, sodium nitrate (of course) and copious amounts of salt. The result is a meat-like goo that derives 80 percent of its calories from fat and that delivers a whopping 790 mg of sodium per two-ounce serving.
Spam first hit the big-time during World War II when its highly preserved state made it the ideal food to feed to our protein-needy soldiers fighting over in Europe. Now there’s a fine tribute to our fighting boys! Thanks for risking your butts against the Nazis, fellas, now here’s a mound of pork slime! When you think about it, it’s remarkable that more of our troops didn’t defect to the German army, which assuredly would have offered them generous helpings of bratwurst, knockwurst and schweineschnitzel in exchange for changing sides. The fact that Americans bravely suffered through Spam prior to fighting the Battle of the Bulge adds yet another heroic chapter to the Greatest Generation’s legacy.
5. Artificially Flavored Blueberry Bits
Frozen waffles are fairly non-nutritious. Indeed, the only real way to get any sort of vitamins in your waffles each morning is to buy blueberry waffles that contain….
But, hang on! It turns out those aren’t blueberries at all! They’re more like…well, just what are they? An apt description would be “purple globs of sugary goo,” but they’re actually called “artificially flavored blueberry bits.” Their ingredients include sugar, dextrose, soybean oil, soy protein, salt, citric acid, cellulose gum, artificial flavor, malic acid, Red 40 Lake, Blue 2 Lake and…that’s it. Notice anything missing? Oh yeah: blueberries!
For a long time, companies such as Aunt Jemima parent Pinnacle Foods were able to get away with implying that these little unfruity lumps were actual blueberries, as the box for Aunt Jemima’s blueberry waffles had pictures of actual blueberries strewn across it. But the threat of a lawsuit from Center for Science in the Public Interest made Pinnacle decide to tell people that their waffles didn’t contain any actual blueberries.
What makes the development of fake blueberries so exciting is the number of possibilities it opens up for other fake fruits. Picture artificial strawberry strips, made mostly of bacon and high-fructose corn syrup. Or perhaps artificial melon mounds made of solidified vegetable oil and dextrose monohydrate. Or the coup de grace, artificial artificial blueberry bits, made with NutraSweet and artificial soy protein. Not one natural ingredient, baby!
Kraft’s Avocado-Free Guacamole
This right here may be the pinnacle of processed food magic. Kraft has managed to make a food product without an actual main ingredient, akin to tomato-free tomato sauce or potato-free baked potato. Yes, there are no avocados in Kraft’s guacamole. Then what is it made of, you ask? How about some modified food starch, coconut and soybean oils, corn syrup, food coloring…in other words, you’re eating green-colored oil.
As with a lot of phony processed foods, the avocado-free guacamole compelled somebody to sue the product’s manufacturer for false advertising. In this case, California resident Brenda Lifsey got upset because she thought Kraft’s guacamole “didn’t taste avocadoey.” She then looked at the ingredients, and lo and behold, “there was almost no avocado in it.”
Kraft’s response to Lifsey’s lawsuit was a masterwork of poor corporate spin, as a company spokesperson told the Los Angeles Times, “We think customers understand that it isn’t made from avocado.” Well actually, no. Customers tend to buy guacamole with the understanding that it will be made from, oh, I don’t know, avocados. This is akin to a Viagra spokesperson saying, “We think customers understand that our pills won’t really give them erections.”
For the record, Kraft is no longer selling congealed green oil as “guacamole” but rather as “guacamole-flavored dip.” It’s an improvement, I suppose, though I think somebody should file a suit against Kraft that prevents the company from ever again describing its products as “foods.”*
* Stay tuned Mouse Warriors! One of our 2010 projects is to show the FTC that calling this stuff “food” is false and misleading advertising! They ought to call it something like “edible non-food substitutes…” and we’ll have a Citizens Petition about this for everyone to support in the New Year!
And this article from our intrepid Food Freedom Reporter, LC (December 7, 2009)
Raw Milk – Regulated Out of Existence
Do you seek out natural, wholesome foods, free of GMO ingredients, etc.? Do you treasure raw milk for its wonderful, healthful qualities as an ingredient in your favorite holiday treats? It is becoming increasingly difficult to find good food and drink… Why? Because of the policies of the state and Federal governments.
It’s happening in South Dakota, Missouri, California, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin, for sure, where there have been recent efforts to shut down dairy and/or raw milk sales. That’s, of course, in addition to fully destroying dairy farming inside the corporate system, and now the dairy giants pushing to get rid of independent dairy farmers by putting regulations in S 510 to demand pasteurization of raw milk.
We need to keep track of all these assaults (I am sure there are more) and lay out the whole picture so aware, conscious eaters can Push Back and resist the industrialization of our food supply!
Here is a most egregious example of the assault on Food Freedom.
South Dakota Department of Agriculture proposed rules for raw milk dairy farmers is the prelude to S 510 and reveals how it will work. Raise the food safety standard beyond what anyone could afford, apply onerous rules that impinge even on customers, and drive farmers off their land and out of farming.
Paraphrased from
The proposed South Dakota Department of Agriculture rules are barriers-to-entry regulations that will create a defacto ban on the sale of raw milk. They would take away rights given by the legislature by imposing expensive requirements that those dairies wanting to sell raw milk would not be able to afford. The standards required for a permit would include a mechanical bottling machine (handcapping would be prohibited) and a separate facility for bottling; for Grade A licensed dairies a building separate from the milk parlor would be required for bottling. One licensed Grade A dairy farmer currently selling raw milk estimated that if the proposed rules became law, he would have to spend a minimum of $76,000 to be in compliance after figuring the cost of a separate building for bottling, a storage tank for the bottling facility, pumps to move the milk from the parlor to the bottling facility, a mechanical bottling machine and the installation costs.
In addition to equipment and construction requirements, raw milk producers would have to test twice yearly for bovine tuberculosis (TB) and brucellosis; no other State requires testing more than once a year, and the standard for coliform South Dakota has set has proven difficult for California raw milk licensed dairies to meet. Raw milk producers would also be required to maintain customer lists to SDDA upon request. Moreover, “[t]he list must be continually updated and include the data for at least 60 days. This customer list shall include customer names, addresses, phone numbers and quantities of raw milk sold for human consumption.”
The purpose of the proposed rule is not to ensure that safe raw milk is sold; it is an attempt to ensure that no raw milk is sold legally. The proposed rules need to be stopped.
The corporations and ag departments under the USDA urged dairy farmers to expand, got them into debt, and then dropped the prices paid to them (with no protection), until those people are destroyed. They have sold herds and many have committed suicide. Now the same forces are going after the raw milk dairy farmers, the people who stayed small, and did well by just doing business with local people who wanted their product. Yet the corporations and the agencies they control, are doing all they can to get rid of them, too.
Is this how to bring back the US economy?
What the Department of Agriculture in South Dakota is doing is unjust, destroys good jobs during a terrible time in our economy, and threatens local food supplies for communities already hurting. It is the last thing any state should be doing to its own food industry and its citizens.
As to the safety of raw milk, Yale has shown the friendly bacteria found in raw milk (but not in pasteurized milk ) is protective against type 1 diabetes and raw milk used to used by the Mayo clinic to treat diseases (without having passed a single “food safety” standard that South Dakota is promoting).. P. Hall comments:
Raw milk kills E. coli & Listeria when it is produced from cattle grazing on pasture and living in healthy conditions as opposed to those grain fed and living in inhumane stocks. If animal control laws for inhumane treatment were applied to the dairy industry most milk producers would go to jail. It is the inhumane treatment and filthy conditions that allow pathogens to exist. Just common sense. Otherwise how could mankind have subsisted for all eternity on raw milk? And we have.
For dairy farmers, damned if you do, damned if you don’t
Milk and the “not about food safety” bills
Beware homemade pie and a glass of milk
Raw milk dairy farmers should be a cause celebre in this country (all local farmers should be) – the people who know how to survive in hard times and can provide food to their neighbors. They are the last people who should be lost.
During a lousy economy, who gets rid of the only functioning part of the dairy industry and of jobs, especially jobs that provide food to people who want it? What is really driving this? The WTO interests appear to be doing to food what the international bankers did to our economy, destroying it here to take global control of it. They are using hygiene in the same false way in Europe and getting rid of farmers intentionally. They want the land. They want CAFOs. They want to be rid of farmers.
The WTO appears to be planning to outsource dairy production to India and China (shipping back milk powder that is then reconstituted) so they can do whatever they want with prices here since we would be solely dependent on foreign milk (and eventually other food). Corporate milk would be even more a “processed” food and thus there would be even more corporate middlemen involved as well as more and more contamination.
Food safety?
South Dakota needs to hear that the whole country stands with them in absolutely protecting their local farmers from such destructive and corrupt regulations. The Department of Agriculture needs to hear that the country sees that their regulations (and S 510) serve only the World Trade Organization, not are not in the interest of people, local communities, states, food security, … and especially NOT food safety.
Contact the Office of the Governor of South Dakota here: