August 21, 2008
Codex Alimentarius is a friend to Genetically Modified (GM) foods since it allows the US to replicate its devastatingly dangerous lack of labeling for GM foods. Here in the US, such labeling is forbidden since, in 1992, George H. W. Bush, then President, issued an Executive Order granting, as if by the magic of lobbying, equality to natural foods and those produced by biotechnology. Once equivalent, the GM foods not only did not have to be labeled, they MAY not be labeled, according to the ever corporate-friendly FDA — “GM Free” labels are not lawful, according to the FDA.
Not only that, but, playing the heavy at Codex, the US has managed to overcome the resistance of nearly all African countries, the EU and a host of other nations with grave reservations about both the safety of these “foods” and the ethical nature of denying consumers information they overwhelmingly say that they want to have — whether their food has been genetically tampered with or not.
A New York Times – CBS Poll earlier this summer indicated that 87% of Americans want GM labeling; over half would not buy GM food if it were so labeled:
Prince Charles, Heir Apparent to the throne of England, Wales and Scotland, however, got it right and did so in the face of the Press. Read what the Prince had to say below.
Natural Solutions Foundation commends Prince Charles for his stand on Genetically Modified foods and crops. The prince has long been an advocate of natural food production and a champion of organic farming. He notes, as does the Natural Solutions Foundation, that the industrialization of food production leads not only to inferior food, but drives the subsistence or peasant farmers off their lands creating social devastation along with the devastation of the environment and health for which GM foods are responsible.
The Prince warned that the bio tech corporations are taking us all towards a grim environmental disaster of unprecedented magnitude.
Whatever else the Royal Family of the UK may be engaged in, on this particular battle, they are on the right side and must be welcomed to the Natural Solutions Foundation Hall of Fame.
Congratulations, Prince Charles!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Charles in GM ‘disaster’ warning
BBC News August 13, 2008
Prince Charles has his own organic farm at his Gloucestershire estate
Companies developing genetically modified crops risk creating the biggest environmental disaster “of all time”, Prince Charles has warned.
GM crops were damaging Earth’s soil and were an experiment “gone seriously wrong”, he told the Daily Telegraph.
A future reliance on corporations to mass-produce food would drive millions of farmers off their land, he said.
The government said it welcomed all voices in the “important” debate over the future potential role of GM crops.
However, Dr Julian Little, chairman of the Agricultural Biotechnology Council, said he was “disappointed” by the Prince’s comments because “they do not seem to be based on any solid evidence”. *
“Our experience from over 10 years of GM cultivation shows that GM technology has been [sic] found to deliver real environmental and economic benefits,” he said. *
Mr Little added: “At a time when demand for food and fuel is rising and in the face of growing environmental challenges, we need to find ways to feed an ever-increasing global population.”
More from Today programme
BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell said the Prince’s “robust” comments were “likely to rankle with the government”, which has given the go-ahead to a number of GM crop trials in the UK since 2000.
“Even for a prince who’s a long-established champion of organic farming and critic of GM crops, these are comments which verge on the extreme,” our correspondent said.
Prince Charles told the newspaper that huge multi-national corporations involved in developing GM foods were conducting a “gigantic experiment with nature and the whole of humanity which has gone seriously wrong”.
Relying on “gigantic corporations” for food would end in “absolute disaster”, he warned.
“That would be the absolute destruction of everything… and the classic way of ensuring there is no food in the future.”
What should be being debated was “food security not food production”, he said.
He said GM developers might think they would be successful by having “one form of clever genetic engineering after another”, but he believed “that will be guaranteed to cause the biggest disaster environmentally of all time”.
Prince Charles, who has an organic farm on his Highgrove estate in Gloucestershire, said relying on big corporations for the mass production of food would not only threaten future food supplies but also force smaller producers out of business.
“If they think this is the way to go, we will end up with millions of small farmers all over the world being driven off their land into unsustainable, unmanageable, degraded and dysfunctional conurbations of unmentionable awfulness,” he said.
The prince also told the Telegraph he hoped to see more family-run co-operative farms, with producers working with nature and not against it.
The Prince’s comments come at a time of rising world food prices and food shortages.
The biotech industry says that GM technology can help combat world hunger and poverty by delivering higher yields from crops and also reduce the use of pesticides.
In June, Environment Minister Phil Woolas said the government was ready to argue for a greater role for the technology.
But green groups and aid agencies have doubts about GM technology’s effectiveness in tackling world hunger and have concerns about the long-term environmental impact.
Responding to the prince’s comments, a spokeswoman for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said: “Safety will always be our top priority on this issue.” …
* In the opinion of the Natural Solutions Foundation, the statements made by Dr. Little are disingenuous at the least. We know of no conclusive evidence that GM products are safe; certainly no long-term studies have been undertaken. Further, there are many suggestive developments, such as the upsurge in Morgellon’s-like syndrome, the reported devastation of the bee population, and similar instances that suggest the long term safety of GM products is not proven. Under the usual Precautionary Principal GM products cannot be deemed safe.