Trillions for Tribute, But Not One Cent for Defense
The US declared, when faced with the demands of the Barbary Pirates who controlled the shipping routes of the Mediterranean around North Africa, Representative Robert Goodloe Harper, declared “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute.” The concept is deeply enshrined in the consciousness of the US and is the meaning of the reference “To the shores of Tripoli” in the Marine’s Hymn, learned by every child in America.
Like so much else in the US, for example, the protections and provisions of the US Constitution, that deep understanding has been violated by the grim and terrible grasp of the Pharma Pirates on our lives. We do, in fact, pay trillions of dollars, and billions of person years of suffering and death, as tribute to the pirates who control our national and personal decisions with lies and more lies – Big Pharma. When the people of America learn to “Say No to Drugs”, we will have moved a long way toward freeing ourselves from the tribute and tyranny of the Phama Pirates.Pandemic Flu is thought to kill people because the immune system recognizes that it has encountered a pathogen (disease – causing agent, in this case a virus) and sends out signaling molecules called cytokines, (Greek cyto-, cell; and -kinos, movement). They can be proteins, peptides, or glycoproteins. Once those signals are received, the immune system springs into action and mounts a defense. In the case of the weaponized pandemic viruses, the defense can be so strong that it literally overwhelms the person who has been infected and causes death because the immune system itself has overwhelmed the lungs, leading to so much inflammation that they cannot carry out their essential function of exchanging gases.
Cytokine Storms and the Pharma Pirates
Cytokines are powerful signaling molecules which cells sends out in order to get a response. The word itself comes from the Greek for cell (cyto) and movement (kinos).
Pandemic, bioengineered virus are believe to kill by evoking a massive cytokine response, called a “cytokine storm” which is so powerful that the immune system itself overwhelms the lung capacity of the infected person and the number of immune cells, along with the massive inflammation (which is an immune technique to isolate an infective agent) fills up the lungs so they cannot carry out their job of exchanging gases and the patient dies.
But like any storm, it will abate and normal conditions can prevail again. If the cytokine storm provoked as an initial response to the virus can be managed for approximately 3 days, the body’s immune response is normalized, becomes more efficient, and it then kills out the virus in the ordinary way that it usually does. The result is called “surviving the pandemic flu”. H1N1 appears to be pretty poor at evoking a lethal cytokine storm.
I would call it another in the growing list of failed pandemics: SARS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu….
The WHO and CDC, however, have assured us that we can expect a lethal global pandemic from this same virus in the fall of 2009, just exactly, we are told, when the vaccine “against” this newly lethal killer virus is ready. We are astonished and awed by the ability of these organizations to predict the future and prepare for it so profitably. The billions spent on the absurd Avian Flu (H5N1) vaccines and the useless failed Rumsfeld antiviral, Tamiflu, of course, are now simply black lines on the spreadsheets of Big Pharma, another example of the monumental depravity of that industry and its governmental (and intergovernmental) servants, including the Oval Office.
In the document called “Concept of Operations of the UN In a Global Influenza Pandemic”, the final footnote (p.10) reads:
The procedures contained in this CONOPS framework will need to be tested at global, regional and country level to ensure their utility and allow for revisions where necessary. Several UN country teams have already conducted simulations to test coordination structures and other procedures outlines in their pandemic plans. Further simulation exercises at regional and global level are needed to test coordination structures and operating procedures. Such large scale simulations will require the commitment of different UN entities. It is anticipated that this CONOPS will continue to be tested through simulation exercises at global, regional and country levels during 2009. [Emphasis added – REL] See also$FILE/pandemic-influenza.pdf
That looks very much to me like the reason that the failed pandemic of 2009 is being pursued as if it were a threat to anyone. Right now it is a real threat, but it is a threat to our liberty, our nations, our freedoms. Later this fall, if the plans hold, it would appear that the bad boy version will be ready and released – probably through the vaccines which we will be expected to line up for willingly. Remember, if you do not line up for them willingly, you will be subject to the federal powers which our spineless Congress has authorized and to the same powers of the States under their Emergency Medical Powers Acts. Those powers define you as a felon if you refuse vaccination once a Pandemic has been declared at the State level and a health hazard at the federal level. Once so identified, you are subject to immediate long-term incarceration and quarantine. At the state level, as a felon, you could be sent to prison. At the federal level you could be held indefinitely at one of the many FEMA camps which have been established all over the US (and Canada?).
So the storm is political, global and physical, all at once.
Before I discuss how to safely quell a cytokine storm, let me ask you a question or two:
Did you vote for the dissolution of your country in this last election?
Are you eager to have the UN run a global government?
Do you think that the UN would ever hand back control to the nation states after the pandemic is over, if it ever IS over?
Do you agree with the globalist position that the solution to global warming and overpopulation is population culling so that 80-90% of the world’s population no longer exists? If so, are you willing to step up and volunteer yourself and your family for the culling?
For most of us, the answer to all of those questions is “Not only NO, but HELL NO!” So what are you doing about it? One important thing to do is to forward this information and ask everyone, and I do mean everyone, you know to
1. Join the Natural Solutions Foundation’s Health Freedom Action eAlert list at so they can become part of the solution through sustained net-roots push back and information dissemination
2. Forward this information and ask their contacts to take these steps
3. Make a recurring tax deductible donation, large or small, to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Our support comes from our supporters, not from corporations or governments. Visit now. Even 4 dollars a month, just a dollar a week, from each of our supporters, will make the difference so that we can continue to bring you truth you need and speak truth to power together.
Quelling the Storm
So how do you control a cytokine storm without subjecting yourself to even more dangerous drugs? Simple. There are many well known natural means of doing so.
First and foremost is Vitamin C. Good ole’, familiar Vitamin C. When your body needs vitamin C, which we have somehow misplaced the gene which allows us to make during the course of our development, it tolerates more. So you need to give it more. How much more? Well, as much as you can cram in during a cytokine storm (and in the face of a full blown infection with a pandemic, bioengineered virus) – I prefer intravenous delivery systems so that up to 300 G per day can be delivered for 3 days. Since part of the impact of these viruses seems to be a cataclysmic depletion of the body’s Vitamin C stores, this is very important.
By the way, when I first published this information, I was roundly castigated by a variety of people who should have known better. Shortly thereafter, they began publishing this information as if it were their own. Ah, well! The real point is to get it out there where it can help people, but an accurate attribution would be nice!
If IV administration is not possible (and it would not be available for most people), then ingesting LARGE amounts of oral Vitamin C would be the way to go. The body will tell you when it has had enough Vitamin C: bowel tolerance is the signal that its needs have been met. That means diarrhea or softening of stools. However, the novel H1N1 virus produces diarrhea as a part of its infection process so I would say ignore that sign and just put lots and lots of Vitamin C into the patient. There is no known level of toxicity for Vitamin C and it is a powerful immune support – which is why Big Pharma, through Codex, would love to restrict it to the point that there is no useful dose available.
Should you stock pile Vitamin C? I believe you should. Should you use Vitamin C from GMO sources? Of course not. That means that it must be organic. You can visit to find organic Vitamin C sources. Non GMO sourcing is a vitally important consideration, by the way.
Next, Nano silver. As you know, Nano silver is different from colloidal or other silver types. Because of its very small size, it cannot be retained in the body so the mythical dangers of turning blue are even less significant than they are with other types of silver (to the whole notion of argyria, my response is “Fiddle Faddle! It is literally a myth and not a real concern.”)
The Nano silver that we recommend has two properties which we believe render it superior to other products: first, it has the capacity to kill pathogenic organisms, like these bioengineered plagues and second, it has been infused with energetic information (if this is not familiar to you, you need to check out the emerging science of the use of frequency to impact living systems – the dangerous part of it is euphemistically called “non lethal weapons” while the beneficial part is often referred to as “energy medicine” or “frequency medicine” and is related to homeopathy. I have used it in my practice for years and it is rapidly gaining acceptance in countries other than the US, and even slowly there where, for example, the use of light to treat cancer has gained acceptance.)
The highly effective Nano silver available through has been infused with frequency in a process developed by the brilliant and world-renowned materials scientist, Rustum Roy, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania, University of Arizona. I do not have space here to discuss this remarkable innovation, but I am convinced that it creates a stable, effective and safe product which will dispatch the virus rapidly, preventing the development of the cytokine storm.
In our previous Health Freedom Blog, “Health Freedom Action eAlert: Pandemic… Be ProActive and Take Some Steps to Feel Less Helpless“,, I listed several natural options which have the effect of dampening cytokine storms to let the immune system get to work in a balanced and effective way. Please check this list out and make sure that you have the items on hand. But remember, you want organic sourced items since they are free of GMO contamination AND free of pesticides, irradiation, and other health hazards.
You can find many of them at either or But wherever you buy them, make sure you have enough on hand for your family when, not if, the next round of political pandemic comes at you.
By the way, for those of you who are interested in growing your own food to support your immune system, lower your cost and take your fate out of the hands of the biotech and agribiz industry, our new publication to help you with that process, FOOD – the Journal of Sustainability, is being prepared. Cindy Blackshear, a master gardener and a wonderful friend of both health and health freedom, has agreed to be the Editor. FOOD, by the way, is an acronym for “Food On Our Doorsteps”!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Note that there is some suggestion that the old anti-malaria drug chloroquine will quell the cytokine storm as would AcetylCholinEsterase inhibitors (ACE inhibitors). These drugs have toxicity profiles and I would not recommend them for ongoing use as the internet authors who are suggesting their use are doing. REL
Natural Solutions Foundation
(This is the online copy of the Health Freedom Action eAlert of April 28, 2009)
Weaponized Vaccine and Pandemic Threats
Nano Silver
Engineered Pandemic
Weaponized Vaccines
New World Order
Self-Quarantine & 14 Point Checklist
Herbs to Use or Avoid
Herbal Remedies
Miscellaneous Remedies
First, A Word For Our Sponsors: YOU
When the Natural Solutions Foundation shared our analysis of the weaponization of the Avian Flu with you in 2008, we got many hundreds of emails asking us what to do to protect ourselves. We said very clearly that while the weaponized Avian Flu Virus might not react the way other pathogens did, we predicted that it would be killed by contact with Nano Silver, a finely divided type of silver which kills all known disease-causing agents or pathogens and which is sold as a Dietary Supplement in the US. I was very clear that the Avian Flu organism might or might not respond the same way. As it happened, later information let us know that we were correct: Nano silver DOES, indeed, kill the weaponized Avian Flu virus as it kills all known micro-organisms except beneficial ones.
The US government says that people marketing silver products are not allowed to tell you this truthful information. We told you, within our private, opt-in expressive association, of the truth as we see it. To receive information like this is exactly why you opted into our Health Freedom Action eAlert – Please be assured, so long as an open and free Internet exists, we will speak truth to power… for you and for all humans who are facing this “time of plague” together.
We anticipate that the protective benefits of Nano Silver will remain true during this absurdly transparent laboratory-created swine flu surging out of Mexico.
After we notified folks about the uses of Nano Silver to protect against disease, even weaponized disease, two things happened:
1. a sudden push to take Nano Silver off the market by the EPA erupted — to which you responded in huge numbers to push back and protect our right to this natural remedy.
2. We got emails thanking us by the thousands about the topic.
When we first mentioned Nano Silver, people wrote to us asking which product I recommend and I freely shared with our followers that we personally use ABL’s Nano Silver, sold under private label at called “Silver Biotics”. We spoke extensively with the manufacture (with whom we were already familiar), made arrangements with Nutronix to get the product to you rapidly and passed that information on to you.
In a particularly twisted, bizarre response to our efforts to inform you, some people have even gone so far as to suggest that we are ‘profiteering’ from the pandemic.
Most people wrote to say “Thank you!” — but a few others have written to say that we should not recommend something from which the Foundation receives any benefit!
Um, why not? “Who”, as General Bert often says, “made that rule?”
This Nano Silver product is one in which we believe and which we believe can save your life. We are certainly banking on it to save ours! And, the Foundation also needs support, because our efforts to inform can also save your life. Let’s be frank: times are tough for all not-for-profits, since the economy has taken a carefully orchestrated beating. The Banksters are doing very well, thanks to wholesale plundering of future taxpayers, (Goldman Sachs says it will return the bailout billions rather than cut executive bonuses!) but we little people are bearing the brunt of their misdoings.
The Foundation recommends products and services that we think are of outstanding value and we sometimes make a small percentage of their sale price, when you buy from the sources we recommend. You have the information for free, of course, and, should you choose to make your purchases elsewhere, we do not get any support, but you have the information to use.
Let’s be clear here: whether you buy Nano silver from us or not, it COULD save your life. IF you buy it from Nutronix, a merchant that gives us a percentage of the purchase price, we get support from that sale. Let me reiterate: Neither General Bert nor I take a single penny from this 24/7 engagement with your health freedom. Not one.
These letters remind me of the few, but memorable, people who, as my patients, told me how grateful they were to me for saving their lives but, since I was doing “the Lord’s work”, I had, as a doctor, they would insist, “no right” to make money from their treatment — as though time, knowledge and experience were worthless!
If you are among Natural Solutions Foundation supporters who disseminate our information, donate ( and makes purchases through our sites ( and to support the Natural Solutions Foundation, thank you. We could not do it without you.
But if you are among those few who chastise us for looking to the market as a source of support, please think about this: Only children believe that they should simply hold out their hands and get toys and sweeties without giving something back. We give information, analysis, help and support on a continuing basis. And we look forward to your support as we go forward. It’s called a “reciprocal relationship”. It is a necessary relationship if we are going to heal the world, together.
The predicted, or perhaps I should say, “promised” pandemic may very well be upon us. This is, as sure as God made little green apples, a totally man-made event, with a totally man-made pathogen (disease-causing agent). The WHO, US Government and MMD (media of mass deception) have been ramping up, ramping up, ramping up. But there is no honest virologist in the world who can look you in the eye and say that this virus had any chance whatsoever of having self-assembled genes from Eurasian, North American and other Swine Flu, Avian Flu (already weaponized with the genes of the 1918 Pandemic Virus?) and human viruses, sprung, like Venus from the brow of Zeus on April 14 in Mexico City and then, suddenly it has deadly potential around the globe… without a whole lot of help from its friends.
Deadly potential, by the way, is pretty weird here. There is little doubt that the death toll in Mexico is much higher than previously reported. How high we may never really know.
But there is also little doubt that there is no reason to have declared a “Health Emergency” in the US for a disease which has impacted fewer than 20 people and killed none of them. What pandemic? Who pandemic? Could it be that this pandemic is a totally orchestrated event to make sure that there is an excuse for closing down those few liberties and constitutional rights which still exist after the last devastating 8 years? The “left neocons” continuing the process the “right neocons” started?
I was reading an update from a Chinese site yesterday. It stated that the US, with 20 non fatal cases, had declared a “Health Emergency”, The same site noted that there had been a fatal train wreck in a remote part of China and 21 people were dead. I noted with interest that China did not declare a “Train Emergency”.
Bear in mind that once a global pandemic is declared, just as the US assumes supreme dictatorial powers through Patriot I, II, III, BARDA and other legislation, Executive Orders and Homeland Security Directives, and as the States assume similar powers through the Emergency Medical Powers Acts, passed at the urging of the Homeland Security cabal, so the UN will, according to already prearranged agreement, become the supreme political governing force on the planet.
World government, “elected” by a lowly virus… and an engineered one, at that.
Interestingly enough, of course, it was the Angel of Change, Barak Obama, who, along with then Senator Biden, proposed to the US Congress that a head tax be paid by every man, woman and child in the US to support the UN and that the US military be placed under the authority of the UN, that is, of the New World Order.
I would call that change, all right. And I would say that it may be that a non-pandemic Pandemic just might work to get them what they are looking for.
What will it get you?
Vaccinated with a Weaponized Vaccine.
I have the reports of several Mexican doctors who tell us that their colleagues were vaccinated and died. Vaccinated with what, you may ask? Now that is a really good question. Remembering that the CDC claims that it already has a “seed stock” from this virus which first appeared, they say, on April 14 in Mexico, that is pretty good work.
My research says that it takes quite a lot longer to make the seed stock, the purified and characterized virus, from which vaccines can be made.
And then it takes an absolute minimum of 4 months, if you are favored by the vaccine-making gods, to get yourself a vaccine.
Now, that vaccine may or may not provide any ‘immunity’ against the virus or other organism you are hoping it will protect you from.
Again, according to my research, there is literally NO disinterested evidence to suggest that vaccines provide any sort of protection from any sort of disease (I know, this is heresy to the vaccine priests and their followers – sorry, I am compelled to speak the truth as real science tells us). We do know, however, that vaccination damages the immune system in a rather horrific number of ways. Despite the ‘white wash’ and fol-de-roll, that is simply the science of the matter.
So now we have a new virus, clearly man-made, against which doctors in Mexico are being vaccinated within less than 2 weeks of its being discovered. And they are dying, according to our sources.
What does that tell us? To my mind, it tells us that the entire purpose of this exercise is two fold:
(1) to get those vaccines into your body and
(2) to tie down global control of the planet.
There is no way whatsoever that a vaccine, which is specific to a particular organism, can be effective, to the extent that it is ever effective, against another organism. NONE. Even the CDC admitted earlier today that existing flu vaccine supplies were not “effective” against this Swine Flu (according to CNN).
But, what will the vaccines do? Consider what happened in January when Baxter Pharmaceuticals “accidentally” contaminated shipments of seasonal flu vaccines to 18 countries with live Avian Flu virus. If that “mistake” (how did that live virus get into the very secure vaccine factory?) had not been discovered, there would already be an Avian Flu pandemic… so now, that weaponization having failed, we get the Swine Flu “incident…”
For more details about the January incident, see:
Some commentators have said that this exercise is only that — a dress rehearsal for the “real thing” and they could, of course, be correct. But whether they are correct or not, the game is going forward and it is one in which the official rule book is being written by those who will benefit from the new feudalism.
Can you Spell “New World Order”
Natural Solutions Foundation always provides solutions when we raise problems and issues. Always. And, since we understand that Nano Silver is the most potent, yet safe, nutritional pathogen killer know, we have been recommending for some time now that you need to lay in a good store of Nano Silver for health threats, both natural and man-made. But there are other ways to regulate the immune system, too, and we want to tell you about some of them. We urgently recommend the Nano Silver route (here is the link again: Man does not live by Nano Silver alone:
Many people have been asking us what they can do to feel less helpless in the face of the possible weaponized flu pandemic about which we have been raising the alarm over the past months. While we are watching closely. We are not totally convinced that the current crisis is a true pandemic, despite the fact that the WHO elevated the threat level a few hours ago from “3” o “4”. We are as greatly concerned about the possibility of a weaponized vaccine forced on the public as the real threat. If the choice is between a ‘quarantine center’ (read: concentration camp) and a vaccine containing unknown dangers, and you are forced to receive an alleged vaccination for a pandemic, the first line of defense would be to consider that perhaps such intramuscular shots are a bit like a snake bite and might be treated in a similar fashion. Get the poison out, as a first line of defense. Detoxify! If you have an Infrared Sauna, use it. Drink large amounts of pure water. Use the detoxifying nutrients and herbs you have available to you. Treat the forced vaccination as though it were the assault on your immune system that it surely will be.
I cannot say what will help, but every bit of mercury, aluminum, fluoride, formaldehyde, squalene, aspartame, MSG, Polysorbate 80 and other toxins you can get out of your body, is better than than that same poison in your body.
Here are some links to information that may help you prepare for what may be coming.
From Natural Solutions Foundation last year –
How to Self-Quarantine; Advice from a Public Health Professional:
The above article was exclusively published by Natural Solutions Foundation and includes expert opinions –
(1) Self-Quarantine Memo from a NBC Protection Expert
(2) Fourteen Preparedness Points, and
(3) Other Preparedness Steps
The following articles were provided by two readers. We pass it along without endorsement or commentary since the information is benign and might help support your immune system in reasonable ways. Please note, we do not think this information will replace Nano Silver or other profound strategies, but it might help protect you and your loved ones.
Nano Silver MIGHT be a magic bullet. These other strategies are not, but can be very helpful used together with a good diet free from contaminants and taken in enough quantity to have a substantial impact. Don’t be embarrassed about wearing a face mask… it may soon be the fashion rage!
Your in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
PS: My special thanks to our readers for bringing the following articles to my attention. REL
PS#2: Don’t forget, even in dangerous times, we need to continue to educate decision makers about protecting Health Freedom. Please send your message to the President, Congress and state decision makers, in opposition to the pending (sic) “Food Safety” bills that would force the industrialization of agricultural, destroying family farm, natural and home food production — just when our immune systems need wholesome nutrition the most:
“Research suggests certain natural foods may be as effective against virus H5N1
as commercial antivirals.
(PRWEB) May 10, 2006 — A Biology teacher from Australia, named Stephen Jones,
has done extensive research into the H5N1 virus and compiled a list of natural
foods that are effective against it and listed others that are detrimental.
The list may come as a surprise to many people since foods such as spirulina
and echinacea are listed as detrimental. This strange occurrence is largely
due to the fact that the virus is immune to 2 cytokines that the body produces
(TNF-a and IL-6). Cytokines are compounds produced by the body’s immune system
that attack and remove foreign bodies. The problem is that when a foreign body
is immune to certain cytokines, the body sees that its immune response is not
working and tries even harder, which can lead to what is called a cytokine
storm, where the body becomes flooded with these compounds and they eventually
destroy the body itself. Foods such as Echinacea actually stimulate the
production of these specific cytokines; hence consuming it is not a good idea
if one suspects they may have the virus.
During the 1918 Spanish Flu many healthy young people died from cytokine
storms due to their immune systems overreacting. Consuming foods which
suppress the production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6 and enhance the production
of the ones that actually are effective against the virus will aid the patient
Other foods that create mucous in the respiratory tract, such as bananas, are
also listed as detrimental due to the fact that the predominant breeding
ground of the virus is the respiratory tract and another way in which a
patient may suffer is due to the body’s over production of mucous in this
Natural Antivirals
Folk Medicines and Herbs to use and avoid with Bird Flu
Below is a list of foods that are said to contain substances that are natural
antivirals, immune boosters or they decrease cytokines TNF-a and IL-6.
Alternative medications that are most likely to help us during a severe
Garlic (allicin) – Very effective antiviral. Best if fresh (raw) and crushed.
Must be consumed within 1 hour of crushing. Dosage is initially 2 to 3 cloves
per day but later reduce until no body odour occurs. No toxic effects noted.
(Pubmed PMID 9049657)
Vitamin C – Boosts the immune system and is an antiviral by blocking the
enzyme neurominadase. Viruses need neurominadase to reproduce. There are
anecdotal stories of people taking large amounts of Vitamin C (children ½)
surviving the Spanish Flu. Research shows that it may reduce the production of
cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. A study on 470 people involved giving the test group
1000 mg hourly for 6 hours and then 1000 mg 3 times daily after reporting flu
symptoms. Symptoms decreased by 85%. (Pubmed PMID 10543583, 634178, 16169205,
Green Tea (possible Tamiflu/Relenza alternative)- Very effective antiviral.
Also decreases the production of the cytokine (catechins) TNF-a. Inhibits
neurominidase. May have antiviral activity that is equal to other antivirals
such as Tamiflu. (Pubmed PMID 16137775)
St Johns Wort (Hypericum) – Very effective antiviral. Also decreases the
production of the cytokine IL-6. Hypericum is an extract from St John’s Wort.
There have been some very successful field trials in commercial flocks
infected with H5N1 in Vietnam. (Pubmed PMID 7857513, 11518071, 11362353,
7857513, 11518071)
Vitamin E – Immune booster. Also decreases the production of the cytokine
TNF-a. (Pubmed PMID 155882360, 10929076) Experiments involved using mice. Very
suitable for immune compromised people, especially the elderly. Effects
enhanced when taken with Vitamin C.
Apple Juice – Antiviral. Fresh apple juice including the pulp and skin has
greater antiviral activity than heated commercial apple juice. More research
is needed. Effectiveness on H5N1 is unknown. (Pubmed PMID 32832, 12452634)
Resveratrol – Antiviral. In addition to inhibiting neuraminidase, Resveratrol
also sends a message to cells to stop manufacturing viruses. This is a proven
antiviral found naturally in red wine, peanuts, mulberries, Japanese Knotwood
root (richest source), raisins and red grapes. Resveratrol supplements are
relatively inexpensive, are more stable than wine and is available in liquid
form for absorption in the mouth. No toxic effects noted. (Pubmed PMID
1583880, 12817628, 15985724)
Scuttellaria (Skullcap) – Antiviral. A herb used as a tea. It has no side
effects and is also a mild tranquillizer. Research suggests neurominidase,
which is a substance needed by the H5N1 virus to reproduce, may be inhibited.
Cranberry Juice – Early research shows that it may be an antiviral, making
viruses less able to invade or multiply. Effectiveness on H5N1 is unknown.
(Pubmed PMID15781126)
Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) – Decreases the production of the cytokine
TNF-a. Also boosts immune system. The number of white blood cells was
significantly increased during treatment. No toxicity was noted.
( Active
constituents can be found in the leaves, bark, vine, and roots. Water
extraction from bark used. Children and pregnant women are to avoid. Has a
potentially damaging effect on the DNA of proliferating cells. (cancers,
fetuses, growing children)
Curcumin (Tumeric Spice) – Decreases the production of the cytokine TNF-a.
This is the yellow compound in turmeric spice. Research shows that this may be
very good for preventing a cytokine storm although this is not proven. Must be
taken with food or gastritis or peptic ulcers may occur. Pregnant women and
feeding mothers should avoid this. The medicinal properties of curcurmin
cannot be utilized when used alone due to rapid metabolism in the liver and
intestinal wall. When combined with Piperine found in black pepper the
absorption is increased with no adverse effects. Obtainable from health stores
in tablets, liquid, capsules already combined with piperine. Dosage is 500mg
to 4000mg daily.
Astragalus root (Astragali Radix) – Boosts immune system. (Pubmed
Tea tree Steam Inhalation – Reduces the cytokine TNF-a. Add 2 drops of tea
tree oil in a bowl of steaming water. Cover head with a towel and inhale for 5
to 10 minutes. Relieves congestion and fights infection. Its effectiveness is
unknown. (Pubmed PMID 11131302)
The following substances may be best to avoid during a H5N1 pandemic
Elderberry juice (Sambucal) – AVOID – Increases production of cytokines TNF-a
and IL-6. This substance is very effective against the common flu but may not
be desirable for the H5N1 virus. Increases in these cytokines may trigger a
lethal cytokine storm. (Isr Med Journal2002 Nov;4:944-6)
Micro Algae (Chlorella and Spirulina) – AVOID – Increases production of
cytokine TNF-a. (Pubmed PMID 11731916)
Honey – AVOID – Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. (Pubmed
Chocolate – AVOID – Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. (Pubmed
PMID 12885154, PMID 10917928)
Echinacea – AVOID – Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. Although
it is often used for normal flu, research shows that it may increase the
chance of cytokine storms for H5N1. (Pubmed PMID 15556647, 9568541)
Kimchi – AVOID – Increases production of cytokines TNF-a and IL-6. (Pubmed
Dairy products & Bananas – AVOID – These foods increase mucous production.
References: (search using Pubmed ID number listed
after each food)
Natural Antivirals
Lomatium dissectum root — A Native American remedy. A powerful herbal tincture that kills viruses by disrupting their genes (a chain terminator). When tested at NIH, it made DDI (an AIDS drug) 4000 times more potent. Dose = 2 droppersful / day.
Monolaurin — the natural anti-microbial substance in mother’s milk, made from lauric acid (a fatty acid). Patented by Ecological Formulas. Adult dose is 6 capsules / day. Safe and effective for children at lower doses based on weight.
Echinacea angustifolia root — A native American remedy. Multiple European and American studies have shown that this herb can reduce the risk by one-half of catching a cold, and shorten the duration of a cold by 1.4 days. It should contain all 3 active compounds (polysaccharides, alkylamides and cichoric acid). Dose is 3 grams / day. Not recommended for children.
Olive Leaf Extract — This herbal compound fights bacteria, yeast, fungus and viruses.
L-Lysine — An amino acid that interferes with viral genes (a chain terminator). It has been shown to be extremely effective against Herpes viruses, but has some action against most other viruses.
Vitamin C — Enhances the micro-tubules (cell skeletons) in immune cells, helping them to extend outward (pseudopods) and engulf viruses and bacteria.
Thymus Extract — organic bovine thymus, which provides the 4 basic hormones to stimulate the immune system.
Transfer Factor Plus– A combination of 2 powerful factors: (1) Transfer factors from bovine collostrum, which stimulate the immune system to make natural killer cells. There are over 1000 scientific papers on the efficacy of transfer factor. (2) Japanese mushrooms with anti-viral properties. Together they have been shown to elevate natural killer cells 4000%. Dose 1-2 capsules / day. You can buy Transfer Factor here:!
“April 28, 2009 – Swine flu is a respiratory illness in pigs caused by a virus. Mexico’s
government is ordering closed schools nationwide as the suspected death toll
from swine flu climbed to 149. Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova says only
20 of the deaths have been confirmed to be from swine flu and the government
was awaiting tests results on the rest. He says 1,995 have been hospitalized
with serious cases of pneumonia since the first case of swine flu was
reported on April 13. Alarmingly, the flu outbreak in Mexico is striking
healthy young people — a pattern that would be expected if a flu virus new
to humans emerged…
Officials in Mexico and the U.S. are taking emergency steps to contain
what is believed to be a new multi-strain swine flu. “If the confirmed
deaths are the first signs of a pandemic, then cases are probably incubating
around the world by now,” said Dr. Michael Osterholm, a pandemic flu expert
at the University of Minnesota. The Mexican Swine Flu has elements of DNA
from the following: avian flu, human flu Type A, human flu Type B, Asian
swine flu, and European swine flu. Human and animal viruses from four or
more continents suddenly recombine in a new flu during a non-flu season that
spreads from human-to-human with a 10% fatality
Just last month Baxter Pharmaceuticals was caught shipping a mix of H3N2
seasonal flu viruses and unlabelled H5N1 viruses. Baxter released
contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Austria, which contained
live H5N1 avian flu viruses. 2
In Mexico City children rarely use the color blue when they paint the
sky. The atmospheric pollution in the Mexican capital, one of the world’s
biggest cities, is one of the most severe air pollution cases in the world.
Contaminated air hangs over its population of more than 20 million people
doing damage to children’s lungs causing chronic lung diseases when they are
adults. Perched at 7,300 feet in a bowl-shaped valley where the air is thin,
vehicle fumes get trapped and you might as well be living in a gas chamber.
It is that bad and this explains in part why we are finding deaths from the
flu concentrated there with no deaths reported outside of Mexico to this
date. Even the healthy are sick. Full of toxins, they are medically speaking
“accidents waiting to happen,” so when a strong flu strain strikes such a
population the death rate will be very high. The cause of death is
debatable! …
*Infections cannot be separated from the conditions that
invite pathogens to proliferate. This seems to boggle the
minds of orthodox medical scientists, who like the blind men
and the elephant, seem to be able to focus on one thing at a time.*
We live in a dangerous world and anything that throws us out of balance
invites pathogens to take up residence in our bodies. If this is the
beginning of the pandemic that health officials have been warning about it
is best to begin preparing your body before the flu strikes. This article
offers natural emergency medicine that addresses both the body’s terrain and
the potential pathogens quickly. Starting with the most basic medicine, we
need to address dehydration and the use of water and mineral salts as
medicines first.
*Dehydration Dangers*
Complications of flu can include bacterial pneumonia, ear infections,
sinus infections, dehydration, and worsening of chronic medical conditions,
such as congestive heart failure, asthma, or diabetes. Many underestimate
seasonal flu’s severity and neglect treating dehydration, a survey of U.S.
physicians and consumers found. Fifty-seven percent of doctors surveyed said
they considered dehydration the single most dangerous flu side effect.
“Severe flu symptoms like fever and body aches often keep patients from
taking in adequate fluids,” said Dr. Leanne M. Chrisman-Khawam of Case
Western Reserve University in Cleveland. “By managing symptoms, one will be
more likely to manage their dehydration as well.” …
The blood is 80 percent water thus hydration levels are extremely
important in blood chemistry. Moderate dehydration, a 3-5% decrease in body
weight due to fluid loss is sufficient to result in a substantial decrease
in strength and endurance because of the *decrease in oxygen carrying
capacity of the blood signaling a drop in Zeta potential.* Proper hydration
is thus the most basic preventative medicine against death from any type of
*Mercury Exposure = Increased Vulnerability*
Chronic mercury exposure is also a threat to our health and makes us
especially vulnerable to flu infections. It has been shown that “prolonged
exposure of mammals (white mice) to low mercury concentrations (0.008 – 0.02
mg/m3) leads to a significant increase in the susceptibility of mice to
pathological influenza virus strains. This is shown by more severe course of
infection. In the experimental group more mice died (86 – 90.3 %) than in
the unexposed animals (60.2 – 68 %), additionally the experimental group
died more quickly. The significant difference was in the appearance and
degree of pneumonia in the effected animals,” wrote Dr. I. M. Trakhtenberg
in *Chronic Effects of Mercury on Organisms.*
Though everyone in the northern hemisphere is contaminated with mercury
health officials have a mental block against suggesting anything that might
reduce total mercury body burden. Though some dedicated health activists are
cracking the FDA’s endorsement of mercury dental amalgam it will take a
Martian death ray to get them to protect the public from the obvious.
Natural chelation methods work safely to remove mercury but unfortunately,
if this is the dreaded flu outbreak, there will be little time to reduce
mercury levels. Much can still be accomplished with the emergency protocol
suggested below. Mercury exposure will make flu symptoms worse and even more
dangerous, and that is one reason the flu vaccine is deadly because most
brands include thimerosal, which almost fifty percent mercury.
Several other mercury fighters have a place in the flu battlefield. In
addition to binding mercury into a fairly harmless complex, selenium is a
very good inflammation fighter even in small concentrations. N-acetyl
L-cysteine, an antioxidant and glutathione precursor, stimulates production
of this master antioxidant and, among other things, boosts the immune system
and has anti-inflammatory properties. Alpha-lipoic acid, another mercury
mover, acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, while protecting the
mitochondria and reducing cellular inflammation. Learn about them before you
need them and add them to your medicine kit now.
*Iodine, the Universal Pathogen Killer*
As early as June 1, 1905 an article was printed in the New York Times about the
successful use of iodine for consumption/tuberculosis. Though
iodine kills most pathogens on the skin within 90 seconds, its use as an
antibiotic/antiviral/antifungal has been completely ignored by modern
medicine. Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts,
protozoa, and many viruses; indeed, of all antiseptic preparations suitable
for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is
capable of killing *all classes of pathogens*: gram-positive and
gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses and
protozoa. *Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.*
*Iodine is by far the best antibiotic,
antiviral and antiseptic of all time. *
* Dr. David Derry*
Dr. Derry says iodine is effective “for standard pathogens such as
Staphylococcus, but also iodine has the broadest range of action, fewest
side effects and no development of bacterial resistance.” Some doctors have
reported that it is excellent for the treatment of mononucleosis. Iodine
kills single-celled organisms by combining with the amino acids tyrosine or
histidine when exposed to the extracellular environment. All single cells
(pathogens) showing tyrosine on their outer cell membranes are killed
instantly by a simple chemical reaction with iodine that denatures proteins.
Nature and evolution have given us an important mechanism to control
pathogenic life forms, and we should use it and trust it to protect us in
ways that antibiotics cannot.
Dr. David Brownstein, author of *Iodine – Why You Need It,* uses iodine
extensively in his practice and says, “Iodine is a wonderful antibiotic
solution without question and most importantly *I never see any of my
patients complain of dysbiotic reactions from its use.” *Because
drug-resistant micro-organisms continue to emerge and the number of patients
susceptible to these infections is increasing dramatically an approach that
utilizes the innate powers of the immune system as a therapeutic agent will
have the greatest benefit to sick patients. The body’s ability to resist
infection and disease is hindered by long-term deficiency in essential
vitamins and minerals including that of iodine. Poor immune response is
correlated with impaired thyroid function; *a deficiency in iodine can
greatly affect the immune system* because low levels of iodine lead to
problems with the thyroid gland.
I personally talked to a missionary, Stephen Fisher, in Zambia on the
phone last year who told me about his very successful use of iodine to treat
people with malaria. He used 20 drops of Nascent Iodine in a half glass of
water given 4 or 5 times during the first day and then decreased the dose to
10 drops of Nascent Iodine 4 times a day for 3 more days, although higher
dosages can be administered for much longer since iodine is a nutritional
medicine that is needed by the body. Such a protocol can be used for the
swine flu or any other type of influenza. Brownstein and others use much
higher dosages of other iodine forms, namely Lugol’s and Iodoral for cancer treatment.
If you are interested in high dose usage, please read one of the books by
Dr. Brownstein or myself for more details on how to do so.
The minimum number of iodine molecules required to destroy one
bacterium varies with the species. For H. influenzae it was calculated to be
15000 molecules of iodine per cell. When bacteria are treated with iodine,
the inorganic phosphate up-take and oxygen consumption by the cells
immediately ceases. Thus the antiseptic properties of iodine are used to
sterilize every surface and material in hospitals. Iodine is an excellent
microbicide with a broad range of action that includes almost all of the
important health-related microorganisms, such as enteric bacteria, enteric
viruses, bacterial viruses, fungi and protozoan
The tremendous diversity and mutability of many infections and their
ability to intelligently exploit the cells is one of the main reasons we
should return to iodine as our favored broad spectrum antibiotic, anti-viral
and anti fungal agent. Iodine provides us with a safe way to strengthen
innate responses to invading microbes while simultaneously correcting or
eliminating a basic nutritional deficiency that causes immunological
*Iodine is able to penetrate quickly
through the cell walls of microorganisms.*
Iodine is a deadly enemy of single cell microorganisms thus it can be
our best friend in our fight against the most dangerous pathogens. Nature
and evolution have given us an important mechanism to control pathogenic
life forms and we should use it and trust it to protect us in ways that
antibiotics can’t.
Dr. David Brownstein, one of a core group of iodine doctors had very
kind words to say about my *Iodine – Bringing Back the Universal Medicine
book.* “Dr. Sircus has done it again. He has written a wonderful book on
iodine that shows the benefits of iodine for treating a wide range of
disorders and how you can incorporate iodine into your daily lifestyle.
This book should be in everyone’s library.” I would say the same about his
book, which inspired my deeper study into the applications of Iodine.
For those who can only get the inexpensive iodine at the drug store meant
for cuts and bruises, know that you can paint the body with it quite heavily
and frequently to get iodine into the body. Just monitor the skin for any
reactions with small area applications first.
*Influenza, Inflammation, and the Role of Magnesium*
What makes avian-derived H5N1 strains, and the influenza strain
underlying the 1918–1919 human pandemic so virulent is viral triggering of
cytokine-mediated lung inflammation. Inflammation is the activation of the
immune system in response to infection, irritation, or injury. Characterized
by an influx of white blood cells, redness, heat, swelling, pain, and
dysfunction of the organs involved, inflammation has different names when it
appears in different parts of the body. Magnesium is central to
immunocompetence, and plays a crucial role in natural and adaptive immunity
in great part because of its dominance over the inflammatory
Magnesium is at the heart of the inflammatory process, it is the prime
first cause when it is not present in sufficient quantities. Increases in
extracellular magnesium concentration cause a decrease in the inflammatory
response while reduction in the extracellular magnesium results in
inflammation. Magnesium literally puts the chill on inflammation especially
when used transdermally. “Magnesium deficiency induces a systemic stress
response by activation of neuro endocrinological pathways,” writes Dr.
Mazur. “Magnesium deficiency contributes to an exaggerated response to
immune stress and oxidative stress is the consequence of the inflammatory
response,” he continued.
A little bit of magnesium chloride can be added to the drinking water
(the same as sodium bicarbonate mentioned in the next section). But both can
be introduced in much greater dosages and concentration in baths to bypass
digestive systems that may not be working properly. Many already know of the
transdermal effect of magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate. One can also apply both
‘magnesium oil and a self-made lotion of sodium bicarbonate to the skin for rapid
absorption and this is most helpful for children. All can be put into a
sterile solution and nebulized directly into the lungs if inflammation
becomes life threatening. When all else fails, physicians can get both
magnesium and sodium bicarbonate into the body with IVs.
Most people and children are already magnesium deficient, which would
naturally increase complications or the possibility risk of death from
influenza. Everything mentioned in this basic emergency protocol is
preventive and can be started immediately. Don’t wait for the WHO to
officially announce an international pandemic before you stock your
emergency kit with the basics.
*Sodium Bicarbonate*
Using bicarbonate to change blood and full body pH is going to shift
the environment of most pathogens making it more uncomfortable for them to
inhabit a host. Malaria and influenza are often associated with
abnormalities of fluid, electrolytes and the acid-base balance. Sodium
bicarbonate is very useful and should not be overlooked just because it is
one of the most simple medicines and food items you can buy in the
Fluid and electrolyte imbalances easily occur in anybody with a severe
flu. This is common in severe malaria, extremes of age, young children,
malnutrition, and patients with high degree of fever and vomiting/diarrhea.
Sodium bicarbonate can be administered orally every two hours and can
be put in the baths as well as mixed with mineral water to make a lotion.
For oral use, Bob’s Red Mill Sodium Bicarbonate is the best but for baths
the old Arm and Hammer product is fine. Sodium bicarbonate buffers and
defends us from a host of complications, and is even used in chemotherapy to
protect patients from the toxic effects of dangerous drugs.
Sodium bicarbonate along with magnesium chloride are workhorse
medicines that are extremely useful in most all clinical situations.
Certainly they are useful together in infectious diseases to support both
the basic physiology and mitochondrial function.
*Vitamin C*
One does not have to say much when it comes to the importance of
Vitamin C in preparing the body for an aggressive attack of influenza of any
type. If vitamin C levels are low, the body will be more vulnerable to
complications. Also, an attack of the flu will lower already dangerously
depleted vitamin C levels. Whole food vitamin C is often better tolerated
than pure ascorbic acid in addition to the fact that whole food vitamin C
comes with the necessary co-factors for its efficacy, which ascorbic acid
does not.
There are many natural remedies on the market and many wives’s tales
–and there is always Mother’s chicken soup! One will find an extensive list
of possible herbs, formulas and foods that might help; however, they do not
make up a core protocol that one can depend on in an emergency situation
that can easily develop with a severe strain of influenza.
*The Sun – Strong Medicine against the Flu*
Medical scientists have noticed that people with the least D were most
likely to have had a recent infection of the upper respiratory tract. We
already know that getting plenty of vitamin D — more than diet can offer
appears to provide potent protection against colds, flu and even pneumonia.
As the amount of vitamin D circulating in blood climbs, risk of upper
respiratory tract infections falls and this is important when strong flu
strains strike hard.
Dr. Adit Ginde, an emergency room physician at the University Of
Colorado Denver School Of Medicine in Aurora says that in people with lung
disease, low levels of the sunshine vitamin “magnify many-fold” the
apparent vulnerability to infection seen in people with healthy lungs. Dr. Ginde
findings appeared in the Feb. 23 Archives of Internal Medicine and concluded
that in every season, people in the lowest vitamin D group were about 36
percent more likely to be suffering a respiratory infection than those in
the highest group.
Grind’s study showed that low levels of vitamin D more than doubled the
risk of respiratory infection for people with COPD — and boosted it almost
six fold in people with asthma — compared with participants who had normal
lung function and were in the highest vitamin D group. What was most
disturbing about the findings was that the NHANES data he analyzed had been
collected about 15 years ago, when almost twice as many people as today had
vitamin D levels above 30 ng/ml. This is a crucial point. We are more
vulnerable today then every before to a massive epidemic because we are more
toxic and more deficient in crucial vitamins and minerals than at any point
in modern history.
One of the most important and misunderstood vitamins is A, and it works
hard to keep you healthy with vitamin D when in the right balance. Vitamin A
plays a vital regulating role in the immune system also. Vitamin A
deficiency leads to a loss of ciliated cells in the lung, an important first
line defense against pathogens. Vitamin A promotes mucin secretion and
microvilli formation by mucosa, including the gastrointestinal tract mucosa.
Vitamin A regulates T-cell production and apoptosis.
If you are a sun lover, you do not need to take supplemental vitamin D;
however you still need to consume adequate vitamin A. Animal studies show
that even moderate amounts of vitamin D increase the body’s need for vitamin
A, whether the vitamin D is provided in the diet or by UV light. So, if you
cut back or eliminate cod liver oil in the summer, you can also consume
plenty of oily fish, liver, butterfat and egg yolks from grass-fed hens to
ensure adequate vitamin A.
So throw away your sun screens and get out in the sun when it is high
in the sky and roast yourself until slightly pink, and do that perhaps every
other day as a replacement for dangerous antiviral medications, along with
the rest of the anti-flu protocol. Drink lots of carrot juice with oranges
and eat spirulina, which is extraordinarily high in beta-carotene.
*In Summary, a Heart Felt Plea*
Please, I beg people to be aware that in November of 2005 Japan’s
health ministry issued a warning of dangerous behavioral side effects linked
to the anti-influenza drug Tamiflu. This came amid reports that several
children in Japan died after taking the medication. Dr. Rokuro Hama, head of
the Japan Institute of Pharmaco-Vigilance, had investigated eight suspicious
deaths of children aged between two and 17, which he thinks are linked to
Tamiflu. He reported his findings at a meeting of the Japan Society of
Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Investigators say in one case last year, a
17-year-old boy, after taking the medication, left his home during a
snowstorm, and jumped in front of a truck and died. Earlier that year, a
14-year-old boy, after taking one Tamiflu capsule, jumped or fell from the
ninth floor of an apartment building. Doctors say in both cases the boys had
not exhibited any abnormal behavior before taking Tamiflu.
Drug manufacturer Roche and US regulators have warned that influenza
patients treated with oseltamivir (Tamiflu) may have an increased risk of
self-injury and delirium. “People with the flu, particularly children, may
be at increased risk of self-injury and confusion shortly after taking
Tamiflu and should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behavior,” says
a warning that Roche has added to its official product information,
according to a company letter posted on the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) Web site. …
Dr. Eleanor McBean, lived through the 1918 Influenza epidemic, and
testified, “As far as I could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated.
Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu. My family had refused all
the vaccinations so we remained well all the time. There was seven times
more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than among the unvaccinated
civilians, and the diseases were those they had been vaccinated against.”
Vaccines, especially when given in multiple quantities in one sitting
certainly have the potential to throw a person or child’s body out of
balance as can nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, lack of exercise
or a lack of sun and vitamin D. Almost everyone today is magnesium
deficient, certainly every Mexican who eats white rice!
There are many who believe from the depths of their hearts that
vaccines are bio weapons of mass destruction, which exist for both
pharmaceutical profit and over bloated professional medical egos attached to
status and power. No matter what we believe though and no matter what
develops over the next few days it would be more than prudent to disseminate
this information that will be helpful to both doctors and people facing the
current public health crisis…
Retired biochemist and toxicologist Walter Last has this to say about
Lugol’s: “Lugol’s solution is an internal iodine
solution designed to eliminate Candida and possibly viruses and other
microbes from the bloodstream. Obtain 100ml of Lugol’s solution, also
labeled Aqueous Iodine Oral Solution B.P., from a chemist. Take a test drop
in liquid other then just water to make it taste less strong. If this does
not cause an allergic reaction, continue to take 4 x 6 drops daily in liquid
or mixed with food, but not together with vitamins A, C, E, grape seed
extract or cysteine. Iodine is an oxidant and it is best to reduce the
intake of antioxidants while using it. If the blood was contaminated, then
you may initially experience a die-off reaction of the Candida, causing
weakness and possibly headache or nausea. If this happens cut temporarily
back on the amount of Lugol’s solution and drink plenty of water and diluted
teas or juices. Continue for 3 weeks, but interrupt if you develop a serious
reaction. Do not take the iodine for more than 3 weeks as that interferes
with thyroid activity. If necessary repeat the course after several
[We are unable to determine the original source of the above compilation to give due credit; if anyone knows of its original publication, please let us know…. This in from Dr. Gayle on 05/01/09: “You are looking for Mark Sircus as the source on that post. Also KinChee was proven to kill avain flu virus in work in Japan and Korea.”]
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