Insurance Policy Against Zika?
You know the drill:
1. “New Threat Identified!” Be Afraid!
2. “Deadly Danger (sic) Conquered With New Vaccine!” Be Relieved!
3. “Not Enough to Go Around!” Be Afraid!
4. “WAIT! YOU Can’t Have ANY!” Be Very Afraid!
5. “WHEW! With toxic adjuvants we’ve Got Enough Now! ”
“Everybody Line Up!” Be compliant!
You’d think they’d be embarrassed using the same Game Plan over and over.
Apparently not.
Swine Flu – Avian Flu – Swine Flu2 – Zika…. Over and over.
What’s changed is that we are wise to their game.
Look, you and I know that Zika is not a threat to mothers, babies, you, me or the Easter Bunny. Their new RUSHED TO MARKET SAVE US ALL FROM ZIKA, ESPECIALLY THE BABIES, “SAVE THE BABIES!!!” Vaccines are dangerous bunkum!
It’s the vaccines that are the HUGE threat. Especially to the babies!
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation have written a brand new ebook for you, available NOW. Just click the button below and enter the amount of your donation: Minimum $9.97, for the ebook; more appreciated!*
Your Thank You email will have the link allowing you to download this ground breaking compilation of data that goes, we believe, far beyond what is currently available.
So click the donate button below and make your donation of $9.97 or more for the 49 page Zika ebook.
* Give what you can above the $9.97 minimum. That’s just 2.74 Starbuck’s Tall Lattes, and they can’t save your life!
Oh, and please remember to share the link of this announcement, on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and by email.
Make sure that the people you know and care about have access to the Zika Book, too.
Rima Laibow: Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Dr. Rima Reports:
June 25, 2010
Note: the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, VAERS, reports 333451 adverse events associated with vaccines. This number is generally acknowledged to represent between 1 and 10% of all adverse events. ttp://
See also:
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Stanley Kops….has produced proof positive that the oral polio vaccine has always been contaminated with SV-40, a monkey virus which has been linked by the FDA and other organizations with cancers such as mesothelioma and meduloblastoma. Since 1963, we have been assured that polio vaccines have not contained this deadly contaminant. Stanley Kops shows that not only is this not the case, but that the vaccine regulators who are charged with keeping our families safe, have known all along that SV-40 was never removed from vaccines.
From the CDC: “Inevitable gaps in [Polio] vaccination coverage will give rise to cVDPVs [that is, polio cases caused by the vaccine itself – REL] as long as OPV [Oral Polio Vaccine] use continues”
Polio outbreaks continue to be associated with circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cVDPVs) in areas with low oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) coverage [Emphasis added-REL]. In addition, long-term excretion of neurovirulent immunodeficiency-associated vaccine-derived polioviruses (iVDPVs) can lead to poliovirus spread to contacts. Overcoming these obstacles is challenging. High rates of OPV coverage will prevent all poliovirus spread, including spread of VDPVs, but will not prevent establishment of prolonged VDPV infections in certain persons with B-cell immunodeficiencies (i.e., having defects in antibody production). Inevitable gaps in vaccination coverage will give rise to cVDPVs as long as OPV use continues.
and then consider that Elswood and Stricker, avid proponents of vaccination, presented evidence in 1994 that HIV was disseminated in polio vaccination by WHO in Africa. This evidence has never been refuted.
First, Blame the Victims!
If you read the article below, from the respected Science Daily, you will note that the vaccine establishment acknowledges that the cause of polio is, in many cases, the virus in the vaccine which was supposed to be so attenuated that it could not cause any disease. But the real reason, they assert, is that the people who get polio from the vaccines (mostly children under 5 years of age.
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Polio is the classic case of “Problem, Solutions, Reaction” favored by those who drive systems, in this case, our nations and our freedom, into chaos to control and destroy them. Take an environmental toxicity which co-factors with a virus, create a vaccine which spreads the disease, vaccinate widely, cause ‘epidemics’ of small numbers of cases, scare the wits out of parents and community decision makers with false information, deny for decades that the vaccine CAUSES the disease it is supposed to prevent and then, when the market is flagging because it is clear that the vaccination program has not worked, BLAME THE VACCINE FOR SPREADING THE DISEASE IN PEOPLE WITH VULNERABLE IMMUNE SYSTEMS AND THEN CONVINCE PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY DOCTORS, WHO ARE, IN FACT, THE MOST GULLIBLE OF PEOPLE, THAT THE CURE FOR VACCINE-DISSEMINATED POLIO IS TO VACCINATE MORE PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY KIDS!
Oh, wait! While you are doing that, make sure that the vaccine that spreads polio, in this case, ALSO causes another, deferred, more serious disease, in this case ACUTE LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA! And perhaps just a bit of HIV thrown in for good measure? Sure. People with HIV, in addition to dying, also get lots and lots of cancer!
Cancer is the most wildly financially productive disease ever encountered by humans. The 2008 cost of cancer in the US, according to the American Cancer Society, funded by Big Pharma itself, was a walloping $228.1 Billion. How many of those dollars were expended on children with vaccine induced cancer? And what is the non-fiscal cost of a child’s life? I do not know how to do that mathematical computation. And the vaccine industry does not care to do it.
Please visit to learn more about how this works. Then please come back to this article, keep reading and take action!
Polio vaccination is as great a scam as any other vaccination: there is no scientific evidence -none!- that vaccines work to prevent, mitigate or cure any disease. There is vast evidence that they work to weaken the nervous systems and that they intentionally, yes, intentionally, spread diseases which are vast profit sources and shorten lives and eliminate fertility.
We know, from the personal admission of Maurice Hilleman, PhD, or Merck Pharmaceuticals, that the polio vaccine’s leukemia virus contamination has been known for decades while the vaccine was administered to children around the world. I know of nothing to suggest that current polio AND OTHER vaccines are not contaminated with deadly viruses in addition to seriously toxic constituents like mercury and aluminum, Tween 80, human DNA, animal DNA, viruses, formaldehyde, etc. In fact, there is a great deal to document that they are.
And there is also a good deal to document that it is vaccination itself, not just polio vaccination, that causes diseases for which the vaccine allegedly protects the vaccination victim. [Alexa Traffic Rank for 149579], etc., etc.!
So read the article below and then share it with everyone you know. Ask them to take the action steps here and, just in case you have not already taken these steps, once for every member of your family, please take a few moments to do so now. Riding the freedom mouse can save your life and your freedom, all in the same swift, easy action step!
Thanks for your activism.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee
NSF Virtual Malls
The Dr. Rima Network:
Food Freedom eJournal
Now, your activism. First take action below for every member of your family and then forward this email to your entire contact list, asking that they do the same:
1. Call for Congressional Hearing on Autism and Other Environmental Illness: Autism and other environmentally caused diseases, including asthma, MS, at least 85% of all cancers (and much more in children), emphysema, etc., are preventable. Preventable, that is, if Congress takes the bull by the horns, carries out the studies and hearing and then passes legislation to protect the population. Click here, , to demand exactly those actions from the Congress that We, the People, elected and which works for US, the most potent special interest group in existence, 310,000 strong!
2. Stop the Food Fascism Bill, S. 510, which masquerades under the title of the “Food Safety” Bill. It makes food profits safe for the multinationals like Monsanto, and guarantees that your food will be contaminated and controlled by those multinationals, not local farmers, including organic farmers. FDA says we do not have the right to decide what we want to eat. Show them they are wrong!
3. End GMO Contamination of Your Food, Your Body, Your Planet. FDA FORBIDS GMO LABELING so you have no idea how much of your food supply is contaminated. Worse yet, GMOs are contagious! The foreign DNA spreads within and between species and the contamination cannot be reversed by any technique we have now short of burning the contaminated material. NO significant safety testing is carried our, or permitted, by government agencies. Ban GMOs and set up a commission to find out how much damage has been done and develop new ways to fix the problem before there IS no fix!
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Polio Research Gives New Insight Into Tackling Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus
ScienceDaily (June 24, 2010) — A vaccine-derived strain of poliovirus that has spread in recent years is serious but it can be tackled with an existing vaccine, according to a new study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Vaccine-derived polioviruses can emerge on rare occasions in under-immunized populations, when the attenuated virus contained in a vaccine mutates and recombines with other viruses, to create a circulating vaccine-derived strain.
The researchers behind today’s study say their findings highlight the importance of completing polio eradication. They also say that should wild-type poliovirus be eradicated, routine vaccination with oral polio vaccines will need to cease, in order to prevent further vaccine-derived strains of the virus from emerging.
The study was carried out by researchers from the Medical Research Council Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling at Imperial College London, working with the Government of Nigeria and the World Health Organization (WHO) research teams.
Poliovirus is highly infectious and primarily affects children under five years of age. Around one in 200 of the people infected with polio develop permanent paralysis, which can be fatal.
Polio was virtually wiped out by the early 2000s following a major vaccination drive by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, but since then the number of cases of paralysis reported has plateaued, remaining roughly constant at between one and two thousand each year from 2003 to 2009, dropping only recently in 2010.
The first reported polio outbreak resulting from a circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus, known as a cVDPV, occurred in Hispaniola in 2000. Prior to today’s study, there was little evidence available about the severity and potential impact of this kind of poliovirus.
Although billions of doses of oral vaccine have been distributed in the last decade, just 14 cVDPV outbreaks have been reported, affecting 15 countries. These outbreaks have usually been limited in size.
For the new study, researchers looked at the largest recorded outbreak of a cVDPV to date, which began to circulate in Nigeria in 2005. The authors examined data from 278 children paralyzed by this cVDPV, and compared them with children paralysed by wild-type poliovirus in the country. Their analysis showed that this serotype 2 cVDPV is as easily transmitted and likely to cause severe disease as wild-type poliovirus of the same serotype.
The study also shows that vaccination with trivalent OPV, one of the main types of vaccine currently used to combat polio, is highly effective in preventing paralysis by this serotype 2 cVDPV.
The research shows that it is even more effective against cVDPV than against the wild-type polioviruses that are currently circulating, which can also be targeted with a different vaccine.
The new findings mean that it is particularly vital that efforts to vaccinate children with trivalent OPV continue in Nigeria and neighbouring countries, to protect children against all strains of polio. The scientists hope their findings will help countries to devise the right vaccine strategies to eradicate polio.
Helen Jenkins, the lead author of the study from the Medical Research Council Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modelling at Imperial College London, said: “Our research shows that vaccine-derived polioviruses must be taken seriously and that we have the right tools to tackle them. We’ve had a lot of success against polio in the past and we’re optimistic that ultimately we should be able to eradicate it completely.
“However, our study shows that we can’t be complacent about the virus. It’s still vital for us to protect children from this dangerous and debilitating disease and we have to make sure we continue to vaccinate as many children as possible in affected countries for as long as wild-type poliovirus continues to circulate,” added Ms Jenkins.
Senior study author Dr Nicholas Grassly, also from the Medical Research Council Centre for Outbreak Analysis and Modeling at Imperial College London, added: “There has been some debate about the significance of circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses for the eradication initiative. Our research shows these viruses can be as pathogenic and transmissible as wild-type polioviruses and outbreaks must be responded to with just as much vigour.”
Dr Bruce Aylward, Director of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative at WHO, added: “These new findings suggest that if cVDPVs are allowed to circulate for a long enough time, eventually they can regain a similar capacity to spread and paralyse as wild polioviruses. This means that they should be subject to the same outbreak response measures as wild polioviruses. These results also underscore the need to eventually stop all OPV use in routine immunization programmes after wild polioviruses have been eradicated, to ensure that all children are protected from all possible risks of polio in future.”
This study was funded by the Medical Research Council and the Royal Society.
Natural Solutions Foundation The Voice of Global Health Freedom(TM)
And take a moment to set up your tax deductible recurring donation to support the vital work of the Natural Solutions Foundation, Click here,, right now, while you are thinking about it. Thank you! It is your support that allows the Natural Solutions Foundation to continue its powerful Health Freedom Work. Please join our Health Freedom Action eAlert list at
The article below makes clear a part, but only a part, of why Senator Harkin’s misnamed “Food Safety” Bill, S. 510, must be defeated. Another part, of course, is that, as we predicted, the worst, most anti-supplement-and-nutrient parts of Senator McCain’s absurd and disastrous S. 30032 have been added into the Harkin bill. So McCain is off the hook, Harkin’s bill would destroy small farms, including virtually every family or personal, non-corporate farm. For what? To give the gift that keeps on giving: the entire food supply of the United States is, with the passage of this bill, handed over to Big Agribiz, the giant multinational consortium that is already producing most of, and contaminating most of, our food.
Big Agribiz is perfectly happy to use the shoddiest of practices to produce the dirtiest of food: they know that enforcement and penalties are meaningless. This bill will make them more so.
They are happy to use the cheapest of contaminated ingredients, artificial colors, GMO and chemical vat derived flavors, ingredients, neurotoxins like MSG to provide beef flavor instead of beef to provide flavor, import cheaper and cheaper food ingredients to make sure that their profit is maintained, and devil take the hinder most. And we, the eating public, are of course, the hinder most.
Big Agribiz is perfectly delighted to source GMO food which will give us cancer, create autoimmune diseases, render us infertile, give us lethal allergies never seen before and perfectly OK with the fact that these “foods” are laced with extraordinary, and increasing, levels of herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals that have the very real capacity of wreaking havoc with our health and with our DNA, damaging the genetic heritage of not only our environment, but our human ancestors for all times to come.
Big Agribiz could not be more pleased with the bill before the Senate. Indeed, they wrote it, lock, stock and barrel. So far, the concerted and tireless actions of you and me have kept this horrific bill from moving forward in the Congress. Its companion bill has, in fact, passed the House. But the Senate action has been delayed by one thing: our continuing pressure.
I am just as opposed to this bill as I was when it was first introduced into Congress many months ago. I am, not that I think about it, more incensed because, with the addition of the McCain bill provisions, it is actually worse than it was then. So I know that you will want to keep up the pressure. It is, quite literally, a matter of life and death to do so. The life of clean food farming, including your personal clean food production is at stake here and, with it, your life. Clean food = clean health. Poor food = poor health. This is so simple that it hardly bears repeating. In fact, it is the very premise, standing on its head, upon which Codex Alimentarius is based.
Big Pharma, at least the German genocidalist version of Big Pharma, the part controlled directly by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., decided that this simple truth was the crux of a huge profit margin for them while they finished what the Third Reich had failed to do: cleanse the world’s populations of the “useless eaters”, those who, like you and I, live “lives not worth living”. They decided to degrade the world’s food supply so that they could make sure that their potential clients were sick and dying of what the World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization labeled, in their Joint Special Report in 2003,, “the PREVENTABLE, NON COMMUNICABLE chronic degenerative diseases of under nutrition: cancer, cardiovascular disease and stroke, diabetes and obesity” [emphasis added – REL]. These conditions are, by the way, not only the leading cause of death in the developed world, but the leading money makers for the illness care industry.
Now Big Agribiz, which uses enormous amounts of chemical inputs to produce degraded food, both animal and plant, and which IS also Big Chema, as well as Big Biotech and Big Pharma, wants to bring this global Codex-compliant degradation home to the US all at one fell swoop, to make sure that none of us is healthy, none of us can escape their system and none of us has any choices.
We believe this is worth pulling out the stops for so that we do have the option to source clean, unadulterated food, produced by people of principle, including YOU in your own garden.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director,
Natural Solutions Foundation
PS: The Natural Solutions Foundation will be attending the very significant Codex Committee on Food Labeling at the beginning of May. Please make your generous donation now to assure that we can be there to bring you a first hand view of this important meeting by clicking here,
Food Safety in the US: We’re on Red Alert
Andrew Kimbrell
The United States once had one of the safest food systems in the world, but now, 70 million Americans are sickened, 300,000 are hospitalized, and 5,000 die from food-borne illness every year. It is a sad fact: since 9/11, far more Americans have been killed, injured or hurt because of our lack of a coordinated food safety system than by terrorist acts that challenge our Homeland Security system.
The culprits in this assault on American wellbeing aren’t shadowy terrorist figures, but rather, they are what most consumers would identify as wholesome — not harmful — foods. Peanuts, lettuce, pistachios, spinach, hamburgers sold to Boy Scout camps, peppers, tomatoes, and pepper-coated sausages are among the foods that have sickened and killed Americans in just the last few years. Our children are most at risk from these food threats, with half of all food-borne illness striking children under 15 years old.
The Bush administration constantly claimed it was protecting Americans from potential security threats, yet it completely failed to protect the public from the clear and present danger of deadly food. Due in part to that administration’s cuts in funding and staff, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently inspects less than 25% of all food facilities in the U.S. More than 50% of all American food facilities have gone uninspected for five years or more. During President Bush’s last term, regulatory actions against those companies selling contaminated food to Americans declined by over a half (Office of the Inspector General: FDA’s Food Facility Registry. Report: OEI-02-08-00060, December 2009).
[Note, while essential food inspections are being decreased, FDA appears to be using its recent 23% budget increase to attack Dietary Supplements, Herbal and Natural Remedies, including such harmless relaxation modalities as Holistic (Ear) Candles! REL]
The result is tragically predictable. Large processing facilities, which now mix foods from across the country and the world, are not being inspected. Illnesses caused by contaminated foods, which could be prevented with proper government oversight, are instead causing the hospitalization of hundreds of thousands and the deaths of thousands of Americans. Again, the victims are, disproportionately, our children.
The tens of millions of victims of food-borne illness represent only one segment of the casualties from our failure to require safe and nutritious food. Because of lax regulation of agricultural chemicals, many of the fruits and vegetables that should bring us health and nutrition are instead laced with dangerous pesticides, dozens of which are known carcinogens. Much of the food marketed to our children and served in their schools are confections brimming with trans-fats and high-fructose corn syrup; these contribute mightily to the epidemic of obesity in the young and heart disease and diabetes in our older populations. Under pressure from agribusiness, our federal agencies and legislators continue to commercialize genetically modified foods with no safety testing and no labeling for consumers. And, despite the strong potential of health hazards, food made with new, nanotechnology-based chemicals are getting waived through to the market, without any independent testing at all.
Clearly our food safety system is broken and needs a complete overhaul. With the continuing string of food contamination scandals, even Congress has begun to pay attention. The Food Safety Enhancement Act (HR 2749) was passed by the House of Representatives in the summer of 2008 and takes some steps in the right direction. It gives more authority to the FDA, restoring some of its power to conduct food inspections and strengthen oversight.
However, it’s far from perfect. Bowing to pressure from agribusiness, lawmakers have exempted livestock producers and any other entity regulated by the USDA from the new regulations of both this act and its Senate companion, the Food Safety Modernization Act (S.510). In fact, members of Congress were so committed to the interests of big industrial meat producers that they also prohibited the FDA from “impeding, minimizing, or affecting” USDA authority on meat, poultry, and eggs. As a result, these bills contain the stupefying provision that no attempt by the FDA to combat E. coli and Salmonella will be allowed. These bacteria are the most common causes of deadly food-borne illness and are found in products contaminated with animal feces. Since January 2010, over 850,000 pounds of beef — mostly from industrial feed lots — has been recalled due to E. coli O157:H7 contamination. The members of Congress have essentially protected the interests of corporations who are bad actors, while condemning the public to continued sickness from these contaminants.
Another major problem with both bills is that they begin with the flawed premise that all producers and processors of food — whether massive corporate farms or small family farms — are equally at fault for our broken food safety system. New food safety legislation should target the largest causes of food-borne illness. These include concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), water and field contamination due to manure lagoon leakage, and industrial processing systems, not small farms.
The “one size fits all” regulatory approach in these bills fails to take this disparity into account. It instead places an undue and unsupportable burden on family farms, small processors, and direct marketers of organic and locally grown food. These have not been contributors to the contamination events which have caused major food-borne illness outbreaks, a fact that was acknowledged by FDA Deputy Director Michael R. Taylor at a July 2009 House Oversight Subcommittee on Domestic Policy hearing on Ready-to-Eat Vegetables and Leafy Green Agreements.
It is unconscionable that factory farms would get a pass under the proposed legislation while family farmers, who often struggle to stay in operation, are held to stringent, unnecessary and potentially bankrupting requirements. Small operators would bear the brunt of large fees that generate the revenue sufficient for the overall food safety program to operate. Food safety regulation at the farm and processing level must be appropriate to scale and level of risk.
Fortunately, some Senators are addressing the gaps in their bill. Perhaps the most critical action so far is that of Sen. Tester (D-MT), who has introduced an amendment to exempt small-scale and direct marketing farmers and processors, who are already well regulated by local authorities.
However, most problematic is that the legislation in its current state perpetuates the regulatory tangle that is our food safety system. Arcane mixes of regulatory authority between the FDA, USDA and EPA make for dangerously inefficient government. It is long overdue that we establish a separate and effective government agency dedicated to food safety. We need to separate out the ‘Food’ part of the Food and Drug Administration and consolidate all authority under a new Food Safety Agency.
We did this for Homeland Security; we should also do it for food security. After all, it is the lack of food safety in this country that is the far more imminent threat to all of us, our families and, especially, our children.
Andrew Kimbrell is the Executive Director of the Center for Food Safety
Natural Solutions Foundation,
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If what you are about to read is true of the mystery plague supposedly decimating the Ukraine and heading, according to the highly unreliable and dangerous WHO (and its handmaidens, the FDA and CDC), there is even less reason to consider for more than the space of an eye blink receiving a vaccination for the Swine Flu. First of all, as we all know by now, the H1N1 vaccines, all 5 of them, so precipitously and profitably approved by the FDA, are untested, unsafe and unnecessary. Second of all, IF the H1N1 virus has mutated, or has BEEN mutated (by Baxter, perhaps, in its Ukraine lab as many people have speculated), and IF it spreads, or IS spread, then IF the vaccines were effective for the earlier H1N1 virus, with or without dangerous adjuvants, then they would no longer be effective against the mutated virus.
Question: IF Dr. Victor Bachinsky, a leading Ukrainian pathologist, is correct and the virus that has killed a few, yes, only a few (not the legions of people news reports have suggested), people in the Ukraine is, in fact, a combined H1N1 and parainfluenza virus, could that re-assortment or recombination of genes have taken place naturally? The WHO says that although there has been a change in the H1N1 virus, it is enough to kill horrifyingly large numbers of people, but NOT enough to change the H1N1 virus enough to make the billions and billions of dollars spent on the Swine Flu vaccines and injectable adjuvants (over $7 Billion in the US alone at last count) a sort of TARP bailout for a pharmaceutical industry which needed no bailing out, thank you very much.
A quick note on Parainfluenza Viruses:
Human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs) are a group of four distinct serotypes of single-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the paramyxovirus family. They are the second most common cause of lower respiratory tract infection in younger children. Repeated infection throughout the life of the host is not uncommon. Symptoms of later breakouts include upper respiratory tract illness as in a cold and sore throat. The incubation period of all four serotypes is 1 to 7 days. Parainfluenza viruses can be detected via cell culture, immunofluorescent microscopy, and PCR. Though no vaccines currently exist, research into vaccines for HPIV-1, -2, and -3 is underway. Parainfluenza viruses last only a few hours in the environment and are inactivated by soap and water.,+human
Dr. Bachinsky says that the mystery illness which has claimed horrifying numbers of victims because their lungs turn black and are totally destroyed in the course of a pneumonic plague-like disease is no such thing, calling the reported mystery plague descriptions “nonsense”.
He also points out that with more than 60,000 hospitalizations in his region of the Ukraine, a mere 23 deaths have occurred. This makes the death rate among hospitalized persons 1 in 2609 persons hospitalized. This is hardly an impressive “mystery plague”.
Making reports of a doomsday plague even more absurd, he points out that antibiotics are not effective since there is no inflammation of the lungs, meaning no pneumonia develops, and that Tamiflu should not be used prophylactically because of its serious toxicity. He attributes the deaths in this disease to the use of antibiotics!
The answer? A good immune system. Unlike the WHO which advises people NOT to build up their immune systems lest they succumb to a cytokine storm, or exuberant immune response which is so strong that it winds up killing the owner of the immune system that it is precisely a strong immune system that allows people to survive. Those with strong immune systems fight off the virus when it attacks the lungs so bleeding in the lung does not take place. If that does not happen, you can have the virus in your system, as we have so many others which we are unaware of, and not have either bleeding or clinical disease.
Dr. Bachinsky recommends immune enhancements like garlic, honey and herbs. I would add nutrient support for the immune system like Vitamin C plus Vitamins E and A along with zinc, nano silver (we at the Natural Solutions Foundation are particularly enthusiastic about Silver Biotics, available at, glutathione, Vitamin D (General Bert and I personally take 10,000 IU per day on a log-term basis). The immune supporting, viral suppressing benefits of each of these inexpensive nutrients is abundantly documented.
We have all heard that it is the cytokine storm that kills the healthy in weaponized viral attacks like those initiated by the H5N1 and H1N1 viruses. However, before a virus can impact your body, the immune defenses that keep your body safe from invaders 24/7 must fail. The logic is inescapable to me, at least: if the immune system does its job, the virus that then turns on an overwhelming and dis-coordinated immune response to itself will not be able to do do.
When it comes to plagues, manufactured in a laboratory or not, take everything you hear, especially from official organizations like the WHO, CDC and FDA, with much more than a grain of salt, and take immune supporting nutrients liberally.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the MoonTM Eco Demonstration Project
Professor Victor Bachinsky, PhD., is a coroner in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. He provides evidence which indicates that parainfluenza mixed with the H1N1 virus, not pneumonic plague, has caused so much illness in Ukraine. Yet more strains of influenza which have combined, a strong indication that we are dealing with a laboratory developed bio-weapon.
[Translated from Russian]
Ukraine; Virus Is Mixture Of H1N1 And Parainfluenza, Causes Cardiopulmonary Failure; Indicates BioWeapon
Based on autopsies, we have come to the conclusion: it’s not pneumonia, but cardiopulmonary insufficiency and cardiogenic shock … The virus enters directly into the lungs, there is bleeding … Antibiotics should not be used …
Why do we have such a high mortality rate in the country? Because people are going to pharmacies to get medicine instead of going to their doctors to be treated … No it is not pneumonic plague. It’s all nonsense … antibiotics do not help … Those with strong immune systems will survive. People with weak immune systems will succumb to the illness … Face Masks provide 30% extra protection. Wearing glasses gives an additional 10% protection, that is 40%, because the virus penetrates the mucus membranes.
The Head of the Chernivtsi regional forensic bureau, Professor Victor Bachinsky PhD, makes a strong statement: all the victims of the virus in Bukovina (22 persons aged 20 to 40 years) died not from bilateral (double) pneumonia, as previously thought, but as a result of viral distress syndrome, i.e. the total destruction of the lungs. We caught up with Professor Bachinsky, to find out how he came to this conclusion, and how people can protect themselves from this disease.
Professor, you said earlier that the virus, from which many people have died – is a mixture of types of parainfluenza and influenza A/H1N1. How do you cure this disease?
The question of how to treat this virus is not up to me. I am a pathologist. I just found out what it is and made an exact diagnosis. It is important to provide the correct treatment based on diagnosis.
There are strict protocols and standards of treatment in medicine. If a doctor treats a patient who dies, their relatives can make a complaint that they were not treated properly (misdiagnosed).The Ministry of Health has set the protocols and standards of treatment for each diagnosis. If diagnosed correctly, the treatment should be correct …
In the Chernivtsi region 18 people have died. We studied all the history and evidence from this disease, preclinical, clinical, resuscitation. When we perform an autopsy organs and tissues have histological studies (cell analysis) and we concluded that it was not pneumonia, and has no relation to pneumonia whatsoever.
These results are the foundation to ensure that doctors who treat this disease all over Ukraine, change their tactics and standards of care.
Can this new virus be cured?
It depends on the immune system. If a person’s immune system is strong, they will overcome it. There are people who carry this strain of H1N1 and remain on their feet and don’t even realize they are sick.
Antibiotics definitely should not be taken. Antibiotics are the reason we have such a high mortality and infection rate in this country, because people go to the pharmacy, describe their symptoms to the pharmacist and ask for drugs. They buy antibiotics, take them, this lowers their immune system and as a result they become sick. If prescriptions were required to buy these medications, like in other countries, this would not have happened. It is the ability to buy antibiotics over the counter without a prescription which has done so much harm to the State.
During autopsies, what did the lungs look like? Were they really black, which gave rise to so much talk of pulmonary plague?
No, they are not black … This is not pneumonic plague. It’s all nonsense. Pneumonic plague has a very different morphology. We have, for example, 60 thousand people who became sick and 23 have died. With pulmonary plague, we would now have a mortality rate of 59 thousand …
This is a viral attack that destroys the lungs.
It turns out that not only in Bukovina, but also throughout the Ukraine people did not die from pneumonia, but from this toxic strain?
Yes, It’s not pneumonia! This destruction of the lungs. This strain is very toxic, and if the immune system is weak, there is bleeding in the lungs. In the lungs there is a tiny structure – acinus, which looks like a bunch of grapes. When you breathe, oxygen enters this tiny “bunch of grapes” ( pulmonary alveoli ). On the surface of the acinus are the capillaries, where red blood cells saturate with oxygen and give blood, which supplies all tissues and organs in the body.
And once the virus enters the lungs – hemorrhaging begins immediately in the acinus. A continuous hemorrhage … It takes several hours. In the blood fibrin is formed, and from it – giolinovaya membrane, resembling a plastic bag. It envelops the acinus, and the person breathes in oxygen, but it is not transferred to the tissues. And people just gasp. There is a cardio-pulmonary insufficiency and cardiogenic shock. People die of cardiogenic shock. And there is no pneumonia. Pneumonia – an inflammation, which is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics cannot help at any stage. There should be absolutely different treatment.
And how about “Tamiflu(c)” – does it help?
This is not an antibiotic, it is an antiviral drug, which should be applied on the second or third day of the disease. But you can not use Tamiflu as a preventative, because it is toxic,
What are the best measures to resist the disease? Is it advisable to use a mask, garlic, vitamin C?
The primary method of prevention is a face mask. This give 30% extra protection. If you wear glasses – it is 40%, because the virus enters through the mucous membranes.
It is necessary to improve the human immune system. Not only now, but in general. Garlic, onions, wild rose, viburnum (guelder rose), raspberries, citrus fruit, honey, and other fruits and vegetables – whatever you want. Those with a strong immune system will survive. Those with weaker immune systems will succumb to the disease.
We have a lot of people in Ukraine who like shopping at the open markets. If we can avoid open markets, the less people will be in contact with each other and more lives will be saved.
You have contacted the Health Ministry and advised them to review the standards for treatment of patients. What did they say?
We sent them all our data, the necessary protocols and standards of treatment, our diagnosis. But it is clear that decisions cannot be instantaneous.
And why until now has nobody else known about this disease? What were the leading specialists in the Ministry of Health doing all this time?
Perhaps this is due to the fact that there are scientists who are working on a purely theoretical basis. And there are scientists who have seen the autopsy results. I practice as head of the regional forensic bureau and as a professor. The fact that we have established this diagnosis – it is not just to my credit, and this is not my personal opinion. This is the opinion of specialists, morphologists and doctors in Bukovina. There are five professors in our group – I just head the group.
Original article in Russian by Anna Yashchenko here:
To Fund Health Freedom’s Next Victory!
Health Freedom Money Bomb – Round Three!
December Annual Giving Season
TOGETHER We’ve held off the uninsurable, un-safety tested, martial law-friendly “Swine Flu” H1N1 vaccine panic… and the Senate delayed voting on the (sic) “Food Safety” bill, S.510 after nearly a hundred fifty thousand emails to the committee and Senate…
Congratulations to US! We won a couple rounds! Our Push Back and Stop the Shot law suit forced the US to effectively “cancel” the H1N1 Pandemic. Oh, there are the usual “talking head” announcements about how dangerous H1N1 still is and a bizarre National Emergency Declaration from the President that seems to contradict his own Secretary of Health, but the juice is gone: there is no serious threat either from the disease (there never was) nor, with insufficient supplies, from the vaccine (which is where all the danger really lay). Both New York and New Jersey, the only two states with flu vax mandates, suspended theirs after we went to court on one and threatened to do so on the other. But we have a long way to go before we are finished with these threats.
This Money Bomb’s continued success can be our most powerful Push Back to the President’s “National Emergency Declaration” of October 23, 2009 regarding the alleged “swine flu pandemic”. See:
The depopulationists / globalists / pharma-terrorists and their government/WHO/UN henchmen and henchwomen (such as Napolitano, Sebelius and Hamburg) will be back again. By the time they mount their next terror tactic, we will be stronger, even better organized and ready to beat them back on that one, and the next, and the next, all because of your help.
Null, Laibow, et al v FDA Lawsuit UPDATE:
Round One: NY Health Care Workers’ Flu Vaccine Mandate:
Round Two: NJ Toddlers’ Flu Vaccine mandate:
Round Three… [But that’s a secret; we have cooperating plaintiffs and are preparing to file.]
Oh, by they way, did you forget about Codex? We didn’t. In fact, now that Gen. Bert and Dr. Rima can safely travel without fear of deadly injections, they went to the most recent Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU), whose Chairman is the notorious Dr. Rolf Grossklaus.
They attended this meeting in Dusseldorf from Nov 2-6, and all workshops and associated meetings – for you. As usual, they did daily video updates, radio specials and so on. You know you can count on them to tell you what is happening and make contacts with delegates from around the world that can change history – just as we did with the H1N1 scam-for-death-and-money.
Codex Meeting UPDATE:
You’ve probably heard about the powerful protective effect of Vitamin D on the immune system. There are 3 ‘D vitamins’ in Health Freedom:
DISSEMINATE – forward each of our emails and Action Items as widely as you can
DO – take each of our Action Items once for every member of your household
2010 Health Freedom USA War Council!
You know where you can donate to Health Freedom — right here: – and it’s tax-deductible!
We need you to help us generate the funds needed to move our seminal legal challenge to the entire vaccine approval travesty forward, fighting any appeal that the FDA and other defendants may initiate and we need the funds to make sure that we can continue our Codex work. We need funds to update our Codex book and make sure that every Head of State, every Minister of Health and Agriculture and every Codex delegate gets that publication along with a clear explanation of how to use this information. Despite the (ill-informed) Nay-Sayers, when Austria, Hungary and the Netherlands used our Codex Two Step Process, they won their cases in the WTO, escaping both trade sanctions AND Codex in those instances!
We need money to help reclaim the production of food here at the Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project. Right now the government of Panama is asking us to help them turn ALL cattle farming in the breadbasket province of Chiriqui into BeyondOrganic/Biodynamic farming. They are asking us to help them do the same with their agricultural production, as well. We need money to support volunteers who provide hands, heads and hearts to make this project work so that we can teach farmers and non farmers alike how to grow clean, abundant food for life and health here and elsewhere.
What does that have to do with you and your health? A lot. First, we can create products which, because of their excellence, will violate Codex guidelines and standards and can then be shipped internationally, helping to further crack Codex apart. Second, we are creating a teaching center to help farmers from the developing world, where more and more of your food comes from, to grow their food in a way that is healthy for them AND for you. That means, of course, that their countries, too, will need to follow our Two Step Process to ship and sell their products.
AND we need serious funding to complete the Health Freedom Documentary which we began, but did not have enough funding to complete.
So much to do. So much to do for you. How can we do it all? Simple: we need the resources and then we can do it all – you know that you can trust the Natural Solutions Foundation to be on top of issues before they arise and find the solutions. You know you can trust us to use every single penny for the Foundation’s work since none of the Trustees takes a penny for our much-more-than-full-time work. You know that we are 100% supporter supported so that our only focus is what is good for health, and for freedom. We are there for you.
Now it is time for you to be there for Health Freedom with a powerful, decisive Money Bomb!
Lay it on us so we can keep health freedom free. Just think! Today you are free of the threat that was looming over our heads: the voluntary-but-really-mandatory adjuvanted vaccine for a made-up, make-believe disease. And we, you and the Natural Solutions Foundation, did that together. What else can we do? Let’s find out. It’s Money Bomb Time!
Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee - Give the Gift of Health Freedom!
And just WAIT until you taste it! You’ll agree that our Valley of the Moon™ Coffee IS a Little Bit of Heaven in a Cup™.
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Thank you for your continuing vital support. Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom.
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President & Oath Keeper
Rima E. Laibow, MD – Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola, JD – Counsel