Natural Solutions Foundation
This detailed posting gives yet another example of why the FDA must be divested of its food authority before its mismanagement causes even more harm. The Federal Govt’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy regarding GMO (genetically modified organisms) creates conditions for a mega-disaster of unknown severity.
For more on Divesting the FDA:
Dr. Laibow
Plant Based Vaccines Under Development World Wide
Once genetic material migrates from a modified plant or animal into other plants, animals, insect, or what have you, that migration is permanent except for one thing: the DNA is not stable so it literally “jumps around” causing novel proteins to be expressed.
Novel proteins, or proteins which have never existed before during the course of all life on this planet, have novel impacts. Read that as “infertility”, “sterility”, “cancers”, “auto-immune diseases”, “Joint and connective tissue diseases”, “neurological diseases”, “fetal death”, “failure to thrive”, “infant mortality”, etc. Babies in utero are particularly susceptible to the impact of these “novel proteins”, but no one is immune.
Worse, the genes have no stable place to reside in the DNA of whatever cell they are working in this week so they move from place to place to place inside the nucleus of the cell, causing the resident genes to change their functions and produce yet more novel proteins.
Now ask yourself what happens if vaccine-producing plants (or industrial-product producing plants – the issue is identical) mingle their pollen with the plants that produce your food and the food of the animals of this planet. The USDA has reduced the already close-to-non-existent controls on industrial plant growth next to, and contaminating, food plants. For example, for 5 years Bayer’s Crop Science vaccine rice was growing next to, and contaminating, food rice in Louisiana. Bayer knew about it (perhaps the USDA did, too – we do not have that information) and said nothing.
When the contamination was discovered, Bayer was not fined or sanctioned by the US Government and the contaminated rice was simply sold to the US Military for its troops in Iraq (!!!). US Military labs detected the contamination and the rice was then sold to sub Saharan African countries like Ghana. There, in every rice market that was tested, the contaminated rice was found. Poor people, buying their daily food, were eating poisoned rice, courtesy of the Biotech Industry, Bayer Crop Science (from Beyer, the same corporation that knowingly sold HIV contaminated blood fractions in Europe when they could not sell them in the US) and the US Government. But if you are buying food, especially prepared food, in the US, you are in exactly the same position: poisoned “food”, lacking any notification or labeling of that poisonous status, is being sold to you as if it were wholesome and fit for human consumption because of the total failure of the US Government to protect your health or the integrity of the food supply from commercial – and worse – interests.
The Natural Solutions Foundation has created the International Decade of Nutrition,, to reclaim the production of food. The US Government is on the other side: industry interests and conflicts of interest make the US Government, according to all assessments, including the US Congress’ most recent report on the subject, totally unable to resist industry pressure and totally unwilling to clean house in order to become a health promoting system. Indeed, FDA scientists have openly appealed to President Obama for help in allowing them to do their job: being science to the regulation of safety.
Reformation after reformation, new agency after new agency, staff shuffle after staff shuffle have failed to weaken industry and strengthen either science or sense in the government regulation of food. ENOUGH! Our lives and our children’s lives are at stake. The Natural Solutions Foundation is once again leading the way by identifying the problem and providing the natural solutions: the system is broken beyond repair. No amount of patchwork will repair it. It is time for the failed US Government to relinquish its failed mission of food safety and regulation to the smaller governmental units which are closer to the will of the people: State governments.
Remembering that NO science of safety is PERMITTED for genetically modified “foods” in the US, remembering that patents on GMOs are based on outdated and invalid scientific premises, remember that the US Supreme Court was packed beforehand in order to grant patent rights to Monsanto, and remembering that well over 80% of the US population would prefer not to eat GMO “food” although more than 90% of the American food stock is contaminated with GMO “food”, the following article should arouse a strong response.
The stunning disregard for science and safety shown by the US Government at the behest of the food-related industries is almost too large to take in at one gulp. Biotech “foods”, approved by the FDA, USDA and Codex, as they are, represent a major threat to health, indeed, to life on this planet.
None of the agencies tasked with responsiblity for food safety and food regulation in the United States are either capable or willing to provide meaningful safety or health-based regulation. After deadly decades, it has become clear that they cannot be reformed and that
1. The USDA must be dissolved
2. The FDA must have its food regulatory responsibility removed from it as environmental protection, consumer safety and narcotics and dangerous drug responsibility was removed from it to create separate government agencies
3. Another federal agency will not protect food and the health of the American people since conflict of interest and corruption run too deep.
4. Regulatory responsibility for food must be turned over to the States, consistent with their Constitutional mandates and rights so that the impact of the people, from whom regulatory authority comes, is far closer to the exercise of regulatory authority.
The Natural Solutions Foundation invites you to join us in the 2009 Health Freedom Campaign to Divest the US Government of its Food Regulatory Responsibilities in order to return assurance of food safety and health protection to the States and, hence, to the People. For more information on the Campaign to Divest the US Government of Food Regulation, click here (
Please write to to indicate your interest in this special, life-saving campaign. We are planning a webinar on the topic and would like to keep you informed. Your email information will not be shared with anyone else and will be kept confidential by the Natural Solutions Foundation, Please indicate “Divest” in the subject line and we will notify you when the webinar will take place.
Campaigns like this are costly. All donations to the Natural Solutions Foundation are tax deductible and an astonishing 100% of all donations goes directly to the work of the Natural Solutions Foundation since all overhead is donated and the Trustees take no salaries. Click here ( to give generously to help us help you by mounting an effective campaign to divest the US Government of its food regulatory authority and returning it to the People so that we can prevent the gross disregard for our well being, and the nightmarish destruction of our food and our health which the US regulatory structure allows.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Worldwide team set to develop plant-based livestock vaccines
Written by Lautaro Vargas
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
DEVASTATING: A ruptured oral vesicle in a cow with foot and mouth disease
DEVASTATING: A ruptured oral vesicle in a cow with foot and mouth disease
Norwich based scientists are heading up an international collaboration that aims to develop plant-based vaccines for some of the most devastating diseases to afflict the world’s livestock.
Avian flu, foot and mouth disease and blue tongue are just some of the diseases targeted under the EU-funded project, led by Prof George Lomonossoff of the John Innes Centre (JIC) in Norfolk and backed by further participation from teams in Russia and South Africa.
Using a new system that lowers the time required to conduct the experiments from months to weeks, plants will be stimulated into producing specific proteins, which can subsequently be assessed for their value as vaccines.
It is the time taken for production of these proteins that has been accelerated, which means that large-scale screening for candidate vaccines is now within reach.
The partners say they have now shown that plant-based vaccines production and assessment is possible, and safe.
Professor Konstantin Skryabin, coordinator of the Russian laboratories for the PLAPROVA (Plant Produced Vaccines) project, said the development of new techniques for expression of vaccine proteins in plants is a very important topic for Russia.
He said: “Russian scientists have already obtained promising results and international collaboration in this field will contribute to the success of plant-based systems.”
PLAPROVA will utilise transient expression techniques to temporarily stimulate plants into over-producing proteins, which can subsequently be assessed for their value as vaccines.
Though plants have been used to produce pharmaceuticals in this way before, technical constraints have prevented their value from being fully realised.
The group say a few candidates with proven vaccine ability have been produced and, although these proteins are effective at preventing disease, they have limited commercial use as they are in competition with existing conventional products. They have, however, shown that plant-based vaccines production and assessment is possible and safe.
Initially, the consortium will concentrate on diseases of importance to farming in both the EU and Russia, which includes avian influenza, blue tongue, foot and mouth disease and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome.
Proteins identified through this screening programme will be developed for large-scale production and ultimately low-cost production of effective vaccines.
Overall project coordinator Prof Lomonossoff, said: “The consortium brings together the leading laboratories from the EU, Russia and South Africa working to produce useful proteins from plants, and this international cooperation is central to the success of the project in battling diseases that affect us all.”
Quite unintentionally, the Natural Solutions Foundation has created a solution to a most unnatural of problems: the government “redistributing” your retirement wealth into its coffers. IRAs and 401 accounts are a juicy piggy bank with a lot of money tucked away.
Earlier posting on threat to IRAs and 401s:
The bottom line is that while Congress is looking for ways to get hold of your money, we have, through our International Decade of Nutrition’s Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project ( developed an offshore opportunity that will not only protect your money and offer you a nice return on your money, it may also protect your IRA or 401 money from being seized or converted or controlled. We accomplish this while getting it out of depreciating dollars, getting it out of the US and supporting our unique, highly innovative and urgently important initiative to reclaim the production of food from the industrialized food cartel – including the GMO thugs.
Your IRA or 401 funds may or may not be large. In the aggregate, however, they add up to quite a bit of cash, all stashed away where the US cannot get any taxes out of it, or spend it.
Here is what the Government Accounting Office Report GAO-08-590 notes about the amount of money that our cash-strapped government is eying,
Individual retirement accounts, or IRAs, hold more assets than any other type
of retirement vehicle. In 2004, IRAs held about $3.5 trillion in assets
compared to $2.6 trillion in defined contribution (DC) plans, including 401(k)
plans, and $1.9 trillion in defined benefit (DB), or pension plans.
Add them up and we are talking abut $6.1 Trillion, a tidy sum even for the wildly extravagant US.
So, as it is running out of money, while giving trillions away at a prodigious rate to potentates, bankers and other unseemly types, the government has noticed that your money looks mighty good. Of course, the bankers and their pet politicians know that their financial system is, quite literally, bankrupt.
If you read the article below you will see that confidential information from CitiGroup makes it clear that they know the jig is up, and you will know it, too.
So it makes sense that a variety of schemes would be concocted to get government mitts on your money.
There are a couple of plans afoot: one, which was presented to Congress last June, would offer you the “voluntary” opportunity to convert your IRA or 401 fund into a Government Retirement Account (GPA) which would create an annuity at 3% above inflation (i.e., through “investment” in allegedly safe US Treasury Bonds) of your entire fund or face the loss of the tax deferred status of your IRA or 401 money. This plan would, if adopted, never allow you to withdraw your money as you can begin doing at 59 1/2 and must begin doing at 72 1/2. Instead, you would receive a government annuity once you retire at 3% above inflation, until you conveniently die of the famine and pandemics we are being told are just around the corner.
The other plan being discussed is to simply raid your retirement piggy bank and compel anywhere from 50% to 100% of your retirement funds to be “invested” in those supposed safe US Treasury Bonds.
The bankster money makers are getting desperate. Not content with looting the economies of the world through usurious IMF and World Bank policies, creating massive fiat money debt and destroying the ability of fragile economies to become both secure and independent of the globalists’ economic bludgeon, the US is being looted of its wealth as “bailout” and “stimulus program” follows “bailout” and “stimulus program”. While the market reacts to being “rescued” by collapsing further…
The main stream media acts as if all of this pouring oil on the fire makes sense while Congress holds hearings on how to grab another supposedly sacrosanct, protected and safe portion of our wealth – our retirement investments.
It is perfectly legal – now – to invest your IRA or similarly mobile 401 funds in foreign real estate. Both Chase JP Morgan, the custodian of my Self Directed IRA and UBS, its previous custodian told me that it was not legal to take the money offshore. They lied. As long as the investment is not for your personal benefit (for example, to build a house for yourself to live in), you can invest the money as you direct. Your custodian still maintains the responsibility of reporting to the IRS on what is going on with the money and it continues to be protected and tax deferred since you are not using it for your own gratification. For example, if your money were used for the construction of the wellness center, or the community center, or the educational facilities on the farm, it would qualify for this purpose. These activities would generate the return to your participation. If you chose to live in the community, you would make a private donation, not an IRA investment, and would receive a Beneficial Investment Certificate which would allow you to build your house here – which would NOT be funded by the IRA or 401 investment.
If you chose to make a friendly loan (currently paying 4 times the US Prime Rate) that would be repaid as any other loan would, but IRA AND 401 money could not be used for that purpose. In any event, the educational and wellness center, as well as the farm activities would provide the financial support needed to service the loans. In addition to the advanced wellness center, the Foundation has plans for a full range of educational seminars, workshops and experiential programs. And there will be the farm school and farm, including over two acres of greenhouse space.
If you chose to support the IDN Valley of the Moon project with non 401 or IRA money, that, of course, would be welcome as a tax deductible donation which would have no bearing on your IRA or 401 money, reporting or status. The money, once placed in Panama, participate through the Beneficial Interest Certificate structure.
So, for example, if you were to direct IRA or 401 funds to the Natural Solutions Foundation to be placed in our project in Panama, your Custodian would review the documents of our Panamanian Corporation (the Natural Solutions Corporation certificate of incorporation and participation agreement) and approve the investment. You would then direct the money to be sent to our US account set up for this purpose and we would wire it to the Panamanian project where it would be reported to your custodian just like any IRA or 401 investment.
Your money is therefore off shore, out of fiat currency (expect a tremendous devaluation and then rampant hyperinflation, according to our money-industry friends) and out of the grabbing paws of the US Government.
It is protected by a sinking fund so that if in the future you decide to deploy your money elsewhere we will not have to sell property to allow you to deploy your funds as you see fit or withdraw them as required or desired.
We did not start out looking for an offshore investment possibility which would protect your hard-earned retirement (and mine, since I am following this course of action with my own IRA) but, as things have unrolled, we have a potentially great positive benefit to you and to us.
Remember, money provided either through the IRA or the 401 route bear interest and, since invested in real estate, are relatively free of the perturbations of fiat currency. They are still tax deferred. We think this is a remarkable opportunity in a time of great economic uncertainty.
If you would like to discuss these options further, please contact Ralph Fucetola JD at Ralph is our attorney and a Trustee of the Natural Solutions Foundation. The IRA Custodian we are working with is Equity Trust Company –
We do not know how soon this window of opportunity will shut, but our economic advisers tell us that the word that they are getting is that it is shutting and we only have a few months more at most.
Please do you own due diligence and consider this option seriously. I certainly have and am acting on it even as you read this.
Below is the article on Gold and another about Argentina’s seizure of private pensions… think it can’t happen here?
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Citigroup says gold could rise above $2,000 next year as the world financial system unravels.
Gold is poised for a dramatic surge and could blast through $2,000 an ounce by the end of next year as central banks flood the world’s monetary system with liquidity, according to an internal client note from the US bank Citigroup.
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
27 Nov 2008
Citigroup says gold could rise above $2,000 next year as world unravels
The bank said the damage caused by the financial excesses of the last quarter century was forcing the world’s authorities to take steps that had never been tried before.
This gamble was likely to end in one of two extreme ways: with either a resurgence of inflation; or a downward spiral into depression, civil disorder, and possibly wars. Both outcomes will cause a rush for gold.
“They are throwing the kitchen sink at this,” said Tom Fitzpatrick, the bank’s chief technical strategist.
“The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done. When the dust settles this will either work, and the money they have pushed into the system will feed though into an inflation shock.
“Or it will not work because too much damage has already been done, and we will see continued financial deterioration, causing further economic deterioration, with the risk of a feedback loop. We don’t think this is the more likely outcome, but as each week and month passes, there is a growing danger of vicious circle as confidence erodes,” he said.
“This will lead to political instability. We are already seeing countries on the periphery of Europe under severe stress. Some leaders are now at record levels of unpopularity. There is a risk of domestic unrest, starting with strikes because people are feeling disenfranchised.”
“What happens if there is a meltdown in a country like Pakistan, which is a nuclear power. People react when they have their backs to the wall. We’re already seeing doubts emerge about the sovereign debts of developed AAA-rated countries, which is not something you can ignore,” he said.
Gold traders are playing close attention to reports from Beijing that the China is thinking of boosting its gold reserves from 600 tonnes to nearer 4,000 tonnes to diversify away from paper currencies. “If true, this is a very material change,” he said.
Mr Fitzpatrick said Britain had made a mistake selling off half its gold at the bottom of the market between 1999 to 2002. “People have started to question the value of government debt,” he said.
Citigroup said the blast-off was likely to occur within two years, and possibly as soon as 2009. Gold was trading yesterday at $812 an ounce. It is well off its all-time peak of $1,030 in February but has held up much better than other commodities over the last few months – reverting to is historical role as a safe-haven store of value and a de facto currency.
Gold has tripled in value over the last seven years, vastly outperforming Wall Street and European bourses.
Note from General Bert: although “paper gold” as reported in the investment media fluctuates between $700 and $900 per ounce, try to find actual gold coins for delivery at that price. Better, check the price of a one ounce Kruggerand on eBay(R) … you may be surprised how high the real price of gold has gotten.
And about Argentina:
“October 26, 2008 – From Bloomberg: “Argentines Decry State’s `Disastrous’ Record as Pensions Seized.” Excerpt:
Fourteen years ago, Raul Zimmermann opted to contribute to one of Argentina’s new private pension funds because he didn’t trust in the state retirement system. Now he’s outraged by government plans to seize his savings and take responsibility for paying his monthly benefit.
“The history of the pensions managed by the state is disastrous,” said Zimmermann, 69, who started drawing a pension two years ago. “It’s not reasonable that they transfer my account without even asking me if I want to.”
On Oct. 21, President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner announced plans to take over $29 billion of private pension accounts, saying a state-run system would protect retirees from fluctuations in financial markets. Roque Fernandez, an economy minister and central bank president in the 1990s, said the move is a ‘confiscation” of people’s savings. . .’ ”
And this:
“October 27, 2008 – Buenos Aires, Argentina (AHN) – With $30 billion pension fund money to be transferred in the hands of the debt-ridden national government, Argentinean lawyers plan to block misuse of the funds.
The lawyers, who represent the 10 pension funds to be nationalized by the administration, are apprehensive amid talks the money may be used to pay the country’s huge debts. Their fears were exacerbated since the administration-controlled Congress is slated to discuss the bill on Oct. 27, according to lawyer Juan Acuna Kunz.
The talks of fund misuse fueled a two-day drop in pension funds’ stock, the largest decline in 18 years.”