Targeted Individuals Survey
Natural Solutions Foundation and Rima E. Laibow, MD, in collaboration with the Institute for Health Research, are conducting a survey to gauge the prevalence of the belief that some people are the targets of experimentation without Informed Consent. Please help us quantify this matter that many find disturbing. 4 questions – all responses anonymous. Share with this link:
More information at: — Survey Here:
More information at: — Survey Here:
“Health Freedom is absolute. Either you do control your own body or you don’t. Period. But as if vaccine intrusions were not bad enough, (solved by the use of the Advance Vaccine Directive Card) there is another looming nightmare you need to know about although it’s been going on a long time, hidden in the shadows. Sometimes known as “Mind Control”, it’s actually a whole lot worse. We are talking about Non-Consensual Experimentation or NCE and those who have been used as non-consenting guinea pigs call themselves TIs or ‘Targeted Individuals’” Dr. R. Laibow