Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Here is the report from
Well, every time the Health Freedom Movement threatens to sue in Federal Court, challenging FDA vaccine approvals, with legal “standing” based on state-level mandating of the Federal vaccine “recommendations” the state backs off. In both NJ and NY, the public health officials cited a supposed lack of enough vaccines, even though 167 million doses of the Swine Flu vaccine, for example, have been purchased by Federal agencies. We think this justifies our triumphant belief, once again, PUSH BACK WORKS!
Since there is now an alleged “seasonal flu vaccine” shortage we predict a very light annual flu season this year.
[Pssst… don’t tell the vaccine pushers, but we’re not done with the Stop the Shot case yet…]
Ralph Fucetola JD
Foundation Trustee and Counsel
Previous blog posting:
“Stop the Shot” Federal Court Lawsuit Challenging Swine Flu Vaccinations
Looking for New Jersey Parents of Flu Vaccine Mandated Toddlers
Report on the Case:
Natural Solutions Foundation, Foundation for Health Choice, Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD, Dr. Gary Null PhD and several NY health care workers (who the state had ordered to take all flu vaccines “recommended” by Federal authorities) brought a law suit in Federal Court challenging the FDA’s September 15, 2009 approval of the uninsurable, un-safety tested 2009-H1N1-A “Swine Flu” vaccines. When NY state backed-off after strong public “push back” and suspended its mandate, the Federal judge determined that without the mandate, plaintiffs did not have “standing” to challenge the approvals. Judge Walton of the DC Distrcit Court however intimated that a new complaint involving a state mandated vaccine would be considered. There is one other state with a state-wide flu vaccine mandate; that state is New Jersey. The state requires all children in daycare, childcare or preschool aged 6 months to 5 years who go to day care, pre-school, etc. to receive a flu vaccine annually.*
We are therefore seeking New Jersey parents who object to this mandate and who are willing to become plaintiffs along with Drs. Null and Laibow in “round two” of the Stop the Shot litigation. To do that, the parents need to complete a Declaration that can be used in Court.
We’ve set up the format for the information we need to create the Declaration at:
Please complete that form and send back to us as soon as possible. We will then contact the group selected to join the case as plaintiffs. Our goal is to file the revised complaint the week of November 9, 2009.
About the case:
Thank you for volunteering!
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee &
PS – if your computer system does not let you procede to the automatic system, just “copy” and “paste” the questions below into your email browser, answer the questions and email them to with “NJ Parent” in the subject line.
Please type the information requested below each numbered item. This system will send the information to Natural Solutions Foundation legal department and we will contact those NJ parents who are being invited to participate in the “Stop the Shot” legal challenge to the September 15, 2009 FDA approvals of the H1N1 “Swine Flu” vaccines. We are looking for the parents of children from 6 months to 5 years, who are mandated by New Jersey to receive an annual flu vaccine.
All information will be held in confidence and only provided to the Court as part of the Complaint and other documents.
Here is the information we need from you:
1. Your full name and address with zip code; where both parents want to be plaintiffs, please list the information for each.
2. Phone numbers, including cell phone.
3. e-mail address [very important!]
4. Initials and birth dates of all your minor children.
5. Please express your objections to your children receiving an annual flu vaccine from age 6 months to 5 years.
6. Please confirm that you agree that Natural Solutions Foundation and Foundation for Health Choice and their attorneys represent your interests in the proposed lawsuit.
7. Does your child attend licensed child care now? If not, when do you expect to start same?
* NJ Regulation: – – “8:57-4.19 Influenza vaccine: Children six months through 59 months of age attending any licensed child-care center or preschool facility on or after September 1, 2008, shall annually receive at least one dose of influenza vaccine between September 1 and December 31 of each year.” [Note, the 09/01/08 dated was changed to 12/31/09.] [Note: 11/24/09 – Mandate suspended!]