Dr. Rima Recommends:
Heal Thyself with Human BioAcoustics™
Heal Thyself with Human BioAcoustics™
To Health Freedom Supporters:
This is Dr. Rima and it is my pleasure to invite you to join me as we learn to use a technology that can save your life — TOGETHER! I sincerely believe it will not come again. If you can take advantage of it, I urge you to do so I have been using Sharry Edward, MEd’s, astonishing Human BioAcoustics in my medical practice since I met her in 1992. Why? Because i t works.Imagine if you could take a 15 second voice sample from yourself or your family and understand completely which nutrients were missing, making your loved one vulnerable to cancer or early death. Imagine if you could find out which nutrients were too abundant, making it hard for the body to use another nutrient. Suppose you could flip a switch and look at your radiation exposure profile early enough to take corrective actions to prevent the heart disease, neurological deterioration and cancer which so often follows radiation poisoning, even low-dose, long-term radiation. And imagine how you would feel if you were able to learn a skill in 2 days which would allow you to provide bio-marker-like information to anyone you chose – and be compensated if you wanted. And the course was free! That’s precisely what I am offering you in exchange for your 3 part support.
First of all, I need you to take the Action Items (our online system that lets you easily educate decision makers) which follow this blog entry. They are massively important and every voice speaks truth to power, trumpeting our demands for clean food and no toxic vaccines will make a Push Back difference! Doing so is on an honor system, of course. Second, I need you to send the two “Action Items” below this message to at least 10 people whom you believe will be willing to easily send email messages to their representatives about Natural Solutions, the way you did. Send a brief note asking them to do so and thanking them in advance for taking the time. The two critical links are: Sharry usually charges $1200 for her two day courses and $900 for the programs, but because of our special relationship, I can offer this course to you in exchange for your help – and nothing more.
People trained in Human BioAcoustics are able to identify and correct a wide array of conditions and situations and many practitioners charge for their services because what they offer is so valuable to their clients. On January 10-11, 2013 Sharry will be teaching a special class in the use of her technology AND giving students who come to the class through their connection with me two free programs. I will be updating my programs and learning to use her new programs by taking this class. I hope you will take it with me! This is a great opportunity to be introduced to Sound Health. This class will focus on identifying radiation exposure and nutritional deficits and requirements for yourself and for others, as you chose.
Given the sorry state of our food and the dangerous continuing Fukushima radiation contamination, I cannot imagine two more relevant and timely areas of focus. Without this special invitation, the cost for this class is $2,100, no exceptions. Offering this class to you, our donors, without charge is our way of saying “thank you” for your donation of $250 or more to the Natural Solutions Foundation. As a student in this remarkable class you will receive: • 2 days of training – 10 am – 4:30 pm EST (includes software, instructions, text, charts and marketing information via download). • Software including: Abacus (indicates points of significance), Nutrition and Muscles plus nanoVoice™ (Personality Profiler) and Radiation Exposure. These programs are worth $900 and are provide to you free. • PreClass instructions, Textbook, materials, videos and marketing information via download.
By the way, space is severely limited so you’ll need to embrace this opportunity to study Human BioAcoustics with me immediately. Yes, your donation of $250 or more will bring you $2,100 worth of free programs and skills which put you squarely in the forefront of advanced health for yourself and your lived ones – and for others if you chose to share it. As I said this course is available to you because of the special relationship that the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation have with Sharry. We are passing that special relationship along to you to say thank you for your loyal and continuing support. Human BioAcoustics is the real thing. All three Trustees of the Foundation have taken courses with Sharry, starting twenty years ago and now we want to share our private secret with you.
You see, it is not fair that we have access to this remarkable, life-saving technology if you, our supporters and community members, do not. That is why the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation decided that this was a perfect opportunity to introduce you to the power and potential of this technology. And I will be taking this course online with you as an update! ; Here are the three easy steps to participate with me:
2. Access instructions to the on-line course with registration material will be emailed to you within two days. 3. The list of programs and equipment (mostly free) as well as computer requirements will be included. Generally, modern computers are fully capable of handling the demands of the HBA programming. This is, quite literally, an amazing opportunity. I am embracing it actively and I hope you will join me and share this with others who might want to participate as well. Please understand, the programs involved in this special class have been specially developed and while compatible with professional work, are primarily for lay-person use. I sincerely believe that nothing like this opportunity will come again, so act now to register for the two day Human BioAcoustics class with Sharry Edwards and me. Act now to reserve your space for an educational gift that will open your mind wider than you thought possible and give you amazing skills, to boot! Yours for health Freedom, Dr Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation |