Natural Solutions Foundation
The following letter is being delivered to the new Chairwoman of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The Foundation President, Gen. Stubblebine and our Medical Director, Dr. Rima E. Laibow MD are both attending the Commission meeting in Rome where they are interacting with delegates, especially those of what we have come to call the “Health Conscious Nations” that choose natural solutions to their pressing social needs. In the past, this has resulted in significant “push-back” that rolled back the globalist agenda [see our Accomplishments Page for some examples:
With the world facing weaponized pandemics and weaponized vaccines, the Codex Commission, which has as its first listed mandate, “protecting the health of the consumers and ensuring fair practices in the food trade” [] must also hear the voices demanding protection for the right of individuals and families to self-shield in their own homes in the event of an actual pandemic; a right implied by the Geneva Conventions and UN Universal Declaration of Rights [see our White Paper on the Right to Self-Shield:
The Foundation’s Health Freedom Public Observers seem to have been the only independent public witnesses present at the Monday opening session of this week’s annual Commission meeting. That fact prompted the letter:
TO: Dr. Karen L. Hulebak
Codex Alimentarius Commission
June 30,2009
Dear Dr. Hulebak:
Congratulations on your first day of chairing the Codex Alimentarius Commission meeting. Like you, the Natural Solutions Foundation, of which I am proud to serve as President, believes that the actions of Codex Alimentarius will have, as you said in your speech today, world wide impact on the lives of everyone in the world.
It is for that reason that the Natural Solutions Foundation, a not for profit NGO with a presence in Central America, West Africa, India, the EU and the United States. allocates scarce resources to attending and analyzing Codex actions, standards and guidelines.
We have attended numerous Codex meetings (e.g., Rome, Geneva, Oslo, Chang Mai, Bonn, Bad Neuenhaur, Ghana, and elsewhere). As the far and away largest health freedom organization in the world, we bring coverage of the activities of Codex to approximately 25 million electronic readers around the globe.
Through our radio shows, we reach an untold number more.
Two years ago we applied for Observer Status at the Codex table. Dr. Claude Moshe, the then-Chairman, believed that our mission was similar enough to that of the [redacted] that we should share the microphone, and a seat at the table, with that organization.
To that end, we have communicated with them asking for a place at the table as directed by Dr. Moshe.
To date, [redacted] has failed to respond, thus denying us our place as participants, stake holders and representatives of an enormous constituency. [redacted] has, however, chosen to share their table and microphone, with other smaller organizations whose impact is far less significant than that of the Natural Solutions Foundation, speaking, as we do, for an enormous number of supporters..
It would appear that at this meeting, unless I am mistaken, once again [redacted] is not in attendance, allowing the “Health Freedom Seat” to go unspoken from. Even if [redacted] is in attendance at this meeting, our constituency does not have a voice at this meeting since our concerns and those of [redacted] are not even close to identical and we are sequestered in an upper gallery without air-conditioning, electrical connections for our computers, other amenities or, m,ore importantly, the ability to make our stakeholders’ voices hears.
Madam Chairwoman, I urge you to correct this obvious and unproductive imbalance: If [redacted] is in attendance at this meeting, of if they are not, the fact remains that the Natural Solutions Foundation is an active participant in Codex – minus a voice. I urge you to correct this situation by either instructing [redacted] to provide the seat at the table which Dr. Moshe directed them to offer us or invite us to apply for Observer Status independently. IF [redacted] is not at this meeting this week, I would be most appreciative if you would be kind enough to make that seat available to us for participation in the 32nd CAC meeting.
Under either set of circumstances, the global constituency of the Natural Solutions Foundation will have to voice thanks to your good offices.
We have brought Codex Alimentarius to the attention and notice of enormous numbers of people and would like to continue doing the same – as active, speaking participants.
I look forward to your immediate response, despite the heavy weight of duties you carry.
Yours in health and freedom,
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.)
Natural Solutions Foundation
PS: Attached you will find a copy of our 2006 Application for Observer Status which has been updated. We are seeking immediate relief in this matter. ANS
Excerpts from Application
This is a restated resubmission of the request originally dated March 17, 2006 which was denied with instructions to Codex Observer Organization [redacted] to permit Natural Solutions Foundation “a seat at the table” with other Health Freedom NGOs. Despite repeated requests to [redacted], this courtesy has not been given, although required by the 18th Codex Procedural Manual, Rome, 2008, under the heading “PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE PARTICIPATION OF INTERNATIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE WORK OF THE CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION”, p. 23, Section 1.
Date: June 29, 2009
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
The within constitutes the Foundation’s emergency application to be listed as an Observer Attendee for the current Codex Commission meeting in Rome, as there is no effective representation of the Health Freedom NonGovernmental Organizations. Present at the current meeting as Public Observers are the President of the Natural Solutions Foundation, Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (USA Ret) and its Medical Director, Rima E. Laibow, MD. There do not appear to have been any other Public Observers at the meeting of Monday, June 29, 2009, just concluded. The “Health Freedom” table sometimes occupied by [redacted] as an official Codex Observer was not occupied today.
Natural Solutions Foundation is an international non-governmental, nonprofit corporation in the United States and a duly filed Foundation in the Republic of Panama with a unique educational program to support and enhance participation by Developing Countries in the Codex process (details below). The Foundation is sufficiently different from other consumer or health advocacy groups that are currently Observers that it should be included as an Observer on its behalf, or in the alternative, as the other current health advocacy groups are not attending the current meeting, the representatives of the Foundation should occupy the table in their stead.
(a) Official name of the organization in different languages (with initials)
Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF)
(b) Full postal address, Telephone, Facsimile and Email, as well as Telex and website addresses as appropriate
(c) Aims and subject fields (mandate) of organization, and methods of operation (Enclose charter, constitution, by-laws, rules of procedures, etc.);
Mandate: To Preserve, Protect and Defend Health and Health Freedom in the US and Globally, Supporting Developing County Participation. To Discover, Develop, Demonstrate and Disseminate Natural Solutions to Pressing Health-Related Social Problems.
Methods of Operation: Public and Targeted Educational activities through dissemination of information, demonstration projects and information pertaining to public policy, food production and consumer choice at public meetings, educational agricultural projects and through the Internet.
Bylaws: Bylaws below.
Date of establishment of US Entity: February 4, 2004
Date of establishment of Panama Entity: Escritura 16996 filed November 13, 2007
(d) Member organizations [redacted]
The Natural Solutions Foundation is not a membership organization, but does accept individuals and organizations as affiliates, none of which already enjoy observer status.
(e) Structure (assembly or conference; council or other form of governing body; type of general secretariat; commissions on special topics, if any; etc.)
Officers of the Natural Solutions Foundation receive input from Board of Advisors and act as needed, as trustees of the organization.
(f) Indication of source of funding (e.g. membership contributions, direct funding, external contributions, or grants)
Funding is entirely through direct funding resulting from private donations. No grants have been applied for or received. The organization qualifies as a “publicly supported organization” under US law in that the majority of its support is generated by individual donations from citizens of several countries.
(g) Meetings (indicate frequency and average attendance; send report of previous meeting, including any resolutions passed) that are concerned with matters covering all or part of the Commission’s field of activity
The Natural Solutions Foundation participates in public meetings and recently had over 300 attendees at a meeting in the State of Tennessee. The organization sponsors online Webinars and Videos to communicate with its extensive supporter base. The opt-in Health Freedom Action eAlert supporter list is approximately 225,000 people world-wide. The videos are at:
(h) Relations with other international organizations: – UN and its organs (indicate consultative status or other relationship, if any)
The Natural Solutions Foundation has cooperative relationships with several organizations, including the Songhai Foundation, Benin (a United Nations Center of Excellence) and Fr. Godfrey of the Songhai Community is an Adviser to the Foundation. Natural Solutions Foundation – Panama has a pending application for affiliation with Ciudad Sabor, the City of Knowledge, a semi-official educational and charitable foundation in Panama.
– Other international organizations (document substantive activities)
The Natural Solutions Foundation has attended a number of international meetings, including a meeting of Developing Countries in Africa, February 2006, as an Observer.
The Natural Solutions Foundation was invited to attend the meeting of the Ministers of Health of 42 African countries and their top aides. NSF was admitted to the meeting as an Observer that did not yet have formal credentials with the Regional African Organization (although NSF is working on becoming credentialed participants). When the discussion turned to what the NSF Medical Director, Rima Laibow, MD, felt to be inaccurate Avian Flu information, its prevention and treatment, the just elected President of the organization asked Dr. Laibow to address the meeting, which she did.
The Foundation has also made presentations to the US Food and Drug Administration and has submitted a Citizens’ Petition to the FDA regarding the application of US law to the Codex process.
The Foundation has attended and continues to attend Codex Commission and Committee meetings that are relevant to its work.
(i) Expected contribution to the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
The Natural Solutions Foundation anticipates making salient contributions to the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme by submitting commentary and suggestions to this body on issues which touch on consumer well being, crafted by affiliated attorneys at law and physicians. Demonstraton projects for agricultural techniques to increase yield and decrease chemical inputs are underway in Panama and West Africa.
(j) Past activities on behalf of, or in relation to, the Codex AlimentariusCommission and the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme (indicate any relationship by national affiliates with the Regional Coordinating Committees and/or the National Codex Contact Points or Committees for at least the last three years preceding the application)
The Natural Solutions Foundation has attended, as private observers:
1. Codex Alimentarius Commission 2005 meeting (Rome, Italy)
2. 2005 CCNFSDU meeting (Bonn, Germany)
3. Codex Committee on Food Labeling May 1-5, 2006 Ottawa, Canada
4. Codex Alimentarius Committee July 3-7, 2006, Geneva, Switzerland
5. Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses
October 30 -November 3, 2006 Chiang Mai, Thailand
6. Ad Hoc Working Group on GMO Labeling, Feb, 2007 Oslo, Norway
7. Ad Hoc Working Group on GMO Labeling, Jan., 2008 Accra, Ghana
8. Codex Committee on Food Labeling April 30-May 4, 2007
9. Codex Alimentarius Commission July 2-7, 2007 Rome, Italy
10. Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses Nov. 12-16, 2007
11. Codex Commission Meeting (Rome) June 29 – July 4, 2009
12. Ad Hoc Working Group on GMO Labeling, Feb 5-7, 2007
13. Ad Hoc Working Group on GMO Labeling, Jan., 2008
The Foundation anticipates further attendance at Codex meetings.
(k) Area of activity in which participation as an observer is requested (Commission and/or Subsidiary Bodies).[redacted]
Area of Participation: Codex Alimentarius Commission, Committees of particular interest to consumers, workshops and task force meetings on these issues, regional organization meetings and similar activities related to consumer choice and well-being, as set forth in the introductory paragraphs, above.
(l) Previous applications for observer status with the Codex Alimentarius Commission [redacted]
The Natural Solutions Foundation made a previous application for observer status to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, dated March 17, 2006. The application was denied as [redacted] was representing similar health freedom advocacy issues and then Chairman Claude Moshe instructed the official Codex Observer to afford the Foundation observer status under the 18th Codex Procedural Manual, Rome, 2008, under the heading “PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE PARTICIPATION OF INTERNATIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE WORK OF THE CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISSION”, p. 23, Section 1,
Purpose – The purpose of collaboration with International Non-Governmental Organizationsis to secure for the Codex Alimentarius Commission, expert information, advice and assistance from International Non-Governmental Organizations and to enable organizations which represent important sections of public opinion and are authorities in their fields of professional and technical competence to express the views of their members and to play an appropriate role in ensuring the harmonizing of intersectoral interests among the various sectoral bodies concerned in a country, regional or global setting. Arrangements made with such organizations shall be designed to advance the purposes of the Codex Alimentarius Commission by securing maximum cooperation from International Non-Governmental Organizations in the execution of its programme.”
(m) Languages (English, French or Spanish) in which documentation should be sent to the international non-governmental organization
(n) Name, Function and address of the person providing the information
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President, Natural Solutions Foundation
Volcan, Chiriqui Province, Panama
By: Ralph Fucetola JD – Foundation Counsel
All communications to Counsel:
// Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President, Natural Solutions Foundation//
Ralph Fucetola JD
Foundation Counsel
Certified Copy – By-Laws
Of the Natural Solutions Foundation, Inc.
These By-Laws are adopted as of the 14th day of February, 2006.
> 1. There is hereby established a private, international non-governmental Foundation known as the Natural Solutions Foundation, Inc. (Foundation). The juridical location of the Foundation shall be in the State of Nevada, United States of America or wherever the Board of Trustees shall from time to time determine by written Resolution.
> 2. The Foundation is established exclusively for charitable, educational, literary and scientific research purposes. The Mission of the Foundation is to promote health and health-promoting options through awareness and actions leading to optimal health and helping to end world hunger and promote world health, as a private international association for achieving and maintaining wellness.