Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
To the Editor, Forbes Magazine:
Your recent plea to make sure that everyone lines up for an H1N1 vaccination relies on misinformation, shocking in a publication which prides itself on reliable, research-based articles.
You decry the “pseudoscience” of the “vaccine deniers” and state that failure to get vaccinated was probably the cause of many of the deaths which you uncritically ascribe to a lack of vaccination.
Your breathless endorsement of inaccurate propaganda requires a fact-based response –
First, your assertion that H1N1 has “taken 14,160 lives, 2,328 of them in the U.S. Within the latter group are 248 children” is dramatic, but meaningless and totally inaccurate.
According to the CDC, FDA and WHO, the tests available to determine whether someone has H1N1 are wrong 90% of the time. Allegedly because of the total uselessness of tests, WHO, CDC and FDA advised health systems and nations to STOP TESTING for H1N1 and simply assume that any illness or death related in any way to respiratory difficulties was caused by H1N1.
WHO and CDC advised countries to stop testing for H1N1 on July 10, 2009. CBS released the results of a 3 month investigation on October 29, 2009 which confirmed that laboratory testing was incorrect 90% of the time when a determination of H1N1 infection was made. Thus, there is no clear evidence that anyone has, in fact, either “gotten” or “died from” this virus.
It is accurate to state that case numbers and deaths are ascribed to the H1N1 virus, but there is no evidence to support either. I would hesitate to accuse Forbes of disseminating misinformation, but it certainly is misinformation to present a number of cases and deaths without making clear the fact that these numbers have literally no basis in fact.
You state that many of these [putative] Swine Flu deaths could have been prevented by vaccination. This, too, lacks a single shred of scientific evidence. In fact, the antibody titers assumed to be present following H1N1 vaccination have never been documented to relate to any level of protection. No US or international agency has ever conducted published studies documenting that these antibodies are in any way related to disease protection. All the propaganda detailing the urgent necessity to receive this vaccination stands on the emptiest of pedestals: in fact, the fact that neither safety nor efficacy testing has been done on this vaccine, supposedly required to protect the world against a grim Level 6 pandemic threat, is the reason that the Natural Solutions Foundation, and, has initiated legal action against the FDA, CDC, etc., to prevent the deployment of this untested, unnecessary and potentially dangerous vaccine.
Although the virus is presented as “novel”, springing suddenly into existence near the factory swine farms of Mexico, and causing its first alleged death in Mexico City on April 14, 2009, Novartis’ Swine Flu vaccine was recalled in February 2009. Baxter and other pharmaceutical companies applied for patents to manufacture vaccines for a virus which supposedly did not exist starting in 2007.
I would strongly suggest that your publication run a story on the psychics employed by Big Pharma to guide their industrial decisions.
You repeat the story that the vaccine grew slower than expected and account for the “shortage” of doses in this way. Logically speaking, if Novartis’ Swine Flu vaccine was subjected to a recall in February, 2009, then at least those doses hot recalled would have been available and, although they are untested, as all other H1N1 (and, indeed, all influenza) vaccines are, they were available.
In fact, widely available data show convincingly that the shortage of vaccine doses was nothing more than a marketing ploy to spur vaccine sales, acknowledged in a tape recorded, and widely disseminated, Council on Foreign Relations meeting on October 26, 2009.
This widely trumpeted “shortage” was propagated by constant media coverage. Perhaps your investigations into purported vaccine shortage might have revealed another widely known data bit: Rupert Murdoch’s son, and heir apparent, James, is the Chairman and Chief Executive of News Corporation for Europe and Asia. James is an overseer of GlaxoSmithKline’s Board of Directors. Not only is GSK a major H1N1 vaccine manufacturer, its vaccine was withdrawn because the death rate from its use in Canada was twice the expected rate.
Expected vaccine death rate? Again, your research might have provided your readers with the FDA’s estimates of anticipated best-case adverse reactions. Published on their website, they declared that the anticipated number of deaths following H1N1 vaccine administration was likely to be 1 in 100,000. With a US population of roughly 310 Million, that calculates to a best case scenario of 31,000 needless deaths in the US alone from the untested, unnecessary and uninsurable H1N1 vaccine, assuming universal vaccination, as HHS and DHS announced was their goal on July 24 and 25, 2008, respectively, in identically worded Advisories. These Advisories, considering the weaponized, laboratory-created Avian Flu, stated that it was the goal of the United States to vaccinate “every man, woman and child in the United States, starting with those who want it first.”
The evidence that the Avian Flu and H1N1 viruses are man-made is overwhelming. A single piece of data will suffice for this communication: the genetic sequence of the 1918 “Spanish Flu” was nowhere to be found on earth until Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger succeeded after a 6 year effort, funded by the National Institutes of Health, in decoding that sequence from viruses isolated from the frozen lungs of an Inuit Eskimo victim.
Thus, the fact that the pathogenic (disease causing) genetic sequence now exists in both the H5N1 Avian Flu virus and the H1N1 Swine Flu virus is, to any rational mind, highly probative that both of these viruses are, in fact, weaponized agents.
Agents of what? Well, perhaps of greed.
The United States took the unprecedented steps of –
1. Purchasing nearly 1/2 Billion dollars of injectible squalene in preparation for injection of this deadly substance, known to create incapacitating autoimmune destruction of mammals in even tiny doses and never approved for injection PRIOR to the approval of any H1N1 vaccines
2. Purchasing the entire stock of 5 different H1N1 vaccines intended for injection in the US PRIOR to the approval of any H1N1 vaccines
3. Announcing its plans to vaccinate every child and pregnant women in the United States PRIOR to any safety testing or efficacy testing of any of its purchased vaccines (to the tune of about $7 Billion)
4. Announcing its approval of 5 vaccines which it had purchased for use at 90,000 administration sites
5. Declaring that these vaccines were merely “change of strain” vaccines despite the fact that –
a. They were made by novel means against a novel virus with characteristics unlike any every seen before, according to FDA, CDC and WHO
b. They were designed to combat a virus whose origins reputable scientists were declaring to be from intentional laboratory manipulation
c. There was no evidence that the influenza vaccines, from which the H1N1 vaccine was a mere change of strain variant, were either safe or effective, given that numerous peer reviewed articles in major medical journals like the New England Journal of Medicine documented that children who receive flu vaccines are many times more likely to be hospitalized for all causes, be on medication for asthma, eczema and other immune problems and suffer other serious medical problems for their entire life spans
d. mercury free doses were not widely available so that children receiving the recommended number of flu shots and H1N1 shots would be receiving hundreds of times the [already horrifyingly inflated] “maximum safe dose” of mercury.
Furthermore, the FDA granted vaccine manufacturers total immunity from any proximate or long term damage caused by their products unless they were guilty of “willful negligence”.
One might suspect, of course, that the irrational rush to deploy these untested vaccines might be due to a wish by the financially compromised, linked, share holding and otherwise conflict-of-interest-rich regulators to protect vaccine manufacturers from anything that could pierce that veil since only after safety testing was completed (scheduled for July, 2010), could willful negligence be charged if dangerous vaccines were deployed.
Of course, another intention might be to create a continuing market share since vaccinated persons are the ideal customers for the pharmaceutical industry: they have life-long chronic diseases, including cancers, autism, diabetes and other immune system and neurological illnesses, in far greater numbers than non-vaccinated persons, study after study shows.
Pandemic prediction has become an exact science according to epidemiologists: merely examine the patterns of vaccination programs.
Whatever disease, in whatever population, is vaccinated “against” develops into an outbreak, epidemic or pandemic.
Considering the history of vaccination, probably the greatest medical scam in history, that is not really surprising.
Jenner, the artificially revered “father of immunization” was, in fact, a mountebank who purchased his medical degree for 25 lbs from the University of Edinburgh without ever having attended a single medical class.
He “published” the results of his inoculations of healthy people with the pus from open “cowpox” lesions from the hands of milkmaids despite the fact that re-vaccination led to multiple fatalities from what we now would call “anaphylactic shock”.
Those reactions were in the fortunate few, however. The unfortunate many developed syphilis since there is no such thing as “cowpox” – Jenner was making a direct inoculation into his victims of live, infective syphilitic spirochetes.
After the British Parliament had made small pox vaccination mandatory for infants, an epidemic of normal infants dying of syphilis provoked a full scale investigation into Jenner and his techniques. At that time, Jenner was receiving a life stipend of 10,000 pounds per year.
The Parliament was faced with a serious problem: either reveal that it had been duped and had, inadvertently, caused the incurable illness and deaths of huge numbers of British Citizens or construct a cover-up.
The latter course of events seemed preferable and Jenner’s stipend was doubled to 20,000 pounds per year.
The vaccination mandate was continued in the British Empire.
In the tropics, however, where the medical influence of the Empire was making itself felt, there were no cowpox lesions to be had.
Instead, it was decided that the open sores of lepers would provide the materials necessary to “protect” babies, children and adults against smallpox. This decision, like the original decision to mandate vaccination, was made in the total absence of any scientific evaluation.
The result was a horrifying epidemic of iatrogenic leprosy in the tropical portions of the British Empire.
Thus, an industry, and a deception, was born.
Your discussion of the “complex regulatory hurdles” set by the FDA against the use of adjuvants is similarly incorrect.
In fact, the nasal vaccine, produced by Medimmune™, does not have adjuvants. All other H1N1 vaccines approved by the FDA have them: aluminum, for example, which is designed, like all adjuvants, to save the manufacturers money since the antigen is the expensive part of a vaccine. Using an immune system irritant [i.e, an adjuvant] means that higher antibody titers can be obtained with less antigen per dose.
All adjuvants are toxic to the nervous system and the immune system. Aluminum, for example, is a heavy metal with known significant neurotoxicity.
The adjuvant which was not approved for use is squalene, also known as “Freund’s Complete Adjuvant”, used in laboratory settings to destroy the immune protection in an animal that keeps the immune system from destroying itself and its “host”. Squalene is a normal component fatty molecule of the nervous system. It is also a compound used safely in cosmetics, fragrances and foods. Only when it is delivered to the body in an injected form is it dangerous. And then it is very, very dangerous since it causes the body to “break tolerance” or recognize itself as not to be attacked. Once tolerance is broken, any and all auto immune phenomena can take place with every tissue being attacked by its own immune system.
Injections of tiny amounts of squalene in the notorious “Vaccine A”, to which military members in Gulf War I were exposed, supposedly to protect them against anthrax, led to the devastating and frequently fatal “Gulf War Syndrome” which afflicted nearly 700,000 US troops.
Squalene has been turned down by the FDA for testing in its injectible form several years before the H1N1 vaccines. The letter notifying the drug company of the refusal to allow it to be tested made it clear that it was “too dangerous to be accepted for testing in the United States at this time”.
Two patents filed in 1998, however, make it clear that injected doses of squalene approximately 1 million times larger than that injected in Vaccine A recipients would cause an immune-mediated infertility which could never be reversed.
Why would that be attractive to vaccine proponents?
WHO declared a Level 6 Pandemic on June 11, 2009. In order to do so, it had to change the definition of a Pandemic . Instead of a novel organism which could spread easily and cause significant disease and widespread death to which people did not have general immunity, now any organism could be designated a Pandemic organism and rapid escalation from Level 4 (which still required significant disease and death capabilities) to Level 5 and then Level 6 followed once that change was made.
In fact, although the first alleged death in Mexico occurred on April 14, 2009, and not one confirmed death had occurred in the US from H1N1, a US “Health Emergency” was declared on April 25, 2009, a mere 11 days later. That is awfully quick to isolate a novel virus and determine its ability to create a pandemic.
The US, you recall, purchased nearly $500,000,000 worth of squalene for admixture into H1N1 vaccines, but even their own scientists would not sign off on its use, according to the Congressional testimony of HHS Secretary Sebelius in her September 15, 2009 testimony before the US Senate.
Instead, she informed them, through an Emergency Use Authorization, that store of squalene would be admixed at 90,000 injection sites around the country where people were expected to obediently follow your advice and “just get vaccinated”.
Interestingly, the immune-mediated permanent infertility turns out to be of enormous potential interest to the WHO since they espouse:
1. A sustainable planet
2. A necessary reduction of the population of the planet to 10% of its current level (yes, you read that correctly)
3. The use of vaccines, like the ones they have been researching and deploying, according to their own literature and documents, since they began their Special Commission on Infertility Vaccines in 1974.
WHO was convicted by the Philippine High Court of sterilizing more than 3 million Philippine women involuntarily in their “tetanus” vaccination campaign there.
WHO announced in its own documents that the purpose of the supposed smallpox eradication campaign in Africa was “to eliminate 150 million excess Sub-Saharan Africans.”
WHO’s population reduction agenda matches precisely the explicitly stated and formally adopted one of the United States. Henry Kissinger, then Secretary of State, authored National Security Memorandum 200 for then-President Richard Nixon. In that now-declassified document he asserted that “Population reduction must be the primary goal of US Foreign Policy.”
WHO, like the Federal Reserve Board, is a private corporation duty bound to meet the needs of its shareholders and funders.
Although WHO was, at its founding, to have been funded by the member states it was to serve, it receives more than 2/3 of its funding directly from pharmaceutical companies.
Those funders are the beneficiaries of WHOs insistence upon the use of vaccines, which are hugely profitable when used in great numbers, but not profitable at all when their use is minimal.
You state that the FDA regulators are timid.
This does not conform to any data of which I am aware. Regulators approved the needless and wildly dangerous Rotovac injection despite documented connections between vaccination and the development of epilepsy and death from pneumonia. Regulators accept stock, stock options, grant money and other benefits and make decisions that imperil the public at large on a daily basis.
The problem is so bad that scientists who work for the FDA and make recommendations which the regulators routinely boldly ignore in deference to their own self interest (and a conflicted interest it is!) wrote to President Obama upon his election pleading with him to rein in the deadly FDA regulators.
No such reigning has taken place.
The very definition of “conflict of interest” has been vitiated so that there is, in essence, no such thing any longer.
It would be helpful if FDA regulators WERE timid.
There is good reason that aspirin (which kills 1500+ people every year) would not qualify for approval today. It may be commonly available, but it is a dangerous compound, causing hearing loss, kidney damage and bleeding in huge numbers of people. Tylenol is responsible for approximately 800 cases of Acute Liver Failure and at least 450 deaths per year and polio vaccine, like every other vaccine, has yet to be proven either safe or effective by a placebo controlled, double blind study. In fact, the CDC lists the administration of polio vaccine as a significant cause of polio, a disease whose causative agent has never been isolated according to Koch’s postulate and which, despite the best propaganda efforts of the vaccine industry, appears to be a chronic environmental toxicity, not a viral disorder at all.
Your final ‘scariest’ reason for the apparent, although not real, shortage of H1N1 vaccine is that people insisted on single dose vials which, unlike the multiple dose ones, contain no thimerosal, a compound which contains 49.6% mercury by weight.
Perhaps a brief review of the history of mercury in vaccines would be useful to you.
What is scary is that the FDA has ever permitted mercury in vaccines.
Shortly after the FDA was created, when it was in the process of compiling its GRAS, or Generally Regarded as Safe, list, Eli Lilly applied for approval of Thimerosal on that list.
There had already been a number of products which contained mercury whose ingestion had been shown to be deadly or, if not immediately deadly, then damaging to the nervous system of the ingestor. Baby teething products containing mercury and mercurochrome, for example, were well known to be tremendously toxic. But the “preservative” thimerosal was profitable for Eli Lilly so they were willing to fight for it.
Eleven patients with meningitis who were already in coma were given injections of thimerosal. All of the patients died. Eli Lilly reported out the test as indicating that the substance was safe since all 11 “would have died of other causes anyway”.
The FDA accepted this shameful excuse for science and began a cover-up of nearly 80 years duration to pretend that mercury is a safe substance.
In order to meet the FDA’s guidelines for a safe daily exposure, an infant getting flu shots would have to weigh 650 lbs. To meet OSHAs’ requirement, it would have to weigh 6500 lbs. Most infants fail to meet those safety requirements.
Vaccinations have increased more than exponentially. When I was in medical school, from which I graduated in 1970, using the same diagnostic criteria, the rate of autism was between 1 and 4 children per 10,000. Today the rate is between 1 child in 69 (New Jersey, the most heavily vaccinated state in the US) and 1 child in 100.
Genetics are to blame for the increase, we are told. Genetics degrading by 100 fold in 40 years? Hardly. “Ah”, some say, “But when mercury is removed from vaccines, as in Denmark and Japan, the rate of autism continues to rise.”
“Ah”, we answer, “The amount of mercury retained when bottles are washed with Thimerosal in order to “prevent mold” is still significant. And it is clear that mercury is the heavy metal neurotoxin most related to the biggest number of cases of autism, but it is hardly the only toxin the brain encounters in vaccines.”
No, the only way to eliminate these devastating neurological disorders is to eliminate vaccines. Will we miss them? Well, Big Pharma will. But people who do not make money from illness will not.
After a broad-brush ad hominim attack trashing anyone who does not adhere to the vaccine mantra, despite its total lack of scientific validation (making it, in fact, pseudoscience) the author pulls out the final stick in his bundle: herd immunity.
There is, scientifically speaking, absolutely no such thing. As a candidate for pseudoscience, “herd immunity” is a real comer.
Vaccinations are alleged to protect the immune system of an individual by inducing antibody preparedness and “training” the immune system to produce antibodies rapidly if it meets the injected antigen again. If those antibodies were the same as naturally occurring ones (and, of course, if the very process of immunization did not damage the immune and neurological systems of the vaccinated person), the effect would be personal. Keeping the infecting organism out of the group/herd environment, as herd immunity is supposed to do, is irrelevant to antibody production. If vaccines work, they work on an individual basis.
The US vaccination rate is far higher than the requisite 90% which experts tout as necessary for this effect to take hold. But we still have outbreaks of diseases against which people have been vaccinated. Why?
If herd immunity were a reality, the slope of the decline in diseases like hepatitis B and small pox would not have begun to decline before the introduction of the vaccine and would certainly not have continued to decline at precisely the same slope after the introduction of the vaccines for that disease, nor continued, again, at precisely the same slope, after the achievement of herd immunity levels of “protection”.
Texas recorded a 41% increase in chicken pox cases in children between 2005 and 2006 despite the fact that every child entering kindergarten was vaccinated against chicken pox.
What herd? What immunity?
College campuses with 97% of students having received 2 mumps vaccine injections were among those whose students were part of a 2006 mumps outbreak. Of a total of 6584 confirmed and probable cases of mumps reported to the CDC in that outbreak, the bulk occurred on college campuses in 9 Midwestern states with near total immunization.
What herd? What immunity?
In the Czech Republic, children receive 2 doses of MMR. A 2005 outbreak showed the highest incidence among those who had received both shots.
In 1986, 90% of 1300 Pertussis (Whooping Cough) cases in a Kansas outbreak were in appropriately vaccinated persons.
In Norway and Denmark in 1998, an epidemic of Whooping Cough occurred in a population with a nearly 96% vaccination rate.
Of 479 Whooping Cough cases in the United States during a 1982 outbreak, 60% of the recipients had one or two doses of the DPT vaccine, while the other 40% had been fully vaccinated.
What herd? What immunity?
There are those parents of autistic children, like the author of your piece, who continue to believe in vaccination. That is their right.
They may respond rationally or irrationally when their belief is challenged. That is their right.
But a publication of the stature and seriousness of Forbes Magazine needs to exercise more restraint and probity.
While the holy dogma of vaccine effectiveness serves the Church of Pharmaceutical Medicine, it is, like all dogma, merely a matter of faith, one might say, of pseudoscience, because there is no real science behind it. None. There is real money and real propaganda, but there is no science behind it.
The contempt of your author may be understandable as the wail of a parent in pain who has not yet found the cure for his child’s autism, but it has no place in your magazine. Unless, of course, your shareholders are served by pharmaceutical success on the broken bodies and brains of our young, who will never be your readers because the vaccines you tout have destroyed their nervous systems.
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation