Saturday, May 1, 2010
Natural Solutions Foundation Health Freedom Action eAlert
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Cognitive Enhancement Nutrients
Dr. Rima Reports Internet Radio
Sunday 10 PM to Midnight EDT
Fred van Liew: the “Water Doc”
Index: Breaking News! New FTC Threat to Natural Solutions!
Wall Street Reform Act may threaten natural products claims…
We are at the CCNFSDU Meeting in Quebec City
2. Stop Fake “Food Safety” Bill S.510
Two Weeks and Holding: Food Fascism on the Ropes?
3. Dr. Rima Reports – Sunday Night Internet Radio
Topic this week: The Water Doc – What you need to Know
4. Codex Meets this Coming Week – We are there for you!
5. Holistic Ear Candle Case Filed in US District Court
Natural Solutions Foundation and others suing the FDA!
6. Dr. Rima Network
Ideas and products recommended by Dr. Rima
New Cognitive Enhancement Pack!
7. Dr. Rima: Globalist Eugenicidal Agenda
This YouTube must go viral… important message!
Natural Solutions Foundation congradulates the Autism Community for taking positive steps to respond to this horrid epidemic rooted in environmental toxins, including toxic vaccines. Here is a very special announcement from Health Freedom Fighter Tim Bolen: Vaccine induced: Diseases, Disorders, Dysfunctions & Disabilities Autism, ADHD, asthma, allergies, arthritis, autoimmune… (Sat/Sun) May 8-9 -Kalahari Resort and Convention Center Wisconsin Dells, WI. Plans are being made for live online streaming of the event.
For further information see: – Attack on Autistic Children and their Parents. Stay tuned for a very special Action Item next week, as the Foundation takes the lead on this important issue!
Thousands eMail their Senators! We need Millions!
The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173), just adopted by the House of Representatives (and sent to the Senate as S.3217) includes language giving more power to the Federal Trade Commission to make general rules for interstate commerce that could be used to restrict truthful information about dietary supplements, by requiring expensive, “drug company” level clinical trials before vitamin companies could make claims about their products. This “reform” could hand-over the natural products industry to Big Pharma, which, over the past few years, has bought up most of the larger vitamin companies. The new rules could become a “barrier against entry” driving many smaller companies out of business.
We address this issue in a new Action Item telling the Senate to provide protective language for natural products which do not need the same level of substantiation (called “significant scientific agreement”) that drugs should require for public safety. The existing commercial standard of “competent and reliable scientific evidence” allows natural product marketers to rely on published literature and small-scale clinical studies appropriate for food products. As we have been warning, the attacks on Natural Solutions will continue and will escalate. BUT, YOUR CONTINUED PUSH BACK WILL PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO ACCESS NATURAL SOLUTIONS!
Action Item:
[Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert are at the Codex meeting in Canada, starting this weekend, with workshops and discussion groups. Please support this important trip HERE. We will be posting video reports over the next few days, so remember to check our homepage, often!]
There is likely to be a GMO showdown at the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Needs.
The United States is vigorously pursuing its policy to prevent the labeling or identification of GMOs (or GMO-Free) anywhere in the world. That means that no one on this planet will be able to protect self or family from the dangers of GMO plants or animals. No one will ever be able to deterimine that the fact that they cannot have children is due to the GMO food they have been eating, unknowingly. Or their Cancer, or their Lupus, or the death of their babies. Without detailed traceability, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Jains and others whose religion teaches that the must not eat certain foods will ever again be able to determine that they have avoided the foods that will make them religiously impure.
Organic will cease to have any meaning whatsoever and all food will be contamaintaed, given sufficient time.
This is what is at stake at the Codex committee meeting beginning this weekend. Codex is the battleground for the future of food — will the pro-GMO Globalist Agenda prevail, or will enough nations stand up for their traditional agriculture and customs and refuse to engage in a false
“consensus” that benefits only the Bigs — Big AgBiz, Big Pharma, Big Finance and Big Govt?
The United States FDA approves GMO foods and feeds without any safety testing of significance. Early on in the process of releasing GMOs, the company which owns the patented gene provides the FDA with whatever edited data it chooses to show that the organism is “safe”, no matter how weak, contrived or meaningless that data may be.
No further safety testing is carried out by the FDA, nor are further safety data reviewed, if they exist.
But, in the largest involuntary human experiment ever conducted, with zero informed consent possible, the world’s food, as it comes through the US food system, its seed system and its feed system, is contaminated with unlabeled, un-traceable GMOs. Any long term (or, for that matter, short term) effects will never be known because who is eating what GMO gene, promoter virus or bacterial marker sequence is totally unknowable. This is the effect of FDA refusing to require “truthful and not misleading” GMO labeling. In deed, the agency, in a true display of the arrogance of power, believes it has authority to censor even “GMO Free” labels!
Read more here: GMO Files: GMO Crops Fail, Cost More, Increase Toxin Use
2. Just Days to Stop Food Fascism!
Two Weeks and Holding: Food Fascism on the Ropes?
S.510 STILL has not made it to the floor of the Senate this week! Your continued PUSH BACK is still holding it off. Please read below and TAKE THE ACTION ITEM AGAIN! We must continue to innudate the Senate with emails to stop this travesty!
Rumor in DC is that the forced-industrialization of food production bill, S.510, will come to a vote in the Senate this week or next week. If you value local, natural food production, NOW is the time to act! Please use this Action Item and send the message to the Senate: “NO FAKE FOOD SAFETY BILL”. Demand strong, unequivocal protection for local, natural food production! Please forward this message to everyone you know and ask them to act too!
Two action steps to take:
[1] Send an email to your Senators:
[2] CALL your US Senators’ offices; Just dial 800-828-0498 and make a call registering your strongly negative opinion of S. 510! If not now, when? For 9 “talking points” about why the bill is just as we’ve described it, see -
3. Dr. Rima Reports – Internet Radio
You are invited to join us this Sunday, May 2, 2010, 10 PM to Midnight (Eastern Standard Time). Please in us at Listen to the Dr. Rima Reports, Your Health Your Way!
Guest: Fred van Liew, “The Water Doc” talking about the bewildering array of water processing options out there, how to chose and when to use which type.
You can also listen by calling in: 347-324-3704
To Join the Chat Room for the show, Register at
Archives: You’ll Find the “Dr. Rima Reports” When You Fast Forward to the Second Two Hours of the Archive File
4 Support Natural Solutions Foundation Attending
The Codex Committee on Food Labeling in Canada, May, 2010 For You
If so, Click here, now:
IF not, do nothing.
S. 510, the Fake Food Safety Bill [And now even the “Financial Industry Reform” bill!]Advances the Globalist Agenda by Degrading and Industrializing ALL US Food. That’s Why The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Community Exists: to Reclaim the Production of Food in a Sustainable Community.
New Video Gives You a Quick Tour, with General Bert, of Land We Are Considering!
Interested in Natural Solutions Foundation’s ground-breaking program to reclaim the production of food in a sustainable teaching and living environment in the Highlands of Panama? The Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project is a place to live, to support, to practice your healing arts or other skills. It is also a perfect project to use as a qualified offshore vehicle for your tax deferred IRAs or 401s and other funds. Perhaps more than one of these areas interests you. Visit for more information.
If so, or to find out more, please join us for a free Conference Call Sunday night, 9 PM to 9:55 PM (EST), one hour before the Dr. Rima Reports at 10 PM Eastern.
Conference Bridge line: 219-509-8322 pin 937848#
5. Holistic Ear Candle Case Filed in Federal Court! We Sue the FDA Again!
Even while we get ready to file the “third round” of the Stop the Shot litigation, challenging all influenza vaccines, the Natural Solutions Foundation has become one of the plaintiffs in the case of Holistic Candlers & Consumers Association et al v FDA et al, Civil Action Number 1:10-cv-00582, filed on April 12, 2010. Yes, we stand with all holistic approaches for freedom of choice in health. You can read this 19 page legal Complaint here:
And we haven’t forgotten the “Stop the Shot” flu vax case that was originally filed last autumn. We expect to have an announcement about that case very shortly…
6. The Dr. Rima Network –
All Natural… Powerfully Antioxidant…
What? You’re Still Drinking Ordinary Chemical Coffee?
You Have No Idea What You Are Missing!
Health Freedom’s Own Coffee, Valley of the Moon Coffee, Will Delight You, While You Support the Natural Solutions Foundation With Your Morning Java! Make a donation and get your coffee:
Important announcement: To serve you better, our virtual malls, and will be temporarily shut down for new site design testing. In a short time we will be up and running again (when the compuer geniuses tell us we are ready to go!) In the meantime, please continue to purchase the following products from the Natural Solutions Foundation.
[1] Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition: Empower Your Mind!
Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert love these leading-edge products…
Control your own mind! Feed your brain what it needs for discernment and acuity…
“These are the times that try men’s souls…” Are you ready?
Dr. Rima has designed a third, very special
Dietary Supplement Mind Enhancement Pack!
To learn more, go to:
You know there is a battle going on for your mind (or maybe against it!). Part of the Globalist Agenda to reduce human population and restrict our freedoms goes on in our own heads, as we are subjected to a level of propaganda that can only be termed “mind controlling.” Its success depends on making sure that we are dumb, dull, deluded and distracted….
See the video interview with Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert:
Let me quote General Bert, “‘Focus and clarity’ were the words Ralph used to describe the Cognitive Enhancement nutrients, and that is exactly what I experienced. Both my long and short term memory are enhanced by these products and my thinking processes are noticeably sharper. I am very impressed and intend to continue using them.”
There are numerous smart nutrients, but few of them, working synergistic ally, have the capability of doing what these products actually do. In this battle to take back our food, our health and our freedoms, we must all be as mentally sharp as possible. That is why the genocidal elitists want us under-nourished and unable to think. I was so impressed with these products that I immediately began to study them and their impact. I researched the ingredients and am satisfied that there is no indicia of a lack safety when used as directed. That’s when I decided to create combination packs that would support mental function without agitating; would enhance cognition without later let-down.
Dr. Rima
All Natural, all wonderful! Our gift to you with donation!
[3] Nano Silver,
Is Killer Mold the Next Big Thing? The next pandemic panic? And is Nano Silver the Antidote? We are keeping a close eye on the potential for a pandemic mold, cryptococcus gattii, possibly spotted in the north west. Some researchers are concerned that this infectious mold, with a fifty percent fatality rate, is another example of a weaponized pathogen that has been released, intentionally or not, into the public. If this mold responds to biological terain including nano silver, silver may be a very useful nutrient to have on hand!
And this from the Sorcha Faal [who may be a Russian disinformation agent, US disinformation agent or the 79th Mother Superior of a mysterious Sisterhood… take your pick!]: “…Most important to note about [“ex”-Nazi scientist] Schaefer’s adoptive daughter Rebeca, these reports continue, is that she is one of the World’s leading researchers into the tropical fungus ‘cryptococcus gattii’, specifically its bio-engineering into a ‘weapons format’, and which makes her the ‘main suspect’ in the unleashing of this most dangerous Nazi ‘germ weapon’ upon North America during the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, and which to date has killed over 23 people, thousands of animals, and has spread from its ‘release point’ in Canada’s British Colombia and is now reported invading the United States largest State of California…”
[4] StemEnhance,
[5] Detox Foot Pads,
Please watch my brief lecture on the Globalist Agenda and then share it with everyone you know:
Now take this video viral along with an invitation to everyone you send it to inviting them to join the Health Freedom Action eAlerts to become involved and powerful
8. Urgent Action Items: Calling All Mouse Warriors!
Take these Action Items Once for Every Member of Your Family and Then Pass Them On to Every Person in Your Circle of Influence
[1] Fake “FOOD SAFETY”[SIC] BILL ON THE MOVE AGAIN. Protect Your Access to Clean, Non Industrialized Food
Click here,
To beat back the phony “Food Safety”[sic] bill, S. 510, designed to end access to clean, healthy food and “HARMonize” us with Codex by industrializing all food production in the US. This week’s “amendments” are not enough! Now is the time to push even harder!
[2] GMOs are Not Tested for Safety. Science Shows They Are Dangerous.
Demand a GMO Ban — Now!
Click here,
To demand a total ban on GMO products and strong scientific study to find out just how bad the damage has been and how to correct it.
[3] Tyrannies Enlist the HealthCare System to Enforce Their Tyranny. Stop This Dangerous Trend Which Is Already Being Brought Into Play in the US –
Click here,
To take the Health Keeper’s Oath and make it very clear that you will not be swept up into the misuse of medical and allied personnel in the coming health tyranny, either as uniformed Ready Reserve or as non uniformed health personnel.
[4] HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Asked the Press to Violate the First Amendment, Violating Her Oath of Office to Defend the Constitution of the United States. She Should Be Removed Immediately.
Click here,
To demand the removal, through either resignation or impeachment, of HHS Secretary Sebelius, who not only presides over one of the most corrupt federal agencies in history, but asked the press to suppress our constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech concerning vaccines, autism, mercury and damage to ourselves and our children.
[5] FTC Rule Making Authority: Protect Dietary Supplements and Natural Remedies from enhanced FTC power which may be used to restrict access to truthful information about Natural Solutions!
Remember, Health Freedom Isn’t Free.
Please Set Up Your Recurring Tax Deductible Donation Now!
100% of Your Donation Goes to Defending YOUR Health Freedom
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Medical Director
Rima E. Laibow MD
Natural Solutions Foundation