Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III
President, Natural Solutions Foundation
Plans to Research Weaponization of the
H7N9 Flu Virus Put Planet at Risk!

Today, the threat status appears to have moved up another notch as the globalist pandemic nears with the publication of seemingly sober, but totally insane simultaneous “news” from two establishment journals:
“In a letter published today [August 7, 2013] in the nation’s two most prestigious scientific journals — Science and Nature — bird flu researchers say they need to perform research on the H7N9 virus that would make it more dangerous. The researchers say that’s necessary in order to prepare for its possible spread between humans, perhaps as early as this winter. The paper comes on the heels of a new study in the British Medical Journal that shows the first probable transmission between humans of the H7N9 virus.”
In each of the prior GMO virus failed pandemic disease events, the pandemic efforts failed, despite the efforts of globalist organizations. Either the virus was less aggressive (less ‘successful’) than expected (e.g., genetically manipulated corona virus known as ‘SARS’, genetically manipulated avian flu with genetic sequence spliced in) or, the public, by refusing the vaccine, refused to become unwilling vectors to creating the pandemic (e.g., Swine Flu, the first-ever WHO Level 6 pandemic. People all over the world stayed away from the dangerous vaccine in drove. No vaccinations, no pandemic).
Not only are genomicidal researchers increasing their efforts to weaponize the flu, but we are now seeing the first “human to human” direct transmittal of the more deadly H7N9 version of the virus. We do not yet have direct evidence of H7N9 being genetically engineered but as an intelligence analyst it strikes me as nothing short of bizarre that the genome sequence, posted on the internet, allowed Vaxart to create a vaccine in 20 days.
Like you, I find this astonishing success a highly suspicious “dot” on a map loaded with suspicious dots waiting to be connected to show that H7N9 is yet another genetically modified pandemic tool.
Any “vaccine” developed by Big Pharma to meet the threat of the virus being weaponized in Big Pharma laboratories will include the usual witch’s brew of additional toxins (e.g., mercury, Polysorbate 80, MSG, aluminum, gentimycin, human fetal or monkey cells, stealth viruses like leukemia-linked SV40 virus, etc.) that will result in further immune system and resulting illness (profitable), neurological impairment (pliant workforce) and ever greater infertility (depopulation) –all key Globalist Elite weapons for world control and depopulation.
I see a number of similar data points all pointing to the potential for a weaponized pandemic during 2013 that would further the Globalist Eugenicidal Agenda 21 plan to depopulate the planet, leaving only the Neo-Aristocrats, their technicians and their genetically modified “Delta Workers.”
Learn more below.
For more about Agenda 21 and a complementary eBook on the subject visit:
Be a Vaccine Refuser with Me!
For Dr. Rima’s video exposing the horrid truth behind the autism pandemic, see: Don’t Delta Me, Dude!
There is, according to Dr. Rima, one and only one
sovereign remedy for the flu or any other infectious disease — your fully functioning immune system powered by The Silver Solution, Nano Silver 10 PPM.
You should get your supply here: