September 11, 2013 Expanded Webinar eBook
3.5 Hours of Video! 126 Pages of Information!
Reduced from $29.97 – Save $10.00! Just $19.97
Yes I want to order the Autism: An Inside Job Ebook with more than 3.5 hours of exceptional video included at no extra charge right now — CLICK BUTTON BELOW!
Introduction / Table of Contents / Educational Value / InfoGraphic: Vaccine Big Lie
Autism: An Inside Job eBook
1. We will add your name to the Delta Project so you can stay up to date on how vaccines are used to create docile, handicapped workers. Be on the lookout for our confirmation email: we hate spam as much as you do.
2. You’ll receive a complementary subscription to the Health Freedom Action eAlert Newsletter with leading-edge information and Actionable Information to make your voice heard, and make it count!
Let your friends know about the Autism: An Inside Job eBook now. Share this link with them,, to tell your friends, families and colleagues about this remarkable resource now. They need to know!
One more thing: Your elected representatives need to know that you know what vaccines are for! Click here to tell them clearly that you will not accept mandatory vaccinations.
Is there anyone conscious who does not know that 9/11 was an inside job? Not anyone that I talk to. By now you also know that autism is an inside job as well. The crony corporatists (aka, “globalist elite”) expect to profit handsomely from the genomic disruption of our children.
An article lauding the Goldman Sachs autist hiring program says,
“He is part of the most visible generation of young people with autism our society has ever known. Diagnosed early, this generation have been educated to expect not just a job when they leave school but a career on a par with their “neuro-typical” contemporaries.”
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation have commissioned the creation of a special Webinar eBook, in two languages, to disseminate the “forbidden information” revealed by the invited Presenters at the Webinar, that we held on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 – Autism: An Inside Job.
We brought you world experts like Boyde Haley, PhD, on what vaccines do to cause autism and how to protect yourself and your family from this Inside Job.
Investigative Journalist Christina England, mother of two now-grown autistic men, brought us the concept of “The England Theory: How Autism Serves the Global Elite.” She presented along with other distinguished, and fearless, Presenters.
And what about the autistic children now becoming adults in the millions, the tragic victims of the Vaccine Big Lie? The Elite have plans for them, since they follow orders if their basic needs are met with predictable routine. They have been made into the perfect worker drones. Dr. Paul G. King told us that the vaccine schedule is being “fine tuned” to produce more “high functioning” autists for the new world order.
The eBook includes 3.5 hours of video with powerful graphs and slide presentations as well.
Lord David Freud, a Member of the House of Lords, said in his speech on March 20, 2012,
“…it makes good business sense to employ people who are reliable, punctual and loyal; people who have good attention to detail and concentration levels; people who have excellent problem solving skills and can be analytical, resourceful and creative. What good employer wouldn’t want an employee with those skills?”
This webinar is another unique and valuable presentation of the Natural Solutions Foundation. We know Autism is an Inside Job. Now let’s do something about it!
Use this link,, to share this opportunity with your contacts while seats are still available. They will thank you! Remember to Like and Share this link.
Yours in health and freedom,
Gen. Bert
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.)
President – Natural Solutions Foundation
The England Hypothesis: Creating Delta Workers with Vaccines
Webinar eBook Table of Contents
Three and a Half Hours of Video!
Order Your Copy Below
[2] Welcome: Rima E. Laibow, MD – We are all Vaccine Injured
[3] Focus: Ralph Fucetola, JD – Laws that Lie
[5] Viera Scheibner, PhD: Why Infants Die: Fundamental Vaccination Facts
[6] Christina England: Born to Be Free: Vaccinated to Be Controlled
[7] Clint Richardson: Outsourcing our Children’s Minds, the CORE of the Problem
[8] Shawn Siegel: DISinformed Consent
[9] Paul G. King, PhD: Mercury Madness
[10] Brian Hooker, PhD: CDC: Ground Zero
[11] Conclusion: Genome Optimization Therapies: Think Globally; Restore Locally
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