Natural Solutions Foundation
The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™
GMO Danger Talking Points
Action Item:
Wide Use, Including Republication, With Full Attribution, is Encouraged
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are called by industry, “biotech products” because identifying them clearly as GMOs arouses vigorous rejection by consumers and independent scientists. Their detractors call them, “Frankenfoods” after Frankenstein’s monster. By any name, however, they violate several major principles of food science, biology and sound regulatory principles.
1. The ‘Precautionary Principle’
A principle of law in the EU and public policy in the US, The precautionary principle states that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus that the action or policy is harmful, the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking the action….
[Under the Precautionary] Principle there is a social responsibility to protect the public from exposure to harm, when scientific investigation has found a plausible risk. These protections can be relaxed only if further scientific findings emerge that provide sound evidence that no harm will result.
The Precautionary Principle is violated in both FDA and USDA regulatory structure and practice leading to failed protection and serious threats to the well-being of both human health and the environment.
Novel products must not be introduced into the market, especially unlabeled, so that their identities are hidden from consumers, without some reasonable showing that the products are not dangerous to the health and safety of the consumer or environment.
There is no such reasonable showing. In fact, all independent science shows considerable risks and dangers in the use of this technology, both current and future.
FDA has permitted widespread introduction of novel GMO products without any significant safety testing requirement and is forbidden from pursuing its own safety testing of GMOs.
FDA prohibits the identification of GMO products or ingredients and makes identification of products which do not contain GMOs or GMO ingredients very difficult for manufacturers.
Accurate identification of problems caused by GMOs is now impossible since more than 90% of the US food supply is made of GMO products or ingredients and no identification of these items is possible because of FDA policy and permitted unidentified food contamination.
USDA regulation allows unmonitored and unsecured field trials of pharmaceutical and other modifications in plants and animals.
USDA admits, in its own reports, that it cannot keep track of GMO trials or prevent contamination of non-GMO crops, animals and the food supply.
The ‘Truthful Labeling’ Principle.
Under US law, products in the marketplace must have labels which are truthful and not misleading.
FDA permits GMO products and ingredients while forbidding that information from being revealed on the label or elsewhere.
Dr. Barbara Schneeman, US Codex Alimentarius Delegate, told a Codex meeting (Oslo, 2006) that the US forbids GMO labeling because most Americans would reject GMO products if so labeled.
“Organic” foods are understood by the consumer to be free of GMO contamination. USDA regulation permits an unlimited amount of GMO contamination and admixture without identification of that contamination.
FDA forbids companies from honestly labeling their products “GMO Free”, a position which is directly contrary to US Law. In Thompson v Western States Medical the Supreme Court held that the government does not have a legitimate interest in preventing people from making what the government believes to be “bad” decisions with truthful commercial information.
The ‘Rule of Reason’ Principle.
The reasonable person (historically ‘reasonable man’) is a legal fiction of the common law representing an objective standard against which any individual’s conduct can be measured. It is used to determine if a breach of the standard of care has occurred, provided a duty of care can be proven.
This Principle is violated by a number of FDA, FTC and USDA Practices
No reasonable person would willingly subject him/her self, family or unborn descendents to uncontrollable genetic manipulation with unknown consequences.
FDA and USDA allow economically powerful and politically well-connected companies to continue to plant GMO crops and produce GMO animals (regulated as “animal drugs”) despite their already-known, and as-yet-uncharacterized, impacts and dangers.
GMO crops contaminate heritage, conventional and organic produce with their novel genetic materials and proteins. Every year their patent holders sue farmer’s for “trespass” when patented DNA invades the fields and bodies of plants and animals whose owners do not wish to grow GMOs, but whose land and flocks/herds are contaminated by the unwelcome intrusion of such GMO material.
Foreign DNA creates super bugs and pests which are resistant to known methods of control, but which induce farmers to use increasing amounts of the pesticides and herbicides to which their creating companies have made them resistant when they were genetically modified. The result is increasing chemical use and decreasing control.
The human body, and the probiotic, beneficial bacteria upon which it depends for immune and nutritional integrity, has no evolutionary experience and therefore no ability to detoxify GMO genetic material, bacterial markers and other GMO contents, nor the increasing exposure to toxic chemicals that the GMOs were deigned to withstand, through food, water and air exposure.
The insertion of foreign DNA into the bodies of humans, bacteria, plants and animals threatens the long-term integrity of the human genome and normal functioning of the human immune system.
No scientific studies show that GMOs are either safe or benign while all independent science shows that they are dangerous for the consumer and the environment.
Although the FDA accepts a principle of “substantially equivalent”, GMOs have never been shown to be substantially equivalent since their DNA is substantially different.
GMO feed transfers foreign DNA into the animal consuming it and then into humans consuming it.
The impact of foreign proteins, different in different cells of the same body, coded for by foreign DNA, is unknown.
The cost of DNA seeds and animal use permits or licenses can be set at any level, changing the economics of food production substantially, to the disadvantage of the small or independent farmer. Hundreds of thousands of cotton farmer suicides in India attest to the dangers of this public policy.
Most GMOs are created in order to confer resistance to heavy chemical input. The chemicals are therefore used in greater abundance leading to increased contamination of soil and water and decreased crop yield, according to the consensus of scientific evaluation of GMO technology on food and farmers.
Every independent study conducted of GMO impact and safety shows massive health and genetic problems including, but not limited to:
Reproductive: Infertility and Sterility, Fetal Death, Sexual inability and sterility in offspring, Fetal Abnormalities in Offspring, Neonatal Mortality, Low Birth Weight, Failure to Thrive;
Immunologic: Damaged Immune Competence, Auto Immune Diseases, Cancer, Enhanced Allergenicity, Even to Previously Non-Allergenic Proteins Leading to Lethal Allergic Responses Previously Either Very Rare or Unknown;
Bacteriological: Marker DNA conferring antibiotic resistance is inserted into GMOs. This marker DNA transfers not only to human and animal DNA, but to bacterial DNA as well, creating new classes of antibiotic-resistant DNA and new diseases;
Pathophysiological: Small Kidneys, Punctate GI Walls and Membranes, Hair Growth on the Mucosal Surfaces of the Body;
Neurological: Reduced Adaptability, Problem Solving, Low Weight Brains in Fetuses and Neonates.
4. The Principle of ‘Local Control’. Local control over local activities, such as food production and consumption, should be in the hands of local consumers and producers through local regulations if they so desire.
FDA seeks to impose fake “food safety” standards to nationalize local production and impose GMO products on unwilling communities
High Carbon Footprint foods traveling long distances encourage loss of nutrients, require chemical and other treatments to forestall
GMO seeds cannot be saved legally so farmers are prevented from using ancient cost-saving, and stock-improving practices
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Natural Solutions Foundation The Voice of Global Food and Health Freedom