Imagine a World Where Antibiotic Resistance Did Not Exist! Where Chronic Inflammation did not suppress your immune system; threaten your genome through GDS. That world is waiting for you at:
Antibiotics have been so overused on factory farms and in doctors’ offices that disease causing organisms have become resistant to an increasing number of “last-line-of-defense” FDA-approved antibiotics.
The result? Read what Reuters Health News has to say:
“LONDON (Reuters) Mar 11 – Antibiotic resistance poses a catastrophic threat to medicine and could mean patients having minor surgery risk dying from infections that can no longer be treated, Britain’s top health official said on Monday…”Antimicrobial resistance poses a catastrophic threat. If we don’t act now, any one of us could go into hospital in 20 years for minor surgery and die because of an ordinary infection that can’t be treated by antibiotics,” Davies told reporters as she published a report on infectious disease.
“And routine operations like hip replacements or organ transplants could be deadly because of the risk of infection.”
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) alone is estimated to kill around 19,000 people every year in the United States – far more than HIV and AIDS — or even the flu – and a similar number in Europe. And other superbugs are spreading. Cases of totally drug resistant tuberculosis have appeared in recent years and a new wave of “super superbugs” with an NDM-1 mutation which first emerged in India, has now turned up all over the world, from Britain to New Zealand.”
The immune systems of some people are always in a hyperactive state, and of all of us, sometimes over reacting, filling the body with inflammatory processes that sap vitality and degrade genetic integrity. Thus, one of the routes to Genome Disruption Syndrome (GDS) is through immune system-devastating antibiotics. GDS is the expression of multiple systems failures, brought about by the “Genomicidal Technologies” the engender high levels of free radical assaults on normal structure and function. Prescription drug toxins figure strongly in the development of GDS in many cases. Antibiotics thus harm not only by breeding resistant pathogens, but also by damaging the immune system and accelerating genome disruption through free radical attack.
Yes, antibiotics can lead to frightening possibilities. Routine infections or procedures could kill you?
Yes, UNLESS, you have something in your possession that supports the beneficial organisms in – and on – your body while it stimulates the immune functions that rid you of the pathogens, held to be the disease-causing agents.
There is only 1 safe, natural and effective, life-enhancing (as opposed to artificial antibiotics) that lets the body rid itself of the bad guy organisms and leaves the others alone. It is called Silver Sol and it is far more than the best natural support for normal inflammatory function going. It is a revolution in a bottle. Inflammation is, when not excessively stimulated by genomicidal toxins, part of the normal function of a human body; part of its defense system. However, when out-of-balance, the process becomes destructive, and chronic inflammation is one of the clear signs of GDS.
Thus Silver is an essential nutrient, needed for normal function.
But the FDA wants to suppress this amazing technology like so many others. You see, 90% of the world’s antibiotic use is on factory farms. Without antibiotics, the poor tortured animals would not survive. With them, the bacteria they are supposed to kill die off – mostly – but then the survivors have learned how to be antibiotic resistant.
They reproduce and nothing can stop them. Now you have a resistant strain of a disease-causing organism.
Sadly, we are not just dealing with one organism. We are dealing with an exploding number of them and the are not going away!
But there IS a natural solution, literally. A solution of nano sized particles of silver, less than 10 Angstra across, the unit in which light waves are measured. What do they do?
Very simply, they stimulate the capacity of the body to rid itself of the bacteria, viruses and other organisms which cause disease, leaving the ones that do not cause disease intact.
Since beneficial bacteria are essential for your immune, digestive and nutritional systems to function, this is very, very good news.
But not, of course, to the FDA or the antibiotic-makers since, health consequences be damned, antibiotics are gold. We need to keep eating cheap, mass-produced food. The industry shows no signs of eliminating factory farms and 90% of all antibiotic use is in factory farms. And from the farms’ runoff, into our water table. More toxins, more disease.
So even if doctors and patients get smart and start using safe natural methods to deal with infection, the production of both money and antibiotic resistant bacteria looks like it will continue, aided and abetted by the FDA, aka the Fraud and Death Administration.
Nano silver is illegal in Europe. The dots that tell you why are easy to connect. But it is still legal in the US, as a dietary supplement, taken to support normal function, not, heavens forbid, to “treat disease.”
The brand I prefer, and ingest myself, is called Silver Sol and is available here:
I would never be without it.
But the FDA and EPA are pushing hard to follow Europe’s insane restriction. Since there does not seem to be an effective date of meaningful expiration (although bottles are labeled with a 2 year expiration to meet market expectations), I advise people to lay in what they feel is a sufficient supply for a lifetime! This is one Silver investment that will repay dividends of health!
Or, if that is a problem financially, when you buy 1 bottle, buy another for back up and put it aside. Build up a reserve. But whatever you do, protect yourself and your family from what the irresponsible food industry and its reprehensible handmaiden, the FDA, have created: organisms so dangerous that they are listed as a greater threat than terrorism by the government!
Remember, nano silver is NOT colloidal silver. In a pinch, I would use colloidal silver, but what you want when your life is at stake is nano silver.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima