Natural Solutions Foundation
A Message from Dr. Rima at the Valley of the Moon™
[Note from Ralph: let’s not forget that Natural Solutions involve more than educating decision makers about our health and freedom, as important as that is. Dr. Laibow and Gen. Stubblebine certainly haven’t forgotten, which is why they are in Panama coordinating the development of the Foundation’s Eco Demonstration project there, when they are not traveling to Codex meetings and other international appearances. So while we are all focusing on our Three Weeks to Save Food and Freedom Campaign — see: I thought I’d forward this letter that Dr. Rima posted on the project forum. My explanatory notes are in brackets.]
Whew! What a whirlwind!
Yesterday evening Magnus [from Norway] and Gail arrived at Valley of the Moon – Gail had gone to Panama City for other business but, as it happened, Magnus’ arrival was perfectly timed. They over-nighted in Panama and traveled to the Highlands where Dave and Barb [two other VotM volunteers] were ready to greet them along with, of course, Bert and me.
Then a lovely dinner with nothing but the caramelized onions from Gail [Gail is an awesome cook who has produced the most amazing organic meals for VotM guests; she also coordinates the Natural Solutions Marketplace]. The Teriaki Salmon and the salad were our contribution. Oh, yes, the home-pickled beets were Gail’s too. During the meal, we found ourselves with a computer companion: it was 10 PM Eastern, time for the Volunteer call. This call was attended by Ralph, via phone and the rest of us around the table! After catching up, we finished dinner with an enormous amount of fun and laughter, and then cleaned up as a group, rather than leaving it all to one or two people. Very nice experience, great group. This is how community happens.
Today Dave got up very early, went to the town of David to get the Portapotty, which filled up most of the back of the pick up truck, the wheelbarrows and some other necessaries like the generator that our good friend here in town lent to us.
Yesterday the cement mixer got towed up up a very unlikely road for a cement mixer (a ‘1 bag job’ they tell me, which requires filling and using, emptying and refilling 150 times, give or take) and did not tip over although Dave tells me that was no easy feat. Thank goodness for the combined experience of these people!
We have provided them with organic food and, when we are in Panama City tomorrow, will provision them with more.
Today, after a breakfast of hen’s eggs from our own hens (we got 6 today, a world’s record for our hens in one day) we tried to get off to the Coffee Finca to avoid the rain and the fall of darkness. Off they went, in the truck, bathroom behind them looking for all the world like an overgrown blue plastic ticket booth, but no one sells tickets to the activities from here!
Dave and Barb will come back here to pack up their clothes and then the adventure begins: camping out on the finca; photos to follow! We’ll also be video recording the work, for our Food Freedom eJournal —
We are getting ready to open the Natural Solutions Seminar and Wellness Center and that means another volunteer opportunity in late September. If that calls to you, please contact us! (please put “VotM Volunteer” in the subject line).
It is a wonderful thing to see this group come together.
Oh, I nearly forgot: yesterday Dave and Barb were at the finca and said that the trenches for the foundations and footings had nearly been dug. The [indigenous Noble-Bugle] children, he said, were thrilled to have new homes and the adults, usually even more reticent than the very reticent children, simply shone with pleasure and enthusiasm about their new community “long house” home. That was a wonderful thing to hear recounted, see the glowing eyes of Dave and Barb and know that more lies in store for these people.
It touched our hearts.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
[A note of explanation: When the Foundation purchased the Valley of the Moon All Natural Coffee Finca (with funds donated specifically for that purpose) there were no sanitary facilities and only a primitive hut for the coffee harvesters. Last season we installed latrines and running water. This season our Volunteer Interns are building a community long house, respectful of the Noble-Bugle traditions, for the harvesters to use when they are on the land. You can support this project by purchasing our coffee with your donations:]