Countervailing Frequency Equivalents™
2017 Update:
January 2010 — Although the “Swine Flu” pandemic did not, and most likely will not, materialize, we thought we’d share this interesting information from Sharry Edwards MEd, since we know a number of people on the Action eAlert list are interested in frequency work.
The Trustees of the Foundation consider Ms. Edwards’ work to be among the most advanced in the field. We are very pleased to therefore present her as a guest blogger on the Health Freedom Blog. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Not intended to prescribe for, treat, mitigate, prevent or cure any disease. –rf
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The information contained herein, in its entirety, is under copyright, 2009 by Sharry Edwards MEd. All Rights Reserved
Countervailing Frequency Equivalents™ for Concerns with “Pandemic Flu”
Private: for Personal Experimental Use
It is obvious that there is a not-so-subtle ruse that attempts to eliminate a large part of the world’s population using bio-weapons disguised as vaccines . By releasing the “experimental” frequency antidotes we have found to be associated with the current swine flu, we can all be better prepared for this or any future such scheme. We strongly believe that without options, there can be no change!
It is not my intent to trigger the wrath of any government entity, such as the FDA, which insists that only “approved” web sites can be allowed to provide or display any information relating to any resolution to the current pandemic predicted by our US health officials; but I also believe that if information is available it ought to be provided to the public. The public, so informed, is intelligent enough to make decisions based on personal observations and cognition. With the CDC now predicting a “Third Wave” of the so-called “Swine Flu” targeting older citizens this time, we all need to be alert, and very skeptical of the government’s claims.
Individuals have a right to know about “off label” uses of health strategies. When faced with a potential pandemic it is ethical to explore every possibility. Indeed, not exploring every possibility is unconscionable.
I should let you know that these frequencies have been used with a small population, with success, to support normal immune system response to the “Swine Flu”. Because our data base is so small, no claims can or will be made. But if there is no other choice than to submit to an oncoming pandemic, I offer the chance for people to experiment with these frequencies that we have worked for several weeks to decode. If you choose to use these frequencies, sharing your findings would benefit all of us. You use these frequencies on your own responsibility.
These particular frequencies are the countervailing frequencies that we believe are allied with the symptom causing proteins associated with the original pneumonic plague bacterium, Yesinia pestis. The frequencies have been prepared with Rife-like devices in mind. Do not use these frequencies in a BioAcoustic device. For those of you who are BioAcoustically trained, the reasons are obvious.
If these frequencies are a threat to any actual plan to use vaccines as a bioweapon, my life and livelihood are likely in danger. I can only guess as to what is in store for our research company. My imagination ranges from extermination to adulation. Nonetheless, we believe the public has the right to this information and the right to use it if they so choose. It is only by building a voluntary Frequency Response Team of aware individuals that we can counteract the weaponization plans aimed at us.
We have been facilitating inquiries concerning low spectrum analogue frequency-based biomarkers and how they relate to health and wellness over the past three decades. Our work is documented in over twenty books, countless publications and more than ten documentaries. I invite you to go to for presentations that explain much more than can this short article.
It is our vision that once those who insist they are in control muck-up the planet to the point that it is in absolute disarray, there will be enough of us trained in this technique of frequency based energy medicine that we will be able to participate in the solutions that will begin to reestablish confidence and health to our planet.
It is time that someone took a stand against the threat of annihilation of a large part of our world population. I provided these frequencies to the public in the hopes that such a disaster does not occur and for the reasons listed below:
1. The information supplied to us about an impending “Swine Flu” pandemic has been incredibly conflicting even from the same agencies:
a. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) stated (October 21st 2009) that based on the US pattern of following in Australia’s footsteps concerning seasonal flu statistics, our flu season would be similar to previous years. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder of NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center) found no reasonable basis Obama’s (October 24th 2009) declaration of a US national health flu emergency.
b. May 4th, 2009 (UPI) – Janet Napolitano, US Secretary of Homeland Security, stated that “swine flu was no worse than regular flu. The global swine flu threat is receding.” While another source, US Secretary of Health & Human Services, Kathleen Sibelius, is reported to have said that the swine flu could devastate the human race.
c. An Austrian investigative journalist, Jane Burgemeister, filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) citing bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. The charges involved contaminated bird flu vaccines, which Burgemeister claims she can show were deliberate attempts to cause and profit from a pandemic. Nothing is being done by any authority against Baxter, a company who admitted that they produced contaminated vaccines by “accidentally” adulterating the regular seasonal influenza vaccine with Avian Flu samples provided by WHO for experimentation. No explanation was offered as to how the sample got from one containment building to another containment building which the vaccines were manufacture. Potential Defendants include: US President Barack Obama; WHO Margaret Chan; US Secretary of Health & Human Services, Kathleen Sibelius; UN System Coordinator for Influenza, David Nabarro; US Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano; David de Rothschild, banker; Werner Faymann, Chancellor of Austria; Alois Stoger, Austrian Health Minister and others who Burgemeister states created, and belong to, an international corporate criminal syndicate which has “developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological weapons to eliminate the population of the US and other countries for financial and political gain.”
Burgemeister charges that the possible defendants “conspired with each other and others to devise, fund and participate in the final phase of the implementation of a covert international bioweapons program involving the pharmaceutical companies Baxter and Novartis.”
We don’t know who to believe but we are more apt to believe information coming from a source that has no hidden agenda; which is the case for NVIC. In the case of Burgemeister, why would anyone take such risks unless solid and obvious evidence existed?
.2. Our national media recently released information which indicates that the people mandating and recommending the “Swine Flu” inoculations hold financial interests in the companies producing and selling the vaccines. This would strongly indicate that the flu vaccine national emergency directives were/are economically motivated.
3. The alleged deplorable actions taken against one Professor Joseph Moshe, who it is said told a reporter that he was a microbiologist who had evidence for the States Attorney regarding tainted swine flu vaccine strains and a planned Ukrainian pandemic are unacceptable. The situation is shocking and appalling. Moshe claimed to have information showing that the vaccine produced by Baxter was actually designed as a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. It appears he was arrested and deported before he could make the information available.
The video recording, readily available, of his detainment seems impossible to have happened to those of us who believe we live in a free country. The events and information surrounding his “capture” are available on YouTube and many other sites. It is something you would expect to see in a totally tyrannical, oppressive dictatorship; not in our once beloved United States of America.
I believe the information contained in the reports and videos surrounding Moshe’s capture to be true; particularly since we have received no information to the contrary. I’m reluctant to want to be a party to such treatment; yet I am a party to it if I do nothing to prevent its re-occurrence. I am ashamed that my country would treat someone this way.
4. It has been reported that Baxter BioPharma Solutions has admitted that they made a “mistake” by sending tainted vaccine materials to 18 countries. Destiny intervened when Czech laboratory personnel decided to test the vaccine, only to find that it was lethal. Many people believe that since Baxter adheres to BS3 bio-safety levels, no such “mistake” could have been accidental! Reports about the incident claim that “such a monumental screw-up was totally impossible at that level. Many safety systems would have needed to be sabotaged; many key personnel would need to be bribed. It simply could not be done without direction from the inside.”
5. Daily new cases have reported that people are being maimed, crippled, handicapped and killed through the forced and blanket use of this current untested vaccine. The reports of spontaneous abortions are particularly troubling. More caution, more safety, more assurances and constructive outcomes that will encourage trust and certainly more testing needs to be done. Exploiting a trusting public for financial gain is reprehensible and indefensible. I am convinced that from our future, we will look upon these events as equal appalling as sacrificing virgins for a good crop.
6. I have evaluated the voice profiles of high ranking officials and medical authorities who are encouraging people to run out and get an unproven vaccine before they are no longer available. I am finding increasing and deepening discrepancies in what they are saying with words compared to what is being conveyed by the frequency analysis of their vocal biomarkers. This information is available to the public and can be found on our web sites.
7. The predicted Fall Season “Swine Flu” threat is likely at an end but what about the next threat/bioweapon that will be thrust upon us? Let us stand united to rebuke “top-down” policies that are not in the best interests of the people.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharry Edwards, MEd
Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound Health – Journal of BioAcoustic Biology
The frequencies presented here are for the purposes of research and should remain in public use. The information contained herein is not intended for sale or use by any ill intentioned entity or person.
*Frequency Equivalent™ – a numeric representation of a person, place, emotion or thing. A term of use coined by Sharry Edwards MEd for use with her work in Human BioAcoustics and Vocal Profiling.
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F. William Engdahl is one of my favorite people: he is a powerful investigative reporter with an unerring eye and ear for where the dirt lies in the globalist agenda, and the ability to ferret it out and share it with the world. I nominate Mr. Engdahl for the Health Freedom Hall of Fame for his urgently needed and vitally important piece on the enormous corruption at the World Health Organization which could, without our collective intervention to control it, result in the death of literally billions of people.
Fact: WHO was granted powers under the International Health Regulations, signed by 194 countries, which went into effect in June, 2007, to assume political and other powers in every country in the world if a Level 6 Pandemic were ever to be declared.
Fact: WHO has determined that sustainability is a global goal, but defines that sustainability as achievable only if the population of Earth is reduced by 80 to (optimally) 90% of the population.
FACT: WHO is one of the two supporting agencies which runs, funds, administers and oversees Codex Alimentarius
FACT: WHO is a private corporation, not a government or even a UN organization. It is answerable to its stockholders and its funders.
FACT: WHO receives more than 2/3 of its funding from Big Pharma, which sits on its counsels and advises it in its “decisions”, including the decision to declare a level 6 Pandemic and the need for [hugely profitable, totally unnecessary and unsafe] vaccines to “prevent” the Pandemic.
FACT: WHO ordered the use of adjuvants including squalene, in high doses, which cause serious and potentially lethal disease and immune mediated infertility in those who receive it by injection.
FACT: Just as the FED serves the limited, narrow and anti-ordinary-people interests of the elite, so the WHO serves the same interests. The FED has been control of our economy. WHO has been given control of our health and our very survival. It is time for WHO to die. Nothing else will solve the problem. I do not believe that the WHO can be redeemed. My dreams for 2010 include the withdrawal of the United States from the WHO, the UN and, whether that happens or not, I want to see the WHO dissolved. Permanently.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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Mega Corruption Scandal At The WHO
By F. William Engdahl
The man with the nickname “Dr Flu”, Professor Albert Osterhaus, of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam Holland has been named by Dutch media researchers as the person at the center of the worldwide Swine Flu H1N1 Influenza A 2009 pandemic hysteria. Not only is Osterhaus the connecting person in an international network that has been described as the Pharma Mafia, he is THE key advisor to WHO on influenza and is intimately positioned to personally profit from the billions of euros in vaccines allegedly aimed at H1N1.
Earlier this year the Second Chamber of the Netherlands Parliament undertook an investigation into alleged conflicts of interest and financial improprieties of the well-known Dr. Osterhaus. Outside of Holland and the Dutch media, the only note of the sensational investigation into Osterhaus’ business affairs came in a tiny note in the respected British magazine, Science.
Osterhaus’s credentials and expertise in his field were not in question. What is in question, according to a short report published by the journal Science, are his links to corporate interests that stand to potentially profit from the swine flu pandemic. Science carried the following brief note in its October 16 2009 issue about Osterhaus:
” For the past 6 months, one could barely switch on the television in the Netherlands without seeing the face of famed virus hunter Albert Osterhaus talking about the swine flu pandemic. Or so it has seemed. Osterhaus, who runs an internationally renowned virus lab at Erasmus Medical Center, has been Mr. Flu. But last week, his reputation took a nosedive after it was alleged that he has been stoking pandemic fears to promote his own business interests in vaccine development.Last week, his reputation took a nosedive after it was alleged that he has been stoking pandemic fears to promote his own business interests in vaccine development. As Science went to press, the Dutch House of Representatives had even slated an emergency debate about the matter.”
On November 3, 2009 it appeared that Osterhaus emerged with at least the damage somewhat under control. An updated Science blog noted, “The House of Representatives of the Netherlands today rejected a motion asking the government to sever all ties with virologist Albert Osterhaus of Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, who had been accused of conflicts of interest in his role as a government adviser. But Dutch health minister Ab Klink, meanwhile, announced a “Sunshine Act” compelling scientists to disclose their financial ties to companies.”
The Minister, Ab Klink, reportedly a personal friend of Osterhaus, subsequently issued a statement on the ministry’s website, claiming that Osterhaus was but one of many scientific advisers to the ministry on vaccines for H1N1, and that the Ministry “knew” about the financial interests of Osterhaus. Nothing out of the ordinary, merely pursuit of science and public health, so it seemed.
More careful investigation into the Osterhaus Affair suggests that the world-renowned Dutch Virologist may be at the very center of a multi-billion Euro pandemic fraud which has used human beings in effect as human guinea pigs with untested vaccines and in cases now emerging, resulting in deaths or severe bodily paralysis or injury.
The ‘Bird Shit Hoax’
Albert Osterhaus is no small fish. He stands at the global nexus of every major virus panic of the past decade from the mysterious SARS deaths in HongKong, where current WHO Director Margaret Chan got her start in her career as a local health official. According to his official bio at the European Commission, Osterhaus was engaged in April 2003, at the height of the panic over SARS (Severe Acquired Respiratory Syndrome) in investigation of the Hong Kong outbreak of respiratory illnesses. The EU report states, “he again showed his skill at moving fast to tackle a serious problem. Within three weeks he had proved that the disease was caused by a newly discovered coronavirus that resides in civet cats, other carnivorous animals or bats.”
Then Osterhaus moved on as SARS cases vanished from view, this time publicizing dangers of what he claimed was H5N1 Avian Flu. In 1997 he had already began sounding the alarm following the death in Hong Kong of a three-year-old who Osterhaus learned had had direct contact with birds. Osterhaus went into high gear lobbying across Holland and Europe claiming that a deadly new mutation of avian flu had jumped to humans and that drastic measures were required. He claimed to be the first scientist in the world to show that H5N1 could be transferred into humans.
In a BBC interview in October 2005 on the danger of Avian Flu, Osterhaus declared, “if the virus manages indeed to, to mutate itself in such a way that it can transmit from human to human, then we have a completely different situation, we might be at the start of the pandemic.” He added, “there is a real chance that this virus could be trafficked by the birds all the way to Europe. There is a real risk, but nobody can estimate the risk at this moment, because we haven’t done the experiments.” It never did manage to mutate, but he was ready to “do the experiments,” presumably for a hefty fee.
To bolster his frightening pandemic scenario, Osterhaus and his lab assistants in Rotterdam began assiduously assembling and freezing samples of, well, bird shit, in an attempt to build a more scientific argument. He claimed that at certain times of the year up to 30% of all European birds acted as carriers of the deadly avian virus, H5N1. He also claimed that farmers working with hens and chickens were then exposed. Osterhaus briefed journalists who dutifully noted his alarm. Politicians were alerted. He wrote papers proposing that the far away deaths in Asia from what he termed H5N1 were coming to Europe, presumably on the wongs or in the innards of deadly sick infected birds. He claimed that migratory birds were carrying the deadly new disease as far west as Rügen and Ukraine. He conveniently ignored the fact that birds do not migrate east to west but rather north to south.
Osterhaus’ Avian Flu alarm campaign really took off in 2003 when a Dutch veterinary doctor became ill and died. Osterhaus claimed the death was from H5N1. He convinced the Dutch government to order slaughter of millions of chickens. Yet no other infected persons died from the alleged H5N1. Osterhaus claimed that that was simply proof of the effectiveness of the preemptive slaughter campaign.
Osterhaus claimed that bird feces were the source, via air bombardment or droppings, onto populations and birds below. That was the vehicle for the spread of the deadly new Asian strain of H5N1 he insisted.
There was only one problem with the now voluminous frozen samples of diverse bird excrement he and his associated had collected and frozen at his institute. There was not one single confirmed example of H5N1 virus found in any of his samples. At a May 2006 Congress of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), Osterhaus and his Erasmus colleagues were forced to admit that in testing 100,000 samples of their assiduously saved bird feces, they had discovered not one single case of H5N1 virus.
At a WHO conference in Verona in 2008 titled “Avian influenza at the Human-Animal Interface,” in a presentation to scientific colleagues undoubtedly less impressed by appeals to pandemic emotion than the non-scientific public, Osterhaus admitted that “A proper risk assessment of H5N1 as the cause of a new pandemic cannot be made with the currently available information.” By then, however, his sights were already firmly on other possible pandemic triggers to focus his vaccination activities.
Swine Flu and WHO corruption
When no mass wave of human deaths from Avian Flu materialized and after Roche, maker of Tamiflu and GlaxoSmithKline had banked billions of dollars in profits from worldwide government stockpiling of their dangerous and reportedly ineffective antiviral drugs, Tamiflu by Roche, and Relenza by GlaxoSmithKline, Osterhaus and other WHO advisers turned to other greener pastures.
By April 2009 their search seemed rewarded as La Gloria, a small Mexican village in Veracruz, reported a case of a small child ill with what had been diagnosed as “Swine Flu” or H1N1. With indecent haste the propaganda apparatus of the World Health Organization in Geneva went into gear with statements from the director-general Dr Margaret Chan, about a possible danger of a global pandemic.
Chan made such irresponsible statements as declaring “a public health emergency of international concern.” The further cases of outbreak at La Gloria Mexico were reported on one medical website as, “a ‘strange’ outbreak of acute respiratory infection, which led to bronchial pneumonia in some pediatric cases. According to a local resident, symptoms included fever, severe cough, and large amounts of phlegm.”
Notably those were symptoms which would make sense in terms of the proximity of one of the world’s largest pig industrial feeding concentrations at La Gloria owned by Smithfield Farms of the USA. Residents had picketed the Smithfield Farms site in Mexico for months complaining of severe respiratory problems from the fecal waste lagoons. That possible cause of the diseases in La Gloria apparently did not interest Osterhaus and his colleagues advising the WHO. The long-awaited “pandemic” that Osterhaus had predicted ever since his involvement with SARS in the Guandgong Province of China in 2003, was now finally at hand.
On June 11, 2009 Margaret Chan of WHO made the declaration of a Phase 6 “Pandemic Emergency” regarding the spread of H1N1 Influenza. Curiously in announcing it, she noted, “On present evidence, the overwhelming majority of patients experience mild symptoms and make a rapid and full recovery, often in the absence of any form of medical treatment.” She then added, “Worldwide, the number of deaths is smallwe do not expect to see a sudden and dramatic jump in the number of severe or fatal infections.”
It later was learned that Chan acted, following heated debates inside WHO, on the advice of the scientific advisory group of WHO, or SAGE, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts. One of the members of SAGE at the time and today was Dr. Albert “Mr Flu” Osterhaus.
Not only was Osterhaus in a key position to advocate the panic-inducing WHO “Pandemic emergency” declaration. He was also chairman of the leading private European Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI), which describes itself as a “multidisciplinary group of key opinion leaders in influenza [that] aims to combat the impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza.” Osterhaus’ ESWI is the vital link as they themselves describe it, “between the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin and the University of Connecticut, USA.”
What is more significant about the ESWI is that its work is entirely financed by the same pharma mafia companies that make billions on the pandemic emergency as governments around the world are compelled to buy and stockpile vaccines on declaration of a WHO Pandemic. The funders of ESWI include H1N1 vaccine maker Novartis, Tamiflu distributor, Hofmann-La Roche, Baxter Vaccines, MedImmune, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Pasteur and others.
Not to lose the point, the world-leading virologist, official adviser on H1N1 to the governments of the UK and Holland, Dr Albert Osterhaus, head of the Department of Virology at the Erasmus Medical College of Rotterdam, also sat on the WHO’s elite SAGE and served as chairman at the same time of the pharma industry-sponsored ESWI, which in turn urged dramatic steps to vaccinate the world against the grave danger of a new Pandemic they insisted could rival the feared 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.
The Wall Street bank, JP Morgan, estimated that in large part as a result of the WHO pandemic decision, the giant pharma firms that also finance Osterhaus’ ESWI work, stand to reap some ¤7.5 to ¤10 billion in profits.
A fellow member of WHO’s SAGE is Dr Frederick Hayden, of Britain’s Wellcome Trust and reportedly a close friend of Osterhaus. Hayden also receives money for “advisory” services from Roche and GlaxoSmithKline among other pharma giants involved in producing products related to the H1N1 panic.
Chairman of WHO’s SAGE is another British scientist, Prof. David Salisbury of the UK Department of Health. He also heads the WHO H1N1 Advisory Group. Salisbury is a robust defender of the pharma industry. He has been accused by UK health citizen health group One Click of covering up the proven links between vaccines and an explosive rise in infant autism as well as links between the vaccine Gardasil and palsy and even death.
Then on September 28, 2009 the same Salisbury stated, “There is a very clear view in the scientific community that there is no risk from the inclusion of Thiomersal.” The vaccine being used for H1N1 in Britain is primarily produced by GlaxoSmithKlilne. It contains the mercury preservative Thiomersol. Because of growing evidence that Thiomersol in vaccines might be related to autism in children in the United States, in 1999 the American Academy of Pediatrics and the US Public Health Service called for it to be removed from vaccines.
Yet another SAGE member at WHO with intimate financial ties to the vaccine makers that benefit from SAGE’s recommendations to WHO is Dr. Arnold Monto, a paid consultant to vaccine maker MedImmune, Glaxo and ViroPharma.
Even more, the meetings of the “independent” scientists of SAGE are attended by “observers” who include, yes, the very vaccine producers GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Baxter and company. One might ask if the SAGE are supposed to be the world’s leading experts on flu and vaccines, why they would ask the vaccine makers to sit in.
In the past decade the WHO, in order to boost funds at its disposal entered into what it calls “public private partnerships.” Instead of receiving its funds solely from member United Nations governments as its original purpose had been, WHO today receives almost double its normal UN budget in the form of grants and financial support from private industry. The industry? The very drug and vaccine makers who benefit from decisions like the June 2009 H1N1 Pandemic emergency declaration. As the main financiers of the WHO bureaucracy, naturally the Pharma Mafia and their friends receive what has been called “open door red carpet treatment” in Geneva.
In an interview with Der Spiegel magazine in Germany, epidemiologist Dr. Tom Jefferson of the Cochrane Collaboration, an organization of independent scientists evaluating all flu related studies, noted the implications of the privatization of WHO and the commercialization of health:
“one of the extraordinary features of this influenza — and the whole influenza saga — is that there are some people who make predictions year after year, and they get worse and worse. None of them so far have come about, and these people are still there making these predictions. For example, what happened with the bird flu, which was supposed to kill us all? Nothing. But that doesn’t stop these people from always making their predictions. Sometimes you get the feeling that there is a whole industry almost waiting for a pandemic to occur.
SPIEGEL: Who do you mean? The World Health Organization (WHO)?
Jefferson: The WHO and public health officials, virologists and the pharmaceutical companies. They’ve built this machine around the impending pandemic. And there’s a lot of money involved, and influence, and careers, and entire institutions! And all it took was one of these influenza viruses to mutate to start the machine grinding…
When asked if the WHO had deliberately declared the Pandemic Emergency in order to create a huge market for H1N1 vaccines and drugs, Jefferson replied,
“Don’t you think there’s something noteworthy about the fact that the WHO has changed its definition of pandemic? The old definition was a new virus, which went around quickly, for which you didn’t have immunity, and which created a high morbidity and mortality rate. Now the last two have been dropped, and that’s how swine flu has been categorized as a pandemic.”
Conveniently enough, the WHO published the new Pandemic definition in April 2009 just in time to allow WHO, on advice of SAGE and others like Albert “Dr Flu” Osterhaus and David Salisbury, to declare the mild cases of flu dubbed H1N1 Influenza A to be declared Pandemic Emergency.
In a relevant footnote, the Washington Post on December 8 in an article on the severity, or lack of same, of the world H1N1 “pandemic” reported that, “with the second wave of H1N1 infections having crested in the United States, leading epidemiologists are predicting that the pandemic could end up ranking as the mildest since modern medicine began documenting influenza outbreaks.”
Russian Parliamentarian and chairman of the Duma Health Committee, Igor Barinow has called on the Russian Representative to WHO in Geneva to order an official investigation into the growing evidence of massive corruption of the WHO by the pharmaceutical industry. “There are grave accusations of corruption within the WHO,” said Barinow. “An international commission of inquiry is urgently required.”
Martin Enserink, In Holland, the Public Face of Flu Takes a Hit,
Science, 16 October 2009:
Vol. 326. no. 5951, pp. 350 351; DOI: 10.1126/science.326_350b.
Science, November 3, 2009, Roundup 11/3 The Brink Edition, accessed on
Article from Dutch, De Farma maffia Deel 1 Osterhaus BV, 28 november 2009, accessed in
Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport, Financiële belangen Osterhaus waren bekend
Nieuwsbericht, 30 september 2009, accessed in
European Commission, “Research”, Dr Albert Osterhaus, accessed in
Jane Corbin, Interview with Dr Albert Osterhaus, BBC Panorama, 4 October, 2005.
Karin Steinberger, Vogelgrippe: Der Mann mit der Vogelperspektive, Seuddeutsche Zeitung, 20 October, 2005, accessed in
“” panorama/8/373818/text/.
Schweinegrippe-Geldgieriger Psychopath Auslöser der Pandemie?, accessed in
Ab Osterhaus, External factors influencing H5N1 mutation/reassortment events with pandemic potential, OIE, 7-9 October 2008, Verona, Italy, accessed in
WHO Health Advisory, April 2009, accessed in HYPERLINK “”
Biosurveillance, Swine Flu in Mexico- Timeline of Events, April 24, 2009, accessed in
Cited in Louise Voller, Kristian Villesen, Stærk lobbyisme bag WHO-beslutning om massevaccination , Information, Copenhagen, 15 November 2009 accessed in
Jane Bryant, et al, The One Click Group Response: Prof. David Salisbury Threatens Legal Action, 4 March, 2009, accessed in
Prof. David Salisbury cited in, Swine flu vaccine to contain axed additive, London Evening Standard, 28 September 2009, accessed in .
Bert Ehgartner, Schwindel mit der Schweinegrippe Ist die Aufregung ein Coup der Pharmaindustrie? Accessed in
Tom Jefferson, Interview with Epidemiologist Tom Jefferson: ‘A Whole Industry Is Waiting For A Pandemic’ Der Spiegel, 21 July 2009, accessed in,1518,637119,00.html.
Louise Voller, Kristian Villesen, Mystisk ændring af WHO’s definition af en pandemi,Copenhagen Information, 15 November 2009, accessed in
Rob Stein, Flu Pandemic Could Be Mild, Washington Post, December 8, 2009.
Polskanet, Russland fordert internationale Untersuchung, 5 December 2009, accessed in
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™,
Health Freedom: The Enduring Opposition to Forced Vaccination
Guest Blog By Paul G. King, PhD
Natural Solutions Foundation is proud to be the initiating organization and a principle plaintiff in the Stop the Shot law suit to prevent the FDA from using dangerous, improperly tested and ineffective vaccines either for influenza in general or specifically for the virus created in a laboratory and loosed on the world as if it were a genuine killer pandemic virus, A/2009/H1N1 or Swine Flu. And, as our advisers and co-plaintiffs, we are deeply fortunate to have a team of outstanding lawyers and scientists who have been with us every step of the way, perfecting this critically important legal challenge to bad science, failed public policy and commercialized, but potentially deadly science. One of those advisers is the remarkable Paul G. King, PhD. His credentials and professional experience are impressive. See to be impressed,
But far, far more impressive to me is his passion for freedom, for truth and for scientific accuracy. Dr. King is the Scientific Adviser for CoMeD, the Coalition for Mercury Free Drugs,, and is principle adviser in their legal effort to protect mothers and babies from mercury-containing vaccinations since the dangers of mercury to the fetus are widely recognized and very well known except, of course, to Federal and State Officialdom.
His passion for truth is exceeded only by his passionate belief in the power of that truth if we, the People, persist in our quest for that truth and for our enduring freedom. We of the Natural Solutions Foundation share that passion and that belief. So it is a great pleasure to share with you Dr. King’s resounding statement of the reason that we who question vaccination and who vehemently oppose mandatory medical treatment of any sort, even if we favor it, are already the victors in this battle for truth and freedom and how that victory will manifest!
And it will, you know. We, the people questioning vaccinations, especially untested novel ones, will be the majority. Here is why and here is how.
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Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the MoonTM Eco Demonstration Project
Health Freedom: The Enduring Opposition to Forced Vaccination
By Paul G. King, PhD
“Never, never, never give up” — Sir Winston Churchill
Arrayed against today’s forced-vaccination mandates stands a small, but growing, group of hundreds of doctors, lawyers, nurses, researchers, scientists, teachers, and other professionals who are affected by various vaccine issues.
Behind this growing group stand hundreds of thousands of citizens who, at a minimum, have a possibly vaccine-damaged child, grandchild, niece, nephew, brother, sister, first, second, third or fourth cousin, other family member, or a friend or acquaintance who has one or more of these injured persons in their family.
Moreover, the public officials and others behind vaccination mandates, such as the ones in New Jersey, West Virginia and US Air Force daycare centers, have consciously chosen to use their “control” of the governmental health agencies and the mainstream media to ridicule any who oppose their near-religious, but scientifically unsupported, belief in the sanctity of vaccines and mandated vaccination programs.
In addition, these individuals are blind to the flaws in most of the vaccines and vaccination programs.
The flaws include:
– The need for multiple doses to provide “protection” from the “disease” or “disease component”,
– The limited duration of the protection provided,
– The lack of any protection for some percentage of those vaccinated,
– The need for “booster” doses, and
– The serious collateral damage to the immune, neurological and other systems of some who are inoculated with vaccines from the non-disease components in the vaccine (e.g., Thimerosal, polymeric hydroxyaluminum compounds, gelatin, egg protein, extraneous DNA, adventitious viruses, cell debris, and formaldehyde – to name a few).
Worse, they have conveniently “forgotten” the established Public Health principle that no vaccine should even be recommended for a mass vaccination program unless, including the worst-case long-term costs from the adverse events that that vaccine may cause, the vaccination program is truly cost effective.
Moreover, these vaccination apologists have “forgotten” that those who oppose forced vaccination range from:
– Those who simply oppose such mandates on constitutional grounds to:
– Those who oppose mass inoculation for vaccines for diseases, like influenza and herpes Varicella zoster, where the vaccines are not clinically effective, much less cost effective, to:
– Those who are simply opposed to forcing anyone to get any vaccine under any circumstance because:
—Vaccination violates their deeply held religious/ philosophical beliefs or
—Based on their research and study,
– Vaccines cause more long-term chronic disease, harm and death than the few childhood diseases for which we have a vaccine that is truly cost-
effective to use for mass vaccination, and/or
– Exposure to these childhood diseases is safer than inoculation with a vaccine for a childhood disease because:
– In a truly healthy environment where: a) there is no smallpox; b) measles and rubella are rare; c) there have been no confirmed diphtheria cases or paralytic polio cases in the last half decade; and d) tetanus occurs mostly in the elderly, the risk of harm from the disease is vanishingly small and/or,
– Several of mass childhood vaccination programs are not cost effective (e.g., the programs for: herpes Varicella zoster, rotavirus, and seasonal influenza) and/or
– Several vaccines are not effective in preventing those inoculated from contracting the disease (e.g., the current live virus vaccines for influenza and rotavirus, which give all of those inoculated an infection of the disease against which those being inoculated are supposed to be being protected) and/or
– Once you have had:
a) a mumps infection on both sides of your neck, or
b) a pertussis infection promptly treated with the appropriate antibiotics, or
c) a promptly treated rotavirus infection, or d) an untreated acute Hepatitis A or B or an untreated HPV infection from which you recover, you have near-lifetime immunity, and/or
– For many reasons, vaccines provide, at best, only limited protection and/or only limited-duration protection from contracting a “vaccine preventable” disease if they are subsequently exposed to it, and/or,
– Vaccines weaken rather than strengthen the capability of the immune systems of those who are inoculated with said vaccines to differentiate between self and not self – significantly contributing to the observed increases in a variety of immune and autoimmune diseases that, before 1950 where very rare (< 1 in10,000) but are increasingly common (e.g., asthma occurring at a rate of about 1 in 9 in today’s vaccinated children), and/or - In today’s environment in America, healthy kids should contract the remaining “vaccine preventable” childhood diseases to which those born in America before 1950 were most certainly exposed, and/or to: - Those who hold some combination of the preceding views or other vaccine-questioning views. Finally, it is important to understand that, today, with each attempt to compel some group to be inoculated with some vaccine(s), the number of people who oppose forced vaccination grows along with the public’s: - Loss of trust in vaccination and - Determination to: ---Actively oppose forced vaccination and, increasingly, most vaccination programs, and ---Teach their children and all with whom they are acquainted to oppose: - The forced vaccination that is currently imposed on any group as well as - Any and all attempts to increase vaccine mandates. Thus, unless the Establishment abandons its attempts to mandate vaccination on additional groups and reverses course by making all vaccination voluntary with incentives for those vaccines that are reasonably safe and truly cost effective, then, not tomorrow, but in the not-too-distant future, the number of people that are opposed to forced vaccination will grow until they are the majority. In closing, let us remind the establishment that we, the People, know the value of Benjamin Franklin’s admonishment, “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately”. Moreover, on the issue of forced vaccination, though diverse in our views on vaccines and vaccination, we, the People, shall hang together and continue to grow our numbers daily. Furthermore, we understand Franklin’s admonishment “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”. Therefore, we are striving to take back all of the essential liberties that, since September 11, 2001, if not before, the federal government has been, and is, attempting to take from us. Let us remind the federal government and the governments of the states that the Constitution of the United States of America begins by stating: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”. Moreover, the Tenth Amendment clearly states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”. However, though the Federal Courts have repeatedly recognized the coercive police powers of the “States” in the area of forced vaccination, we, the People, have not forgotten that we, the People, who are citizens of these “States”: - Retain the powers not delegated by us to the federal government or to the “States” and - Also, directly or indirectly, retain the right to retake any power that we have delegated to the “States” or, for that matter, to any other governmental unit. Further, let all be assured that, no matter what the cost or how long it may take, we, the People, will: a) stop the attempts to mandate more vaccines and b) roll back all vaccination mandates where, in the United States of America, mass vaccination is not truly cost-effective when all the costs are considered. Therefore, we will resist until we, the People, become the majority in all of the States, Commonwealths, Districts and Territories. Then, we will: a) outlaw all mandatory vaccination programs in America and b) only allow voluntary “opt in” vaccination policies. Awakened from our complacence, we, the People, who oppose forced vaccination and our children, and our children’s children unto seven generations and beyond, will: Never, never, never, never, never, never give up until forced vaccination is universally banned everywhere in the United States of America.
– Paul G. King
Natural Solutions Foundation,
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It’s a big universe and amazing coincidences do happen.
But the coincidence of the same genes occurring in the “Novel” A/2009/H1N1 virus which supposedly arose without known precedent on a pig farm in Veracruz, Mexico in April, 2009 and
~ Baxter, Novartis and GSK entering patents for the novel virus, which did not yet exist, between 2006 and 2008
~ Novartis’ A/2009/H1N1 vaccine being pulled from the shelves by the FDA in February, 2009 for “labeling inconsistencies”
~ “Lost” pandemic genes from the 1918 “Spanish” Flu (which was not Spanish at all, but born and bred in the good ole’ USA in the heart of Kansas at Ft. Riley) appearing in the “Novel” virus. That means, if we are to believe the official story of the “Novel” virus appearing out of nowhere, that the genetic sequence lost to the world after the end of the Spanish Influenza Pandemic (which killed nearly 50 million people world wide) suddenly reappeared in the “Novel A/2009/H1N1 virus, whole and in tact, by the magic of re-assortment, or natural selection or the roll of the genetic dice or the luck of the viral draw. Oddly, that most deadly of genetic sequences, lost to the world until a frozen Alute woman was exhumed and deprived of some of her contaminated lung tissue, was recreated in 2005 after nearly a decade of painstaking, US Government-sponsored genetic sleuthing to find and then recreate it by Dr. J. K. Taubenberger and associates and now just happens, HAPPENS, mind you, to show up in the brand new, never before seen “Novel” A/2009/H1N1 virus. WOW! Somebody thinks we are collectively dumber than the dumbest rock.
I, for one, take personal offense that anyone would believe that we are that dumb. Come on! Rocks aren’t that dumb!
Well, frankly, this level of “coincidence”, is just too great for me, and for the virologists who have examined the “Novel” A/2009/H1N1 virus, to buy into. They, and I, and probably you, too, are not buying it. Credulity just does not stretch that far. Einstein, in refuting Neils Bohr’s very new quantum mechanics, said, “God does not play dice with the Universe.” No, but perhaps WHO and the globalists think that they do.
Perhaps buying into this unscientific absurdity works for someone whose attention is diverted by economic catastrophy or dulled by fluoride in their water, toothpaste, psychoactive drugs, herbicides and other toxic inputs. Buy you and I both know the level of coincidence here pushes the credibility envelope and the bursts it wide open.
Now we are to believe that the vaccines hastily prepared (unless they were, in fact, prepared at leisure and the “we are working as fast as ever we can to have them ready!” business was simply a marketing ploy as the now-famous recording of a CFR conference,, in which this approach is documented to audience laughter strongly suggests). I must say, I am proud that the Natural Solutions Foundation is such a major part as part of the “anti vaccine” contingent which is having the massive impact which the CFR panel and audience decry.
Thanks for making our ‘Hesitate before you Vaccinate’ message enough of a threat that the mighty CFR, the Council on Foreign Relations, which figures so prominently in the affairs of the globalist elite, created by it, run by it and influencing events and nations, life, death and war, for it, takes us into account is is worried about our push back. Dang! We ARE good!
Thanks for your activism. It is a great cause, health freedom, and we are winning! Health Freedom is, after all, our first freedom.
Oh, by the way, CFR does not have to ask millions of people for small contributions to keep going. We do. Please give generously and give Valley of the Moon(TM) Coffee,, Health Freedom’s OWN Coffee, to your friends, family and corporate gift list. There are no GMOs, Pesticides, Herbicides or other toxins in this amazing coffee. We grow it in the Highlands of Panama as part of our Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project to reclaim clean, unadulterated food world wide. 80% of your purchase price is tax deductible! Win, win, win! Thanks!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the MoonTM Eco Demonstration Project