Dr. Rima Private Truth Reports
Dr. Rima’s Powerful INFORMED CONSENT Video!
It’s that giving time of the year again. Natural Solutions is sending you this important message for our sister organization, Institute for Health Research, because we support IHR’s efforts to defend Holistic and Advanced Medical Therapies. Please donate generously.
Yours for health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Share this urgent message will all your social media: http://drrimatruthreports.com/compelling-insurers-to-cover-holistic-therapies/
Dear Health Freedom Advocate,
Insurance Companies generally refuse to cover the type of advanced health care that Dr. Rima champions.
They take this stance despite the fact that it is illegal under the Federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 20XX which requires advanced health care be covered on an equal footing with “standard”, that is pharmaceutical. interventions.
It is very difficult to fight the nearly endlessly deep pockets of Big Pharma and Bit Insurance. We are deeply fortunate that one brave doctor is doing exactly that, opening up the possibility of full coverage of the treatments and therapies we believe in.
The case is currently on-going so let’s just call this brave woman, “Dr. P.”
Dr. P. is a colleague of Dr. Rima’s and practices the type of medicine Dr. Rima does. Naturally, she has been attacked by a very big Insurance Company. The case has been pending for two years and is now about to come to trial in January… if Dr. P can afford to continue to fight.
Dr. P.’s associate, who owned the clinic where Dr. P. served as Medical Director has been driven into bankruptcy by the costs of the battle so far.
The Institute of Health Research has been working with Dr. P., providing legal research and strategic input and, though a Fundly campaign, enough money to keep her vitally important case against medical tyranny, insurance style, on the front burner so she could pay for the expert witnesses necessary for her case.
Frankly, her case is also yours because if she prevails in Court, not only the very large company suing her, but other companies as well, will be forced to cover REAL medicine, not just drug medicine, on an equal footing. This is a crucial court case and we need to win it.
This phase of our battle, with courageous Dr. P. at the head, will cost at least $25,000.
When we win – and I believe we have a good chance to do just that, good doctors like Dr. Rima and Dr. P. will be able to recommend and prescribe holistic therapies as they do now AND PATIENTS WILL BE REIMBURSED THROUGH INSURANCE POLICIES FOR WHICH THEY HAVE PAID!
Think about what that could do for the very large numbers of people who want advanced and natural medicine, but who cannot afford out of pocket fees for that safe, gentle and effective care!
Your Most Generous Donation is Needed Here:
[We understand from some donors that Fundly is difficult to use. You can donate directly to the Institute using this link: https://www.paypal.me/InstHealthReseach (yes, ‘research’ is misspelled)]
You can read more about the case at the Institute web site, www.InHeRe.org — just scroll down to “ACA Case.”
As an attorney, I have studied this case very carefully. Let me tell you why I believe we have such a good legal basis for our anticipated victory. The Affordable Care Act — the ACA — has a “Provider Nondiscrimination” provision that requires Big Insurance to cover the types of therapies that good doctors like Dr. Rima and Dr. P. want to use. The legal provision is Section 2706(a). The law is clear.
It clearly states: “…a health insurance issuer …shall not discriminate with respect to participation under the plan or coverage against any health care provider who is acting within the scope of that provider’s license or certification under applicable state law.” [1]
Every one of the Big Insurance Companies, tied tightly to the pharmaceutical industry, have been flouting and violating the law, illegally refusing to pay for the therapies that their customers want – and need. The federal agency which oversees the provision is doing nothing. Absolutely nothing.
They actually state on the official web site for the provision that the agency does not intend to issue regulations to enforce the law, relying instead on the “good faith” and “reasonableness” of Big Insurance! [2]
We know what that means. It means the only way the law will be obeyed by Big Insurance is if Courts order the law obeyed. So far, no one has brought a case to enforce Provider Nondiscrimination. Dr. P’s case involves Provider Nondiscrimination as a defense. By winning her case, all patients and all doctors benefit. They will finally have the assurance that the insurance for which they pay billions will cover the therapies they want.
That’s the bottom line. The crony corporate government buddies of Big Pharma and Big Insurance will only act on the compulsion of the Courts. And Dr. P. is in that arena right now.
We need your donations to continue this landmark case. Every donation helps. Small donations add up quickly. Of course, If you are the Angel willing to donate a substantial portion (or the full amount we need), please let me know immediately.
Here’s the link. Give now. Give generously. Your life and the life of someone you love could be impacted by whether we can bring this case to Court and secure the victory that I believe we may very well bring home.
It’s that time of year again: “the giving time”. And Dr. P.’s case, which is really a gift to all of us who believe in health freedom, needs your generosity.
Without that generosity, nothing will change.
Act now: we are on the verge of real access to real health care in the coming year. We are so very close to winning.
If Not Us, Then Who?
Yours in health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Institute for Health Research
[1] https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/300gg-5
[2] https://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/Fact-Sheets-and-FAQs/aca_implementation_faqs15
Open Letter to Progressives from a
Truly Progressive Physician: Rima E. Laibow, MD
Yes, You CAN Make Things Better.
Serious threats to our health and freedom of choice are everywhere but a careful analysis makes it clear that the first and deepest issue is, “Who controls my body, what happens to it, what goes into it and what doesn’t?”
Of course, the answer should be “I do!”
But the self-styled oligarchs, the so-called ‘elite’, think they do. They want you to eat contaminated food with poisons like Glyphosate. They think they can force profitable – and dangerous – so-called medical ‘care’ on you and your family even if you choose a natural path. They happily fill the skies over your head with toxic garbage and, in general, destroy your ability to make those choices for yourself and your loved ones.
Not so fast, Mr/Ms Oligarch!
Our deep right to own our own bodies (and determine what happens to our minor children) is the basis for personal health freedom and all, in fact, for ALL personal choice.
That right has a special name and a special place in both national and international law – it’s called Informed Consent.
Although the oligarchs act as if there were no such thing, in fact, you ALREADY have the right to Informed Consent and everything that springs from it – If you can hold onto it!
That’s what Natural Solutions Foundation is all about.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Rima E. Laibow, MD, and I am the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF).
I have been practicing absolutely drug free psychiatry and medicine since I was graduated from Medical School in 1970. In 2004 my late husband, Major General Albert (Bert) Stubblebine III and I closed our large New York medical practice to take on these threats to our health freedom directly. We founded NSF to guarantee personal (and policy-based_ health freedom for all of us and have been leaders in this central battle ever since.
I’ll be frank: privatized censorship by social media and search outlets like Facebook, Google, Twitter etc., and Mainstream Media subservience to the official propaganda lines about Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Geoengineering and the rest make our personal participation in sharing information and taking actions more vital than they have ever been before.
That’s why I am inviting you to join our mailing list by filling in this quick form to join us in the urgent struggle to protect our deepest, and most fundamental rights. I will make sure you receive our highly informative Health Freedom eNewsletter.
Safe? FDA Admits Vaccines Transmit Active Cancer Genes!
Vaccines (e.g., “Biologicals”) are messy cocktails of whatever is left after filtration – but not too much filtration, you understand, because that would remove the antigens that SUPPOSEDLY prevent disease.
To make a vaccine you start with the supposed disease-causing virus or bacteria and propagate it (grow it) on something biological like beef heart stew or eggs, aborted fetal cells or cancer cells.
Having created a cocktail of highly variable ingredients, you slosh it around, break up the cells and filter it. But not too much.
And then, since you are a legally exempt vaccine manufacturer whose dirty processes and toxic injections are totally protected from tort (financial damage) liability, you do the absolute minimum to remove stuff like foreign DNA and whole genes that might (read “will”) make the recipient ill in the future.
After all, if they become ill, who gets to sell them drugs? Right! You do!
And then, to make sure that the deadly broth (yes, deadly: every vaccine lists death as an adverse reaction in the leaflet packed with every single vial) even more toxic, you add adjuvants, toxic materials like aluminum hydroxide and, in many vaccines, mercury (still there in flu vaxx, for example) to juice up the immune system’s response.
Cell lines that replicate endlessly are useful in labs because you get the same material to grow things on forever, essentially. Cancer cell lines are ideal for that purpose since cancer is a disease in which cells forget how to control their own growth, how to die.
And fetal cell lines are so eager to grow that they perform almost as well.
These cell lines, however, are often contaminated with tumor-producing viral fragments and cancer genes (that is how they became cancers in the first place). And the ‘filtration-lite’ that liability-free manufacturers perform leaves whole cancer genes and gene fragments in the brew.
Remember, your cancer is highly profitable for these same companies
Your immune system is designed to react strongly negatively to foreign proteins, genes and other materials when they get inside our bodies. That reaction takes many forms, including cancer, inflammation and resulting auto-immune reactions.
That means that those foreign proteins from dirty, careless manufacture, including the whole genes from the diseased cell lines, are injected into a system with a hyped-up immune reaction (thanks to the adjuvants), pretty much guaranteeing vaccine injury, whether slight or catastrophic. These vaccine injuries can be immediate, long-term or latent, showing up decades later.
Don’t forget, this same Fraud and Death Administration knew that Polio Vaccines were contaminated with cancer-causing SV40 virus for decades, without requiring adequate filtration, condemning these 300,000,000 children, worldwide, to a hugely increased risk of cancer, suffering and death.
Cancer epidemic anyone? “Well, yes, thank you, I believe I will!” (says Big Pharma).
We health freedom advocates have been shining the light on this for more than 20 years. And the Fraud and Death Administration, along with its lap dog CDC/ACIP-loving press (also known as the mainstream media, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and other low-integrity organizations) have been pooh-poohing it for that long, despite abundant credible scientific documentation.
Autism? Cancer? Infertility? POTS? Autoimmune Disorders? Asthma?
Neurological Damage of a Dozen Sorts? Diabetes?
“Pish-Tush. If it weren’t safe, would the FDA and CDC allow it?”
You bet they would. And now FDA has been forced to admit that viruses and cancer genes from growth media can lie dormant and activate cancer later: years to decades later.
Safe and effective? Not Only NO — But, HELL NO!
Not according to the Courts and the US’s own Institutes of Medicine (IOM) whose reports repeatedly state that there is no evidence showing that vaccination schedules, multiple vaccinations and repeated vaccinations are even remotely safe.
In fact, IOM’s independent reviews show time and again that there is credible scientific evidence showing that vaccination for anything is dangerous and that proper, legally required safety and efficacy testing has never been done for any vaccine.
Legislation passed in 1986 requires that testing. I repeat: it has never been done. That is because vaccines are neither safe nor effective.
But the globalist juggernaut knows that and so they are rolling out the guns of coercion.
You DO have the right to resist because you DO have the Right of Informed Consent.
You have it, that is, only if you use it. That means you need a properly constructed Advance Directive. You can get one for yourself and one for each member of your family here: https://tinyurl.com/AVDcard
“But what if you get sick and don’t have the vaccine?” people ask.
Good question based on bad science. Vaccines do NOT prevent disease and, in fact, as science clearly shows, increase the likelihood that you will have health problems if you take them.
What I do, what Counsel Ralph does and what other people who understand how infection works do, is make sure that we always have Dr. Rima Recommends Nano Silver 10 PPM on hand. You can get it for yourself and those you care about here: http://NSFmarketplace.com/mainstore
I strongly recommend that you give this gift of protection and strong immune function to anyone you care about.
Nano Silver 10 PPM is tasteless, odorless, does not have to be refrigerated and has a shelf life of pretty much forever.
Frankly, FDA goes nuts when we talk about it because they do not want you to know that you do not need to take antibiotics or succumb to antibiotic resistant organisms.
The truth is that every disease against which my Nano Silver 10 PPM has been tested cannot stand up to this gentle yet powerful solution.
We are facing dangers from compliant lawmakers and policy wonks
on the take and from their toxic syringes.
Stop them with Nano Silver 10 PPM and an Advance Vaccine Directive.
Use these links now and share them with your friends.
Advance Vaccine Directive Card: https://tinyurl.com/AVDcard
Nano Silver 10 PPM: http://NSFmarketplace.com/mainstore
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Share this message with your social media:
Mandatory vaccination is a sham, a scam and a shame because it violates good sense, good science and good law on so many levels that it, as a lawyer friend of mine says, ‘makes your teeth hurt!”
As a licensed physician in the State of New York, which has just promulgated regulations saying that I can issue a vaccine exemption letter IF I use a government-approved form that says that I agree with the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a part of CDC,) justification for an exemption, and only if I sign that document on behalf of my patient’s exemption. ACIP says that, in essence, the ONLY reason for a vaccine exemption is a previous analphylactic reaction to a vaccine shot. That’s it! So the previously unvaccinated have NO possibility of a valid exemption and only those who have been “lucky” enough to survive a life-threatening immediate reaction to a vaccine qualify.
Wait! It gets worse. After signing this medically and logically ridiculous document, my clinical judgement would then have to be reviewed and accepted (or not, of course) by a functionary in the State Department of Health who may or may not be a physician and who would never have seen my patient or reviewed their records. In other words, would be second guessing my clinical judgement and placing a restriction on my unrestricted license to practice medicine in the State of New York. At the same time the official would be unlawfully practicing medicine him or her self!
Not only that, but the whole damn thing pushes me into coerced speech which requires me to commit malpractice by NOT revealing the dangers and advantages (if any) of vaccination and supporting the Informed Consent right of my patient while I, at the behest of the State, expose them to harm with full knowledge of the potential for damage or death resulting from this medical treatment but not sharing it with them.
NO! Not happening. But that is what every doctor in New York State is faced with. The situation is not much different in the other States moving to compel vaccination, too.
So Counsel Ralph, Counsel Patricia Finn and I have decided that the BS Buck stops right here.
We have drafted a legal challenge to this insanity which reads, in part, as follows:
“…since exposing a patient to a procedure or other intervention which is likely to be detrimental, either my compelled silence or my compelled participation by signing the state-required forms constitutes a category of malpractice. As a licensed physician I am well-aware of the ethical standards and constraints placed upon me. The medical profession is directed by the ethical principles of the Nuremberg Code enforced by the United States government by executing physicians violating these principles as an outcome of the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials. The offenses for which the Nazi doctors were executed by the United States are exactly parallel to what the State of New York seeks to compel me and every other physician in the State to do: knowingly impose harm and violate the right of Informed Consent.”
Read the full draft Certification here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/wp-content/uploads/REL-draft-NY-vaxx-certification.pdf
We are protecting every patient and every doctor who wants to practice good medicine — and setting a new ethical standard with which to fight back for doctors and patients against forced treatments that they do not want for themselves and their children.
I have put my license on the line. Someone needs to do it.
I am asking you to share this with everyone you can reach and I am asking you to support to the fund we have established for the costs of this action.
Do so here: https://www.nsfmarketplace.com/product/support-legal-challenge/. The Natural Solutions Foundation is a private advocacy organization. We do not solicit or accept tax-deductible, charitable donations.
And I am suggesting strongly, very, very strongly, that you make sure that you have your Advance Vaccine Directive card in your wallet or your child’s back pack (or diaper bag) ready to be shown when you need it because someone is threatening your health, or your child’s, with a vaccine, or with a whole bunch of them.
We are in a crisis and the crisis is about Informed Consent.
Before his untimely death, Major General Bert Stubblebine III, my beloved husband and the Founding President of the Natural Solutions Foundation said, presciently, that “Informed Consent is the Defining Issue of the 21st Century.” It is.
And we are fighting a defining battle to protect it and you.
Yours for health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
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