We waited nine years and the FDA finally replied to our 2009 and 2010 vaccine petitions to the FDA. It is curious that FDA feels it must now justify its extreme, unscientific support for the proven ineffective influenza vaccines. Perhaps the prognosticators at FDA can see which way the DC winds are blowing and they know the days of their highly profitable vaccine enterprise are numbered?
The days when it was possible for “medical ethicists” like Dr. Paul Offitt of Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia to vote in CDC committees to approve vaccines in which they have multi-million dollar patent interests are ending. The days when it was possible for the Federal Government to hold multiple vaccine patents and still push vaccines are ending. They have been exposed here on the Natural Solutions Health Freedom Blog. Just put “vaccine patents” in our search bar. You will be enlightened… and horrified.
What is ending is the government vaccine enterprise which has led to the following damning statistics:
Over half of America’s children (54%) are chronically ill
Autism rates are as high as one in 28 in some states
One in six children (15%) has a learning or behavioral disorder
One in every 10 American children (11%) have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
One in every 13 American children suffer from eczema and food allergies including deadly peanut allergies
One in every 8 American children (13%) are in special education
Over 15,000 children were diagnosed with cancer last year alone
There is an epidemic of autoimmune illnesses like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis
Many children suffer from debilitating anxiety, Tourette’s and sensory issues
American children are 70 percent more likely to die before adulthood with mortality of kids in the US higher than in peer nations since the 1980s
America’s infant mortality is much higher than in other higher-income countries
If you can stand the misinformation you can read the FDA’s self-justification here: http://drrimatruthreports.com/fda-petition-response/
You can read more about the lies of vaccine “safety” pseudoscience here, in a paper by Dr. Rima and Counsel Ralph published earlier this year by the Institute for Health Research, here: http://www.inhere.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Vax-Science-White-Paper-2018.pdf
Learn more about what Dr. Rima Recommends™ here: www.DrRimaRecommends.com
Leaving aside the FDA’s self-serving claims, what really happened in during the Swine Flu Vax Panic of 2009? To understand that we have to go back to 1976 and 1986.
Back in ’76 we had the First Swine Flu Panic. The FDA/CDC warned everyone of the alleged coming pandemic. Big Pharma had its unsafety tested flu vax ready. The propaganda machine went into overdrive. Over 400 people died from the vaccine. The companies pulled the vaccines and there was no pandemic, showing once again how the vaccine “chooses” the disease.
By ’86 the companies were warning Congress that, due to the hundreds of lawsuits from ’76, they would stop making vaccines unless Congress “acted.” Congress, always supine to Big Pharma’s interests, passed the law that denies us our Constitutional Right to Petition for Redress. And the horror that led to the statistics above began. Without tort responsibility the companies had no incentive to seek safe products. But that is all ending. The game is up.
The Second Swine Flu Vax Panic, of 2009, proved the point. Despite the Federal Government purchasing over $6 billion in unsafety-tested flu vaccines, including the extremely dangerous “live” virus spray vax, and spending another half billion bucks on the “adjuvant” squalene (proven in US Government held patents to cause infertility), millions took action with Natural Solutions Foundation and told their state and federal representatives that they would not be vaccinated. They refused. The billions in vaccines went unused and there was no pandemic. In the following years vaccine “compliance” has continued to fall as more and more people just say “No!” and exercise their Informed Consent right to refuse. The vicious political vax game is truly over.
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