Natural Solutions Foundation
Your Voice of Global Health & Food Freedomâ„¢
December 23, 2010
Greetings to Our American Friends,
During the time that the European invaders were persecuting the indigenous Indian populations, their Council of Shamans advised not to fight against the white man for
“Soon they will have full plates of nothing to eat and soon they will be no more; then we will reclaim our ancient lands.”
This past week, the people of the United States of America decided by almost unanimous apathy to allow themselves to be deprived of access to locally produced and distributed, safe and healthy food. This week, they allowed their “elected” representatives to accede to the greed and genocidal aims of the Illuminati by passing a law which not only enables a heavily armed “Food Safety Agency” to which Mr. Obama has already appointed a Monsanto-connected bureaucrat as “overlord” to destroy non-genetically modified plants and seeds… even imprison you and your family without trial or legal redress for the crime of growing your own food as a matter of “National Security”! All this despite the impressive outpouring of messages to decision makers by the millions. Unfortunately, PUSH BACK by millions of Food Freedom advocates can still be trumped by Big AbBiz political clout.
All that is now necessary is for Mr. “Yes we can” Obama to (illegally, for we Europeans know he is a Kenyan citizen and not eligible to hold office in the USA, but ‘What the Hell…’ — who cares about law in America these days) sign this bill into law.
“Yes we can!” – have a heavily armed Gestapo organization throughout America to spy on all citizens (the Federal Emergency Management Agency under Homeland Security).
“Yes we can!” – let a private bank (The Federal Reserve Bank) steal more than nine trillion dollars from the American people with complete impunity.
“Yes we can!” – pocket a Nobel Peace Prize and continue to foment war and strife.
“Yes we can!” – “reform” health care to increase the profits of the insurance industry whilst reducing real health care.
Most chose to ignore the warnings. Most decided that TV soaps are much more important than the health of ourselves and our children. Most swallowed unquestioningly the lying propaganda. Most did nothing at all and expected that the problem would go away.
The few who have tried and are still trying TO SAVE YOUR LIFE! are doing it with no support staff, no propaganda machine, no guns and poisons, no-nothing except what they can finance out of their own pockets and the few, the very, very few who donate as much as they can to keep the process going. Over three hundred million Americans; a couple million freedom advocates; a few hundred Health and Food Freedom donors…
All that now stands between you and the death by poisoning planned for you are the legal challenges to these and other death-dealing laws. Laws about vaccines, GMOs and freedom of speech… It costs money, a lot of money to mount and to win the Federal court cases needed to defeat these laws and achieve redress of grievances.
The principal mover organizing the resistance is The Natural Solutions Foundation.
I want you to get your wallet out NOW and to donate every penny you can spare each and every month to get these and all other Illuminati laws invalidated in the courts. Go here now!
Blessed be, especially during this Holiday Season…
Karma Singh