Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
Dr. Rima Reports:
July 9, 2010
Her other commentaries and brief-but-telling videos direct from the Commission meeting are at: Don’t miss the important Action Items there as well!
We need your help to defray the costs of attending on your behalf.
Please donate here:
Prevent S. 510 from being passed by the Senate. This Bill will industrialize and institutionalize our entire food supply — threatening natural (including organic), family, community and local gardens and farms — and cannot be allowed to take place. Click here,, to take action once for each member of your family. Then, riding your Freedom Mouse, please forward this, and any other Action Items you feel are important enough to act upon, to everyone you can reach electronically with a short note reminding each of your contacts to do the same: take action once for every member of their families, and then forward to THEIR contact.
And remember, health freedom is anything but free! We need your continuing tax deductible donations,, to:
1. Stay in the Codex flow for you
2. Continue our critically important litigation to control the FDA and make it conform to US law (novel idea!)
3. Research and communicate to you what we find about health and health freedom: the good, the bad and the very, very ugly
4. Create Action Steps which impact policy
5. Maintain our network of action around the world
6. Help to reclaim the production of clean, unadulterated food world wide
7. All the other things that the Natural Solutions Foundation does for you and for health freedom, world-wide.
We know that the economy has been torpedoed and that money is tight. Does that make health freedom any less worthwhile! Please donate here:
Codex has steadfastly refused to define consensus since by NOT having it defined, the Chair of a Codex session can declare just about anything that he/she wants to be approved as “approved by consensus”. Occasionally, of course, the delegates have come to a boiling point and raise such a ruckus that even the most audacious misuse of the concept of consensus fails. One such ruckus occurred the other day during the shameful attempt of this body, at the behest of the US, of course, to force the use of the dangerous and unnecessary drug Ractopamine™ on the food of an unwilling world. Another occurred, I am proud to say, when the Natural Solutions Foundation mobilized widespread opposition for the US-led attempt to put high levels of the metabolic poison fluoride in infant formula. More opposition of this coordinated sort is, of course a real danger to the globalists who seek to use Codex as their tool for control and depopulation.
Codex clearly realizes that the ability of the Natural Solutions Foundation to mobilize that sort of support and opposition is a significant reality and the abusive response of this corrupt and dangerous organization makes that quite clear.
Not able/willing to define “consensus” after 48 years of existence, the gentleman presenting at the front of the room has done it for this august body: he just announced, without any support from anyone, that WHO’s efforts on nutrition will not get universal agreement (a reasonable definition of consensus, I think you will agree) so WHO will not regard 75% agreement as “consensus”. That is rather staggering for an organization which presents itself as consensus-based, don’t you think? We do. And we think that it illustrates the corruption and disingenuousness of the deliberations, decisions and directions of this body.
We are, as I mentioned, sitting in the upper gallery of a nearly empty Codex meeting where we have been forced by aggressive guards.
General Stubblebine and I are so appalled at Codex’s continuing abuse of you, the food consuming stakeholders that we have written an Open Letter to the Codex Executive Committee which you can read here, (Please come back after you read it!)
At the front of the empty room is a delegate talking about the establishment of a system for nutritional scientific guidance. He has extensive slides on the screen which document and expand what he is saying, which is, presumably, of enormous importance to the life and health of every consumer on the planet. General Stubblebine and I, here to represent and present YOUR interests, have been relegated to an upper gallery from which it is not possible to see the slides.
Nor is it possible to work under ordinary conditions of comfort and appropriate facilities although they exist in this room (but now where we are!):
You know that the US forbids the labeling of GMO “foods” while the EU has insisted on just such labeling. Well, no more. Yesterday, the European Parliament took an action which bring it closer to the food degradation of the US: From now on —
1. It will not longer be necessary to label GMO foods, including animals which have been fed GMO plants) as it has been previously and
2. Individual member states (formerly known as sovereign countries, you understand) will now be permitted to make their own decisions about whether to plant GMO crops and grow GMO animals.
Both of these actions are disastrous for health and well-being of the population, which is EXACTLY why they have been adopted, of course. GMO food and feed contaminates everything it touches. Since there are no meaningful boundaries or borders between one European country and another, the inevitable contamination and dominance of GMO crops is assured by this decision. Equally assured is the disastrous, but totally untraceable, health problems which await European eaters, useless or otherwise.
I received an immediate flurry of emails from European colleagues who understood how cataclysmically awful this was for their countries. I reminded each of them that under the coercive (and probably not legal) “Treaty of Lisbon” terms (which illegally adopted the European Union Constitution), a demand by 1 million EU citizens could force a reopening of the the issue being protested by these 1 million people.
Now 1 million is not bad and is eminently achievable. For that reason, the Natural Solutions Foundation will work with every European group which would like our organizational assistance. Please contact me at dr.laibow[at] with “EU” as the subject line and the Trustees will do everything possible to support your redress of this vast error.
And if you want to help the “citizens” of the EU reclaim their food and health freedoms, join our forum at:
On a brighter note, the same day that traceability of GMO foods was wiped out, the same body rejected cloned meat, milk and other “foods” for human consumption in Europe. While we certainly do not endorse cloned food, it is odd that the known dangers of GMOs were accepted but the emotionally repugnant idea of cloned food. I cannot see any logic in accepting unlabeled poisons for humans while protecting them from replicated DNA. Logically, both should have been rejected roundly, soundly and permanently.
This brings us to the argument that the Natural Solutions Foundation is making that the US MUST be taken out of Codex. Although its structure may be crumbling and the cables that hold it up, so to speak, are fraying, Codex sets enormous amounts of food policy which is only allegedly “voluntary”. The US mis-uses every bit of its trade and scientific cachet here at Codex and makes huge strides, meeting by meeting, to use food for political gain and industry profit. Please visit, watch my video on getting the US out of Codex and then take our survey there to tell us if you agree or disagree.
Then, let’s get busy actually GETTING the US out of Codex — for the good of the whole world!
The malignant US impact on “food” around the world and of the US is enormous but, through their strong-arm “leadership” at Codex, it is all the more powerful. It is a primary reason I have called Codex “certifiably insane.” Although these actions were taken outside of Codex, the dirty hand of the US is all over this one. The Natural Solutions Foundation believes that, just as defeating the Fake Food Safety Bill, S. 510 will not stop the efforts of the Uber-Cartel to capture food, but it will weaken and disorganize it considerably, making it far easier to deal with, so getting the US out of Codex will do the same.
If ever there was an opportunity to deflect and defeat the globalists plans, it is now, centering around the control and contamination of food. We have a powerful opportunity for action here. Inaction, however, can kill huge numbers of us.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Valley of the Moon™ Eco Demonstration Project
Valley of the Moon Coffee
NSF Virtual Malls
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Food Freedom eJournal