Ralph’s Rule: People who have a healthy life style and eat non-GMO, organic foods, with supplementation if desired, may not notice any great change when sampling a new dietary supplement.
Dr. Rima’s Chelation Protocol is changing my life and my wife’s. Despite Ralph’s Rule* (I take a lot of supplements) our energy is up, our “7th Decade” discomforts are down (so is my weight) and I feel one heck of a lot better!
I’ve known Dr. Rima for decades and I know her to be a superb doctor but I never before experienced changes like these from a simple nutrient protocol like I have by following her simple Chelation Protocol. She tells you about that in this video: https://youtu.be/pmm_mZ6WfTo
Here it is:
“I recommend Liposomal EDTA: take half a 2 ounce bottle on Day 1 and half a bottle on Day 4. Repeat weekly.
I will take 20 bottles over 20 weeks. I get them exactly where you can, from my Private Dispensary, https://Wellevate.me/rima-laibow. And I hope you will.
LipoPhos EDTA Nutrient Chelation is safe, gentle, powerful and potent, keeping vessels soft and supple, able to nourish cells and support toxic cellular waste removal. Oral Liposomal EDTA is a wonderful nutrient approach to health.”.
And here is where you get it: https://Wellevate.me/rima-laibow
An account at Wellevate is free.
Here is my video on how to sign-up: https://youtu.be/a-XZK85wOCY
When you enter Dr. Rima’s Private Dispensary just search for “LipoPhos EDTA”
Anyone who buys through her Private Dispensary receives a 5% discount.
If you are not purchasing all of your supplements from Dr. Rima’s Dispensary you’re probably making a big mistake.
These high quality supplements include those that are generally only available through prescribing professionals. That’s why Dr. Rima opened the door to her Private Dispensary to the health freedom community.
Dr. Rima’s Chelation Protocol is a perfect example. Use Wellevate to be well. https://Wellevate.me/rima-laibow
In health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee
Share this message with this link: http://drrimatruthreports.com/dr-rimas-chelation-protocol/
* https://vitaminlawyerhealthfreedom.blogspot.com/2015/10/ralphs-rule.html