Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Food and Health Freedom™
FACT: Genetically Modified Plants and animals (GMOs) contain foreign DNA whose impact is not subject to safety evaluation by the FDA or any other government agency
FACT: GMOs contain genetic markers which confer antibiotic resistance to the GMO AND to the environment, helping to create the new plague, antibiotic resistant “super bugs” in animals, humans and the environment
FACT: The FDA, supposedly our health watchdog for foods and drugs, regularly bases its approvals not on scientific data, but on personal conflicts of interest which are permitted under current rules.
FACT: The FDA is not permitted to examine safety data after initial, company-generated preliminary indication that a GMO is safe
FACT: Acknowledging consumer revulsion at the thought of eating GMOs, the FDA forbids labeling items, or ingredients, as GMO “to prevent consumers from making an error since FDA regards all GMOs as “substantially equivalent” to unmodified foods
FACT: There is no scientific basis for the concept of “substantially equivalent”
FACT: Every single independent scientific analysis of GMO impact on health, immune function, allergic status, fertility, organ function and status, reproductive impact or any other function shows that GMOs impair fertility, organ function, fetal and neonatal survival, immune function and a host of other parameters
FACT: GMO genetic material infects the DNA of other plants and animals, animals (including humans) who ingest it and the bacteria on which animals depend for life support both in their guts and in the rest of the biosphere
FACT: The US Department of Agriculture has stated that it does not know where, or what, more than 95% of the GMO field trials being conducted are.
FACT: Bayer Crop Sciences, responsible for contamination of almost all rice fields in the US with GMO rice, has stated that it is not possible to contain GMO DNA from invading other fields and organisms.
FACT: GMO genes dominate natural ones and insert themselves into native DNA in wild and unpredictable ways so that novel proteins are produced whose impact is nearly totally unknown
FACT: Once GMOs contaminate native DNA, there is no known way to remove it
FACT: Virtually all GMO plants are modified to tolerate high levels of the toxic chemicals which their modifiers manufacture, increasing the use of these chemicals up to 400% and leading to super bugs and super weeds which are highly destructive to the environment and to crops
FACT: The same companies which modify foods and other organisms and make the chemicals they have been made resistant to also make drugs to treat the diseases that follow from them
FACT: GMO-related agrochemicals (such as very high doses of BT from BT corn) contaminate the ecosystem months to years after the crop has been harvested
Even politicians, generally some of the most obtuse and self-interested people on the planet, had a belly full of GMOs today. Democrats in the House and the Senate both urged the FDA to reject their approval of genetically modified salmon, hatched in the US and nurtured offshore. Even the members of the US Congress, generally so Big Biotech compliant, noted that the review process the FDA followed was flawed. What a “flawed process” means is that a dangerous drug (or, in this case, Frankenfood) would be put into the market. Only later would the dangers be noted and the product removed, in the case of a drug. But drugs are labeled while FDA-approved Frankenfood is never labeled. Thus, the cancer, infertility, loss of babies and other preventable tragedies it can cause will never be identified, allowing the contaminators to continue their deceptive campaign to convince us that, sick and dying as we are from our food, the US food supply is the safest in the world.
On the contrary, with every new DNA-modified food, our food supply becomes more deadly. Aunt Gertrude’s cancer? Was that from GMOs? How about the baby the Polly and Henry lost last year? The Lupus that has crippled Elizabeth? Who knows if they are unlabeled? And if they are permitted, in the face of evidence that they are dangerous, the question must be asked “WHY?”
The answer is both simple – “Greed”, and complex – “Genocide”
Take your pick. Protect us from greed, protect us from genocide. Either way, ban GMOs now and take back clean, unadulterated food while we still can.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Dems in both chambers urge FDA to reject ‘Frankenfish’ salmon
By Mike Lillis – 09/29/10 09:31 AM ET
Calling the review process flawed, a long list of Democrats from both the House and Senate are calling on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reject a Massachusetts company’s bid to bring a genetically modified salmon to the market.
The lawmakers say the FDA is evaluating the fish as if it were a new drug, not a new animal.
“The FDA approval process is inadequate and sets a dangerous precedent: the environmental review is flawed, and the consumer’s right to know is ignored,” a group of 20 House Democrats — led by Reps. Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), Peter DeFazio (Ore.) and Mike Thompson (Calif.) — wrote Tuesday to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg.
“Rather than developing an appropriate evaluation method, the FDA is currently proceeding to approve the [genetically engineered] fish using its process for reviewing a new drug meant for animals.”
A similar message is coming from the Senate, where 11 Democrats penned a separate letter to Hamburg Tuesday, arguing that information withheld from the public as proprietary prevents consumers from knowing fully the potential health effects of eating the product.
“Critical information has been kept from the public and consequently, only FDA and [the company] know important details about the approval process,” wrote the lawmakers, led by Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska).
The senators have asked Hamburg to “halt all proceedings” related to the approval process.
FDA officials met last week to decide whether AquaBounty Technologies’ should be permitted to sell its genetically modified Atlantic salmon, which has been outfitted with a growth hormone gene from a Chinook salmon and an antifreeze gene from an ocean pout. The genes allow the new creation — dubbed the AquAdvantage salmon — to grow about twice as fast as its natural cousin.
If approved, it would be the first genetically modified animal allowed to be sold as food.
The agency is also weighing whether to force the company to label its salmon as genetically engineered.
The Democrats endorsing the House letter include Reps. Earl Blumenauer (Ore.), George Miller (Calif.), Sam Farr (Calif.), John Garamendi (Calif.), Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.), Maurice Hinchey (N.Y.), Barbara Lee (Calif.), Betty McCollum (Minn.), Dennis Moore (Kan.), Jim Moran (Va.), Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Jackie Speier (Calif.), Peter Welch (Vt.), Lynn Woolsey (Calif.), David Wu (Ore.), Madeleine Bordallo (Guam) and Donna Christensen (V.I.).
Lawmakers signing the upper-chamber letter were Democratic Sens. Patty Murray (Wash.), Bernie Sanders (Vt.), Maria Cantwell (Wash.), Ron Wyden (Ore.), Patrick Leahy (Vt.), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Barbara Mikulski (Md.), Jeff Merkley (Ore.), and Jon Tester (Mont.).
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) also endorsed the letter.
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Daily Update Bulletin During the Fake “Food Safety” S.510 Emergency!
Dr. Rima Reports, live chat, updates, Action Items and more…
September 23, 2010
Latest from the Beltway: Today, Reacting to Your PUSH BACK, the Senate Judiciary Committee Amended S. 3767! Now it’s time to demand the Food Freedom Amendment! Push Back Continues!
Don’t Rush S. 3767 to the Senate Floor – adopt the Food Freedom Amendment Instead!
Stop S.510!
Thank Senator Coburn for Keeping a “Hold” on S.510!
The Senate Judiciary Committee Considered S.3767 In Its Executive Business Meeting today… and Amended it!
The Devil, they say, is in the details. Today’s Judiciary Committee details are a partial win for us. Not enough to declare victory, you understand, but enough for us to see clearly that the pounding we are delivering to the Senate is noted, and having an impact. Conclusion? KEEP POUNDING!
Senator Leahy is a powerful man. S. 3767 is his bill. He is the Chairman of the Committee that is considering it. He would have no need to amend it under normal circumstances.
You, the Health Freedom NetRoots, the Mouse Warriors, have made sure that these are absolutely not normal circumstances. In just 24 hours, 43,475 emails have been sent saying STOP! DO NOT CRIMINALIZE THE DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD! So the amendment is a powerful signal that Sen. Leahy and his Agribiz cohorts had no choice but to look for a way to make the bill less bizarre and unpalatable.
While Senator Leahy continues to push his dangerous and unnecessary bill through the Judiciary Committee (um, we thought that it was already illegal to use interstate commerce to knowingly spread dangerous substances…), the Senate leadership had to acknowledge wide-spread public opposition to criminalizing food (and supplement) distribution. Leahy’s substitute amendment adds the following words to the definition of the crime.:
“…and with conscious or reckless disregard of a risk of death or serious bodily injury…”
Thus, a bill which would have criminalized any distribution of food where FDA, FTC or other govt agency later decided some rule, regulation, guideline or standard had not been met to the satisfaction of the bureaucracy (recalling that S. 510 allows secret regulations which could later have been said to have been violated), the added language at least references more traditional standards of criminal liability. While this is a partial victory for the forces of Food and Health Freedom, we must redouble our efforts and defeat S.3767 and S.510 just as we defeated Senator McCain’s ill conceived and ill-fated S.3002… through massive Push Back!
OK. So What Do We Want?
Maybe, if Congress wants to criminalize distributing things that are harmful to the public… maybe, just maybe, it should criminalize “knowingly” introducing dangerous drugs (including vaccines) into commerce! Like Vioxx, Avandia, Flu Vaccines, Bextra, for a very few examples, But, then, there might be a lot of drug company executives and maybe even some FDA officials who would face criminal charges… Certainly, we need to continue to oppose S.3767, Sen. Leahy’s bill that could criminalize commercial speech about food (or at least food distributed in interstate commerce), whenever FDA or FTC decides subsequently that the claims about the food were not substantiated to the liking of some bureaucrat.
The “serious” harm amendment (HEN10891) added by the Judiciary Committee on September 23, 2010 is not sufficient to protect food distributors from bureaucratic and criminal harassment. We the People, need protection against over-zealous regulators who will destroy small producers while big companies can afford the legal talent needed to escape penalties.
Instead, our communities need to be protected by law from Federal Government interference in local and natural food production and distribution. We need a Food Freedom Amendment, such as we proposed last year when the House was considering its version of S.510 and which we have continued to urge:
Food Freedom Amendment
“No provision of Federal Law giving regulatory oversight to any Federal department or agency shall be deemed to apply (a) to any home, home-business, homestead, home or community gardens, small farm, organic or natural agricultural activity, (b) to any family farm or ranch, or (c) to any natural or organic food product, including dietary supplements, as protected under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.”
Food Freedom is part of Health Freedom, and an essential part of the Liberty that all free people have a right to expect. Legislators have a responsibility to protect that freedom from the bureaucracy they foist on us. Local oversight of local food production would be far superior to big govt poking into all our local activities. Reducing central govt power would enhance the overall health of our society.
S.3767 Coupled with S.510 Could Reach the Senate Floor For a Vote Early Next Week!
One other bright note: we knew that the possibility existed that because Sen. Dr. Tom Coburn has blocked the easy passage of S. 510, its language could be inserted into S. 3767 today as an end run around Sen. Coburn’s hold. Again, because of our continued opposition and vigorous activism, that did not happen.
Continue to take action NOW and mobilize your contacts… NOW!
What else can you do? Join Our 510/3767 Club NOW!
Help protect your health freedom by donating $5.10 every week (or every month) until this threat is laid to rest. Can you donate $37.67 cents every month (or every week)? If you can, please set up your recurring, tax deductible donation right now and keep it alive until we are free of these deep and dangerous threats!
Special Treat, But Don’t Eat!
Health Ranger Mike Adams Launches “Food Investigations” with Pharmaburger.
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Sunday, 10 AM to 1 PM EasternSeptember 26, 2010: John A. Corbett To Save The Future, Save Our Soil 3, 2010: Paul G. King, PhD Dead Babies and Flu Vaccines Part I 10, 2010: Eileen Dannemann, Dead Babies and Flu Vaccines Part II Here For More Information on Dr. Rima Reports: Here:
Dr Rima Recommends
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And don’t forget the universal remedy, Nano Silver,, and supplementing with Cognitive Enhancement Nutrition,, to keep your brain healthy and focused…
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
President – www.FoodFreedomeJournal.orgRima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director – www.DrRima.netRalph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee – www.NaturalSolutionsFoundation.orgSupport Health & Food Freedom:
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Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health and Food Freedom(TM) and
September 14, 2010
Action Item to Oppose S. 510 and S. 3767 NOW:
Set up your tax deductible donation to the Natural Solutions Foundation here:
I really like the work that the Environmental Working Group does and often applaud them publicly. Until today.
Today, this environmental and social policy group took a giant step backwards and fell off the cliff into the filth below,as far as I am concerned.
I read with distress and disgust that they were supporting the passage of S. 510, the phony “PHUDE” “Safety” Bill and decided that I had to urge them to review and revise their anti-health, anti-freedom, pro totalitarian policy in support of S. 510.
Shortly after I wrote and sent it, I saw that another group, NJPRIG, is also endorsing this awful bill. Having just spell checked this one, I had it ready to go.
Please feel free to use this letter, or the material contained in it, to send letters to persons and organizations endorsing these bills, to modify so that they become letters to the Editor, etc. Use it or we ALL lose it!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
To EWG on the occasion of their support of S. 510
Dear EWG,
I am disappointed and deeply concerned that your organization has decided to support the draconian, dangerous and destructive fake Food “Safety” Bill, S. 510. The estimated cost of first year implementation will be $825,000,000 (Section 401).
Since factory food, not local, organic and family farm food, is responsible for the atrocious level of food safety in the US food supply, it is the de-industrialization of our food supply which will protect our health and increase food safety, not the reverse. The bill, of course, gives more power to the FDA to abuse, more money to that organization to spend on policies which have shown no success in the past in controlling food-borne illnesses and new resources to damage clean food source operations and their ability to remain in business legally.
The bill also brings into force the complete HARMonization of the US with Codex Alimentarius, an international body led by the US demands for corporitization and industrialization of the global food supply to the degradation of that food supply through irradiation, chemical contamination and unproven, unsafe GMOs.
Specifically, the bill as written, in effect, incorporates the “HARMonization” provisions of the discredited “Dietary Supplement Safety Act” S.3002 and actually calls upon the FDA to recommend harmonization of American nutritional freedoms with Codex Alimentarius’ restrictions.
– Section 404: “Nothing in this Act… shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with… any …treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.”
– Section 306(c)(5): “Recommendations on whether and how to harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.”
While I concur that the amendment re: BPA is a good idea, the bill to which it is attached will not increase food safety, but rather will cataclysmically diminish food safety by industrializing the entire US food supply.
Small, local and organic farmers, whose food is not the source of food-born illnesses, will be forced out of business if they cannot meet the expensive, ineffective and unnecessary standards of reporting, seed sorting facilities and other equipment requirements and so forth which Agribiz is capable of meeting.
For example, the ancient, and vital practice of seed saving to improve stock will only be possible under this bad bill if there is a facility devoted to each species of plant, say, one for tomato, one for broccoli, one for eggplant, on the farmer’s property: each such facility will cost between $1M and $1.5M. Clearly, this is a purposeful maneuver to make the act of seed saving a crime for the small farmer.
The bill as written threatens small farm, home, local/organic and community food production with onerous rules that, while perhaps appropriate for industrialized food production, will create impossible “barriers against entry” that will rapidly destroy such local and natural production. No protective language is included in the Senate bill that satisfies these concerns.
Heretofore, food and drug regulations in the United States have been public documents of record and, as such, available to the public. S. 510 changes that and in Section 106 provides in part for the regulations issued to be kept secret from the public, “In the interest of national security, the Secretary … may determine the time and manner in which the guidance documents issued under paragraph (1) are made public…”
As the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, and, the world’s largest health freedom organization, and as a personal supporter of your previous work and positions, I must urge you to carefully reconsider the position your organization has taken on this dangerous, unnecessary, expensive and destructive bill.
Rather than support it, the Natural Solutions Foundation has urged Health Freedom Advocates and Activists to correspond with their Senators and other decision makers to oppose this legislation, making sure that it is NOT passed by Unanimous Congressional Consent or by any other means. Our Action Item is here: Stop S.510!
To date, our supporters have sent 358,700 emails urging the defeat of S. 510.
We invite you to revise your organizational policy and urge your supporters to join ours in doing the same.
Please feel free to contact me for additional information or dialogue on this vitally important and timely issue.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation Emergency eAlert – 09.12.10 [1:00 PM EDT]
Hacked Again! Multiple Web Sites Hacked To Keep You From Defeating S. 510!
ACT NOW, Forward Widely!
Major Hack Attack Just When We Need Your Action the Most! Coincidence? NOT!
These Action Items are So Important That We, AND Oracle Broadcasting, Just Got Knocked Off the Internet To Keep You From Taking Action!
Defeat S. 510 to prevent the total industrialization of Food:
Donate to Help Health Freedom Stay Online (Clearly, We Need Higher Security Servers!):
If you were listening to our Dr. Rima Reports broadcast,, or, this morning, you know:
1. Natural Solutions Foundation’s main websites,, and, were nowhere to be found
2., our live chat and show access page for the show, was not available since it, too, was hacked
3. Our massively important Action Item against S. 510 was unavailable so you were blocked from taking action to prevent the total destruction and industrialization of the US food supply and the triumph of Codex Alimentarius in America. Your emails have successfully stopped passage of this bill, which has been called “Monsanto’s wet dream bill”, since last November. The globalist controllers, apparently, are growing impatient.
4. Because of this hacking episode you could not make a tax deductible donation through our “donate” tab as you usually can do.
5. The internet radio station,, which we broadcast through lost its sound capacity during our show so listeners to the Dr. Rima Reports suddenly found that the only way they could listen to the show was through the call in line, 512-904-8014! Most of them, obviously, simply lost the show.
Health and Food Freedom websites are under attack and were taken off the internet about 11 AM this morning, near the start of the Dr. Rima Reports Internet Radio Program. As in past hack attacks, this occurs at a critical moment as we seek to overcome the false letter sent late Friday aftteroon from the heads of FDA and HHS to the members of the US Senate, trying to stampede them into passing the fake “food safety” bill, S.510.
During the show, Ralph Fucetola, JD, Counsel and Trustee, set up an emergency link on the so-far-unhacked site,, so that you can, in fact, take action. In less than 1 hour, more than 500 people did so, generating 2500 emails to Congress and other decision makers. That is not good enough.
The emergency page linked below is posted on the Dr Rima Network to allow access to urgent action items and updates in this battle.
Please also check here for updates:
This link takes you directly to the Action Item:
Take it once for each member of your family and then send it to everyone you can reach electronically. They all eat. They all can come down with the chronic diseases of under nutrition. It is their issue, too. Ask each of them to take the action once for each member of their family and then send it out to their contacts, asking those contacts to repeat those steps, etc.
Next, go to this site to find your US Senators’ phone numbers:
Please, after sending your email above, get the phone number and CALL
your US Senator’s office, leave a strong message!
You may want to tell them in your message that the language in S.510:
1. Will close down family and organic farms because it requires them to have hugely
expensive machinery that they cannot afford;
2. Will create a monopoly over industrialized food for Big Agrabiz;
3. Will NOT stop tainted food problems because the bad stuff comes from
Big Agribiz where they already have the machinery and mechanisms required but still produce factory farm food;
4. Has language that opens the door for Codex restrictions to be implemented in the US despite the will of the people, current law and current regulation
5. The law contains language that allows bureaucrats to create secret regulations;
6. Will put the Homeland Security in charge of food delivery systems around the country
– politicizing same since any state in disagreement with the Feds will have
problems receiving food;
7. Because S. 510 so strongly favors Big Agrabiz, companies like Monsanto will more easily be able to push its GM agenda; and
8. Will cost at least $825 million in the first year…
We MUST take off the white gloves, take the Action Item and then call their Senators on Monday to rage about this Bill. S. 510 could come up as early as Monday and probably will, sometime this week. We are looking for a couple of Senators who are willing to fight it on the floor so it will be delayed – if delayed to the end of the year, it is dead – but the Globalists are seriously pushing this now… and they want YOU dead!
So you must act now; forward this widely!
Of course, our donation page is down too, but you can donate through PayPal via
(donation button on lower right). Please help! We urgently need funds now!
We need to migrate our sites to much more secure servers!
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee
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Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health AND FOOD Freedom™
September 9, 2010
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This Week: Dr. Rima Interviews Charlotte Gerson and Howard Straus on The Long War Against Clean Food and Cancer Cures
September 19, 2010: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, is our guest
September 26, 2010: John A. Crockett, Sr., a.k.a. Dr. “Mike Robe” on Soil Stewardship, Sanity and Survival
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Congress is prepared to pass S. 510, the shockingly mis-named “Food Safety Bill”
Stop S. 510 NOW!
Take Action now to make sure that YOUR Senators place a “HOLD” on this bill to insure that it is not passed by “Unanimous Congressional Consent”. One Senator, placing, and sustaining, a hold on the bill can force it to be delayed, despite the demands of Monsanto and their friends. HOLD it until December and it dies with the close of this Congress.
This just in: we have word that a Senator from an important western State opposes the bill and may be willing to face down Big Agribiz. Take this Action Item IF there is support from other Senators.
It is urgent that you take action now even if you have raised your voice on this topic before because massed protesting voices are OUR SIDE’s lobbyist!
Ban GMOs NOW! Once-And-For-All Before There Is No Going Back
Listen to the Elderly: They Have Seen It All, And They’ll Tell It Exactly ‘Like It Is’. Especially Maxine
Let me get this straight.
We’re going to be “gifted” with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don’t, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn’t read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that’s broke.
What the hell could possibly go wrong?
Well, Vaccines Could Be Mandated. That Would Make Something Go Wrong: Your Health, Your Freedom and Your Survival, For Example
Take These Action Items NOW and Then Pass Them On
Stop The Seasonal Flu/H1N1 Vaccine Madness
Support the Stop the Shot3 Vaccine Litigation
Stop the Slaughter: Demand Congress Investigate FDA’s Role in Autism and Other Vaccine Related Epidemics NOW!
Vaccines and vaccine mandates are very much in the wind, but not, alas, in the MMD, the Media of Mass Deception. Once the people of the US and most other countries of the world rejected, en mass, the absurd and dangerous H1N1 pandemic scam (including NY State and NJ both backing down on their vaccine mandates when the Natural Solutions Foundation and friends sued the State Health Departments in Federal Court), the Pholks at Big Pharma had some other tricks up their collective, and very dirty, sleeves. Recall as you read the rest of this article that there is not a single shred of evidence showing that ANY vaccine is either safe OR effective, let alone both, although such certainty is required by US law before any vaccine can be approved. Recall, too, that the US is the most vaccinated country in the world. And the sickest. And the most drugged. Recall that 1 American in 3 will die from cancer, a disease of under nutrition and environmental toxicity, including vaccine poisoning and chemicals in food (enter Codex!)
And recall that the US has:
1. Changed the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, part of the CDC which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS) Guidelines to recommend Seasonal Flu vaccination for everyone starting at 6 months and extending throughout the life span. What ACIP “recommends” generally becomes State, school and other agency mandates within a very short time.
“The 2010 ACIP guidelines emphasize the following:
* All persons at least 6 months old should receive annual vaccination for the 2010-2011 influenza season;
* During the 2010-2011 season, 2 doses of a 2010-2011 seasonal influenza vaccine should be given at a minimal interval of 4 weeks to children aged 6 months to 8 years with unknown vaccination status who have never received seasonal influenza vaccine before (or who received seasonal vaccine for the first time in 2009-2010 but received only 1 dose in their first year of vaccination), as well as to children who did not receive at least 1 dose of an influenza A (H1N1) 2009 monovalent vaccine regardless of previous influenza vaccine history…”″
2. Included H1N1 vaccines in the “seasonal” flu shots for 2010-2011 flu season despite a total lack of medical requirement for such inclusion (or, indeed, for any vaccination, for that matter). People avoided the seasonal flu shots at the same time they avoided the H1N1 shots in 2009-2010 leading to the lightest flu season in memory. The correlation is excruciatingly clear: flu shots create disease. Disease is good business. Therefore we must have flu shots, says the global government.
3. Ignored totally the fact that Canada, Finland and Australia have taken the GSK flu vaccine off the market in those countries because of serious side effects. Side effects include an incurable neurological condition called “narcolepsy” or uncontrollable sleeping episodes, convulsions, miscarriages and death. Of course, the FDA holds that the tremendous increase in post vaccination miscarriages, among those side effects, is not worth worrying about.
4. Conveniently found a “professional organization” to call for mandatory vaccination of health care workers at peril of losing their jobs if they are unvaccinated. The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America,, has done just that.
Healthcare professionals, however, are neither amused nor persuaded. In a Medscape Poll, the results are pretty much the same as they were last year when mandates were proposed for H1N1 vaccination of health care workers:
Among all responding HealthCare Professionals, 28% strongly favored the mandatory vaccination while 58% strongly opposed it.
Among physicians, a generally strongly pro-vaccination group, the results are extremely interesting:
36% strongly agree with the mandates while 44% strongly oppose them.
For nurses, who tend to be closer to the adverse events associated with vaccination, those strongly agreeing with the need for a mandate, 26%, were strongly outnumbered by those opposing it, 59%.
Only 34% of pharmacists, who sell the vaccines, strongly endorsed the mandate while 46% strongly opposed it.
Not one group of polled health professionals in the US endorsed a mandate. Here, by the way, is the question which these health professionals were asked in this survey:
“The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) recently released a policy paper recommending that healthcare workers be required to get the seasonal flu vaccine or face losing their job and professional privileges. Do you favor or oppose SHEA’s recommendation on mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers?”
But Wait! There’s More [Vaccination]
The US Government, including FDA, CDC and ACIP cannot, apparently, get enough vaccines into the public. The Department of Defense (DOD) is not far behind since civilians working for the DoD Schools in Europe were notified on July 30, 2010 that their Swine Flu AND Seasonal vaccination was mandatory and that failure to receive this vaccination would result in dismissal from their jobs. Likewise, about 30,000 students are now required to receive the untested and unnecessary vaccines despite the fact that WHO has publicly rescinded their failed “Level 6 Pandemic” attempt.
Stars and Striped, a DoD publication, said,
“The immunization policy, mandated by U.S. European Command [EUCOM], covers both the seasonal and swine flu viruses and applies to teachers and employees at more than 80 Department of Defense Dependents Schools [DoDDS] in Europe, as well as 30,000 students. Children older than 6 months enrolled in base daycare centers and daycare center workers throughout Europe also are affected by the move.
“We fully support the EUCOM policy,” said DODDS-Europe spokeswoman Margaret Menzie”
So we Health Freedom advocates have to ask “Who owns the body of these teachers and their students?” Apparently, the Department of Defense does. And just who owns your body?
In October, 2009, GSK’s HPV vaccine, Cervavax, the first vaccine in the US to contain an oil in water adjuvant (similar to the dangerous compound squalene), was recommended for use in girls 10-25 years of age. Merck’s Gardasil is already approved for use for girls between 11 and 26.
Medical Insanity Alert – Fasten Your Intellectual Seat Belt!
Now, take a deep breath and look at these two headlines from today’s issue of Medscape Daily News, an electronic medical science newsletter which I receive each day:
Guidelines Updated for Use of 23-Valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine in Adults [A 23-valent vaccine is supposedly effective against 23 different types of disease causing organisms, in this case, bacteria – Dr. Rima]
September 8, 2010 “Invasive disease from Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a major cause of illness and death in the United States, with an estimated 43,500 cases and 5,000 deaths among persons of all ages in 2009,” write J. P. Nuorti, MD, DSc, and C. G. Whitney, MD, from the Division of Bacterial Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Pneumococcal Vaccines Working Group. “This report provides updated recommendations from the …ACIP for prevention of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) (i.e., bacteremia, meningitis, or infection of other normally sterile sites through use of the …PPSV23 among all adults aged ?65 years and those adults aged 19-64 years with underlying medical conditions that put them at greater risk for serious pneumococcal infection.”
Pneumococcal Vaccine Dosing Schedule Linked to Higher Risk of Acquiring Multiresistant Strain [This vaccine is only /supposedly/ effective against 7 types of disease causing bacteria – Dr. Rima]
September 7, 2010 “A 2 + 1 pneumococcal vaccine dosing schedule is linked to an increased risk of acquiring a multiresistant strain, according to the results of a study reported in the September 8 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
“The rapid increase in multiresistant serotype 19A as a cause of invasive and respiratory pneumococcal disease has been associated in time with the widespread implementation of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination (PCV-7) in several countries,” write Elske J. M. van Gils, MD, from University Medical Center Utrecht in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and colleagues.”
What could be crazier? The vaccine we have approved causes resistant organisms to develop and leaves people more susceptible to infection with them. YES! NOW, let’s create not a 7 organism vaccine, but a 23 organism one and watch this one screw up people’s immune systems so that not even the most potent antibiotic will work.
Nano silver? Oh, let’s ban it the way we have in Europe since it IS the universal safe, effective and inexpensive antibiotic which makes all other antibiotics unnecessary. Gives the lie to vaccines, too, since with a good immune system and nano silver you loose even the pretext that they have any place in health or prevention.
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And then there’s this:
Flu Shot No Better than Placebo in Preventing Asthma Attacks
Stockholm, Sweden, September 16, 2002.
A new Swedish study has found that flu vaccine is “possibly no better than placebo in preventing exacerbations in asthmatic children.” Reporter Cameron Johnston reports that “Asthmatic children and other groups are usually encouraged to receive the flu vaccine each year as winter approaches. However, according to one study, the flu vaccine may be no better than placebo for preventing influenza-induced asthma exacerbation among children.
and this:
Japan Abandons flu Shots for Children
Large scale studies of compulsory flu vaccination in Japan of school aged children showed the vaccine to be ineffective and conducive to lawsuits due to adverse side effects. Two large studies one in 1980 and the other in 1985, involving four cities with vaccination rates between 1% and 90% showed little difference in flu incidence. In 1987, the Japanese government changed the flu vaccine from compulsory to voluntary. By 1989, even though only 20% of the population took the flu vaccine, the incidence of influenza did not increase.
and this:
“One of the most bizarre twists on the flu vaccine saga is the CDC recommendation of 2001 that all pregnant women receive the vaccine in their second or third trimester. This recommendation even has doctors confused, since the vaccine remains a category C drug (unknown risk for pregnancy). No adequate studies have been conducted to monitor safety of the vaccine for mother and fetus. The only studies of adverse effects in pregnancy were conducted in the 1970s (Heinonen et al., 1973; Sumaya & Gibbs, 1979). Some flu vaccines still contain mercury as a preservative, despite a 1998 FDA instruction to remove mercury from all drugs. According to the CDC, two groups are most vulnerable to methylmercury, the fetus and children ages 14 and younger. An article published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 1999 stated, “the greatest susceptibility to methylmercury neurotoxicity occurs during late gestation” (Grandjean et al., 1999). How did CDC committee members determine that flu vaccines were safe for pregnant women? They did not. The committee, despite its own recommendation, states, “additional data are needed to confirm the safety of vaccination during pregnancy” (CDC, 2001b).
and this:
Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, one of the world’s leading immunogeneticists, states the chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease is 10 times higher if an individual has five consecutive shots than if they have one, two or no shots.
Source: transcribed notes of Dr. Fudenberg’s speech at the NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington, VA September, 1997
and on and on and on and on. Yet the government insists vaccines are safe and effective just as if there were a shred of real evidence that they are either one.
This is simple madness. The craziness that is vaccination MUST stop at your body and your children’s. The choice is yours.
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Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
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