“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty—power is ever stealing from the many to the few…. The hand entrusted with power becomes … the necessary enemy of the people. Only by continual oversight can the democrat in office be prevented from hardening into a despot: only by intermittent Agitation can a people be kept sufficiently awake to principle not to let liberty be smothered in material prosperity.” Attribution: Wendell Phillips, speech in Boston, Massachusetts, January 28, 1852.—Speeches Before the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, p. 13 (1853) –
Yes, “Eternal vigilance… [and] intermittent Agitation…” are needed to keep the fake “food safety” bill S.510 and its ugly companions, the criminalization-of-food-speech S.3767 and the discredited dietary supplement “safety” bill S.3002 at bay…
A desperate Senate lame-duck majority sees its last chances to impose Food Fascism on America dwindling fast. The authors of this horror, primarily Reid and Harkin, can be expected to try any maneuver in their parliamentary-bag-of-tricks to sneak S.510 (and perhaps the other bad bills) through Congress during the waning hours of the session… and they have about two weeks to do so!
Says one commentator: “Senate sponsor of “the most dangerous legislation in history” – S 510 – Sen. Tom Harkin (IA) insists they’ll find a way to get this FDA food control package through – despite the fact that the House has pointed out its unconstitutionality – (Due to King Harry’s Senate passing a law full of new taxes) a job reserved by the U.S. Constitution for the House of Representatives only.”
Says Harkin: “nothing is going to kill this bill.”
Let’s show him how wrong he is: Please continue to use the Action Item below to bombard the House (which is now the best hope to Kill the Bill) — Just Vote NO!
Action Item:
The Global Voice of Health & Food Freedom™
And don’t forget to continue to send messages to those decision makers through our easy email system to Take Action! Stop S.510! Stop S.3767!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Leaked trade agreements and hidden things inside S 510: Corporations plan to end normal farming.
M. Gardner
The Canadian Farmers Union wants the Canada-EU trade deal scrapped.
Under provisions in CETA [Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement], using saved seed could result in a farmer’s land, equipment, and crops being seized for alleged infringement of intellectual property rights attached to plant varieties owned by corporations such as Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, and Bayer.
“It includes the freezing of bank accounts too, so you couldn’t even defend yourself in court. And this is for alleged infringement,” says NFU [National Farmers Union] president Terry Boehm. …
“These are the most draconian measures possible and they would literally create a culture of fear in the farm population where, I think, that ultimately farmers would end up buying seeds every year for every acre just to avoid prosecution or the threat of prosecution.”
The biotech industry is facing exposure of the health dangers of GMO/pesticide dependent crops, of attacks on scientists (even armed ones), and GMOs’ poor crop performance across different crops, public outrage at no labeling of GMOs, media scorn at its humiliatingly poor science, and falling stock value. Is the industry now attempting an end run around all this, by trying to criminalize and thus end normal (organic) farming – its increasingly sought after, healthy, higher-performing competition?
Given the “draconian property rights enforcement measures” the biotech corporations wish put into effect through the Canada-EU free trade agreement, one might wonder.
US farmers face the same assault by their own government on behalf of agribusiness and the biotech industry. S 510, a “food safety” bill waiting for the Senate return, would put the US fully under the WTO and thus harmonize with CETA. It is replete with means to do to American farmers what the EU/Canada CETA plan would do to Canadian ones – and potentially more, including surreptitiously arranging to criminalize agricultural water, manure, essential farming equipment, and seed storage.
41 words inside S 510 would make the US subject to CETA.
Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.
The significance of those words in S 510 is that they would end the Uruguay Round Agreement Act of 1994, which put US sovereignty and US law under perfect protection. Under S 510, US law would become subservient to the WTO, a corporate organization. Votes in the US would not matter. The decisions on food, energy, health, resources, and US economic policy would be made the very corporations responsible for contaminating food, oil spills, dangerous drugs, theft of common resources, and destroying the economy.
The enforcement powers created by S 510 (assuming it resembles other “food safety” bills) would be unlimited and apply to everyone in the country who “holds” food (does anyone not?).
S 510, a “food safety” bill, would (using sections from other food safety bills) set up a corporate court outside the constitutional court system. The expectation is that it would be run by Monsanto, just as “food safety” at the FDA is now, with Monsanto involved at every level. It would exist without Congressional oversight, with unlimited and unspecified remedies, “in addition to, and not exclusive of, other remedies that may be available,” and without judicial review over even “the validity and appropriateness of the order …”
That upturning of all sense (orders that don’t have to be appropriate or valid) is a window into the extremity of power being sought by the corporations through S 510. That power would include total discretion to punish anyone they may wish. And in removing appropriateness and validity, their orders would not have to relate to food at all and could be used against anyone, applying any form of “remedy” they desire. Nothing whatever is excluded.
The merger of corporate and government power is defined as fascism.
LIMITATION ON REVIEW- In a civil action under paragraph (1), the validity and appropriateness of the order of the Administrator assessing the civil penalty shall not be subject to judicial review.
[Unless someone has died from a food related issue, which would put the case into a real criminal court, everything else would be “dealt with” as a civil penalty. S 510 includes long prison terms for mistakes in paperwork and “labeling” (to be defined at the discretion of those in charge), and from the leaked EU/Canada trade plans, seizures of farmers’ crops and equipment and freezing of bank accounts are clearly sought.]
Remedies Not Exclusive- The remedies provided in this section are in addition to, and not exclusive of, other remedies that may be available.
While not listed as a civil “remedy” but treated as disease prevention, slaughter of their animals is another Orwellian measure within S 510 which goes well beyond seizures to military arrangements with the DOD and DHS. They would come onto farms and slaughter normal animals if any disease outbreak is announced, regardless of harmlessness. “Valid and appropriate” do not matter.
This is not a “food safety” bill, as even a short overview of S 510 makes clear.
S 510 offers numerous ways for corporations to get rid of farmers and take their land. The astounding falsity of forcing farmers (or anyone with a farm animal) to sign onto a international contract in which they lose their rights to their property is transparent. Taking global coordinates of the size and shape of farmers’ land and feeding them into a corporate data bank, has nothing to do with tracing animal diseases. Farmers’ addresses are known.
But the USDA lie about wanting to stop animal diseases grows especially repugnant when one with awareness that the USDA is actually working against the vehement protests of cattle ranchers, to import potentially diseased animals from Brazil and to transfer an off-shore animal disease lab to Kansas, the heart of cattle country and the most tornado prone state in the country, while it’s well known that it was lab leaks in the UK which led to the slaughter of millions of cattle, whether ill or not.
Such mass slaughter of animals is structured by S 510 and is yet another gift to the biotech industry for without the extermination of normal animals, their investment in GE-animals and GMO meat is worthless.
The corporations, faced with public upset at ravages of industrial agriculture and the contaminated food coming out of it, are using fear of food, fear of minor animal diseases (including a faked H1N1 pandemic still promoted by government agencies), and lies and fraud to try to eliminate real farming in the US and to facilitate the theft of all US farmland.
The greed and hubris of S 510 pales in comparison to its unconstitutionality and danger to life.
The grass roots are saying no to S 510, each in their own idioms, whether by referring to the Constitution or to the Founding Fathers and to rights or to patriotism. Across the political spectrum, people are coming together to reject S 510 on constitutional and human rights grounds, and the plans of those behind this extreme corporate bill.
The corporate attempt to end US farming and set up their own court system over all Americans far outstrips the destruction of jobs, the forcing of millions from their homes, Citizens United, and the Wall Street theft. Now, through S 510, the corporations seek to remove all bounds on what they themselves do, on what they can do to any who oppose them, and on what they can seize. And this is only on the food side.
The threats to health are as profound. S 510 would remove the long sought cure for cancer as well as cures for an endless array of diseases, by removing access to supplements (one in particular). S 510 would suppress a medical revolution poised to free mankind from all fear of disease, leaving the country instead at the mercy of a pharmaceutical industry with a disturbing history and recent threatening actions with vaccines.
With S 510, those behind GMOs, vaccines, and drugs seek to remove access to normal farming, normal food and to nutrition (health) itself. They are seeking total dominance over what sustains life and over people.
S 510 is not a food safety bill. What is it, then? Is it a corporate enabling act? Does it open the door to corporate control over all Americans, all food supplies and health resources, and all US farmland?
Canadian Farmers Union are demanding that the draconian trade plans with the EU be scrapped. Will groups here demand the same of S 510?
Posted by yupfarming at 10:00 PM
Friday, October 22, 2010
Protecting the good things in life by stopping S 510
by S. Marks
Ironically, there is much to be gained from the devastation of the US economy. Money has proved a false god. Others control it and buy democracy with it – courts, Congress, presidents, agencies. Corporate advertising wears thin. Is the new car model in the ad fun to drive past shuttered businesses and homeless people on the street?
A Great Age of Greed was sold to everyone via corporate media – want more, remodel yet again, be cool, faster, faster. Women who forwent extra income to stay home with their children were made to feel worthless, those going to work encouraged into an orgy of purchases to expiate guilt toward children they’d left. Children were taught to hunger for things, and then for new things. Everything, including sexuality, was commodified. The models for behavior became paid models, the dreams – those engineered by corporate executives with long term plans for how to bilk the society by breaking down all values that defended against excess and greed.
As all that “Trump”ed up excess now collapses into joblessness and homelessness, thanks to bank and corporate theft, what emerges from the rubble? Belief in something larger than ourselves – family, courage, nature, sharing, community, love …. All are there, none having “dropped in value,” as material things do. They are the true riches in life, waiting to shelter everyone.
With all that has been lost, people are rethinking jobs dependent on others and what most simply provides enough to support life and many are seeing it comes down to the very basics – the earth and food. When people grow their own food and share with neighbors, they walk away from a money economy controlled by others. They do not pay for food and are not touched by food price rises, and they automatically protect their health. In all this, they become more connected to neighbors and to nature, increasingly skilled in self-sufficiency, and freer as people. This shift to simpler lives has so much offer, an increasing number of people are choosing it voluntarily and finding happiness.
The corporations are aware that if people can grow their own food and look after their health through good food, their investments in agribusiness and processed food and pharmaceuticals will wither. People dependent on supermarkets mean profit and as well as ill health and that in itself is worth a fortune. And people raising their own food, closely connected to neighbors, and with a strong sense of community values, are not the passive and ignorant consumers corporations depend on for sales.
Corporations have used advertising to dress up dangerous products and hide the reality of the food industry. They have also done all they could to suppress knowledge that natural substances have been curing disease after disease (with thousands of studies to back them up), and have raided those providing natural substances and imprisoned doctors for attempting to provide cures, for the pharmaceutical industry’s investment and the power based on it would be destroyed by cures. It exists by fear and disease. An industry so corrupt the WHO is warning about it, it controls medicine and media. Occasionally, astounding media carries the truth and goes viral.
To ensure that stealing homes and jobs will force people into greater dependency and helplessness, rather than toward a free life, agribusiness, the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry (in many ways, indistinguishable) have introduced “food safety” bills into Congress that would shut off everyone’s means to look after themselves, through food and nutritional health.
This article cannot begin to give adequate detail on how disturbing these bills are (e.g. threat to farmers, to gardens, to animals, to supplements, to human rights, to constitutional law).
“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.” ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower
Suffice to say, these are corporate bills and the corporations are at a crossroads in history and know it. Human beings have learned they are being made sick from toxic corporate products (e.g. food, drugs, vaccines, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, housing materials, plastics) and are sick of it. They understand that health comes from clean food which comes only from clean and humane sources – all of them non-corporate. Corporations offer unclean, unsafe food and sickness, so people are increasingly buying directly from farmers and growing their own food. Corporate profit has no place in either. Rather than allow themselves to be bypassed, the only option the corporations have is to remove all other options (the decent ones) from the public, leaving only corporate products, which, in medicine, they are pushing through faked pandemics and behind the scenes state legislators to impose mandates.
From the public already robbed of jobs and homes, the corporations are set to steal the very basics of life now – food and health. They have arranged to end access to a known (but suppressed) cures for cancer and other diseases, and to safe food itself. The “food safety” bills – S 510 and S 3767 – would do both.
The public is on the cusp of a chance for a full and happy life of good food and assured health, and the freedom both imply. Or they face corporate control over their lives and premature deaths.
With such a clear alternative and so much good to be had, perhaps people will begin informing every possible person they know, so each person can in turn reach hundreds of others, and everyone can call and then continue calling Senators and emailing Senators (on their own websites) and faxing them.
No one should solely rely on organizations and “clicks” to do this work for them because many organizations that may sound “pro-people” receive funding from the very corporations and bankers behind these bills. Using organizations’ “click system” is only all safe if it comes on top of each person’s personal efforts to reach as many friends and family and colleagues as possible, and then to reach Senators on one’s own.
Posted by yupfarming at 12:31 PM
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice Of Food and Health Freedom™
RED ALERT: Help De-Fund the Fake “Food Safety” Law!
Passed by the Lame-Duck 111th Congress, the new 112th Congress may not fund the law — if we Push Back hard: Action Item here:
Bloomberg Wrong about S.510/HR2751, Small Farmers and Food Freedom…
December 10, 2010 Updated Information:
November 2010 Updated Information:
[Some of these points may be slightly changed as a result of last minute revisions of the bill, but the essential points made by Dr. Coburn remain true: (1) this bill will raise the price of food, (2) increase costs to farmers, (3) hurt small farms and ranches, and (3) not improve food safety one bite.]
Please use these “Food Freedom Talking Points” to educate our new Congresspeople and seek their commitment to promoting local, wholesome food production by supporting the Food Freedom Amendment!
1. The “Manager’s Amendments” do not satisfy our Food Freedom Amendment Citizens Petition which demands a new law protecting our local, natural, GMO-Free, wholesome food production exemplified by family farms and ranches, home food businesses, home and community gardens and local farmers’ markets. The Amendment, which must be included in any Food Safety bill states:
“No provision of Federal Law giving regulatory oversight to any Federal department or agency shall be deemed to apply (a) to any home, home-business, homestead, home or community gardens, small farm, organic or natural agricultural activity, (b) to any family farm or ranch, or (c) to any natural or organic food product, including dietary supplements, as protected under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.”
2. S.510, as written, threatens small farm, home, local/organic and community food production with onerous rules that, while perhaps appropriate for industrialized food production, will create impossible “barriers against entry” that will rapidly destroy such local and natural production. No protective language is included in the Senate bill that satisfies these concerns.
3. As an example of the type of controls imposed, Section 106 provides in part for the regulations issued to be kept secret from the public, “In the interest of national security, the Secretary … may determine the time and manner in which the guidance documents issued under paragraph (1) are made public…”
4. The bill as written, in effect, incorporates Codex “HARMonization” provisions of the discredited “Dietary Supplement Safety Act” S.3002 and actually calls upon the FDA to recommend harmonization of American nutritional freedoms with Codex Alimentarius’ restrictions [Section 306(c)(5)].
5. A clause which can be used to force Codex into our lives is Section 404: “Nothing in this Act… shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with… any …treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party…”
6. Section 306(c)(5) provides a road map to implementing Codex: “Recommendations on whether and how to harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.”
7. Cost of Program: Section 401, $825,000,000 in the first year means a deeper deficit.
8. S.510 fails to protect local food production. An amendment offered by Senator Tester to “protect” family farms falls very short of the Food Freedom Amendment, ultimately only partially protecting a few very small family farms, representing a small percentage of local food production, and as inflation kicks in, even with “indexing” pegged to the manipulated CPI, the “protections” will become meaningless.
“In 2009, the majority of family farms (60 percent) had gross sales of less than $10,000, but they accounted for only 2 percent of the total value of agricultural production… Family farms with gross sales of $10,000 to $249,999 were 30 percent of the family farms and were responsible for 18 percent of production. At the other end of the size distribution, the 10 percent of family farms that grossed at least $250,000 accounted for 80 percent of the value of production…”
For more than a year, the plan to capture – and kill – clean, local, organic, independent and safe farming has been wending its way through Congress. Last year, the devastating HR 2749 passed although we put up a good battle, delaying it for quite a while. However, at the end of the day, a good battle followed by a loss is still a loss. Then the field of battle shifted to the US Senate, where we’ve held the forces of Big Agra and Big Govt at bay for nearly a year… Now its time to educate the candidates for Congress. Now is the time to get meaningful commitments for the Food Freedom Amendment from the candidates.
We agree with Senator Tester’s sentiments, but not his amendment! “…we need to have better regulations for these multistate, huge corporations that take food off fields, throw it all together and distribute it to many states, I think the state and local entities can do a much better job (regulating) the people who are direct-marketing food…”
And we agree with Senator Coburn: “…the whole this bill represents a weighty new regulatory structure on the food industry that will be particularly difficult for small producers and farms to comply with (with little evidence it will make food safer).”
Let’s make sure the new Congress understands the importance of Food Freedom! NO to Federal bureaucratic interference with our local food production and supply!
Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health and Food Freedom(TM) and
September 14, 2010
Action Item to Oppose S. 510 and S. 3767 NOW:
Set up your tax deductible donation to the Natural Solutions Foundation here:
I really like the work that the Environmental Working Group does and often applaud them publicly. Until today.
Today, this environmental and social policy group took a giant step backwards and fell off the cliff into the filth below,as far as I am concerned.
I read with distress and disgust that they were supporting the passage of S. 510, the phony “PHUDE” “Safety” Bill and decided that I had to urge them to review and revise their anti-health, anti-freedom, pro totalitarian policy in support of S. 510.
Shortly after I wrote and sent it, I saw that another group, NJPRIG, is also endorsing this awful bill. Having just spell checked this one, I had it ready to go.
Please feel free to use this letter, or the material contained in it, to send letters to persons and organizations endorsing these bills, to modify so that they become letters to the Editor, etc. Use it or we ALL lose it!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
To EWG on the occasion of their support of S. 510
Dear EWG,
I am disappointed and deeply concerned that your organization has decided to support the draconian, dangerous and destructive fake Food “Safety” Bill, S. 510. The estimated cost of first year implementation will be $825,000,000 (Section 401).
Since factory food, not local, organic and family farm food, is responsible for the atrocious level of food safety in the US food supply, it is the de-industrialization of our food supply which will protect our health and increase food safety, not the reverse. The bill, of course, gives more power to the FDA to abuse, more money to that organization to spend on policies which have shown no success in the past in controlling food-borne illnesses and new resources to damage clean food source operations and their ability to remain in business legally.
The bill also brings into force the complete HARMonization of the US with Codex Alimentarius, an international body led by the US demands for corporitization and industrialization of the global food supply to the degradation of that food supply through irradiation, chemical contamination and unproven, unsafe GMOs.
Specifically, the bill as written, in effect, incorporates the “HARMonization” provisions of the discredited “Dietary Supplement Safety Act” S.3002 and actually calls upon the FDA to recommend harmonization of American nutritional freedoms with Codex Alimentarius’ restrictions.
– Section 404: “Nothing in this Act… shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with… any …treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.”
– Section 306(c)(5): “Recommendations on whether and how to harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.”
While I concur that the amendment re: BPA is a good idea, the bill to which it is attached will not increase food safety, but rather will cataclysmically diminish food safety by industrializing the entire US food supply.
Small, local and organic farmers, whose food is not the source of food-born illnesses, will be forced out of business if they cannot meet the expensive, ineffective and unnecessary standards of reporting, seed sorting facilities and other equipment requirements and so forth which Agribiz is capable of meeting.
For example, the ancient, and vital practice of seed saving to improve stock will only be possible under this bad bill if there is a facility devoted to each species of plant, say, one for tomato, one for broccoli, one for eggplant, on the farmer’s property: each such facility will cost between $1M and $1.5M. Clearly, this is a purposeful maneuver to make the act of seed saving a crime for the small farmer.
The bill as written threatens small farm, home, local/organic and community food production with onerous rules that, while perhaps appropriate for industrialized food production, will create impossible “barriers against entry” that will rapidly destroy such local and natural production. No protective language is included in the Senate bill that satisfies these concerns.
Heretofore, food and drug regulations in the United States have been public documents of record and, as such, available to the public. S. 510 changes that and in Section 106 provides in part for the regulations issued to be kept secret from the public, “In the interest of national security, the Secretary … may determine the time and manner in which the guidance documents issued under paragraph (1) are made public…”
As the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, and, the world’s largest health freedom organization, and as a personal supporter of your previous work and positions, I must urge you to carefully reconsider the position your organization has taken on this dangerous, unnecessary, expensive and destructive bill.
Rather than support it, the Natural Solutions Foundation has urged Health Freedom Advocates and Activists to correspond with their Senators and other decision makers to oppose this legislation, making sure that it is NOT passed by Unanimous Congressional Consent or by any other means. Our Action Item is here: Stop S.510!
To date, our supporters have sent 358,700 emails urging the defeat of S. 510.
We invite you to revise your organizational policy and urge your supporters to join ours in doing the same.
Please feel free to contact me for additional information or dialogue on this vitally important and timely issue.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Natural Solutions Foundation Emergency eAlert – 09.12.10 [1:00 PM EDT]
Hacked Again! Multiple Web Sites Hacked To Keep You From Defeating S. 510!
ACT NOW, Forward Widely!
Major Hack Attack Just When We Need Your Action the Most! Coincidence? NOT!
These Action Items are So Important That We, AND Oracle Broadcasting, Just Got Knocked Off the Internet To Keep You From Taking Action!
Defeat S. 510 to prevent the total industrialization of Food:
Donate to Help Health Freedom Stay Online (Clearly, We Need Higher Security Servers!):
If you were listening to our Dr. Rima Reports broadcast,, or, this morning, you know:
1. Natural Solutions Foundation’s main websites,, and, were nowhere to be found
2., our live chat and show access page for the show, was not available since it, too, was hacked
3. Our massively important Action Item against S. 510 was unavailable so you were blocked from taking action to prevent the total destruction and industrialization of the US food supply and the triumph of Codex Alimentarius in America. Your emails have successfully stopped passage of this bill, which has been called “Monsanto’s wet dream bill”, since last November. The globalist controllers, apparently, are growing impatient.
4. Because of this hacking episode you could not make a tax deductible donation through our “donate” tab as you usually can do.
5. The internet radio station,, which we broadcast through lost its sound capacity during our show so listeners to the Dr. Rima Reports suddenly found that the only way they could listen to the show was through the call in line, 512-904-8014! Most of them, obviously, simply lost the show.
Health and Food Freedom websites are under attack and were taken off the internet about 11 AM this morning, near the start of the Dr. Rima Reports Internet Radio Program. As in past hack attacks, this occurs at a critical moment as we seek to overcome the false letter sent late Friday aftteroon from the heads of FDA and HHS to the members of the US Senate, trying to stampede them into passing the fake “food safety” bill, S.510.
During the show, Ralph Fucetola, JD, Counsel and Trustee, set up an emergency link on the so-far-unhacked site,, so that you can, in fact, take action. In less than 1 hour, more than 500 people did so, generating 2500 emails to Congress and other decision makers. That is not good enough.
The emergency page linked below is posted on the Dr Rima Network to allow access to urgent action items and updates in this battle.
Please also check here for updates:
This link takes you directly to the Action Item:
Take it once for each member of your family and then send it to everyone you can reach electronically. They all eat. They all can come down with the chronic diseases of under nutrition. It is their issue, too. Ask each of them to take the action once for each member of their family and then send it out to their contacts, asking those contacts to repeat those steps, etc.
Next, go to this site to find your US Senators’ phone numbers:
Please, after sending your email above, get the phone number and CALL
your US Senator’s office, leave a strong message!
You may want to tell them in your message that the language in S.510:
1. Will close down family and organic farms because it requires them to have hugely
expensive machinery that they cannot afford;
2. Will create a monopoly over industrialized food for Big Agrabiz;
3. Will NOT stop tainted food problems because the bad stuff comes from
Big Agribiz where they already have the machinery and mechanisms required but still produce factory farm food;
4. Has language that opens the door for Codex restrictions to be implemented in the US despite the will of the people, current law and current regulation
5. The law contains language that allows bureaucrats to create secret regulations;
6. Will put the Homeland Security in charge of food delivery systems around the country
– politicizing same since any state in disagreement with the Feds will have
problems receiving food;
7. Because S. 510 so strongly favors Big Agrabiz, companies like Monsanto will more easily be able to push its GM agenda; and
8. Will cost at least $825 million in the first year…
We MUST take off the white gloves, take the Action Item and then call their Senators on Monday to rage about this Bill. S. 510 could come up as early as Monday and probably will, sometime this week. We are looking for a couple of Senators who are willing to fight it on the floor so it will be delayed – if delayed to the end of the year, it is dead – but the Globalists are seriously pushing this now… and they want YOU dead!
So you must act now; forward this widely!
Of course, our donation page is down too, but you can donate through PayPal via
(donation button on lower right). Please help! We urgently need funds now!
We need to migrate our sites to much more secure servers!
Yours in health and freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola, JD
Counsel and Trustee
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