We thank the 12,065 Natural Solutions supporters who voted for “Health Freedom” on Change.org.
Now the Change.gov site needs our votes before Inauguration Day.
More information: Health Freedom is Our First Freedom
Defining Health Freedom on Change.org and Change.gov
First: Change.org (further below for Change.gov)
To see Health Freedom on Change.org, go to www.Change.org/ideas/view/health_freedom
Voting on Change.org is now over.
Second: Instructions on Voting on Change.gov
1. Now go to the official site, www.Change.gov, http://citizensbriefingbook.change.gov/ideas/viewIdea.apexp?id=087800000004oSw&srPos=2&srKp=087.
2. Vote “Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom” up by clicking on the “Vote Up” button
3. You’ll be asked to register. Follow instructions to sign up and then vote!
Is this important? You bet. Did we succeed in getting onto the official screen even before we thought we would be there? You bet. Do we need to go viral again? You bet. Is this the last time we need to do this? No way!
This IS what being a Mouse Warrior is about: Using the power of the internet to make our voices ring with the resonance of freedom.
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation